Darkness Falls (Book 1): Rise of the Fallen

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Darkness Falls (Book 1): Rise of the Fallen Page 8

by Francis, Martin W.


  The following morning Amy woke me up snuggling up on my other side resting her head against my shoulder.

  “Morning sunshine. You alright?”

  She just shook her head no taking one of my hands in hers. Jessie was apparently already awake just hadn’t moved until after I was awake. She stretched kissing me on the cheek before heading off to the kitchen. A little while later she returned with coffee for all three of us. I could smell it had a little liquor mixed in with it. A couple cups later Amy began to tell us what had happened during guard duty.

  “Everything was fine for the first few hours. Michael was thirsty and we were both bored out of our minds so we took a trip to a convenient store that wasn’t that far away. I knew they had a soda machine which I had noticed a couple days ago while driving around during the day with Kurt. We had actually gone inside to grab whatever snack food we could find that was still good. In a break room I found a weird looking key that I pocketed not realizing what it went to until later. I wanted to treat Michael with a Purple Fizzle since he had been trying so hard lately. I stepped out to get both of us a drink. As I was opening the machine up while holding a flashlight in the other hand the overwhelming smell often accompanied with the dead got really strong. A female Fallen came out of nowhere grabbing hold of me. I struggled with her dropping the flashlight to use both hands to keep her at a distance from being bitten. She was physically stronger and I wasn’t going to be able to fend her off for very long. Michael must have noticed I was losing the fight because he tackled her away from me. They both rolled around on the ground until Michael managed to put a knife in her skull. He dropped on top of its unmoving body breathing heavily while grasping his neck. I saw he was bleeding once I picked up the flashlight. I had to half drag him to the car since he could barely stand. I drove to the nearest pharmacy I knew of. Seeing his blood all over the car made me hysterical when I was trying to contact Jerod while driving. At the pharmacy I grabbed a lantern from the back seat which made it possible to still use both arms to basically carry Michael inside. I found bandages wrapping up the wound the best I could. You know the rest from there.”

  After a little while I left with the excuse that I had some errands to run. Leaving out the back door I walked back to my house before driving over to see Amy’s brothers. They were standing around out front smoking. Apparently Jerod had already filled them in on the previous night’s events before retiring for a little sleep. I discussed with them the conversation I had with Michael before he passed away. I asked them if they would help me with a proper burial like most of us recalled before the world went to crap. I wanted to make sure that he was honored for his heroic sacrifice. They all agreed without question. We hit up the city stopping first at a funeral home to acquire a nice dark maple casket. We loaded it up in a borrowed hearse after placing Michael’s blanket wrapped body inside. There was a small cemetery nearby where I had purchased burial plots ages ago because of the peaceful and picturesque environment of the forestry that surrounded it. Borrowing a backhoe we dug a hole for the casket in the area I had purchased so as to not disturb the other graves. We loaded back up driving to a limousine rental company. Here we broke in taking the keys the nicest black stretch limo that they had. From there we drove the hearse and limo to my place parking them for later. We went back to the community neighborhood loading everyone up in a couple of vehicles. I drove to one of the really nice dress stores my diseased wife used to love shopping at. Making sure it was safe we left the women there to choose appropriate dresses for a funeral. Jessie whispered in my ear before we left that they would help Starlette pick something out to wear before leading her inside holding her hand. We acquired shirts, ties, and suits from a tuxedo rental place not far away before most of us headed back to my cabin. Sam took David to find some new combat boots because the ones he currently had were pretty worn out. A couple of us rearranged my dining room making it more suitable for a social gathering to follow the funeral. Dan put together snack trays while the rest of us set out dishes, chose a vintage Bordeaux, and did other menial tasks. Kurt went after the lawn with a push mower while I picked up trash that the wind had blown into the high grass. Jerod went in search of flowers coming back with several wild hybrid roses he had found in someone’s front yard. He told me several days later that he had a close encounter with a Fallen being preoccupied in thought while he was cutting those roses. Sam and David arrived with a battery powered cd player and music appropriate for a funeral gathering. The women arrived shortly after extremely surprised to see all the work we had done.

  Loading everyone up into the limousine except for Jerod who drove the hearse. At the graveyard we lowered the casket into the hole before everyone gathered around. Several of us had words to share about Michael. We played the music David had picked out himself for the funeral which made the women begin to cry. David comforted Starlette. Amy and Jessie both sought me for a shoulder to cry on. There was a glance or two from the others as they noticed this fact. Starlette asked if someone would say a prayer to which Jerod did his best to oblige her wish. We each dropped roses onto the casket saying our goodbyes. This was followed by giving condolences to Michael’s sister and best friend. We then headed back to my cabin for the social endeavor.

  After it was over I walked Jessie and Amy home rather than drive. On the way they occasionally whispered to each other having a conversation that I could not hear. On arriving at their home they asked me to come inside to discuss something with me. Inside having a seat in a chair across from them I waited patiently while they finished having their whispered conversation.

  “Rye, we don’t want to pressure you into answering right away for what I’m about to ask you. Honestly we want you to have time to think about it before giving us a truthful answer. Just to be clear whatever your answer is we will respect your choice.” I nodded my head listening carefully and acknowledging that I understood what she had said so far. “You have always been there for both of us in so many ways since the first day we met you. We both know that if something ever happened to either of us that you would look after whichever of us was still alive. Neither of us have said it because we were not sure how you would respond, but we both love you very much. All that being said what we were both wondering is if you would consider being in a serious relationship? Perhaps even moving in together?”

  I was definitely caught off guard. Not sure exactly what I was expecting the question to be. Being with them on occasion was without a doubt a light in a much darkened world. In truth I did love each of them very much for different reasons. I quietly wondered to myself if a relationship with two women at the same time could actually work. Before the United States had fallen gay marriage was a huge topic. It had finally been legalized by the Supreme Court. Other forms of marriage such as polygamy were barely being brought forward to challenge their legality. Most were afraid that coming forward would cause them their jobs, homes, and freedoms. This was definitely something I never thought I would ever have to make a choice about. I was sort of worried how the rest of the community would react.

  “I’ll give it some serious thought as you suggested before answering. To be fair I haven’t told either of you that I love you because I thought it might cause problems between the two of you. Now that the topic has been opened I do want you both to know that I love you each very deeply. It’s nice to know that you feel the same way. Give me until the end of the day to make a decision.”

  I kissed each of them goodbye before leaving. I walked around the neighborhood for a while by myself thinking. It felt like it was almost yesterday my wife had died even though it’s been more than half a year. How could I so easily love someone else? For that matter two other women? I found myself suddenly confused. Obviously I shouldn’t give a damn what others thought since they had no right to decide who someone should or shouldn’t be in love with. Wouldn’t three people have a greater chance of obtaining their hopes, dreams, and goals in life than two people?
Wouldn’t it be less problematic when someone in the relationship required emotional support, attention, or needed help? I had never considered all these things until now. Of course it would take three people of the same views that were capable of communicating and being open for this type of relationship to really work. Somehow I found myself standing around outside of Amy’s brothers’ cabin knocking on the door. Dan who I was hoping to see answered the door.

  “Hey Dan. Got a few minutes to chat. Just the two of us?”

  “For you anytime brother. Wanna go for a stroll?”

  “Might as well. I’ve been strolling around for a while already now.”

  As we walked it took me a few minutes before I just came right out telling him the situation that I was in. I talked about the many things that had crossed my mind ever since they had proposed the idea to me earlier this evening. He eventually put his hand on my shoulder stopping me.

  “You know I respect you Rye. You’re a great man. You’ve had many losses like the rest of us. Losing your wife had to be harder than anything the rest of us had to endure to be quite frank. I know you will decide for yourself what the right decision is in your heart. As far as my sister Amy goes I’m obligated as her brother to look out for her best interest even when she may not agree. If it were just the two of you I would say hell yes because I know you would treat her right. Of course I would have to tell you that if you hurt her that there would be kicking of the ass. As far as a relationship with both of them goes, the best I can do is give you advice that you can take as you will. First off to be clear I have absolutely no objections with it in any way. If you think you can handle two women then more power to you. Some of the other men might have jealousy issues seeing how as we have yet to find more survivors of the female persuasion, while you get to have a relationship with two women. That doesn’t mean there are not more women out there to find. My advice to you is that if you seriously love one another and make each other happy then damned what anyone else says or thinks. There is one thing though.”

  Almost afraid to ask I finally replied, “Yeah, what’s the one thing?”

  “If you hurt my sister prepare for that ass whooping.” He gave me a friendly punch on the arm.

  “You know Dan you’re alright no matter what Kurt says about you.” I laughed.

  “That punk is always spreading lies about me I swear!” He winked and patted me on the back. “You’re going to fit right in with the rest of the family.”

  As we walked back he told me that he would carefully discuss the situation with his brothers. He said that if they lacked the intelligence to comprehend that he would beat some sense into them.

  My conversation with Jerod later that evening on the same topic went over well. He gave me sound advice on treating them equally in all things. He also told me that such a relationship would be more demanding because it would involve twice as much work to make it work. With his support I went to see how Starlette was holding up after the funeral. We talked for a while about various things like the weather. As awkward as it was I decided to test the waters on their view about the relationship topic.

  “Seriously? Both of them? You lucky bastard…sorry no offense. It’s just like super-hot. Wow, congrats man.”

  Starlette punched David on the arm pretty hard. While he rubbed his arm in pain Starlette motioned for me to follow her outside.

  “I swear he can be such a moron sometimes. If I didn’t kind of like him I would kick him in the groin. Anyway, I think it is very romantic in a unique sort of way. I hope that all of you are happy together. By the way thank you for what you did today for Michael.”

  I gave her a hug. “You need anything just let me know. That includes groin kicking for David.” That made her smile a little. “See you tomorrow Star.”

  “I think I like the nickname. See you tomorrow.”

  Leaving their place I ran into Dan on the way to see Jessie and Amy. Supposedly Sam was cool with the idea. Kurt was all for the idea of me dating his sister even if that unfortunately included Jessie in the equation. Apparently he had kind of crushed on Jessie until Amy came into the picture from what Dan told me. They of course passed on similar statements of hurting Amy would lead to kicking of the ass. Listening to everyone else made the choice of following my heart much easier. I told Dan that I would talk to him later before heading towards their cabin.

  I knocked on the door inhaling deeply while I waited for an answer. Jessie opened the door with a partial smile. I could tell she was worried for what I might have decided. I put my arm around her waist pulling her towards me. I passionately kissed her as we stood there in the open doorway finally releasing her only to catch my breath.

  “Happy to see you too handsome. Are you here to give us your answer?”

  “That was my answer beautiful. Where’s Amy?”

  “I thought the kiss might have been a good sign, but didn’t want to presume. Amy is taking a nap. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind you waking her up with the good news though. I almost have dinner ready anyway. Hope your hungry” She kissed me lightly on the lips heading off to the kitchen.

  I woke Amy up with light kisses until she smiled and opened her eyes. “Rye!” She threw hers arms around me giving me a hug. I told her the good news which lead to kissing and groping. I suddenly remembered Jessie saying dinner was almost ready. I had to pull myself away long enough to let Amy know food was likely waiting on us. “Better make it quick then!” I was definitely not going to argue already being turned on. We were finished and walking out into the hallway when Jessie called to us that dinner was ready.

  Jessie looked back and forth at the two of us after entering the kitchen. “I see you both already had dessert without me sadly.”

  “There is still plenty of time after dinner to enjoy yours love. I was just so excited with the good news.” Amy winked at Jessie in a playful manner.

  “It’s alright, I have no doubt that you will both make it up to me before we go to sleep.”

  “So what’s for dinner? Oh almost forgot, you mentioned moving in together. Did you want to move in at my place or me to move in here?”

  “Dinner is comprised of a hearty beans and rice to go with the seasoned Pheasant I shot yesterday. Careful chewing may be some pellets from the bird shot. Have you noticed most of the birds seems to have vanished lately? And on the moving topic I will leave the choice up to the two of you. I am fine either way.”

  “Well, our cabin is probably kind of too girly. Plus Rye’s place is much bigger. I know both of you put in a lot of work here mainly for me. I’m sure Rye wouldn’t mind letting us change a few things. Perhaps adding a little fashion or new paint to a couple of the rooms.”

  “I wouldn’t mind at all. As long as you leave my office the way it is. I don’t mind what you wish to do with the rest of the house as long as we agree no pink walls.” We all had a good laugh.

  Chapter 4

  Where the Road May Lead


  It has been a little over a year now since the massive explosion that changed the face of the planet and humanity. I suppose that you could call this Year One of a new time period since it was a major event that marked a new era. We have settled in to the community becoming a little more at ease with the environment we have become accustomed to. I am personally afraid that because there have been no problems of late that we will accidentally let our guard down. With that feeling driving me I decided that we needed to temporarily leave the community to remember how the real world has become. I suggested to the others that we should make an expedition trip as a group to search for other survivors and to stock up on supplies. The others agreed deciding to leave out a week later.

  We found a large recreational vehicle that slept four comfortably in bunk beds. It had a small kitchen, dining area, television room (even though the TV was useless it gave us more room to be comfortable), a small restroom, and a large bathroom with a Jacuzzi tub. Up front there was a bench seat behind the driver and pass
enger seats that sat three regular size people. I realize that it seems a bit much, but I wanted the extra space just in case we actually did come across other survivors. Jessie had us promise that we would let her interview any people that might be potential residents for the community because of her training in interrogation. We agreed so long as she did not treat them like an enemy soldier.

  The day we left out it was a mild sunny day. By the time we made it to Arizona the rainy season returned with a vengeance. We saw firsthand the pinkish blue glow in the clouds. At one point we had to pull over as hail began to fall pretty heavily. The small quarter size chunks of ice that settled on the ground were mainly blue in color. If you looked really close it was almost like they were alive though. Tiny pink lines like veins moved through them like pulsing lightning. The ones that struck trees in the distance turned into little balls of fire on contact. The fires they created grew in size appearing to devour the trees eventually diminishing like the fire never existed. A sweet smell slowly started to come in the vents which Jessie and I immediately closed tightly. We even had the others hunt down a roll of electric tape from the many drawers. We commenced to completely covering the vents, window edges, and around the doors leading to the outside with electric tape. Might seem drastic, but we were taking no chances with whatever that weird aroma was that the storm was producing.


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