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AgelessDesires Page 3

by Tessie Bradford

  Bryan roared with laughter while playfully pushing Kate onto her back. Her heart fluttered as she smiled up at him. His hair was tousled and his eyes glittered with mischief and maybe something more. She watched his irises darken when his cock brushed her thigh but he simply wrapped his arms around her and held her close. “That’s what I’m talking about, my Katie, the comedian. I’ll try to curb my natural desire to sing your praises honey. At least for the short term. We’ll work on talking dirty later.” He lowered his head and brushed his lips warmly against hers savoring her flavor.

  Chapter Three

  “Rise and shine, honey,” Bryan whispered as he stroked Katie’s cheek. He watched her stretch languidly and gently rub her eyes.” “Did you have a nice nap?”

  He had dozed for a while but had spent the last half an hour just watching her peacefully sleep. She cuddled close to his side and her warm breath had been fluttering across his chest, heating his blood all over again. Bryan didn’t remember the last time that he felt so content to just be with a woman.

  “What time is it?”

  “It’s almost eight thirty Katie and I’m starving.”

  Kate sat bolt upright in bed. The sheet dropped to expose her beautiful breasts. Bryan reached up and tweaked a nipple gently but Kate swatted his hand away.

  “Eight thirty,” she frantically took in the fact that the bedroom was pitch dark, “at night?”

  Bryan struggled to keep from laughing at her panic.

  “Why didn’t you wake me up earlier?” She shot him an accusatory look. “The reception started an hour ago. What in the world are we going to tell people?”

  Bryan sat up fully and turned on the lamp on the bedside table. “Nothing, since we’re not going.”

  “We have to go or people will talk. It’s a meet and greet, for God’s sake and our name tags are probably the only ones left sitting on a table somewhere. There’s hundreds of people here, some of them could be clients of ours, or competitors of ours, this is really bad, Bryan!”

  “Why do you care so much what others think, Katie?” Bryan questioned.

  “They’ll probably assume that we were…are…you know, damn it!”

  “Yes, you think that they will think we are shut up in this cabin having wild, steamy monkey sex.” He raised an eyebrow and just kept watching her.

  “And that doesn’t bother you?”

  “Not in the least, honey and it shouldn’t bother you either. Are you ashamed of being here with me, Katie?”

  “Of course not, Bryan,” she laid her cheek against his shoulder.

  “Then tell me what’s going on in that pretty head of yours.”

  “I don’t know what’s happening between us and we are co-workers and the company paid a lot of money to send us here and people will think that I’m robbing the cradle and wonder what you see in me and—”

  “Whoa, slow down, hon,” Bryan chuckled. “You were able to get worked up over all of that in the three minutes since you woke up? Boy, you’re good!” He pulled her close. “I think that you have lost sight of what is really the worst part of our current situation, Kate,” he said very seriously.

  She nervously waited to hear what that might be.

  “I’m starving. Do you have anything else left in that cooler of yours?” Bryan threw the covers off himself and, unashamed of his nakedness, walked into the living room.

  “Oh my God,” she whispered while frantically searching the room for her suitcase or any piece of clothing for that matter. “This is why old ladies shouldn’t have crazy wild sex, we get stupid.” She set her hands on her hips. “Well, I can’t possibly walk out there with all my jiggly parts just jiggling.” She looked down at herself and pinched a bit of tummy skin. “I also can’t stay in here forever. He might notice.”

  She pulled the sheet off of the bed with a flourish and gave her best shot at wrapping her body in what she hoped looked like a sexy toga. She combed her hair with her fingers and, drawing a deep calming breath, she left the bedroom.

  Bryan smiled as Kate walked into the living room wrapped demurely in the bedsheet, picked up her overnight case and disappeared into the bathroom. How could a woman who had fucked him into near delirium be embarrassed to stand in front of him naked? He swore, in that instant, that he would coax her through every one of her insecurities until she saw herself as the confident, sexy woman that he knew she was. He then turned his attention to piling logs into the fireplace.

  “Did you find the other sandwiches in the cooler?” Kate asked when she emerged from the bathroom a few minutes later.

  “Haven’t looked yet, honey, I was trying to set the atmosphere first.” He leaned a bit further into the fireplace and began to light matches and touch them to the kindling.

  “I’ll go see if there is ice in the freezer for the drinks.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” he answered as he sat back on his heels and watched the fire begin to blaze. Not bad, for a city slicker, he silently congratulated himself and then scooted back on the floor to find the cooler. There were still two sandwiches left, along with some fruit and, what is this, he thought as he pulled out the bottle of wine? Had Katie been thinking seduction when she packed for their trip? It brought a smile to his lips and an ache in his groin but he had no more time to ponder it. He turned around abruptly when Kate began bitching from the kitchen.

  “What in the hell is this, Bryan?” She stomped to the kitchen doorway holding a gigantic food basket in one arm and waving a note card in the other.

  “I have absolutely no idea, Katie,” he answered, turning away from the fire and getting his first look at the high necked, long sleeved, floor length night gown that gently hugged her luscious curves. He was glad that he was sitting down because if he hadn’t been he would have fallen down. His cock swelled so fast that it shot a pain straight down his leg. She was a favorite fantasy come to life—looking every inch the demure modest lady on the outside when underneath she was all fire and heat. He was having trouble concentrating on her words.

  “The card says, ‘Enjoy, love, B’. You’d better tell me what’s going on right now.” Kate tapped her bare foot and waited.

  Damn that woman, doesn’t she know when to stop? Bryan fumed as he got up and slowly moved toward Kate. He hoped that it was dim enough in the room and that Kate was mad enough at the moment that she didn’t notice his hard-on pushing out the front of his sweats.

  “Calm down, honey,” Bryan said as he gently tossed the card on the floor and took the basket from her. “Let’s go sit down.” He wrapped an arm around her waist and led her to the couch.

  “I told you that I’d never lie to you, right?”


  “I went to Beth a few days ago and asked her to send us up here.” Kate just stared at him and waited for him to continue. “She’s your best friend and loves you to death and I hoped that she would understand when I told her that I wanted some time with you alone in a situation where you would feel comfortable. I had absolutely no idea that she would take it as far as a cabin and, apparently, food.” Bryan willed her to believe him.

  “You-you asked to come here, with me?” Kate stammered. “This was your idea, truly?”

  “I was prepared to beg her but, as you can see, she jumped at the idea,” Bryan breathed a sigh of relief that she didn’t seem mad anymore but felt a tug at his heart over the fact that she obviously didn’t understand her appeal to him. “Please don’t be mad.”

  Kate flung herself into his outstretched arms and kissed him soundly. Bryan couldn’t stifle the groan that escaped when she landed on his very hard, already extended cock.

  “What might this be about?” she purred as she slid her hand under the waistband of his sweat pants and cupped him firmly.

  “I swear to God, Katie, when I saw you standing there, trussed up like a Victorian virgin, knowing that your beautiful boobs and creamy pussy were right beneath that cloth, I almost exploded in my pants.”

Kate wailed, blushing to her hairline.

  “What, I can’t tell you that you make me as horny as hell and that I want to fuck you in every way and everywhere until you forget your own name?” He gazed at her in complete sincerity. “You are a walking fantasy to me, honey.”

  “That’s nice and all but couldn’t you just think it quietly in your own head instead of saying it out loud?” She laughed nervously.

  “No, I can’t,” he replied firmly and lifted her hand out of his pants. “My biggest fantasy about us Kate is that I want to be the man that you explore all of your deepest darkest desires with. I know that boiling, just under your surface, is a very wild but currently stifled woman.”


  “Hear me out, Katie.” Bryan took a deep breath before continuing. “I know that there are sexual experiences that you have never had because you have never trusted someone enough to let them know what you want. Deep down you burn to try things that you think are wrong or dirty but in the privacy of your own fantasies they turn you on hard. Am I wrong, Katie?”

  “No, Bryan, you’re not wrong,” she whispered.

  “Then let me be for you everything that you want a man to be. Know that you can tell me anything, want anything and I will take care of you. Let yourself go, Katie, completely. It will be incredible for both of us.” He softly stroked the side of her face.

  “I wouldn’t know where to start,” Kate admitted, “or how.”

  “Lesson number one, talk to me,” he said eagerly as he scooted closer. “What were you thinking about when you wrapped your hand around my cock just now?”

  Okay, so he was actually serious about this,Kate thought. Years of sexual repression were going to be hard to forget in one evening. But she wanted to be free with him, wanted it so badly that she was aching with a need that she had always denied.

  “I was thinking about giving you a blow job,” she said so quietly that he barely heard her.

  “See, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” He flashed her with a sinister grin. Bryan’s cock sprang to further attention. “That term can mean a lot of things, can’t it? Why don’t you tell me exactly what you were thinking about doing and then I’ll tell you if I think that it’s going to work for me.”

  Kate trembled with the intensity of Bryan’s hooded gaze. How many times had she dreamed of him wanting her, of him looking at her exactly as he was at this moment? A strange feeling of power began to wash over her. Why should she feel uncomfortable to talk frankly and openly when it was obviously something that he enjoyed doing and hearing?

  “Okay,” she delicately ran her tongue along her lower lip and her pulse skipped a beat when Bryan’s breath hissed through clenched teeth, “I will first slide your sweats down to your ankles. Then I think I will ever so carefully hold your balls with one hand while I take your penis in the other,” Kate tightly clenched her hands in her lap in order for them not to follow her own directions. This was getting more fun by the second. “Next I will lick from the base to the tip and back down a few times, really slowly.”

  “Oh yeah, honey, I can almost feel it. Then what?”

  “I’ll start sucking, of course.” She smiled broadly when Bryan nodded in eager agreement. “Once I set the perfect rhythm, your head will touch the back of my throat every time I go down on you. And when you come, I will swallow very drop.” Satisfied with her first try at talking dirty, she sat up a bit straighter and fixed him with a, ‘that will show you that I can be bold if I want to’ look. “Does that work for you, Bryan?” she asked in her most innocent tone.

  “You’re about to find out just how much,” he laughed as he dragged her playfully up his body.

  Chapter Four

  Kate walked into Beth’s office with purpose Thursday morning, planting both hands flatly on the desk top and stared intently.

  “Learn anything good at the seminar?”

  “Don’t be a smart ass, Beth. What the hell were you thinking? Do you realize how your crazy meddling could have ruined everything? Could have made it where I lost him as a really good friend and probably my job too, because I couldn’t show my face in this building?”

  “Could have? Dare I hope that instead of worst case scenario it was best case? Come on Kate, what happened?”

  “Beth, you should know after all of these years that it is not my style to have mindless sex for days and then talk openly about it.” Kate giggled like a schoolgirl and sat down.

  “Get out of town!” Beth squealed as she leaned forward, chin resting on her hands, “Spill it!”

  Kate was feeling so alive and so young that she couldn’t have kept her mouth shut on a dare. “I swear my legs are still shaking,” she began quietly, even though the office door was closed. “He made me feel so sexy and desirable, Beth, that I wanted to do everything with him!”

  “And did you?” Beth asked breathlessly.

  “Well we only had two nights but we got a good start at it.” Peals of laughter echoed through the room. “He is so uninhibited in what he wants, Beth. You wouldn’t believe the things that we did. And the things that we talked about. He told me that he wants to do stuff together that I’ve only read about in books.”

  “Stuff? What kind of stuff?” The knock and the door swinging open made them both jump in their chairs.

  “Good morning, ladies,” Bryan inclined his head in greeting. “Talking over the daily financials, are we?” His lazy smile warmed Kate to her core. Part of her mind told her that she should be uncomfortable with what they had done together but a bigger part just wanted to do it again. And again and again.

  “Absolutely,” both women answered in unison.

  “Well, I’ll leave you to it then, have a good day.” With a wink and what Katie thought bordered on a leer, he closed the door behind himself. Kate left Beth’s office also, about an hour afterward.

  * * * * *

  Friday nights at the Main Street Bar and Grill were always crowded so Kate waited just inside the entryway, allowing her eyes to adjust to the darkened interior and then she scanned the room for her co-workers. It took her just a second to find them all seated around one of the large round tables in the back corner. Beth was there, of course and so were Renee, Sue, Sean, Bill, Dean and Bryan. Kate hadn’t known if Bryan was going to join them tonight and the relief and excitement of seeing him there was making her knees shake. His back was turned to her as he leaned across the table deep in conversation with Sean. She drew a calming breath and then began slowly to weave her way through the crowd.

  What exactly am I supposed to do when I get there? she wondered a bit frantically. Should I sit down next to him? Should I sit across the table and pretend that I don’t even notice his delicious presence? Should I leave immediately and drink at home? Kate’s head was spinning by the time she stopped about six feet away from the table.

  “Hey, Kate, about time you showed up,” Beth called out to her warmly.

  “What can I say, Beth, I have a slave driver for a boss who wanted a certain proposal done by the end of the day.”

  Everybody at the table laughed and greeted her but Kate heard none of it because Bryan had turned her way. He stared at her with his piercing eyes and lazy smile, making her heart pound and her cheeks flame. She didn’t move a muscle as he pushed back his chair, stood slowly and walked toward her.

  “Hey there beautiful,” was all he whispered before putting his large, warm hands on her hips and pulling her into a devastatingly hot kiss. His tongue coaxed her lips open and she kissed him back with equal fervor. His hard cock pressed against her abdomen and Kate fought the urge to grind against his chiseled body.

  “Whoa, what the hell,” Kate’s clouded brain registered Sean’s comment, along with a couple of whistles and then Beth’s hearty laughter.

  “Yeah, since when are you guys together?” she heard Renee ask as Bryan ended the kiss. He pulled back just far enough to gaze down at her with the most mischievous look.

  “I thought that maybe we
were going to keep us on a sort of a ‘don’t let the co-workers know that we’re doing it’ kind of level,” Kate whispered desperately.

  “What would have ever given you that impression, Katie?” Bryan whispered back while giving her ass a gentle squeeze. “I want the whole world to know that we are together, hon.” He casually draped his arm around her shoulder and turned toward the group.

  “Sit down here Katie,” Bryan offered as he guided her into his chair, “I’ll go find you a drink. What’s your pleasure tonight,” he added with, what seemed to Katie, a great deal of double entendre.

  “Anything strong, Bryan,” she replied, then instantly shook her index finger at him before he uttered the next sexed up comment that his raised eyebrow indicated he was ready to drop. “Vodka and cranberry is good,” she clarified before turning to her friends.

  Kate expected to see disbelief, or shock, or pure horror on the faces looking back at her but instead she got smiles and winks and a double thumbs-up from Sue. Maybe Bryan was right about the fact that people wouldn’t care about the age difference. Maybe he was right that she should relax and not worry so much. Kate knew that all this “rightness” would go straight to Bryan’s head.

  “So, how was everyone’s week?” she inquired as innocently as she could.

  “Obviously not as good as yours has been,” Bill commented good-naturedly as he downed his beer. “Last week when we were all out together there was none of that going on,” he waved his arm grandly toward where Kate and Bryan had just stood.

  “Exactly what was that seminar about that you guys went to?” Dean asked with a laugh and then added, “Hey Beth, can I go to the next one?”


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