Shadow's Dilemma (Wild Kings MC: Dander Falls Book 4)

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Shadow's Dilemma (Wild Kings MC: Dander Falls Book 4) Page 26

by Erin Osborne

  “That’s all I get?” he asks, a pout covering his face combined with his puppy dog eyes.

  “That look won’t get you anything. You get no more until I start seeing some skin,” I tell him, sitting down on the bed and crossing my legs as I wait for his next move.

  Shadow slips his cut off and hangs it on the back of the door before turning to face me. He slowly unbuttons his shirt. My mouth waters more with every single inch of skin he reveals to me. especially when I catch a glimpse of new ink on his chest. When he finally takes his shirt off, I gasp at the new tattoo covering the left side of his chest. It’s a crown with my name in fancy script above it. ‘My Queen’ is tattooed under the crown. There are three lilies surrounding the crown. Dylan’s name is above one while the other two are blank.

  “My family is the reason that my heart beats. You’re my queen and I’ll treat you that way the rest of our lives. I’ll add the babies’ names once they’re here,” he tells me, never once taking his eyes off of me.

  I watch, licking my lips, as he begins to undo his jeans. He’s gone commando today so once his boots are taken off, he lets his pants fall to the floor. I’m still sitting still on the bed as he stalks closer to me.

  “Is that enough skin, Doc?” he asks, stopping between my legs as I spread them for him.

  “Uh-huh,” I say, not having the words to say with his hard length right in my face.

  Leaning forward, I lick the tip as he sucks in a breath. I’m not in the mood to tease him today so I open my mouth and take as much of him as I can. Bobbing my head up and down, I reach down so that I can use my hand to help me get him close. I grab his balls and roll them in my hand. At the same time, I’m swirling my tongue along the length of him while increasing my pace. It’s not long before I feel his hand wrap in my hair and gently pull.

  “Fuck baby! You gotta stop,” he says, stepping away from me as I release his cock with a pop. “Hands and knees on the bed.”

  As I do what he says, I hear him moving around me. He puts a pillow under my stomach so that there’s a little bit of help with the weight of the babies pulling down on me. I feel him run his hand up my leg before he rips my panties off my body. When he kisses, he way up my back, I shiver in anticipation. My bra soon loosens as he unhooks it but doesn’t remove it from my body.

  Instead of moving closer to me, I feel the bed jostle as he moves around. Suddenly, my legs are being spread farther apart as Shadow slides between them. I feel his tongue swipe through my folds before he latches onto my clit. Shadow pushes one finger into me slowly, curling it so that he hits the spot that makes my body quiver and my release begin to build in me so fast that I can’t stop the onslaught of feeling’s running through me.

  “James!” I yell out, feeling my body begin to spasm as he bites down on my clit.

  There’s no rest for me as Shadow moves from under me and changes his position. At the same time, he grabs onto my hips to hold me in place, I feel him thrust inside me. In a second, he’s balls deep and doesn’t pause to let me adjust to him. It’s like he’s possessed and can’t bring himself to go slow. Wrapping his fist in my hair again, he pulls until my head is arched back and he can reach my neck. Shadow rains kisses up and down my back before starting on my neck. It’s not long before I feel the pinch of my skin between his teeth. He knows what I need to send me over the edge of the cliff. Yelling out his name again, I feel his movements begin to get erratic, harder, and faster.

  “I want one more,” he says, reaching down and starting to rub on my clit before I’ve even come down from the last orgasm.

  I don’t think I even stop cumming before I feel it building again. My body is strung tight as Shadow continues to pound away. “Please, James!” I plead. There’s no way I can continue this. I’m shaking so hard from cumming again that it’s hard to even stay on my hands and knees on the bed. A few more thrusts is all it takes before I feel Shadow’s body tighten and still within me.

  “Renee!” he growls as I feel spurt after spurt of his release.

  Shadow pulls out of me as I sigh at the feeling of him leaving me. He helps me roll to the side and lays down behind me. Wrapping his arms around me, I relax back into his body as we both try to catch our breath. When we can finally breath again, I feel Shadow get off the bed. Shortly after, I hear the water in the bathroom turn on. Before he can make it back to bed, my sated body is already being pulled into the darkness of sleep.

  Chapter Nineteen


  RENEE AND I HAVE BEEN MARRIED A FEW DAYS and it seems that I’m busier than ever. The day after our wedding, we had a long talk. I’m not going to be fighting anymore. Since there’s no gym in Dander Falls, I’ve decided to use the money I’ve been saving up to open a gym. Colin has already been looking at places that would be a good location for me. Today, I’m going to look at a few places. Hopefully I can find a good one.

  “Doc, I’m leavin’,” I say, walking back into the bedroom where she’s sitting up in bed with pillows supporting her back.

  “Okay. Good luck babe,” she says, leaning up as I bend down for a kiss. “Harley will be here in a few minutes. She just sent me a message that she’s on the way here.”

  “Alright. Call if you need anythin’,” I tell her, knowing that she hasn’t been feeling right since last night. I’m pretty sure that she’s having contractions, but I know her. Renee will deny it until her water breaks.

  I look in on Dylan as I go to leave. He’s still sleeping, and I hope he doesn’t wake up until Harley gets here. Renee will get up and try to rush around to get him to the bathroom, dressed, and get breakfast going before help arrives. Yesterday I wouldn’t leave her alone in the house. I woke up to her cleaning the kitchen floor with a fucking toothbrush. When I questioned her about it, she said the floor wasn’t clean enough. And that she had to do the counters and everything else before she would take a break. That wasn’t working for me. But the girls assured me it was normal. They told me that some females go through an extreme cleaning phase when they’re getting close to going into labor. It sounds absolutely insane to me, but what do I know?

  Pulling up to the first location Colin sent me, I see that there’s already a huge building sitting there. If it’s empty inside, it just might work. There’s one car sitting in the otherwise empty parking lot. As I park my bike and get off it, the car door opens, and I see a young man step out. He’s dressed in a cheap suit. He must be the realtor that Colin told me I was meeting. I can’t remember his fucking name though.

  “Morning. You must be Mr. Patrick,” he says, walking over to me. “I’m Craig.”

  “It’s Shadow. If you’re goin’ to be workin’ with me, then you can call me Shadow,” I tell him, shaking his hand a little harder than necessary to show him I’m the one in charge and I’m not gonna play any games so he gets a bigger commission.

  “Okay, Shadow. I spoke with Colin and he filled me in on what you’re looking for. I think this property is going to be the best option because there’s not a lot of work that needs to be done. The previous owner started renovations but ended up having to file bankruptcy and sell the building. It’s been empty because no one wanted it,” he tells me, opening the folder in his hands so I can look over the specs of the building and size of the property.

  “Let’s go inside,” I say, not wanting to waste any time when Renee is ready to burst at any second.

  Craig hands me the keys and says that he’ll wait outside. Walking to the door, I open them up and see the huge space sitting before me. There are offices off to one side and a few doors in the back of the room. I walk toward them to see what’s behind them. Both doors lead to empty spaces that has plumbing installed but nothing else. They would make perfect locker rooms.

  I walk back out in the main room and see a set of stairs over by the offices. Walking up them, I come to another large space. My mind instantly starts running with all the possibilities. I can have equipment downstairs, so men and women can come here.
Upstairs I can have a ring and equipment that’s geared more toward training for different kinds of fighting. It would mean hiring different people that are specialized in different areas, but that doesn’t bother me.

  I’m not even going to bother looking at the other properties. It may be the thing that makes me fail, but this is the place I want. It’s right in Dander Falls so that people won’t have to drive far to get here. The property is not close to other businesses or houses so it’s perfect for the underground fights that may take place. And, I’m close to home. If something happens, it will take me minutes instead of hours to get back.

  Craig looks up from the papers in his hands when I walk back out and lock the doors. I’m sure he’s going over the other properties to show me. This one might not cost much, but to me, it’s perfect.

  “I want this one. Tell the seller I’ll pay askin’ price,” I say, not bothering to listen to him say anything else to me. “I want to hear back by the end of the day.”

  Walking back to my bike, I make my way to the clubhouse. It still needs a lot of work and I told Rage that I’d meet him there as soon as my appointment was over. No one else but Renee and Colin know that I’m going to be opening my own gym. I’m sure they’d be supportive, but I want to make sure it’s real before I say anything. Today, might be that day though. There’s an excitement that I haven’t felt in a long time regarding work coursing through my veins. Don’t get me wrong, I like working with Steel and the guys on the construction sites. But, it’s not what I want to do. I’d rather help men and women train for something they believe in; something they want to do for themselves. Hell, we could even have self-defense classes for the women that occupy the homes we’ll be building as soon as the clubhouse is finished.

  Pulling up to the clubhouse, I park in my spot at the end of the row of bikes. I can already hear work going on inside as I open the door. With guys from all three clubs here working, we’ve already got the framing done along with the outside walls. No one can see what we’re doing inside now. There’s a crew working on each floor, so we can get it done. I’ll finish working on the projects that I started before I leave to work at the gym full time, but I’m going to be splitting my time as much as I can. Renee and the kids come first though.

  “Everythin’ good?” Gage asks, meeting me inside the door.

  “Yeah. Why?” I ask, confusion running through me at his question before thoughts of Renee being in labor take over.

  “Rage said you had an appointment. I didn’t know if it was for Renee,” he answers, stopping so that we can talk for a minute.

  “No. I went to look at property this mornin’. I’ve decided that I want to open a gym. Just need to wait on the realtor to call me back and let me know if the sale is gonna go through,” I say, letting him in on my secret.

  “Wow! What about the construction company?” he asks, surprise covering his face.

  “Well, Steel has been a part of it since the beginning. He can take it over and make it take off even more. If he wants it and you and Rage agree with it,” I say, knowing that it’s not just my decision to make. “If not, I’ll figure somethin’ out.”

  “This is somethin’ you really wanna do?” he asks, folding his arms over his chest.

  “Yep. I have to drive over an hour one way just to get to a gym to train. Now that I have a family, it’s not practical. I’m done with fightin’ and I want to get into the trainin’ part of it,” I say, letting him know I’ve really thought about this. “Plus, I was thinkin’ that we could offer self-defense trainin’ to the people we help.”

  “I like it. I’m on board with it as long as Steel wants to take over. Talk to him and Rage and figure it out. You need any help, you let us know,” he says, patting me on the back before walking away.

  I walk through the clubhouse and take in everything that’s been done already. Finding Rage and Steel going over the plans for the upstairs where the rooms will be, I walk up to them and wait for them to finish talking.

  “Need to talk to you two about somethin’,” I say, getting their attention as I lean against the make-shift table. “I’ve decided that I wanna open a gym. That’s where I was this mornin’. I was thinkin’ that since Steel has been with the construction company since the beginnin’, he could take it over. If he doesn’t want to take over, I’ll make it work somehow. But my heart isn’t in construction anymore.”

  Both men look at me and take a few minutes to think about what I’ve just said to them. Finally, they both smile at me and offer their congratulations. Steel accepts taking over the company, so I can chase my dream. Rage tells me that he doesn’t see a problem with it either. It looks like my dream will be a reality as long as the offer goes through for the property.

  Just as I’m about to get to work, my phone goes off. I pull it out of my pocket and see that it’s my wife. I’m instantly on high alert since I know she wouldn’t call if it wasn’t important.

  “What’s up baby?” I ask, answering the phone.

  “Um, can you come home?” she asks, her voice shaking and weak. “I think it’s time to get to the hospital. My water broke.”

  “On my way baby,” I answer, hanging up so that I can take off. “Gotta go. Renee’s water broke.”

  I don’t wait for anyone to say anything, I just take off. I’m thinking of everything that I need to do before we leave the house. Her bag is already in the SUV along with the car seats. Flying through the compound, I make it to the house to see her outside on the porch waiting for me. She’s got a towel in her hands and I can see the pain written on her face. Renee’s face is pale, and I can see the sweat covering her brow as I run up to her. But she’s calm and not letting the pain get to her knowing that Dylan is inside with Harley.

  “I’m here baby. Let’s get you in the SUV,” I say, grabbing her hand and helping her down to the vehicle.

  “I think we need to hurry Shadow,” she says, stopping as another contraction takes over her body. “I’ve already called the doctor.”

  “Okay baby,” I say, picking her up to carry her the rest of the way to the truck.

  Once she’s in and I fasten her seatbelt, I run to the other side and jump in. reversing out of our driveway, I quickly throw it in drive and take off through the compound. There’s already a bunch of my brothers on their bikes to escort us to the hospital.


  I was sitting in bed when I suddenly felt a sharp pain shoot through my stomach. At the same time, there was a sudden wetness between my legs. Harley was just walking in the bedroom to check on me and she could tell something wasn’t right. Telling her that I think my water just broke, she raced to my phone so that I could call the doctor before calling Shadow.

  By the time I was off the phone, Harley had a change of clothes ready for me. She helped me get dressed before walking me downstairs. The contractions were coming a few minutes apart and I knew that Dylan would get upset if he saw me in pain. So, I told her to help me outside. Shadow pulled in almost immediately after she went in to check on him.

  There’s no way that I’m going to be in labor for a long time with these babies. My contractions are staying a few minutes apart and I just have a feeling that it’s not going to take long before I’m ready to push. Hopefully we’re at the hospital when that happens. Not that it’s far away, I’m just worried that we’re not going to make it.

  Shadow can sense my distress and drives faster. We make it to the hospital in record time and my husband pulls right up to the door before throwing it in park and jumping out. He doesn’t even take time to shut the SUV off. If I weren’t in so much pain, I’d probably laugh right now. But, I can’t so I’ll have to remember it for later.

  Doctor Sanchez is waiting inside the doors for us with a wheelchair. Shadow helps me in it as another contraction hits. I double over in pain and feel an overwhelming urge to push.

  “It’s time!” I yell, knowing that we might not make it upstairs.

  “It’s okay. We’ll get
there,” Dr. Sanchez says in a calm voice. “Just breathe and try to relax. I know it’s not easy.”

  Shadow runs next to the wheelchair as we haul ass through the hall to the elevator. Thankfully the doors open immediately, and we make our way up to the delivery floor as another contraction hits. The doctor pushes me into the first empty room and they help me onto the bed. Shadow takes my panties off while she hooks the monitors up to me to get a reading. Watching it for a few minutes, a look crosses her face.

  “Renee, I want to take you in for an emergency cesarean section. It looks like one of the baby’s heart rates is dropping,” she says, beginning to take the breaks off on the bed so that I can be moved. “Dad, why don’t you go with the nurse, so you can get ready to meet your babies. She’ll bring you right into the operating room.”

  Everything is happening so fast that I don’t have time to react or think. One second, I’m being wheeled into a room and the next I’m being taken into the operating room and given an epidural. By the time Shadow is by my side, they’re ready to cut me open and get the babies out. It doesn’t take long at all from start to finish and Shadow never once leaves my side. He watches as much as he can of what they’re doing but holds my hand through it all.

  “Congratulations mom and dad, you have a son and a daughter,” Dr. Sanchez says. “Dad, you can come around and see them if you’d like. We’re just going to finish taking care of mom before bringing the babies over.”

  Shadow looks at me before getting up and making his way over to our children. I can hear the cries they let out and tears of relief fall down my face. Within a few minutes, Shadow is walking over with one of our babies in his arms. He sits down next to me and shows me our daughter. She’s so precious and tiny. But she’s healthy. A nurse follows him with our son and lays him on my chest. I lift my head to look down at him and a smile breaks out on my face. He’s just a little bigger than his sister and I can already tell that he’s going to be a heartbreaker.


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