Country Love

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Country Love Page 4

by Chelsea Dorsette

  It didn’t take long until she heard CJ say breathlessly, “It’s coming, baby.” Paden was also right on the brink, and with only a couple more deep, hard penetrations, they cried out together.

  Chapter Seven

  Roxanne knew all too well about the dinner date CJ just had with the radio bitch and she was furious. As she sat in her car outside his house, she fumed, knowing that they were inside together. Every so often she could see one of them pass by the window and then when that activity stopped, she knew exactly what was going on. Obviously in her mind, CJ hadn’t learned his lesson by her smashing up his truck. In her sick way of thinking, Roxanne was feeling like the woman scorned and that her man was cheating on her.

  As she racked her brain, hell bent on revenge, she knew what she was going to do next. Luckily for Roxanne, his band was going out of town for four days on tour in the Memphis area. She knew each of the clubs his band would be playing and she was going to make sure that little Miss Radio Pants wouldn’t go with him.

  Grabbing a can of spray paint from the passenger side of her car, Roxanne got out and stealthily made her way to Paden’s car that was parked on the street in front of his house. Taking a few glances around to make sure no one was watching, she set about exacting revenge and causing damage for the second time.


  Gently pulling her into his arms, CJ said as he nuzzled her neck, “I hate that I have to go to Memphis tomorrow. I’ll miss that sweet little ass of yours!”

  Giggling, Paden replied as she poked him, “Is that all you’re going to miss? Just my ass? Nothing else?”

  CJ could see the light dancing in her eyes as she teased him, and as he walked her to the front door, he said with a straight face, “Yep. That’s all I’m going to miss.” Not able to contain himself, CJ burst out laughing as he saw her expression start to look grim. Scooping her into his arms, he lightly brushed a lock of hair away from her face and said in a low tone, “I’m going to miss everything about you while I’m gone and I’ll be thinking about you every minute.”

  Paden felt her heart flutter at his words. She’d be thinking about him while he was gone, too. Holding the door open for her, CJ then grasped her hand in his as he escorted her across the lawn to her car. The night was as black as coffee with only the twinkle of light from a few stars above.

  The gentle breeze felt cool on their skin and Paden thought she couldn’t be happier, until suddenly, it felt like a horrible déjà vu all over again. For an instant, she thought she was seeing things until she heard CJ let out a low growl and say, “What the f—” It was then when she knew what she was seeing was very real.


  The first thing she saw was the word WHORE spray painted in red along the passenger side of her white VW Jetta. As they approached the hood, the word SLUT was splashed along the top of it. Tears started to fall from Paden’s eyes and she suddenly panicked. Who would do this to her car? Silently walking around the vehicle, she could feel CJ’s hand squeezing hers tighter and she knew it was because he was mad as hell.

  This was all hitting too close to home, and she knew without a shadow of a doubt that the person who did this to her car was the same person who trashed CJ’s truck. This was no coincidence. Coming around to the driver’s side, neither of them were surprised that there was something painted there, and sure enough, the word BITCH was spread across the entire side of the car. Paden could feel her knees start to give out, and as she reached to CJ for support, he pulled her tightly into his chest and held her as she cried.

  Rocking her gently, CJ said in a calm voice, “Come back inside, Paden. We need to report this to the police and we may not be safe standing out here if this person is still hanging around.”

  Hearing that CJ was also nervous about their safety terrified her even more. Why was this happening to them? Who was this person who seemingly had it out for them? They had only just started dating and everyone they knew seemed genuinely happy for them. As they got back inside, CJ locked all of the doors and quietly called the police. As they waited for the officer to arrive, CJ put on a pot of coffee and wrapped a blanket around Paden’s shaking shoulders. All of her life she had been waiting for a man like CJ and now that she’d found him, there seemed to be some evil force working against them. Nothing like this had ever happened to Paden and she felt incredibly violated and very scared. They were both targets for someone and it felt like a very bad nightmare.

  When the officer arrived, he took down their information, looked over the car, and took photos of the damage. After suggesting the same body shop that fixed CJ’s truck, they called the tow truck for the second time that month and asked him to deliver her car to Ames auto repair. By the time the officer and the tow truck left, Paden was too tired and upset to go home. It was already late and she was grateful that her radio shift didn’t start until 10 a.m.

  As CJ guided her into his bedroom and pulled back the sheets, he said in a determined tone, “Paden, I don’t know what’s happening, but I assure you, I’ll do everything in my power to get to the bottom of this. You can have my truck while I’m in Memphis. Danny, my drummer, and I will take his truck. Hopefully by the time I get back, your car will be painted and good as new.” Giving her one of his T-shirts to sleep in, he took off his clothes, climbed in beside her, and it wasn’t long until they both fell asleep in each other’s arms.


  Bob Stanton could tell instantly when Paden arrived for her shift on Thursday morning that something was wrong. She looked tired and wasn’t her usual upbeat self. You couldn’t tell by listening to her on the air, but he knew something was off. Although he always acted cool and nonchalant around her, his loins ached for her and he wanted her in the worst way. His wife Miranda had recently moved into the guest bedroom, stating that she wasn’t sleeping well and didn’t want to disturb him, but he knew otherwise.

  Bob knew his wife wasn’t interested in him sexually anymore than he was with her. Unbeknownst to Miranda, when Bob recently opened the guest room bedside table drawer looking for an old remote control, he saw a vibrator that he’d never seen before. Closing the drawer in resignation, he knew their relationship was heading into a ditch. It was just a matter of time on how long they would stay in the marriage for the sake of the kids. In the meantime, he would keep inviting Paden into his office under the pretense of getting her feedback on new songs and continue to watch her and fantasize about the two of them being together.


  Paden missed CJ terribly while he was in Memphis. They talked every day on the phone and he texted her a couple of nights when the gig was over and he was back at his hotel room. As those few days went by, even though Paden stayed busy at work, she didn’t know if she felt safer being with him or safer with him gone. There were too many unanswered questions as to what was happening to them and why. In the few days he had been away, nothing unusual had happened and part of her was wondering if it was all just a very bad coincidence.

  As she finished up her Saturday afternoon on air shift, she got an unrelenting urge to go to Memphis and surprise him. She calculated that Memphis was only a three hour drive from Nashville and she would arrive at the club just as he would be going on stage.

  Embracing her idea whole heartedly, Paden left the radio station when her shift was done and headed home to shower and pack. She had been to Memphis a handful of times and knew exactly how to get there and where the club was located. She couldn’t help but grin from ear to ear thinking about how she was going to surprise him and couldn’t wait to see the look on his face. Recently, she had purchased some very sexy things to wear for when they were together romantically and she also bought something she had been fantasizing about for a long time.

  As Paden slipped those items into her bag, she was grateful she had just gotten her car back that morning so she could take it to Memphis. She was delighted when Chris from the body shop suggested since the whole car had to be re-painted because of the red spray paint, that it would loo
k great painted red. Paden loved the idea and she felt sexy driving around in this new color. She could hardly wait to show it to CJ, despite the terrible circumstances that surrounded the need to have it re-painted.

  Throwing her gear onto the back seat, Paden locked her house, turned on the radio, and sung happily the whole way to Memphis, thinking only of CJ and making love to him after the show.

  Chapter Eight

  At 8:30 Paden walked into the crowded Memphis club and the atmosphere felt electric. Saturday nights always drew big crowds and tonight was no different. Just as she had figured, the band was already on stage playing one of her favorite songs called “A Country Mile.”

  Thirsty from her drive, Paden got a beer from the bartender and just watched the band for the next forty-five minutes as they played their first set. She was biding her time and sat away from the stage, wanting to surprise him when they took their break. As she looked around the club and down the length of the bar, she noticed that there was only one other single woman there. Everyone else either had a date or were with a group of friends. As Paden tried to give the single redheaded woman a friendly smile, she was taken aback by the nasty scowl the woman gave her in return. Her expression really gave Paden the creeps and a shiver ran up her spine. Was it her imagination or did the gal look like she wanted to kill her? But just as that thought crossed her mind, Paden heard CJ saying that they were going on break and her mind shifted back immediately to how she was going to surprise him. Just as she had known, he came over to the bar to get a beer but didn’t see her because he was laughing at something the bartender was saying.

  Getting up off her stool, she casually walked behind him and kissed the back of his neck. When CJ whipped around, his cautious expression turned into immediate joy when he saw it was her.

  “I can’t believe you’re here!” CJ exclaimed excitedly. “You crazy girl! What made you decided to drive all the way out here?” Pulling her into his arms, he gave her a long kiss. “Never mind why you’re here. I’m so glad that you are!” For the next forty-five minutes they talked about the past three days the band had been in Memphis and the three bars they had played. CJ had been very pleased with the sales of his CDs and he had done a couple of radio interviews at some Memphis radio stations.

  Even though he had only been gone for three days, Paden was so excited to see him tonight. She was thrilled by his reaction and when he whispered some dirty things he was going to do to her after the show in his hotel room, she could hardly wait.

  The rest of the evening seemed to fly by and before she knew it, they were on their way to his hotel. There was a moment on the ride from the club to the hotel where Paden wanted to tell CJ about the redheaded woman at the bar, but she just figured either the woman was drunk or she had misinterpreted the gal’s expressions. CJ loved the new color of her car. As they drove to the hotel, Paden told him why Chris from the body shop suggested the change in color. CJ had been too busy in Memphis to give the incident any more thought but hoped like hell that his gut feeling about it not being coincidental was wrong. Right now his total focus was on Paden and he couldn’t wait to get his hands on her. The ride to the hotel only took five minutes and finally they were alone together.

  Just as CJ reached out to her, Paden took a step back and said sternly but with a sexy expression on her face, “Oh no, you don’t. Not quite yet. Why don’t you sit back and relax and I’ll be back in a moment.”

  Curious what she was up to, CJ did as she instructed and sat down in an arm chair and turned the TV on softly. The first night he had stayed at the hotel, he felt a bit lonely in the big king size bed. But now that Paden was here, he was grateful he got this particular room. The room was also on the first floor at the back of the hotel, so not only was it easy to access when he got back late at night from the clubs, but it was also quiet.

  Five minutes later, CJ heard the bedroom door open and his jaw dropped when Paden stepped out. She was wearing a fire engine red corset with black trim, a black garter belt, and fishnet stockings. Her beautiful hair flowed freely around her shoulders and she was wearing the sexiest pair of black stilettos he had ever seen. Never in his wildest imagination did CJ think he would see Paden looking this sexy and naughty all at the same time. His cock immediately jumped to attention and he had to reach for his crotch to adjust himself.

  As Paden sauntered over to him with her eyes locked on his, he sat frozen to the spot. Standing only a couple of feet away from him now, Paden slowly turned around to model the outfit further. It was at that very moment when CJ saw two things that made his heart skip a beat and his shaft get even harder. The first thing he saw was her luscious ass showcased by only a hint of black fabric around it from the garter belt and the thong. The corset was tight around her waist and hips and the stockings hugged her curvaceous thighs, leaving her bottom completely bare. He was mesmerized by her beautiful fleshy mounds and couldn’t take his eyes off of her.

  It wasn’t until she slowly turned back around to face him that his eyes went from marveling how her breasts were bulging out of the top of the corset to what she was holding in her hand. Was he seeing correctly? Could that be a…? Blinking his eyes a couple of times to make sure he wasn’t dreaming, CJ’s cock almost burst out of his jeans when he realized that she was holding a black leather paddle.

  ‘Oh my god,” CJ breathed. What CJ didn’t know was that Paden had always had a sexual fantasy of being spanked but she had always been too shy to bring it up with past boyfriends. Although she had only known CJ for a short time, she knew she wanted to go further sexually with him than she had before and to explore more of her desires. Paden knew she could trust CJ and she had a gut feeling he was game for just about anything.

  Letting out a low, lustful growl, CJ stood up, slowly walked to her, and gently took the paddle out of her hand. As he reached his other hand up the back of her head, he grabbed a handful of hair, pulled her head back slightly and breathed, “You are all mine tonight and I’m going to begin by punishing you for being such a wanton woman in my hotel room.”

  For a split second, Paden wondered if she had gotten herself in over her head, but she had fantasized about being spanked for so many years, she had finally gotten up the courage to ask for it. Seeing the paddle in CJ’s hand and feeling intense desire rush through her entire body was more intoxicating than she could ever have imagined.

  Paden could feel arousal stirring between her thighs and the anticipation of what he was about to do to her was leaving her breathless and flushed.

  Guiding her over to the bed, CJ said slowly, “So, it seems like someone wants to be paddled. That’s one very naughty girl. But we’re going to do it my way and I’m going to take my sweet time with that delicious looking bottom.” Without saying another word, CJ sat on the side of the bed and in one swift motion pulled Paden across his lap. Putting the paddle aside, CJ immediately started rubbing her cheeks in a circular motion.

  Paden loved the feel of his rough, warm hands on her delicate skin. She felt vulnerable draped across his lap but yet somehow strangely sexy. Just as she started to softly moan from the caressing of his hands she almost jumped when his hand came down firmly with a loud slap on her right cheek. It only took that first spanking to her bottom for her to feel her wet juices release. CJ wasted no more time and spanked her again and again, moving his hand around her entire bottom. Slap after slap, he rained his big hands down upon her silky soft ass and marveled at how pink it was turning. As turned on as he was getting from spanking that beautiful ass, he could tell from her soft cries and moans that she was finding immense pleasure in what he was doing to her. Just to make sure, he paused for a brief moment and slipped his forefinger between her thighs and up into her vagina. Not only could he feel that she was soaking wet, but he could also hear the slick sound of her juices as he drove his finger in and out.

  “Please CJ,” Paden barely whispered. “Please don’t stop quite yet.” Paden had had this spanking fantasy for so long that she
wanted to experience as much as she could tonight. Her body was hot and flushed and she had to fight back an orgasm that was threatening to explode inside her.

  Motioning for her to stand back up, CJ stood up as well. “That was just a warm up, my naughty girl. Those cheeks are nice and pink right now but we’re just getting started. They’ll be as red as that corset when I’m done with you.”

  Hearing those sexy words in his beautiful voice made her feel more sexy and horny than any aphrodisiac.

  With a low, stern tone, CJ instructed, “Get up on the bed on all fours.”

  Paden knew exactly what was coming next and positioned herself for it. As she stayed in place, she could hear CJ taking off his shoes and pants. Turning to look at him over her shoulder she could see he was now completely naked and reaching for the paddle. Paden had never seen anything so sexy in her entire life. Erotic didn’t even begin to describe the vision of this handsome, naked, muscular man with a rock hard erection holding a black leather paddle that was about to be used on her. Visualizing herself on all fours before him and ready to receive a paddling almost took her over the edge. She had been waiting for this moment her entire adult life and finally it was just seconds away.


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