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Country Love

Page 7

by Chelsea Dorsette

  CJ had missed her the past two weeks and he was thrilled that she was feeling well enough to rekindle their sexual relationship. The stitches were still in her arm, but she didn’t need the sling anymore. They would just have to be careful being physical for a little while until she was completely healed and the stitches came out.

  As CJ headed over to her house with some Chinese take out and wine, he was looking forward to spending time with her. It had been a lonely month when they were apart and then two more weeks with him being mostly on the road after the attack. CJ was just happy that he was going to be with her tonight, sex or no sex. He missed her beautiful body, but he missed the beautiful woman she was even more.

  Pulling into her driveway, he grabbed the bottles of wine and headed for her front door.

  Hearing CJ pulling up the driveway, Paden ran to her front door and yanked it open. She was dying to see him and her heart skipped a beat when their eyes locked. Pulling him in with her good arm, she stood up on tip-toes and gave him a big smooch on the cheek.

  “Well now, how’s my little cripple girl doing?” CJ said with a wink.

  Taking the bag of Chinese food from his hand, she gave him a big smile and replied, “Much better now that you’re here.” Pretending to sound very serious she continued, “Alas, I didn’t have much luck the past two weeks finding a tall, good looking and talented man to take care of me!” Keeping up the joking charade, she said in a southern belle voice while wiping the back of her hand across her forehead in feigned distress, “I just had to fend for my little ol’ self with no big strapping man to come to my aid.”

  CJ loved her silly side and gave her bottom a swat. “Well, little lady, today is your lucky day because your knight in shining armor has returned!”

  Continuing their banter as they went into the kitchen, Paden chuckled. “Well, it’s about time, ’cause I’m starving!”

  Laughing at the bluntness of her desire for food, they set the table and opened the wine. For the next hour, CJ and Paden talked at her kitchen table, sharing the various cartons of Chinese food he had brought and drinking wine.

  CJ told her all about the gigs he had just got home from and she filled him in with things going on around the radio station. They didn’t speak about the attack, as they both wanted to forget that terrible time and all the havoc Roxanne had brought down on them.

  As they sat talking companionably all through dinner, Paden had never been happier. She hadn’t dated a lot of men in her lifetime but of the ones she did date, they weren’t anything like CJ. She felt sometimes like she had known him her whole life. There was nothing she wouldn’t tell him and there was nothing she wouldn’t do for him.

  She was a strong, independent woman but also craved the love of a good man who would respect and cherish her. Paden loved how he did little things to make her feel special, like buying her favorite wine, picking up little keepsakes for her when he was on the road, and she especially loved how he always seemed genuinely interested in her thoughts, feelings, and what was going on in her life. Most of the men she dated in the past only talked about themselves and never seemed to take a personal interest in her as a person.

  Although she wasn’t a particularly religious person, she felt extremely blessed that CJ had come into her life. She felt a deep connection with him, and when they were together, she felt like they could conquer the world.

  Reaching her hand across the table to cover his, she gently squeezed it and asked, “Would you like to go to my room?”

  Giving her a sly wink, he sat back in his chair, crossed his arms across his chest, and teased, “Well, young lady. I don’t know about that. Seems that someone is injured and I’d sure hate to risk her recovery.”

  Paden knew he was teasing and that he wanted her every bit as much as she wanted him. But just to be a brat and return his game playing, she responded, “Well, okay. If you feel that way, I guess we can wait another week or two.”

  Giving her a devilish glare, CJ pushed back from the table, stood up, and walking over to her chair, he said, “Nice try, but there will be no more waiting. Get that sexy little ass in your room now before I pick you up and carry you there myself!”

  With a little squeal of laughter, Paden all too happily stood up, took his hand and headed down the hall to her bedroom.

  When they got to her room, CJ could feel the sexual tension between them, and as much as he wanted to ravish her, he was going to take things nice and gentle so as not to hurt her arm. Cupping her face between his hands, he leaned down and kissed her passionately and deeply.

  God, how he had missed her during their separation and his body was quickly responding just from their kiss. He loved how much she enjoyed kissing and how she returned the same energy and passion that he gave. Running his hands through her hair, he whispered between kisses, “I missed you so much, baby.”

  Answering him breathlessly, Paden moaned, “I missed you so much, too.”

  Reaching for the hem of her shirt, he lifted it up slowly as they carefully took it off, working around her injured arm. Seeing her beautiful breasts again made him slightly gasp as he stood admiring them while slipping off her bra.

  As he unbuttoned her jeans and pushed them and her panties down to her thighs, CJ softly informed her, “I’m going to take care of you tonight. Just relax and let’s take it slow.”

  Hearing him say that was quite probably the most sensuous thing Paden had ever heard and heat flared through her erogenous zones.

  “Sit down on the bed,” CJ instructed. Once she was seated, CJ knelt down to the floor, took off her shoes, and pulled her pants completely off. Without standing back up, CJ gently coached, “Lie back on the bed, then bring your legs up and place your feet right here on the edge.”

  Carefully lying back, Paden pulled her knees up and rested her feet on the edge of the bed as he instructed. Her vagina was completely exposed to his waiting mouth and lips and her clit started to pulsate in anticipation of his warm, wet tongue that was about to orally pleasure her. As Paden lay back comfortably, she let out a sigh as he began by gently rubbing his fingers over her bare triangle.

  “Look at that snow white pussy,” CJ breathed.

  Paden loved how he took his time slowly exciting her body, bit by bit. His warm fingers felt delicious as he stroked her flushed apex and the way he had her positioned on the bed was so sexy that she lusted for him to fondle her aching lips. Fortunately, she didn’t have to wait long, because the next thing she felt were his fingers running along her soft outer lips and squeezing them. She could feel a rush of moisture lubricate inside her vulva and her nipples harden to attention. Paden was so desperate to feel his lips and tongue on her labia and clit that she started to squirm with desire.

  Whispering softly to her, CJ said, “Oh no, you don’t. You stay nice and still.” Paden was coming out of her skin, feeling his hands all over her private area and gasped when he very deftly moved his fingers from massaging her labia to inserting his finger between her inner lips and probing them up into her very wet and slick vagina.

  As Paden cried out his name, CJ moved his head between her thighs and began stroking her sweet spot with his tongue as he continued pumping his finger back and forth inside her. Paden was on fire from the feel of his soft tongue teasing her hardened clit while his big fingers penetrated her inner walls. The sensation was making her whole body quiver, and reaching for the top of his head with her hands, she stroked his hair while his mouth and fingers quickly brought her crashing over the edge.

  As Paden caught her breath, CJ gently rubbed the inside of her thighs. Her skin was so soft and he could see that her skin had flushed from the heat that coursed through her during her orgasm. He loved pleasing her sexually and he had never met a woman who enjoyed sex as much as she did. Realizing that his dick had gotten rock hard, CJ got an idea.

  Walking around to the other side of the bed by her head, he said in a suggestive tone, “Slide yourself back a bit so your head rests on this si
de of the bed.

  Staying positioned on her back, she slid herself back a couple of feet until her head was right at the edge.

  Taking off his boots and pants, CJ said while ripping off his shirt, “That’s it, baby. You keep that injured arm nice and still. There’s only one part of your body that I want right now.” No sooner were the words out of his mouth, when CJ came right up to the side of the bed where her head was and positioned his cock and balls right over her face. Tipping her head back slightly so she could capture him in her mouth, Paden reached up with her good arm, grasped his shaft in her hand, guided it into her mouth, and started to suck and tease his whole length with her lips and tongue.

  “That’s my girl,” CJ groaned. Stroking her face and hair as she pleasured him, all he could whisper was, “That’s it, that’s it.”

  Paden could feel his cock grow bigger in her mouth as she sucked on him while fondling his balls.

  CJ loved how she stroked his sac when she gave him blow jobs. It increased the pleasure twofold for him and she had just the right touch to drive him wild every time. What aroused him even more this time was being able to watch her while she sucked him. Seeing her lips wrapped around his manhood and her tongue intermittently licking his shaft was incredibly sexy, and watching her pleasuring him while feeling what she was doing to him was so erotic and sensual that he needed to cum right away. Just as he was about to explode, he gently pulled his penis out of her mouth, stroked it just a couple of times and climaxed on her breasts.

  Paden loved how warm his semen felt on her skin, and although she was initially surprised by him ejaculating on her, she found it oddly very sexy. As CJ went into her bathroom to get a towel, she circled her finger around in the slick fluid and felt completely satisfied from their intimacy. Crawling up beside her on the bed, CJ took the towel and cleaned her off while softly kissing her on her cheek.

  Feeling a rush of love toward him, Paden asked softly, “Will you stay with me tonight? I don’t want you to go.”

  CJ was completely touched and realized he didn’t want to go home, either. Helping her to scoot under the covers, CJ replied, “I will be delighted to, Madame. Move that sexy body over and make room for me, ’cause I’m coming in!”

  Giggling, Paden slid over as he turned off the light and crawled in. Curling up next to him with her head on his shoulder, it only took a few minutes until she was fast asleep.

  Chapter Twelve

  Over the next few months Paden and CJ saw each other as much as they could when The Café Cowboys weren’t on the road. Their record company, Alias Records, was booking more and more gigs for the band and they were starting to travel farther distances. Although Paden missed him when he was gone, she was really happy that the band was getting more notoriety and making really good money.

  Every time CJ got back from being on the road, he was always lit up like a Christmas tree and she could tell that although it was tough being away for stretches at a time, he loved every minute of it. Every chance that Paden could, when distance allowed, she would go to his shows and spend the night at his hotel. This wasn’t very often because Paden had to work every other Saturday and she couldn’t do her shift and get to a gig unless it was fairly close to Nashville. Fortunately her music director, Bob Stanton, was still playing CJ’s CD, Ramblin’ Road, and she always loved it when one of his songs came up during her on-air shift. It made her feel close to him somehow, and some nights when she was feeling a bit lonely, she’d play it and instantly start to feel better. Every time Paden got a listener request to play something off his CD, she would feel a shot of pride and always tell CJ about it.

  Right before leaving on this current tour, The Café Cowboys had cut a brand new CD called Right As Rain and Paden knew that in order to promote this new CD, the band was going to be on the road even more. The record company had given her radio station the first copy and she was thrilled that her station would get to debut it. She loved all of the songs on it and was grateful when Bob Stanton asked for her feedback on which song to lead with.

  Secretly, Paden had begun to wonder if something was wrong with Bob. Their relationship had always been professional, but lately she had been getting a weird vibe when she was in his office. Every so often she would catch him staring at her while she was listening to songs with him, but she just chalked it up as her imagination and put it out of her mind. When Russ Farrell had conducted her annual review a few months back, he had asked what her long term goal was at the station. She told him that one day if Bob moved on or retired, that she’d love the music director job. Russ was glad to hear that Paden wasn’t interested in leaving the station and he was grateful that Bob was grooming her for this position, or so he thought.

  CJ was thrilled that the new CD had just been released. He and his band had worked really hard on it and the effort had paid off. Now they were going to have to promote it and that was going to take more hard work and travel. The only downside to his job was that he missed Paden every time he had to go on the road.

  He had fallen head over heels for her and always looked forward to coming home to her. This particular tour they were on was the first time he had been gone for three weeks. The record company had them scheduled first in Atlanta, Georgia then to Columbia, South Carolina, then on to Charlotte, North Carolina before heading back to Nashville.

  When the phone in his hotel room woke him up early on Saturday morning, the last day of the tour, and Danny said that the club had to cancel that night’s show due to plumbing problems, CJ threw all of his things in his bag, jumped in his truck, and headed back to Nashville to surprise Paden. He wasn’t supposed to be home until Sunday and he delighted at the idea of coming home a day early. He knew she was working today at the radio station, but he figured he’d get into Nashville sometime during her shift and he’d go right to the station to surprise her.


  Bob Stanton never looked forward to the weekend. Between his kids running around and demanding all of his attention and his wife constantly nagging him to do things around the house, Bob was frustrated and annoyed. Miranda barely spoke with him, and when she did, it was always to tell him to do something or bitch at him about something. The kids seemed to always be out of control and rarely listened to him or their mother. As far as Bob was concerned, Miranda was the problem regarding the kids because she was a full-time mom and should have better control over them. She almost always let them get their way, and as far as he was concerned, they were spoiled brats.

  It was only 11 a.m. this particular Saturday morning and he was already so pissed off at what was going on around the house that he slammed out the door and headed to his favorite bar called The Corner Ale House. Drink after drink, Bob got more and more depressed about his age, physical appearance, and crappy home life. As more and more liquor seeped into his blood stream, the darker he got and the more unhappy he became. He felt unloved, underappreciated, and trapped. But after two hours of drinking Jack Daniels, the unhappiness could no longer clear through the fog in his head as he just stared into his drink, feeling nothing. Around one o’clock, the bartender turned on the radio and Bob didn’t even register that they were playing his radio station until he heard her voice…the voice of the woman he knew he could never have. Suddenly, Bob decided in his drunken haze that damn it, he deserved at least one good thing in his life, and he was going to take it. Paying his tab, Bob stumbled out of the bar and headed for the radio station.


  Although Paden didn’t like a six day work week, she liked doing her Saturday shift the best because no one was at the station but her. Occasionally an engineer would pop in and out briefly, but most times she was the only one there and it was calming and peaceful. This Saturday she was particularly grateful to be working because she was so excited that CJ would be home tomorrow and she needed something to do to make the time pass quicker. It was a little before 1:30 and she only had another hour and a half to go until her shift was up. As she sat previewing the nex
t few songs that were coming up to be played, Paden heard the studio door open up behind her and was immediately on guard since she wasn’t expecting anyone at the station. Whipping her head around, she breathed a sigh of relief seeing that it was just Bob. After saying a casual hello, she turned her attention back to the computer.

  When a few moments passed and he didn’t say anything, the hairs on the back of her neck stood up but she couldn’t understand why. Turning around to face him, she saw that he hadn’t moved and was just staring at her.

  “Is everything okay, Bob?” Paden asked. “You don’t usually come to the station on Saturdays.” The minute Bob took a step toward her, she knew instantly that something was terribly wrong. Seeing him walking off balance and stumbling made her really nervous.

  Slurring his speech, Bob said, “Nothing’s wrong, Paden. Just wanted to come by and say hi to my favorite announcer, that’s all.” Reaching her chair, Bob kept talking almost unintelligibly. “That’s okay with you now, isn’t it? I just wanna watch you work.”

  It was at that very moment that Paden caught the overwhelming stench of liquor and knew he was downright drunk. Not knowing what to do, she said while pointing to the chair on the other side of the console, “Perhaps you better sit down, Bob.” She hoped that maybe if he sat down, he would pass out and fall asleep.

  Instead of moving to the other chair, Bob pushed his body up against her chair and reached out and started stroking her hair. Bob asked, “Now why would I want to sit all the way over there, when you’re right here?”

  Paden was suddenly terrified. She was all alone at the station with an extremely drunk man that was starting to touch her and quickly becoming lecherous. Needing to put space between them, Paden swiveled her chair away from him and jumped to a standing position with the chair between them.


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