Tainted Souls: A Shadow Creek Novel

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Tainted Souls: A Shadow Creek Novel Page 3


  “Ah… Kit,” his mouth twisted, “I've got some very good news.”

  Her brows bowed upward. “You do?”

  He nodded. A wide grin spread across his face, softening the hard edges of his jaw and creasing the scar that ran from his right eyebrow to his cheek. The childhood wound he no longer needed to hide, thanks to Kit.

  She wriggled free from his hold and spun around to face him. “Spit it out… you know I don't like surprises!”

  His face turned serious. The slate gray in his eyes darkening as his pupils dilated and saturated the iris's. “Jo's coming home. They found her, Kit.”

  Kit's knees buckled as a gush of air left her lungs in a rush. She was thankful for her mate's strong arms as they came around her waist and anchored her safely. “Oh my God, Cade… really?”

  She was well aware he wouldn't miss the tremble in her voice. He would feel her emotions through their mating bond like a live wire in his veins. Kissing her lips with a tender caress, he held her tighter still. “Yes, baby. Tatum and Remi are with her.”

  Tears sprang from Kit's eyes, relief flooding her body. The crushing weight that had settled in her chest like a thousand bricks ever since her aunt's disappearance, suddenly crumbled away leaving her able to breathe again.


  Jack made his way from the alpha's office down to the holding cells. There was someone else he wanted to see despite the little voice in his head telling him to avoid her like the plague. He knew no good would come of it. Still, he kept walking toward the temptation that drew his wolf close to the surface and his sexual appetite pulsating through his veins.

  Moments later, his stare was fixed on the female sitting on the edge of her bed on the other side of the impenetrable glass. Her refusal to take any blood was making her weak. He studied the dark emptiness of her eyes, sunk too deep in her beautiful face and it struck him like a blade in the gut. Why he felt so strongly about the female vampire was quizzical to the male. But something about her called to his wolf. Made its ears prick to attention and pace wildly in frustration.

  “Goddamn it,” he muttered a curse, aggravation at her stubbornness coiling like a spring tight in his chest making it hard for him to breathe.

  He punched the code sequence into the biometric security scanner he'd seen Fleet use, and the reinforced, titanium steel door unlocked. Entering quickly, the door closed with a series of quiet clicks behind him, locking him in with the vampire.

  Jack wasn't the slightest bit concerned about being in there alone with her. Or the fact he'd broken regulations by doing so. Valerie had no real affect on shifters. Her trances didn't work and he healed from most wounds. His strength outweighed hers tenfold, even more so given her present state. Still, having felt how sharp her deadly little fangs were on the day he'd found her, he didn't underestimate just how lethal she could be.

  “How long are you going to keep this up… hmm?” Jack asked moving toward her with slow precision. Her hypnotic scent of wild orchids rippling over his skin like a fatal caress. Hunkering down in front of her, he tried to catch her gaze. “Hey, you know I just want to help.”

  Valerie's weak laugh held a brittle edge as her eyes flicked up to meet his. “Then let me out of this cage,” barely said above a whisper, but her tone held the weight of a wrecking ball.

  Jack's gaze narrowed in contemplation. “If you drink something, I'll see what I can do.”

  “You expect me to believe you?”

  His head cocked to one side, enjoying the sound of her French accent. His wolf listened too, allowed it to furrow beneath its pelt and pet him. “What other choice do you have, Valerie?” He shook his head, angry at her stubbornness. “Your heartbeat is slowing, soon you'll be nothing more than a shallow corpse.”

  Valerie tried to ignore the rapid thrum of his heart and piercing green eyes staring back at her, drawing her in. She held his unwavering gaze and thought of his blood: Warm, fresh, delectable, and tempting. She had sedated the urge, the hunger that consumed a vampire to feed through her iron will and resolve alone. But it was becoming increasingly more difficult the weaker she became. Now, with this male too close, his strong body, and his seductive eyes seeing too much just by looking at her, a sudden heat built up deep within her core.

  Her veins were burning, her throat dry like desert sand and saliva began to drench the top of her tongue.

  Valerie's fangs tore into her mouth with a painful need.

  Moving with incredible speed despite her waning strength, she sank them deep into Jack's artery. Valerie's hunger had taken over. The blood that filled her mouth in a warm gush was like water dousing the fire, only to have flames erupt in the pit of her stomach and her thighs clenching with a lustful craving. She didn't mean for her hands to find their way into the thick, dark waves of his hair or to lick her tongue over his sun-kissed skin. But he tasted so good and she couldn't find the will to stop.

  Valerie undulated against him. Her body screaming with a different need. The nectar of the rich, spice of his blood awakening dormant senses. Flashing through her veins and reaching hot, dark places. She could quite easily unleash her potent venom into his blood, and perhaps she would've if it affected shifters. But the woman in her didn't want to hurt him, this male that fascinated her. A male that ignited a passion so profound in her soul it made her body roar with a sexual desire like she'd never known.

  Holy fuuuuuuck!

  Jack's first instinct was to wrench himself free.

  But he didn't.

  With her body up close and enveloped by his, he was far too fascinated and sexually aroused to stop her. The bite was a vicious one, her needlepoint fangs were merciless against his skin and the dominant wolf in him charged forward in challenge. Her lengthy pulls of his blood made him bite off another curse. Falling to his knees, his hands slid around her waist with a tight grip, pulling her close without any resistance, her body fitting perfectly into the arc of his big body.

  His hard-on was a painful, steel rod behind his fly, pushing against Valerie's stomach. But she was too engrossed in drinking his blood. Taking exactly what she had deprived herself for too long to notice just how she was driving him crazy with a visceral need. His wolf snarled, hungry for her sex, wanting to mark and taste and bite.

  Jack tightened the leash on his beast as he allowed her to take what she needed. He tried to enjoy the scent of her. The feel of her hands petting and tugging his hair. But the truth was, he would struggle to over-ride his animal for much longer. He felt her nipples harden to points through her cotton T-shirt.

  Sweet Jesus! A growl worked its way upward to the back of his throat when he discovered she was naked beneath it. His hand pressed her against him with blatant proprietary. While his other roamed up and over her ribcage, lingering tentatively just below her breast.

  A sudden alarm wailing overhead yanked her back and she fled from the fusing of his hands against her skin. Her eyes were wide, watching him rise to a stand to tower over her. Jack knew the emerald of his eyes had exploded like fireworks into bright shades of jade and aquamarine, and for a second, she stopped breathing.

  Yeah, that made his head swell. He curved his lips into a half smile, making him look deadly sexy and every bit as dangerous as he knew he was. He saw her swallow and knowing the taste of him was still vibrant on her tongue made his cock kick against the confines of his pants.

  “You look better already, Valerie,” he said, his voice thick and feral.

  Her head tilted back, jutting out her chin. “It won't be happening again.”

  Really? His eyes narrowed, the half smile spread into a full on grin flashing canines even more fatal than her own. “We'll see about that.”

  Fleet punched in the code and opened the heavy door to Valerie's cell. “Want to tell me what the hell's going on in here, Jack?”

  Jack stepped back, his gaze resting on Valerie's swollen lips and the trace of his blood staining the edge of her mouth. His wolf howled in gratification.

sp; Leaving the cell, he walked back to Fleet's office with him.

  Fleet slammed the door closed behind the two of them. “So?”

  Jack slumped into a seat opposite the alpha's desk and waited for Fleet to sit down before he spoke.

  “She needed blood. Jesus, I don't know what happened,” he replied, his voice retaining the untamed tone of his wolf. Reaching up, his fingers traced the remains of two small puncture wounds in the side of his neck that were already healing.

  Fleet's acute stare followed his movement and Jack felt his alpha power seep out into the room. Jack dropped his hand and shrugged. “Ah, shit. Look, I gave her some blood, she wasn't doing too good.”

  Fleet shook his head. “A vampire, Jack?” It was more an assumption than a question and he didn't miss the change in Jack's expression as he put on his best poker face before speaking again.

  “It's nothing like that. It was purely an act to keep her alive.” They'd learned that vampires were immortal and not easily killed unless decapitated or burnt alive. But they also needed to feed, or would eventually perish, as they would under the constant rays of the sun. “We need answers and she can help us with that.” His level tone was convincing, even to his own ears.

  “We have no idea what kind of benefits or strengths a shifter's blood can give these other beings, Jack.”

  Fleet's phone rang, breaking their conversation.

  “You're sure?” Fleet asked, before switching to speaker phone.

  “Yeah,” Ryker's voice was loud and clear. “An opportunity opened up, so the guys took a chance and stormed the place. Tatum and Remi are boarding our privet Jet as we speak, should be in around 19:00 hours tonight.”

  “Thanks, Ryker.” Fleet switched off the speaker phone and turned his attention back to Jack. “Looks like our boys are bringing Josephine home earlier than anticipated. Make sure there's a vehicle to meet Tatum and Remi from the airfield. And inform Cade, I'm sure he and Kit will want to be there.” His tone lowered in warning as he added, “You'll stay the hell away from that vampire, got it, Jack?”

  Jack's eyes flashed with disapproval. But Fleet allowed the chief of police no room to escape his dominancy. Even though Jack was a powerful shifter and a protector himself, he knew Fleet would not allow such reckless behavior. Not on his watch.

  After several tense seconds, Jack nodded as he stood up. “Sure, whatever you say,” his tone held bitter tinge he couldn't quite mask. “I'll get that message to Cade.”


  “It appears a new opportunity has opened up,” Alex said over the phone, now back in his office at the Society's headquarters in Wilmington. “And Christopher has cleared it.” He smiled. The Overseer may be his brother and at the top of the Society's food chain, but he was so wrapped up in rekindling his relationship with his grandson, Cade, he had become somewhat blindsided.

  “And this means what exactly?” Maria's voice held a frosty bite. Impatient and bitter, she also wanted to see Cade, her grandson, who's life had been kept a secret after the death of her only son and his mate. Her warm heart had become a knot of solid, cold steel in her chest, remembering how Christopher had all but pushed their son away. And after the accident, not allowing her to be present at the ceremonial burning of their bodies. Now all she wanted was the death of her estranged mate. To be released from their bond and pain she refused to succumb to even after all these years. Having found out Cade was alive and so close without her knowing it, made her want to dish out the Overseer's death with her own two hands.

  Alex loosened his tie a little with his free hand. “I've heard that Cade's mate will be leaving shortly for Silver Skies. It seems she will be assisting in the care of some of the maternal females,” he paused, tugging open the top button of his crisp, white shirt.

  “Will Cade be accompanying her?”

  He didn't miss the sound of hope rising in her voice. “I'm not sure of the details, yet. But I have a reliable contact within the community there who can get close to the young woman.”

  “What about Christopher, how do we get to him?”

  “Well, luckily there are those who'll do almost anything to earn a buck or two...” he laughed. “You've heard of the Freedom United group?”

  “Of course,” she replied. The Freedom United group were those who didn't belong to a pack. Rogue shifters who didn't want to join a pack agreed to sign a treaty between themselves and the Society during the 1800's. The boundaries were clear on every continent. Here, they had freedom to roam the Appalachian mountains and certain parts of the Montana and Alaskan wilderness. As long as Rogues stayed in line and didn't cause any trouble, they could live a relatively free life. “What about them?”

  “Well, it seems there are some who are unsettled and unsatisfied. The younger generation wants more. They want to go wherever they please, whenever they want, live alongside humans. They despise everything the Society stand for,” he informed her. “I think I can use this to our advantage. They are calling themselves the Real Freedom Allegiance and are steadily growing in numbers. There is an ideal opportunity to reel them in and use them to help in our vendetta.” He'd heard the Overseer speaking on the phone about the unrest among the rogues and took it upon himself to locate a couple of them. Nix, a young and eager rogue enthusiastically agreed to help and put Alex in touch with Aden Black.

  A silence lingered for several seconds. “Sounds promising,” she finally said. “Keep me updated.”

  Maria ended the call.

  With a sly smile, Alex punched in the number for his new contact and head of the R.F.A, Aden Black. The phone rang out three times before the Russian rogue picked up. “I think it's time for our meeting,” Alex said coolly.

  “The cemetery, tomorrow at noon.”

  The line went dead.


  It was midday when Gunner returned from a training session with Delta, Snow, and Eve. As tracker in the pack, his sensory ability was invaluable. Teaching the younger members was a necessary skill to add to their arsenal. The mountain ranges further north and the thick forestry spanning between them and the compound, provided ideal places to lay tracks for the newbies just out of their transitions.

  The three youngsters were pleased to be back after spending the past eight hours with the red-headed male.

  “Why does Gunner always act like such a dick?” Delta asked Snow as the three of them entered the kitchen to get some refreshments.

  Snow gave an uncommitted shrug. “He doesn't, not always. Just most of the time.” He turned, throwing Delta and Eve a bottle of water each from out of the refrigerator, then grabbed one for himself. “I'm starving,” he added and pulled out a tray of ready to eat Barbecued chicken. “Mmm, Lakota's been cooking.”

  “He doesn't get out much, you know, into town and stuff. Perhaps that's why,” Eve said, before taking a long, slow drink. The cool liquid was a soothing balm against her parched throat, she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. “Are you really gonna eat all that?”

  “Why?” Snow asked, then flexed his biceps and struck a Schwarzenegger pose. “How d'you think I keep these big guns, baby?”

  Eve rolled her eyes and grunted. “It's in your genetic makeup.”

  “Yeah, but still,” he shrugged, grabbing the thick sliced bread and mayo to go with the tray of chicken, “a guy has to eat.”

  Delta jumped up and sat on the granite worktop and opened her drink. “Gunner isn't that bad looking, why doesn't he go get laid already?”

  “Maybe that's none of your goddamn business,” Gunner snapped as he entered the room. Delta's face turned crimson, she lowered her gaze under the weight of his dominant glare. “Don't the three of you have patrols in an hour?”

  “You don't need to tell me twice.” Snow made a quick exit, taking the tray of food with him. Eve quickly followed suit and Delta sheepishly slid out close on the heels of her friends.

  Damn it. Gunner blew out a curse.

  Secrets were piling up and despite his bes
t efforts, cracks were appearing in the titanium shield he'd built around himself as a defense. Ever since Kit arrived on the scene and pretty much demolished any fantasies he had of getting close to Cade, his walls had started to crumble.

  Not that he'd ever stood any kind of chance.

  Cade Grayson was as straight as a die and now he was mated.

  To make matters worse, it wasn't long ago he'd found himself stood face to face with Daniel, one of the walker/vampire's living in the packs' holding cells. An incident he'd much sooner forget but somehow it re-emerged with a stubborn defiance.

  Blowing out a frustrated sigh, he headed down the hall toward the gym where he intended to thrash the living daylights out of the punch bag. Unable to avoid Daniel's eyes he could feel tracing over his skin like a flash of white heat as he passed by the guy's cell, he stopped and wheeled around to face him.

  “You're angry,” Daniel said as Gunner approached the reinforced glass and stared back at him.

  Gunner's supernatural senses had no problem hearing the male despite the thickness of the glass wall between them. “You're sharp,” he replied with a sarcastic bite. “I bet you're gonna to tell me what I'm angry about too, huh?”

  Daniel moved closer, splayed one hand against the glass. “Why do you do that?”

  “Do what?” Gunner folded his arms across his broad chest, feeling Daniel's strange, knowledgeable eyes trying to pierce through his defenses―what little was left of them.

  “Push people away and pretend to be someone else all the time.”

  Gunner's nostrils flared, his fangs inching into his mouth. “You don't know anything about me.” Even as he said it, he realized the ancient being already knew more than he was willing to share about himself.

  Daniel shook his head in disbelief, placed his other hand against the glass bringing his face even closer toward Gunner. “I may live in this cell, but I'd rather this than the cage you're living in.”

  Standing his ground, Gunner tried to keep it together. His wolf was pissed off that Daniel could see things. See his secrets, seemed to understand him so well in such a short space of time. He spat out a curse, mad at himself for entering Daniel's cell that night. Nothing had happened, but they had both felt a connection. One which Gunner had gained control over and had gotten the fuck out of there. He couldn't deny his attraction toward Daniel. But he would, because there wasn't a chance in hell he was going to hang his secrets out for everyone to see like dirty laundry.


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