River Jewel Resort Box Set Books 1-4 BOOK BUNDLE

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River Jewel Resort Box Set Books 1-4 BOOK BUNDLE Page 5

by Madison Sevier

  Flustered, Giles Markham fuddled about and cleared his throat. “Ms. Golde, I’ve been trying to warn you of this for weeks. I told you someone was tampering with company funds and you told me to fix it. There was no fixing it.”

  “When did you ever say I was losing money? Never, that’s when. You said figures weren’t adding up. Had you told me money was vanishing into thin air, I might’ve taken you a bit more seriously, Giles. But you couldn’t take your head out of your…books long enough to explain what was happening.”

  “But, I tried…”

  “No, Giles, you cowered like you always do. Instead of growing a pair and speaking up, you were too afraid to tell the truth. Why should I even be surprised? You’ve always been this way. My father was an idiot to make you the in-house accountant for life. I guess we’ll have to see if there’s even a reason to keep you on staff since my money is gone.”

  Hunter turned on her heel and left Giles standing in the hallway as she proceeded to the third floor where her company’s stockholders awaited her.

  She pushed the door open and twelve people wearing masks of frustration glared at her from across the room. They’d foregone sitting at the giant, hand-carved table and were standing at full attention. Hunter didn’t even bother to smile. She knew there was no point in false emotion. Her company was in deep shit and, as the president of Golde Trucking, so was she.

  “Morning, everyone. I’m sure we can all agree it isn’t a good one, but at least we’re all alive, right?” Her use of sarcastic optimism fell like a lead balloon.

  “Ms. Golde, would you like to explain to all of us how you managed to lose every dime invested in this company?”

  “I’d love to, Mr. Bonner. However, I was only recently informed of this dire situation and I have no answers for any of you.”

  Angry murmurs and exasperated sighs echoed throughout the room. Hunter could feel an anxiety attack creeping up her spine and though she tried to remain calm, she now found her own voice a bit shaky.

  “Gentlemen and Lady,” she nodded, “I know we are now in a horrible situation, but I plan on getting to the bottom of this as soon as possible. I can only hope that you’ll give me the same support that you so graciously gave to my father while he built and ran this wonderful company.”

  Of course, the room remained silent, but Hunter held her head high. She refused to allow a small group of stuffy old windbags make her feel inferior. This catastrophe wasn’t her fault. Hunter was just as poor as the rest of them at the moment! She wouldn’t rest until she figured out who had stolen every last penny and once Hunter knew his or her identity, she’d make them pay.

  “Ms. Golde, we’ve been discussing this all morning and we feel you are nowhere near as capable to run this company as your father was. Based on your recent performance and now, this, this insanity, we hereby request you to step down as President.”

  How dare they! And to have that bitch, Jennifer McConnell plunge the knife into her back, was reprehensible! Who made her the new foreman?

  “You cannot be serious.” Hunter emphasized each and every word as she stared down each one of the board members.

  “Sadly, we’re completely serious.”

  “This is my family’s company. You can’t ask me to leave. My father built it. My father brought all of you in. If it wasn’t for him, you’d have nothing.”

  “Well, thanks to you,” the old hag piped up again. “We have nothing, Ms. Golde.”

  “You don’t seem to understand, Jennifer. If there is no money, there is no company. If I’m out of money, so are you. Therefore, the company cannot go on, the company will close. I will not be stepping down, nor will I be backing down. However, when I find out where the money went, I will personally see to it that each and every one of you is removed. You can bet your asses that you’ll be the ones without a dime.”

  Hunter snatched the proposed letter of resignation off of the table and stormed out, leaving them to their mutinous conversation. “I will get that money back.”

  There was no way this would end prettily. Whoever had sabotaged her and the Golde Trucking name was in for an incredibly rude awakening!


  Of course, her accountant would be slinking around. He was a weasel.

  “Yes, Ms. Golde?”

  Hunter grabbed him by the collar and slammed Giles into the cinnamon-colored wall.

  “Listen to me, you worthless little man. You have forty-eight hours to find my money. Do you hear me?”

  A strangled gasp escaped him as he nodded.

  “At the end of that forty-eight hours, if you have not found my money, don’t show your face here again. I’d suggest you leave the country. Because if I ever see you again, I will tie you to the bumper of one of Daddy’s big rigs and drag your pathetic little body through town. Got it?”

  His eyes practically popped out of his head as each word fell from her lips. Hunter wasn’t prone to violence, but desperate times called for dire plans. And right then, she needed to take her anger out on someone. Giles fit the bill.

  “Now, scurry on out of here and remember everything I’ve said, Giles.”

  Hunter smoothed the front of his shirt down. “Forty-eight hours. Set your watch.”

  As her heels click-clacked on the oak floors, Hunter stared straight ahead and marched back to her own office where she sat at her desk and wept silently.

  “God, what am I going to do?”

  * * * *

  “Hello? Is anyone here?” Hunter removed her key from the lock before slamming the front door. “Jason, are you home?”

  The spacious ranch-style home greeted her with silence as she kicked off her shoes and made her way to the open bar in the den.

  “Why would I expect you to be here?” Mumbling to herself about the many flaws in her relationship with Jason Simpson, she poured a large glass of tequila, foregoing the useless shot glasses that sat on the hand-carved oak monstrosity.

  Hunter stood at the sliding doors, gazing out over the massive grounds as she sipped her drink. The clear liquid burned as it coated her throat. In no time, she felt comfortably numb. However, getting shit-faced was not an option. Just enough of a buzz to take the edge off so maybe she could concentrate on the task at hand.

  She knew Giles was inept and it was time for her to take total control of her life and business. Hunter knew she wouldn’t be hearing from her accountant again. If she was a gambler, like dear-old-Dad, she’d wager her last few thousand dollars that Giles had already purchased a one-way ticket to Belize. Maybe that’s what she should do, too.

  “It’s not like anyone would miss me. I’m all that’s left and those decrepit assholes are just itching to get me out of the company. It’d serve them right if I left this entire mess in their laps.”

  The more Hunter drank, the more she contemplated and liked the idea of leaving. She could always take off to the family cabin and hunker down there for a while. At least until the missing money was found. Or until she was forced to sell it to pay off the stockholders. As if she’d allow that! This was her company and her money and frankly, she really didn’t give a damn about any of them at the moment. Her father should’ve taken care to ensure this would never happen.

  “Ya know,” she yelled to the empty house. “You’ve always been like this. Not once did you ever care about anyone else, Mr. Golde. I really have to hand it to you. Not only did you manage to screw every available woman in our town before you succumbed to your own vices, but you also managed to screw everything up after your death! Cheers to you, Daddy! Thanks for nothing.”

  As she stared at the barren trees surrounding her property, Hunter rubbed her arms, warding off a chill. Winter in Southern Indiana was far from bitter, but it was cold enough to remind her of how lonely she was. Hunter had a home, a boyfriend who rarely showed his face and who couldn’t be counted on even though they lived together. She knew he was only with her for the lavish gifts she gave him, the name and notoriety, but she told
herself she didn’t care about any of that. That was the easiest thing to do. Hunter was rich and that’s what mattered. She’d stopped caring about love a long time ago. Besides, she could’ve done worse. At least she hadn’t married the worthless, pathetic excuse for a man.

  “He can’t even get it up.” Hunter felt the hard liquor course through her veins and she swayed a bit, musing over her so-called wonderful life with Jason.

  * * * *

  Though their lovemaking in the beginning of their relationship had been hot enough to melt a tin roof, the last time they’d attempted to make love had been over four months ago. She was always busy and Jason seemed to be away from home a lot more often, giving no time for them to connect with each other. For the most part, their normal conversations consisted of emails or texts. After one too many abrupt emails from Jason, Hunter knew she needed to try something to salvage what was left of their relationship.

  “Maybe a nice, quiet evening is what we need. We can’t keep going like this.”

  Hunter had planned the romantic evening for weeks. Though it wasn’t their anniversary or anything special, she went to several specialty shops in town and purchased everything she’d need to get them both in the mood.

  To surprise him, Hunter prepared Jason’s favorite dinner, coq au vin, and spent an incredible amount of time baking him a chocolate cake with truffle frosting, all from scratch. An hour before he was due home from work, she took a long, hot bath and slipped into a white, vintage dress with cap sleeves.

  When Jason arrived, she poured him a drink. “How was your day?”

  “What’s with the get-up? Do we have another high-society costume party to go to?”

  Hunter felt the sting of his snide remark. She loved the way the skirt of the dress flared out and the peek-a-boo lace seemed so sexy until Jason had opened his mouth. Obviously, he’d already been drinking and she questioned why she was even bothering to go through the motions for him anymore. Here she was, trying to give him a nice evening with a home-cooked meal and he had to act like an asshole again.

  “No. I just wanted to do something nice for you, for us. You don’t like the dress?” Hunter tried to control her emotions, but Jason was always so abrasive to her. She usually fired back with some snappy retort. Hunter had never been very good at hiding her true feelings about anyone or anything. However, she knew their special night would be ruined if she opened her mouth. Inwardly, she cringed and mentally weighed her options of going through with her plans or not.

  She watched as Jason tossed his tie onto the long oak dining table. “Like I said, what’s the occasion, Hunter? I know you want something. Why else would you be tramping around like some Suzie-homemaker? We both know that isn’t you. You’re too rich and powerful to serve a peon like me.”

  Hunter felt the sharp sting of his words as Jason sauntered over to the bar and put the drink she’d made for him in the sink. He grabbed a bottle of her finest bourbon, unscrewed the cap and took a deep swallow of the amber liquid. It took all Hunter had to keep herself from telling him to “Choke on it.”

  “All I want is a romantic night with my boyfriend. I thought I’d surprise you.”

  Hunter steeled herself and walked over to stand beside him. Looking Jason in the eye, she ran her hands slowly down the front of his shirt, across his chest and tugged at his belt a bit. Hunter watched as Jason shivered and she assumed her touch had stirred his desire.

  “Hunter, I…”

  “Ssh. Let’s have a nice dinner and some fabulous dessert. Can’t we just forget our troubles, the outside world and everything else for just a little while? We need this, Jason. I need this.”

  Hunter cupped her hand around his silk trouser-covered shaft and kissed him with passion until he pushed her away slightly.

  “You’re right. Let’s eat.”

  She fought every urge she had to be offended. He wanted dinner and that was a start. They ate in silence and any attempt she made at a conversation was stunted by an offhanded mumble or shrug by Jason. Still, Hunter stayed the course. She poured him another drink before dessert and watched as her boyfriend took an extremely long amount of time to finish the small sliver of cake she given him.

  “I’m going to go freshen up. Enjoy your dessert and I’ll see you in a few minutes.”

  Another shrug from Jason and Hunter hurried from the room before the tears she’d been holding back would belie her calm demeanor. Alone in the bathroom, she stared at her reflection in the mirror, commanding herself to push onward. Hunter slipped into the pink, satin baby-doll nightie she’d bought at a ritzy lingerie store in town and opened the door with a flourish to shame any Hollywood starlet.

  “Are you ready for some fun, big guy?”

  “Why not? If it will keep you quiet, I’m game.”

  Not exactly the enthusiasm she was hoping for, but at least he followed her to the bedroom. Jason removed his clothing but after many minutes of vigorous petting and coaxing by Hunter, Jason still wasn’t hard. Hunter tried everything and when it still didn’t work, Jason instructed her to roll over.

  “What am I doing wrong?”

  “Get on your knees and face the headboard.”

  Hunter did as he wished. She purred and flaunted her ass in front of him. He ripped the panties from her bottom and plunged into her from behind. For a few moments, everything was great. Hunter made the appropriate noises and though the position wasn’t one of her favorites, she began to relax and get into it. She arched her back to feel him deeper inside of her.

  “Yeah baby, right there. Oh, Jason!”

  And that was it. He pulled out of her and it was over. “Did you have to talk? Why can’t you ever just shut the fuck up?”

  He masturbated until his dick grew hard once more. Hunter remained on all fours in the hopes they’d finish what they’d started and maybe they could just be a couple for a little while. However, as soon as Jason attempted to stick his cock inside of her, he went limp once again.

  “Fuck it! I can’t do this anymore. You’ve ruined it.”

  Jason grabbed his pants and left the room, slamming the door behind him. No longer able to hold back the tears, Hunter locked herself in the bathroom, turned on the hot water faucet, slid into the tub and cried as she tried to scrub the memory of the disastrous evening from her mind. Why had he grown to despise her so? What had she ever done except love him, take care of him and give him everything he ever wanted?

  “Where did we go wrong and when did he become such a bastard. I never liked doggie-style? What the hell is going on with him? He can’t even look at me anymore. Why did I even bother?”

  The questions and tears went on for what felt like eternity. Hunter knew deep down that she and Jason would never work out. She was so tired of trying to go through the motions of their so-called relationship. Ending it however, would be tricky. Who knew what kind of stunt Jason would pull to get his hands on her money. Would he claim she owed him after their years together? Would it be better to simply pretend they were a couple to avoid a nasty breakup?

  Hunter tossed and turned all night. The next morning, Jason was gone. He’d left a note saying he’d be late again.


  That was the official beginning of their demise as boyfriend and girlfriend. She was fine with that. Hunter was so sick and tired of feeling like garbage over a man who obviously bedded her for her money.

  * * * *

  Hunter shivered in an attempt to rid herself of the memories and ambled into her father’s office to refill her glass. “Good thing I can afford the large bottles.”

  She sat down at the large, mahogany desk and turned on the computer. “There has to be a clue somewhere in all of this mumbo-jumbo. I can’t believe an entire fortune could simply vanish. Someone, somewhere, fucked up and I’ll find it.”

  Hunter pored through hundreds of records and files, refilling her glass as she did so. Before she knew it, it was three in the morning and she was no closer to finding the truth or he
r money. All she knew was that she was the proud owner of a bankrupt company, the family home, one secluded cabin, and she had about fifty-thousand dollars to her name.


  How was she supposed to survive on fifty-thousand dollars? Hunter liked her lifestyle and she wasn’t about to become one of the floundering middle class! She shopped, she had a maid, and she loved her expensive car. There had to be a way to fix this debacle!

  “But not tonight. I know I’m missing something and these people are expecting answers I can’t give them. Thanks, Dad. Your life-long accountant has completely destroyed everything you screwed everyone over to get.” Hunter couldn’t think of a time when her father had ever shown desperation. Jack Golde was very well-known. He wasn’t some fly-by-night businessman. Jack had been an in-your-face, let’s get it done kind of guy. And get it done he did. He hadn’t cared who he had to fuck to get ahead. Jack had always been the man who needed to own it all, do it all, and no one had stopped him.

  If he found himself in trouble, he’d talk his way out of it. If a man caught Jack screwing his wife, he’d pay the man handsomely to forget all about it. Money always talked and Jack had used many means to fulfill his insatiable desires. Drinking was a favorite pastime of his, as was gambling. In fact, Golde Trucking was built upon more than the backs of the little people in town.

  Those folks who dared cross Jack Golde were blackmailed into doing his bidding. If they owed him money, they paid exorbitant interest. And when Jack gambled, the stakes for his opponents were sky-high. Every dime Jack Golde had ever accumulated was in fact, ill-gotten gains, and he didn’t care who knew it.

  Hunter knew her father hadn’t been respected, he was feared. Even though he’d built a company that supplied jobs to many who would’ve never been able to find work in their small town otherwise, everyone had despised and feared the man. The company drivers and office workers were merely pawns in Jack’s giant game of chess. He put them in harm’s way every day with shoddy equipment and long hours, but Jack paid them enough to keep them in line. Everyone in Jack’s life was simply a person to use, someone to exploit in order to support his greed. The stockholders, in turn, hated Hunter merely by association.


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