River Jewel Resort Box Set Books 1-4 BOOK BUNDLE

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River Jewel Resort Box Set Books 1-4 BOOK BUNDLE Page 18

by Madison Sevier

  “Are you leaving us already?”

  “I’m afraid so. But I’d like to speak with your manager before I do.”

  “Why? Is something wrong? Was your stay not to your satisfaction?”

  “Everything was great.” Yeah right. Acting like a drunken idiot was just part of the fun.

  “So? Are you sure I can’t help you with whatever you need?”

  She was so sweet and obviously quite the people person, but he really wasn’t in the mood for a rousing conversation with the front desk clerk so early in the morning. “Maria, I really need you to please call your manager so that I may have a word with him. I saw him last night, he’ll remember me.”

  Maria picked up the phone and asked someone on the other end of the line to come downstairs. He noticed she didn’t call the person Mark. Maybe Mark was only a manager in his drunken state. For all Kevin knew, Mark could be a busboy or maybe just the bartender.

  “All set. Please have a seat anywhere you’d like while you wait, Mr. Sunman.” Marie turned on her heels and disappeared through a large mahogany door in the wall behind her massive desk.

  He dropped his bag and leather jacket onto a chair in front of a row of floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked the Ohio River, reflecting the sunlight that danced on the rippling tides as large cargo barges traveled past with loads of coal stacked high. Directly across the river, he could make out a golf course that appeared to be rather large.

  After reading three magazines, he began to pace. What was taking so long? Had they called the cops? Perhaps he was waiting on the inevitable. His gut twisted and tightened like a vice at the thought of being arrested.

  Maria appeared at the desk again and Kevin, growing anxious, his boots making no sound on the plush carpet. “Hi again. Do you know how much longer it will be? I really need to get on the road soon.”

  “No one has been down to speak with you yet?”

  “Would I still be here if they had? Is there a reason I’ve been left to sit here for almost an hour waiting? Let me guess. The manager is still passed out from last night’s drinking binge, right? Well, we wouldn’t want to interrupt sleeping beauty with an attitude, now would we?” He snapped before wincing at his own outburst. “Sorry. It isn’t your fault.”

  “No worries, Mr. Sunman. I’ll call upstairs again to see what the problem is. I’m sure someone will be down shortly. Please have a seat, sir. Besides, you seem pretty amped up about something. Maybe you should relax, have some breakfast before hitting the road. Traffic is a bi--, um, bad during morning rush hour.”

  Kevin saw her flinch slightly at her almost use of the word ‘bitch’ and it amused him. She was human after all and that tiny crack in her façade made him forget for just a moment why he was talking to her.

  “Noted. I’ll head on down to the restaurant and wait.”

  “It’s right down that hall.” She pointed.

  “I thought The Sapphire was the other direction.”

  “It is. But it isn’t open for breakfast. We have a diner-themed restaurant and I’m sure you’ll find it to your liking. Enjoy your meal, Mr. Sunman.”

  “Thanks. I happen to like diners. A lot. Can I leave my stuff over there?”

  “Yes, sir. Your belongings will be safe. We’ve never had any type of vagrant behavior here.”

  Until last night, he mused. “Great.”

  Chapter Five

  “I’m sorry, Maria. You’ll just have to tell Mark to get it together. I’m swamped with the details of planning the Southern Indiana Authors’ Conference and I really need to finish my calls.”

  ‘Ma’am? Mark is in no shape this morning to deal with himself, let alone anyone else. Mr. Sunman isn’t going to leave until he speaks with the manager and technically you are the manager. Mark is simply the assistant manager when you’re here.”

  “Yes, Maria. I’m well aware of my employees’ titles. I don’t care what kind of shape Mark is in. He will get dressed and go down there to deal with this.”

  There was no way in Hell Scarlet was going to meet with Mr. Sunman. She hired people to deal with these types of things when she was otherwise detained and today, she was very much detained.

  “But, ma’am? He’s,” she whispered on the other end of the line, “in the restaurant drinking coffee and alternately ranting as he nurses another hangover again. I’m begging you to deal with this situation and fire him after Mr. Sunman has left. I know I shouldn’t tell you how to do your job, but with all due respect, Mark needs to go. To rehab, preferably.”

  “Maria! I’m not firing Mark. Next time, keep your opinions to yourself.” Scarlet’s stomach twisted in knots. Damn Mark for putting her in this position. She couldn’t go down there. Why wouldn’t the man just leave?

  “Scarlet, Mr. Sunman is having breakfast and he plans on seeing someone by the time he is finished. He won’t tell me what’s wrong so I cannot handle the situation. Just get down here, please?”

  “Fine.” Scarlet hung up the phone and threw herself onto her bed. What the fuck was she going to do?

  A wig! She could change her appearance. He’d never recognize her. She still had that collection of costumes from last year’s masquerade ball and surely something would suffice.

  Lack of sleep and the events of the previous evening had shaken her to her core. She’d spent so many years bringing people together, leading them to do the right thing, follow their dreams and what was she doing now? Hiding. Avoiding and flat-out acting like a crazy lady. Wigs? Disguises? She was losing her mind.

  “I need to get my shit together. I’m never like this. I’m dependable, strong and sensible. Sure, I’ve been called a little eccentric, but these days, who isn’t?”

  Seated at her vanity table, Scarlet picked up a kabuki brush to touch up her face with another layer of mineral foundation in an attempt to cover the thin, shimmery scar along her jawbone, which only became more prominent when the past wouldn’t leave her alone. Worry creased her brow as she applied a thin coat of pink gloss to her lips. Lips he had kissed a few short hours ago. Staring into the mirror, she realized she’d paused, holding the gloss brush as the memory of that long ago weekend with Kevin, washed over her for a moment. Rising, she went to her closet, searching for the perfect dress to wear. She couldn’t meet him wearing jeans and a loose fitting sweatshirt.

  Then again, maybe that was exactly what she should wear. He’d see what a mess Scarlet was and he’d run for the hills. She wouldn’t have to say anything, apologize or be in the same room with him for very long. Kevin could say whatever he needed to say to the manager he’d requested and he’d be on his way. End of story.

  What was she thinking? This was her chance. The only chance she was ever going to get. After all of the years of pain she’d caused him, she owed him an explanation and an apology. If he’d accept one. Who knew? He might tear the entire place down out of anger. Honestly, she’d be fine with that if it helped him feel better. Perhaps then, he could move on with his life and she’d be able to let go of some of the guilt she’d been carrying. It’d be the right thing to do, the honest thing and that’s what mattered more than the nerves that threatened to break her into a million pieces. More than the absolute fear that was consuming her.

  Surely he’d hate her. Scarlet hadn’t even known his name until she’d checked the hotel registry. That’s how they’d left it all those years ago. So why had she changed her name to Scarlet if she weren’t holding onto the past just as much as he was? Scarlet after the rose he’d placed behind her ear and the only name he called her all weekend. His scarlet angel. Maybe this would work out. Could they be together after all of this time? They didn’t even know each other. He’d been chasing the past. Maybe apologizing and explaining it all wouldn’t make a bit of difference at all, but she had no choice. It wasn’t about her. This was about fixing one of the many mistakes she’d made in her life.

  Even if she’d had no idea he’d spent so much time searching for her, missing her. Scarlet
needed to try. Though it wasn’t her fault, how was she to know any of the events that transpired would happen? She’d given up looking into her own future after her parents’ deaths. Her future became whatever happened minute-by-minute. Besides, searching for him or information about him would’ve counted as personal gain again and she wasn’t willing to pay more consequences for that action. The resort kept her busy. Love for everyone else kept her busy and Scarlet Nights Dating Service added another place for her to escape to.

  The reality of her life came smashing down on her. “I’ve been hiding in every way possible. Mark was right.”

  The realization felt like a kick to her stomach. She may have been making wonderful lives for other people, but she’d become a shell, a walking dead matchmaker. What kind of matchmaker was she? If she couldn’t experience true happiness, love and safety, what business did she have meddling in other people’s lives? Mark was an absolute wreck and of course, there was no guarantee that Sydney would ever return. How many other relationships had fallen apart since she’d brought people together? So many thoughts were tumbling through her mind!

  No. She refused to believe that she was a bad person for trying to bring happiness to other people. Nothing was ever etched in stone and she was always telling everyone else to live in the moment. It was about time she did the same thing. One last cursory check in the mirror, she smoothed her long, blonde hair. After she’d added a spritz of rose water to her neck, for better or for worse, Scarlet headed out the door to meet Kevin in the restaurant.

  “It’s now or never.” She took the stairs, foregoing her powers, stalling and willing herself to be strong.

  In all of her years at the River Jewel, nothing had ever seemed as oppressive as the mahogany and stained glass doors that separated her from the only man she’d ever loved. Kevin; her only weakness. Scarlet knew she needed to go in, but she couldn’t move; frozen to the thickly carpeted floor by fear and trepidation. Was she breathing? She felt so faint. Her pulse thundered, echoing in her ears, blocking the music that pipes softly through the hidden speakers in the hallway.

  “Just do it. There’s no going back” she whispered. “No going back.” She took a deep breath, pulled open the door of Route 56 and stepped inside, locking eyes with her past.

  Chapter Six

  The anxiety of getting this meeting over and done with, added to the massive amounts of coffee he’d consumed, was wearing him out. The food looked appetizing enough, but the guilt over what he’d done the night before was tearing him apart. Checking his watch again, he glanced at Mark, who sat at a corner booth cradling his head in his hands in between sips of his own steaming cups. They hadn’t spoken. Simply a glance and a nod when Kevin walked into the restaurant. Understandably, neither of them felt very chatty.

  Just as he was about to head out and forget the entire meeting with the manager, he heard the tell-tale swoosh of the door. Craning his neck to the right, his blood ran cold and his heart threatened to leap out of his chest. Kevin rubbed his eyes, sliding out of the booth, he struggled with what to say, what to do. His one weakness stood before him. What the hell was happening? Was it some kind of sick joke?

  “You.” He exhaled with disbelief. Confusion and shock rattled the few nerves he’d had left.

  Her voice, like a much-needed warm, ocean breeze, “Nice to see you again, Kevin.” Her ice-blue eyes wide and glassy, “It’s been a long time.”

  He wasn’t crazy. He hadn’t drunkenly accosted some stranger. Kevin had kissed her. What are you doing here?”

  “I could ask you the same thing.”

  What should he do? She stood a mere five feet away and yet, it felt was though an ocean separated them. The woman he’d longed for, searched for and cried over had become more beautiful with time. His memories hadn’t done her justice. He’d waited for this moment for over ten million minutes and he had no idea what to say. His hands were clammy, his face felt hot and if he didn’t know better, he’d swear he was on the verge of a panic attack.

  Should he go to her and wrap his arms around her? Apologize for the previous evening? She wore a poker face, seemingly void of emotion other than a bit of furrowing of her brow. She seemed worried. Scared? Then again, it’d been twenty years, so how could he have even assumed what she was thinking or feeling?

  Slipping his hands into the pockets of his jeans, “I don’t even know where to begin.”

  “Maybe you should sit down, Kevin. We have a lot of catching up to do.” She smiled and he felt transported back to those days at the cabin when they hadn’t a care in the world.

  “Okay. Let’s sit. Is here, okay?” He pointed to the booth where he’d been sitting. “God. Now I’m repeating myself. Sorry I’m a bit in shock.”

  “Understandable.” He watched as she slid into the booth bench across from him. Elegant and poised. Why wasn’t she as freaked out as he was?

  “How do you know my name?”

  “I own the resort.” Kevin watched as she signaled the waitress. “Would you like a refill on your coffee?”

  Though he didn’t plan on drinking it, he nodded. After twenty years, she’d offered him coffee. Coffee? He didn’t want to feel ungrateful, but seriously, what the fuck?

  “Own it? I don’t mean to sound so surprised, but anything you tell me at this point will be a surprise. I don’t even know your name.”

  “Scarlet. Scarlet Noir. For the rose you gave me that night on the beach.”

  “What do you mean?” He leaned forward, elbows on the granite tabletop. “I don’t understand.”

  “I know you don’t and I apologize. To be honest, I never expected to see you again. Certainly not here. I’ve been running this resort for twenty years. Last night, after, well, you kissed me, I knew who you were. I knew who you were before you kissed me. I was watching you.” Shrugging, she eased back to allow the waitress to pour their coffees.

  He’d searched for this woman and she’d never planned on seeing him again? Kevin’s panic was slowly turning to irritation. Scarlet was so aloof. He couldn’t get a read on her at all and if he were to guess, she didn’t even care, nor was she happy to see him. As for him, at that moment, he felt as though he’d truly wasted two decades of his life and he’d never get them back. Had he been expecting some romantic ending, running into each other’s arms like some fucking Hollywood movie?

  Kevin needed to rein in his emotions. Clearing his throat, “Watching me?” With those amazingly gorgeous blue eyes.

  “Yes. I’m sorry about that. I don’t normally find myself acting as a voyeur to any of our guests. However, no one has ever wandered into my own personal fantasy before either.”

  “Fantasy? What are you talking about? That beach was no fantasy. And how was it yours? I was there first.” He felt his hackles rising and Scarlet speaking in stupid riddles wasn’t helping matters.

  Scarlet leaned in another few inches, whispering “Kevin, this entire place is an illusion.”

  Was she fucking crazy? Suddenly it all made perfect sense. He’d been chasing a crazy woman. What did that make him? Just as crazy.

  “Look, I don’t know what game you’re playing here, but this is ridiculous.”

  “You’re free to feel that way. However, it’s true. How else do you think your room was everything you could possibly want? All of your favorite things are there, are they not? And didn’t you picture the beach, the cabin and suddenly you were able to see them, touch them?”

  “Coincidence. The beach is there and this conversation is feeling more one-sided by the minute.”

  Kevin watched as Scarlet leaned back in her seat, amusement lighting her eyes, a slight blush crept to her sun-kissed cheeks. “Kevin, I…”

  “No more riddles.” Slapping the table, he slid out of the booth. “You can’t do this. This was supposed to be some wonderful, epic moment. You’re mine, Scarlet and that’s not even your real name. You said you chose it for the rose I gave you, yet you never once tried to contact me because of some
powers? Are you a witch? Or are you just crazy? I can’t get any straight answers from you and I think I deserve them after all of this time, don’t you?”

  “How can you sit there so calmly and giving me bits and pieces about this place as though I’m just some guest? I’ve spent twenty years searching for you. You, the woman with no name and you sit there like some queen on her throne. You’ve been here all this time. Do you have any idea how often I’ve been within miles of this place and didn’t even know? Have you any clue how many detectives I’ve sent searching for you?”

  She smiled. Finally a real emotion. “You don’t even know me, Kevin. What I am is not important. Maybe I am crazy, but you’re better off without me.”

  “Bullshit. We’re meant to be. We’ve always been meant to be and you know it.”

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about. Kevin, you have no idea how bad of an idea it is for us to be together.”

  “What are you talking about? You were supposed to return so that we could be together. You said it yourself before you left. We’re soulmates.”

  “So much has happened. Too many years”

  “Enough. Love doesn’t die. It doesn’t just vanish. And right now, in spite of how angry I should be, it’s taking every ounce of restraint I possess to stop myself from grabbing you, kissing you within an inch of your life before whisking you off to my suite, tossin’ you onto my bed and givin’ you two decades worth of lovin’ in one night. So, what’s it gonna’ be?”

  Chapter Seven

  She wasn’t handling this very well at all and though she’d love for him to sweep her away to a suite, Kevin needed to know the truth. If only he could calm down and allow her to get it all out. She’d tried to remain aloof, prepared for him to blow up at her about never returning years ago. Scarlet was on the verge of losing it herself. The guilt, the pain, it was all her own fault. How on Earth was this man ever going to understand? He saw things in black and white. He’d visibly scoffed at the idea of the resort being magical. What would he do when he found out about who and what she truly was?


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