Taylored to Perfection (Taylor Made Book 2)

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Taylored to Perfection (Taylor Made Book 2) Page 29

by kj lewis

  “And you don’t think she’s a greater risk being there now that our marriage is public?”

  “No, Graham, I don’t. These gangs aren’t looking to kidnap a billionaire’s wife. They don’t read much of Vanity Fair. If that was their intent, they would have already taken her on her routine night to visit.”

  “I’ll have men across the hall, across the street, and Jimmy Mariner will be on the roof.” He says to Smith.

  “Who’s Jimmy Mariner?” I ask.

  “The only sharp shooter next to Teague that I would trust,” Smith says.

  I take a deep breath and plan my attack on Graham.

  “If you say no, I won’t go. I won’t argue with you. But this is something I want to do. Terrance is important to me and it would break my heart if something happened to him. Smith, do you have any safety concerns?”

  Smith looks to Graham who gives him a nod. I should have known he wasn’t going to answer without Graham’s permission. Unlike me.

  “If Mr. Taylor signs off on it, then yes, I think the danger is minimal. Having met Reggie, I believe Emme when she says Terrance can be trusted. I would not want her at the meeting. That is a risk I would not be willing to take,” Smith finishes.

  We sit and wait for Graham to process the information.

  “One condition,” Graham says. “I go with you to dinner.”

  “I’d love that. Pearl has been wanting to meet you.” I squeeze his hand.

  “Smith, I think it would be conspicuous to have you and Teague go with us. I also don’t want to roll up in a two hundred-thousand-dollar car and draw unwanted attention, but I’m not comfortable with Emme being out in the open on the subway. Can you secure a taxi? You can drive us, then wait or come back. Whichever you think is reasonable. I want her in and out without drawing attention.”

  “We have taxis we use for undercover cops. I can make sure you have access to one,” Teddy says. “So, it’s settled.” He stands.

  “You need to deliver. I want Terrance safe,” I tell him. “Be honest with him. Treat him with respect and you’ll have a much greater chance of reaching him.”

  “Colleen’s right. You’re a smart woman.”

  When he and Smith leave, Graham goes to his desk without a word. I know he’s not pleased.

  “What are you thinking?”

  Sitting with his legs crossed, he runs his finger across his lips, his elbow propped on the arm of his desk chair.

  “That Adam was right. People who live in glass houses.” He watches me. “You cloud my judgment, Emelia. It unsettles me. It’s not a feeling I’m familiar with and I don’t like it.”

  “Does it make you want to punish me?” I ask enticingly, biting my lip thinking about the pink marks he left on my ass last week with the paddle.

  “Be careful what you wish for, Emelia. Not all punishment is about sexual pleasure.” His eyes change to midnight blue.

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means, I’m tempted to pink that ass till you can’t sit down, so you understand who really is in charge.”

  He watches me with narrowed eyes as I absorb what he’s saying.

  “You would do that?”

  “Keep pushing me to the edge of control and you’ll find out, Emelia.”

  “I don’t want to push you to the edge of control, Graham. I’m just asking for a little latitude to do the right thing. Talking to Terrance is the right thing to do.” I run my thumb across his chin, but he doesn’t return my affection. Instead he dismisses me.

  “I have a conference call.” He starts typing on his keyboard.

  “Okay.” I say simply, knowing that this is his way of gaining some of the ground he feels like he’s lost.

  “Emelia, call Pearl. Tell her we’re coming to dinner tomorrow night. I don’t want to worry about this all week.” I nod my acknowledgement. “Make sure she makes her chocolate cake.” He says this without humor, but it lets me know it’s going to be okay.

  Graham is distant the rest of the evening and all the next day. His anxiety is weighing on me and by the time we leave for Pearl’s, I am ready to get this over with.

  “Who’s this Orphan Annie chick that wants to screw you?” I ask Graham while in the cab on the way to Pearl’s house. I’m getting used to Smith and or Teague being around during our private conversations.


  “Yesterday in your office, before we talked with Charlie. Orphan Annie put her hand on you. I noticed.”

  “The redhead on Charlie’s team? I don’t even know her name.”

  “I know what to call her. Trust me.”

  “This is the first time I’ve ever known you to be jealous.”

  “She had her hand on you,” I respond sharply, as if that explains everything.

  “The guys always have their hands on you,” he counters, more out of a curiousness about my thought process than the double standard.

  “I’m a touchy-feely person. You aren’t. When the guys touch me, it’s a way to return my affection. To tell me they love me. Also, I wouldn’t be okay with someone not in my inner circle touching me. You are not a touchy-feely person. You have a bubble.”

  “I love your touch.” He leans over and kisses me. “You are my bubble.”

  “But you’re right. I didn’t like it and I knew you were there. I could feel you,” he says distractedly, looking out the window. His thumb wanders back and forth over my knuckles.

  “This is it on the right,” I tell Smith.

  “We’re here. Everyone in place?” Smith says into his ear piece.

  “Really? It’s a dinner,” I say at all the James Bond gadgetry.

  Smith gives me a sharp look to let me know he doesn’t appreciate my making light of the situation. “I’ll be here when you come out. Text me when you’re ready. Don’t come out until I text you the all clear,” he says to Graham.

  Graham holds his door open for me. I slide across the seat and put my hand in his.

  “You lived here?” he asks, helping me get the bags out of the trunk.

  “Yep. Almost four years. It was all I could afford. It wasn’t as bad as it looks,” I say, leading the way. My ease with our surroundings gives him some comfort.

  Taking my keys out of my pocket I unlock four locks before we enter Pearl’s apartment.

  “It’s me!” I yell from the doorway, closing the door and locking them all back.“Duchess.” Pearl uses her moniker for me and leaves her walker to hug me. “How’s my baby girl?” Pearl has the gift of making me feel as if her smile is special and reserved only for me. Like it contains a secret only the two of us know about. It’s what drew me to her when I first moved here. That and her cooking.

  “I’m good.” I return her hug. “Pearl. I would like you to meet my husband, Graham.”

  “It’s nice to meet you,” he says. Graham’s genuine smile and agility to adjust to his surroundings remind me of why I love this man. His ability to make people comfortable in his presence is a unique gift, which I know was taught and expected of him by Ben and Ruth.

  She reaches up and touches his face. “You’re Emelia’s love.”

  “As are you.” He entices her with his charm. “It’s lovely to meet you. Emelia speaks so fondly of you. We missed you at the wedding.”

  “It smells delicious!” I step to the stove to see what she has cooked. “You made my favorite!”

  “I did.” Turning to the door when the locks open one by one, we watch Reggie enter.

  “You’re late,” Pearl reprimands.

  “I’m sorry. I was held up at work.” He kisses her cheek.

  “Help Duchess serve,” she tells him before making her way to her chair at the table.

  “Yes, ma’am.” Reggie shakes Graham’s hand and then helps me get all the food to the table. She already has the table set and our teas poured. I put a few perishables away before taking my seat.

  “Reggie,” Pearl says taking Graham’s hand. We all hold each other’s hands as
Reggie blesses our food.

  “Why did you make Emme’s favorite? You haven’t seen me all week.” Reggie makes a pouty face when dishing out the collard greens.

  “There are snap beans.” Pearl points to a bowl, showing she thought of him.

  “You like fried catfish as much as I do. Why you hatin’?” I butter my cornbread.

  “I’m just sayin’. You’ve been gone. She’s used to that. She’s still adjusting to me being gone. You think she would make my favorite meal.”

  “She loves me more.”

  “I love you both,” Pearl says passing food to Graham.

  “But me more.” I give an evil eye to Reggie while taking a big bite of mashed potatoes.

  “Keep talking,” Reggie threatens. “You won’t get any cake.”

  “Neither of you are going to get any if you don’t start acting like you have some manners. Are they like this in the office?” Pearl asks Graham.

  “I try to steer clear of them when they’re together. Can I have their cake?”

  Pearl smiles at his seriousness and pats his hand. “You’re just what Duchess needs.”

  “How so?” Graham studies her.

  “You know when to push. Duchess needs someone to push her.”

  “Why do you call her Duchess?”

  “Cause she looks like one. But she doesn’t act like one. No, this little girl doesn’t mind hard work. To her, everyone is a person, whether they have a penny or a billion pennies. She sees the heart of a person.”

  I slap Reggie’s hand when he tries to take the last piece of cornbread.

  “That touching moment is gone.” Graham winks at Pearl, pleased when she laughs.

  “Split it?” Reggie asks.

  “Sorry, no,” I say taking a bite.

  “If you don’t, I’ll start calling you Duchess at the office.”

  “Fine.” I hand him the half I bit off of.

  We finish dinner. The conversation is easy. Graham is relaxed and for a minute, I think he’s forgotten why we are here.

  “Is he coming?” Graham asks drying the last plate. We’re cleaning the dishes before dessert.

  “There’s no way to know,” I tell him. “He shows when he shows. Will you bring me the bags by the door please?”

  “Duchess you look tired,” Pearl says to me.

  “I am a little.”

  “I know you’re not pregnant. I didn’t have my dream. Bend down.” She places her lips to my forehead.

  “You’re running a fever.”

  “How do you know that?” I place my hand to my forehead.

  “Pearl is a human thermometer,” Reggie says.

  Graham sets two large bags on the counter. Despite the condition of the building, Pearl takes pride in keeping her place spotless. I empty the bags while Reggie puts away the last of the dishes. We hear the door open.

  “I told you, you don’t have to buy groceries for Pearl. I make sure she’s taken care of.” Terrance comes up to me pulling me into a hug before kissing my cheek.

  “Hi Sweetheart.” I hug him back.

  “Hey, man.” He and Reggie share a part shake, part hug.

  “This your man?” Terrance looks to me while nodding to Graham.

  “Graham Taylor.” He extends his hand to Terrance who accepts it.

  “Terrance,” he responds, evaluating Graham.

  “He taking care of you?” Terrance asks me.

  “Of course. Would I allow anything but?” I hand him the cake and point to the table. He carries it over and sets it down before greeting Pearl with a kiss.

  “You ready for your shot?” he asks Pearl.

  “Duchess gave it to me after dinner already. I saved you a plate.”

  “Any cornbread or did they eat it all?”

  “I put two pieces back for you,” Pearl says, ignoring mine and Reggie’s protest that there was more cornbread here all along.

  “So, Mr. Taylor,” Terrance starts.

  “Graham, please.”

  “Graham, I’d like to thank you for hiring my brother. He speaks highly of you.”

  “Well, I speak highly of him. I’m the fortunate one. Reggie is very bright and has a strong future ahead of him.”

  “Can you help him go to college?” Terrance cuts to the chase.

  “I can. I can make college happen for you, too. Reggie and Emelia both speak highly of you. Anytime you want to pursue college, you let me know.”

  “I don’t have the book smarts that Reggie has.” Terrance shrugs off the offer.

  “Some of my best men never went to college. They had street smarts and could read people well. They had strong leadership qualities. Business can be taught without going to college. It’s different for each person. Pearl this cake is delicious.” He praises her before taking a sip of milk.

  “Thanks. All I need is to know Reggie and Duchess are looked after. I handle me just fine. Don’t start,” he says to Reggie who is about to protest.

  “I wasn’t expecting to see you here tonight,” Terrance says, finishing the last of his dinner.

  “I came because I needed to talk to you.” I jump right in and fill him in on all the information Commissioner Ralston gave me.

  “It’s your choice,” I conclude. “I’m only the messenger. They wanted me to set up a meeting and then he would show up to talk to you, but I wouldn’t do that. I wouldn’t betray your trust, Terrance. I’ve told you everything I know.”

  “I know you wouldn’t, but he was wrong to come to you. I’m not okay with him using you to get to me.”

  “I’m not pleased either,” Graham tells him. “I won’t pretend to know anything of your life Terrance and I hold no judgment about the decisions you’ve made. You don’t get to the level I’m at without making questionable decisions. That said, I can’t let Emelia continue to come here when I know there is a price on your head. It’s too risky. You all are welcome at our place any time. Pearl, I can have you relocated by morning. Terrance, say the word and you can have everything you need to start fresh. What I can’t do is let Emelia come back here.”

  I don’t protest at Graham’s assertion because I know it’s true. This will be my last time here.

  “I don’t know why you let her come tonight,” Terrance says. “Duchess never belonged here. I’ve been trying to get her out of here for years. She keeps coming back.”

  “Because she cares for you,” Graham tells him. “But you and I both know that’s not enough. You have a mess in your house. The Commissioner is a good man. You need to meet with him.”

  “Terrance, it’s time to take care of you. Reggie is gone. It won’t be long before I’m gone,” Pearl says.

  “I’ll meet with him, Pearl. I’m not going to promise anything, but I’ll meet with him.”

  “Not a word of this outside this room,” Graham says and we all agree.

  “They’re a good family,” Graham says thoughtfully on our way back to the apartment. “I can see why you’re drawn to Terrance. He’s smart. Capable. I wish he would accept help.”

  “He’s done it on his own for so long, I don’t think he knows how. It took a long time before he was okay with me helping Pearl. Eventually, he came to see me as me and we’ve been tight since. His love for Reggie is fierce.”

  “His love for you is fierce,” Graham says. “I’m sorry you can’t go back there.”

  “Thank you for tonight.”

  “I only aged a hundred years. Are you okay?”

  “I’m tired and feeling a little off.” I rest my head on his shoulder and close my eyes.

  “Wake up, baby.”

  “My legs are so sore. It’s like they don’t want to move.”

  “You must have overdone it on your run this morning,” Graham says, scooping me up. “Bed. For sleep,” he adds, anticipating my response.

  The sun wakes me. He must not have closed the shades when he put me to bed last night. Climbing out of bed, I test my legs. They still feel like Jell-O. I need to run, but not
sure I have the strength. I brush my teeth and pull on my robe. It’s 6:30.

  “Hey, babe. How long have you been up?” I ask Graham. Smith and Teague are in the kitchen and promptly leave when I walk up. “What’s going on?”

  Graham turns his laptop toward me and without a word clicks a button on the TMZ webpage.

  It’s a video of Evan, his voice strained, “Shit, you’re so fuckable. Being inside you is like heaven. God, I love you, Emme James.”

  “This isn’t real,” I say half to Graham and half to myself. How did someone get this video?

  “Don’t give me that shit” CEO Graham is pissed. “Charlie’s team has already looked at it. They confirmed it’s authentic and has not been tampered with.” He circles the bar, stepping out of reach of my touch and denying me his.

  “What is the one thing that I have always said?” I hear the hurt and helplessness in his voice. “Absolute honesty. It’s the only way this works between us. Without it, I’m not prepared to answer questions about my wife whoring it up on video.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “No. Fuck you. Actually, since there’s video evidence that you’re more than happy to do that with five guys at once, I guess I need a new directive where you’re concerned.”

  His words knock the air out of me. I reach out to grab the counter to keep me from stumbling back. As quickly as I see the regret of his words in his eyes, it’s gone.

  It’s easy to say hurtful things when you’ve been wounded to your core. It’s the only way for the heart to protect itself. To take the spear that has punctured yours and pierce someone else’s, in hopes you might find a little relief from the hurt you’re feeling.

  I think I’m in shock. I lose track of time. I have no idea if it’s been five minutes since Graham walked out or an hour. I can feel the bile at the back of my throat, and I barely make it to the kitchen sink before my stomach rejects the hideousness of this mess.


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