Taylored to Perfection (Taylor Made Book 2)

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Taylored to Perfection (Taylor Made Book 2) Page 35

by kj lewis

  “Some people are saying you like the attention. That there is not a conspiracy against the campaign. They are citing the release of the second video that was released by your management team. How would you address those allegations?”

  “I really don’t have a response for them. They are simply not on my radar. We released the second video because we had solid information that it was slated to be released at a later time. We wanted to be in control of it. There was no way we were going to pay for the video, nor did we want them to make money from someone else. Also, it shows a crime taking place and we are pursuing criminal charges against the young men you see following through with rape. Justice is warranted in this situation and will continue to be pursued in a court of law.”

  “And in the court of public opinion?”

  “Graham and I have long since learned that can be a corrupt court. A fickle court.”

  “Sources close to you say it’s not you in the video, but is actually your twin sister.”

  “I won’t comment on that.”

  “Can you tell us how your sister is doing?”

  “My sister, Addie, experienced a traumatic brain injury almost seven years ago. She has remained comatose since.”

  “My sympathy to you and your family.”

  “Thank you.”

  “More with Emme Taylor when we return.”

  When we break for commercial, Kelly turns to me and says, “You’re doing a great job, Emme. I know I have asked you some tough questions.”

  “I appreciate you letting me say what I had to say.”

  “Just a few more, then we will get to the easy ones.” Her smile is genuine and I see the appeal to her as an anchor. She is relatable, but not about to take shit from anyone.

  “And we’re back with Emme Taylor. Emme, you are no stranger to the news cycle over the last couple of months. You were rumored to be dating Blaine Moore—“

  “Rumored would be correct. Despite a couple displays of affection, we were only friends.”

  “And made the news again when Harry Forrester of Forrester Incorporated verified that you are his daughter. Since this video has been released, the Forrester family has been very vocal in using colorful language to describe you. I understand your father no longer has a relationship with his family. How do you feel about that?”

  “I love my father. I want what is best for him. At all times. But he is in charge of his relationships, which ones he chooses to keep and which ones he chooses to let go. We all have relationships that are toxic for us and our family. And we have to make a decision about what we want for ourselves and for those around us.”

  “So you feel the Forrester family is toxic?”

  “If someone feels the need to tear someone else down, I would consider that a toxic relationship. I don’t have a relationship with the extended Forrester family. If they wanted to have one with me, I would consider it, if it was genuine. I have a very blessed life filled with people who love me for me. I believe if you let them, people will show you who they really are.”

  “You took the world by storm and broke the hearts of women everywhere when you married Graham Taylor, one of the world’s most eligible bachelors, after only dating for a month. Is it true you were only engaged for a few days?”

  “It is. “

  “Can you tell us about it?”

  “It was a small family affair. “

  “I understand you have a birthday coming up.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “It’s my job. America wants to know, what does one of the world’s most elusive billionaires give his wife?”

  “America has other things we need to be focused on. One in five children are going hungry in our country. One in five. We have a broken education system and we have veterans who serve our country, only to come home to find they can’t find a job or take care of their families. We have a prison system that we continue to keep in place, despite the fact that it does not rehabilitate the men and women within their walls. We have broken systems that we need to be focused on. But if America is really concerned about what my husband gives me, I will tell you. He holds my hand. It’s my most cherished gift and he gives it to me every day.”

  My eyes find Graham’s and I can’t keep the smile from my face. I wink at him before turning my attention back to Kelly.

  “Maybe you should be running for office and not Mr. Willis?”

  “Mr. Willis is a good man with strong ideas. If he is your cup of tea, you won’t be disappointed by voting for him.”

  “That leads us to the mentor program. Time Magazine and the Huffington Post each ran an article citing the strides you are making with this program. Can you tell us about it and what your plans are for its future?”

  I spend the next three minutes going through the program and viewing a clip the show has put together.

  “And you can visit Today.com if you would like more information on starting a mentor program for at risk youth in your area. Thank you, Emme Taylor.”

  “Thank you.”

  “And we’re back right after these messages.”

  “And we’re out,” someone off camera yells. The sound guy disconnects my mic as I stand.

  “Thank you, Emme. You did a great job. It makes me proud to see a young woman handling this with such grace and poise. I hope everything works out for Addie,” Kelly says sincerely.

  “Thank you.” I shake her hand.

  “Thank you, Kelly,” Graham says, putting an arm around me and shaking her hand before we exit the studio.

  “She asked the tough questions, but I like her,” Graham says once we are inside our car.

  “I did, too.”

  “You did a great job.” He lifts my hand to his lips. “I’m very proud of you, Mrs. Taylor.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Taylor.” I notice a visible difference in him now that the interview is over.

  Cassie is waiting for us when we exit the elevator at work.

  “Charlie is waiting for you in Mr. Taylor’s office. These are the messages I thought you would want to see.” She hands me the stack along with a Diet Coke.

  “Cassie.” Graham stops. “I thought we had an agreement that you were not going to provide my wife with Diet Cokes anymore.” It takes me a minute to realize he’s serious. I look at Cassie, surprised she never told me.

  “No, sir. You stated that was your preference, but I never agreed to it. I work for Mrs. Taylor.”

  Shaking his head in frustration, Graham tugs on my hand when he begins walking again.

  “No wonder you are so fond of her. She’s a smart ass just like you,” he quips. “Charlie.” Charlie is waiting for us as we walk in.

  “Graham. Emme. You did amazing. I have to admit I was a little nervous when I found out Graham was going with you, but you did great. The line in my office is blowing up with people wanting to interview you and asking if you are thinking of running for office. I swear if I put a poll in the field, she would have a high approval rating.

  “That’s my girl,” Graham says, handing a message to George, shaking his head no, and commenting on a few others.

  “Seriously. That couldn’t have gone better if I had scripted it. Kelly is tough,” he says.

  “But fair.” Graham takes the seat at his desk.

  “What do you want me to do with the other interview requests?” Charlie asks me.

  “None for now. If I decide to take Richard Raines up on his offer, we’ll look into doing some then to raise awareness for the causes we choose.”

  “Sounds to me that you know what causes you want to address.” Graham sits back in his chair, supporting his chin against his hand. His elbow bent.

  “I don’t know yet. There’s a difference between knowing what’s broken and having a clear path to fixing it. Also, I want to make sure this is what I want. I’m not sure I’m ready for the kind of commitment this will take. I love my job, but I love you more, and right now, I’m happy to be Mrs. Taylor who happens to
have a full time job. I don’t want to be Emme who has a full time job and happens to be Mrs. Taylor.”

  “Can’t say that I want that either. I just want you to be happy. We can make whatever you decide fit.”

  I lean across his desk and plant a kiss on him.

  “Bye, Charlie,” I say as I leave the office.

  Holt and I spend the afternoon returning calls to programs in other cities that are interested in starting their own mentor program. Richard is right, Holt is meant to lead this program into its next phase.

  “Mags,” Jules answers when I call her. “You rocked your interview. I’m so proud.”

  “Thanks. Listen, what’s your afternoon like?”

  “Nothing that can’t be switched around. Want to get ice cream or donuts?”

  “Not today. I need some help and was wondering if you could meet me at the apartment? Say around four?”

  “I can do that.”

  “Perfect. See you then.”

  “Mrs. Taylor.” Cassie answers the phone.

  “Will you let Teague know that I will be going home before Graham today, please? And call Joy and see if she can meet me at the apartment at four.”

  The afternoon passes quickly, and it’s not long before Teague and I are riding the elevator up to the apartment.

  “Everything okay, Emme?”

  “Yep. Why?”

  “You came home before Graham. I just wanted to make sure you were feeling okay.” He stops when he sees Joy in the apartment. “Did I forget something?” he asks her.

  “No. Emme asked me here.”

  “What for?”

  “She didn’t say actually.”

  “Emme, what’s going on?” Teague crosses his arms, like I’m up to no good.

  “Nothing. Now if you’ll excuse—”

  “Sorry I’m late.” Jules steps off the elevator and Teague raises the Rock eyebrow at me.

  “Fine. Joy and Jules are going to paint my body for a sex game I want to play with Graham tonight.”

  “Really. Was that necessary?” His look regretful that he asked.

  “I’m thinking… yes.” I answer with Joy’s laughter in the background.

  Teague walks over to Joy and practically shoves his tongue in her throat before running his thumb over her nipple. “I’ll see you when you’re done.” He turns leaving an unstable Joy and raising the same damn eyebrow at me again.

  “Two wrongs don’t make a right you know,” I say to him as he takes the stairs down.

  “Let’s get this show on the road.” Joy removes her jacket.

  I show them the drawings I sketched and lay out the body paints I had couriered on the bathroom vanity.

  “How much time do we have?” Jules asks, looking at her watch.

  “I’m going to tell Graham to be here at 5:30. Here.” I hand my phone to Jules. Brushing my teeth, I apply candy apple red lipstick to my lips and have Jules take a picture of me seductively licking a cherry lollipop. Cropping out everything but my red lips and the lollipop, I send the picture to Graham telling him not to be late. The evening begins at 5:30.

  “How did you come up with this?” Jules asks as she begins to paint on my skin.

  “Graham and I are competitive. We never let the other win at a game. So I figured this would be a fun way to play a game and have a little extra fun on the side. We’ve both had a lot going on lately. I just thought this game would have the best visual.” I text several more clues to Graham while the girls finish their painting.

  “If you keep doing that I won’t be able to last two minutes once Graham gets here,” I tell Jules.

  “Well I’m sorry. But it’s not drying fast enough and the colors smear together if I don’t make sure it’s dry.” She leans forward and blows against my skin again.

  “Someone talk about something not sexy. Between the text messages I’ve been sending, the tips of your brushes, and you two blowing on my girly bits, I’m sexed up.”

  “It’s not much easier on this side, Mags. At least you only have to take the elevator down. I have to make it home in a taxi before I can jump Adam.” She bites her lip. “There. We’re done. Let me run the blow dryer over you to make sure it’s set.”

  “You don’t think it will melt it?” I ask, turning to look at myself in the mirror.

  “Not on the cool setting. Shit, Mags. You look adorable and completely fuckable. It won’t matter what you’re feeling, Graham won’t last five minutes.” She runs a cool dryer over my skin.

  “Hope you win,” Joy says as she and Jules leave. I have about ten minutes to put on my finishing touches and leave a trail of candy for Graham.

  I hear the elevator and take my place. I can hear Graham set his stuff down before following the trail. It doesn’t take him long to find me.

  “I’ve been waiting for you.”

  “I can see that.” Graham stands in the entrance of one of the guest rooms, popping a piece of candy in his mouth. I have it decorated to look like the Candy Land board game. Graham drops his jacket before he begins to unbutton his collar and loosen his tie.

  “Seeing that you have a hard time beating me at games, I thought I would give you the treat of playing one you can’t lose at.”

  “What games have I lost exactly?”

  “Softball. Running. Swimming.”

  “I won at War.”

  “You’re about to win at Candy Land, too.”

  He circles me like I’m prey about to be devoured, and I can feel the wetness between my legs.

  I have on a bright blue wig that is cut in a short bob. There is a piece of candy painted on each cheek. My eyes are done in a bright blue while my lips are still covered in cherry red lipstick. There are squares painted over my body that form a trail to be followed. My breasts are the Gumdrop Mountains. My ass is Cupcake Commons with each buttock is covered in a large colorful cupcake. The trail leads from my thighs up and around my body, the main goal to reach the Honey Pot that Jules painted on…well, my honey pot. The look is completed with thigh high horizontal striped stockings and six-inch fuck-me heels.

  “How did you do this?”

  “Joy and Jules painted on me. I must say it was an interesting experience having two beautiful women paint and blow on my body.” I raise a brow to him while purposefully biting my lip.

  “I can imagine. Sorry I missed it.”

  He comes to a stop in front of me looking sexy as fuck with his hands in his pockets.

  “Rules of the game.” I motion to the cards on the bed. “The cards tell you how many spaces you get to move each time. If you land on a space that has a number painted on it, you have to answer or do what is listed on this board. You can choose the game piece you would like to play with.” I point to the items on the dresser. There are two different sizes of anal plugs, a vibrator that looks like a long lollipop, a riding crop that I have tied colorful ribbons around the grip, and a string of Ben Wa balls. “If you’re lucky, you might draw a card that allows you to add a game piece to your collection, or you might draw a blow pop card which is an automatic blow for your pleasure. There is also a trip directly to the destination of your choosing card, a My Little Pony card that allows you to use the crop any way you choose, and two free cards for you to do with me as you please.”

  “Let the games begin,” Graham says, picking his game piece.

  It takes almost thirty minutes of scrubbing to get the dried paint off and I’m relieved it hasn’t left stained evidence on my face.

  Vinnie is making breakfast by the time we are both dressed. Not only is my Graham back, but he seems lighter. Like a load has been lifted.

  “You two have quite the appetite this morning,” Vinnie says loading more food onto our plates. Neither one of us ate last night, leading us to devour everything Vinnie has made.

  “We had a late night,” Graham says while reading the paper. “We have an event tonight, so no need to leave dinner for us.”

  “I’m sure the food there will be lovely.�
�� She begins to clear the mess as we finish our breakfast.

  “How old is Vinnie?” I ask Graham on our ride to the office.

  “Fifty-seven.” His hand rests on my knee. “Why?”

  “I was just curious. What is this event tonight? I need to know what to wear.”

  “What you have on is fine.” He says. I’m wearing a short black swing dress with thigh-high boots. I have on a long necklace and a black overcoat to protect against the chilly fall breezes.

  “Do you have many meetings today?” he asks.

  “It’s Holt’s fall break. Despite the fact I tried to talk him into taking the day off, he wants to work. We’re working on applicants for next year and looking at what is needed for some of the guys to start night classes the first of the year.”


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