Humorlost (Humorlost Book I of III)

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Humorlost (Humorlost Book I of III) Page 6

by Carol J. Donahue

  “Genna, it’s over! We made love, and now he’s gone.” “Just like that, what a low life. I hate the son of a bitch!” “No, it wasn’t like that. We were going to go out and have lunch,

  and talk. I knew he was going to break it off. He came to pick me up. I don’t know exactly how it happened, but we never made it to lunch. When I opened the door, I had been on the verge of crying. I couldn’t help it. He kissed me and hardly made it in the door, before we were all over each other. It wasn’t his fault; I wanted him as much as much as he wanted me. It was very hard for him I could see it in his eyes. He was having a difficult time, so I told him I knew it was over, and I wouldn’t hold him. We were doing just fine, before his father showed up. We knew our relationship would end when he went back to Great Britain. But I never dreamed it would be like this. I know, it’s his father, there’s something about the death of that boy. I don’t’ know exactly what happened, but I think Rian is involved deeper than James let on.”

  “Did you ask him?”

  “I had planned to, but never got a chance.”

  Genna gave Kareena a warm hug, and looked into her eyes. “Maybe it’s time we get out of this town. It’s only brought us both misery.”

  “What about Kevin?” Kareena asked. “You know that we’re not serious, I could leave him in a heartbeat.”

  “Ok…., I know you’re right, there’s nothing to keep us here.”

  “If we don’t do it now, I’m afraid we never will. You know we always talked about going to Florida.”

  “Yes, we did, Florida sounds good.” Kareena said half heartedly.

  “I have a little money saved? How about you?”

  “I have some, and I’ll be getting another pay check.

  “Yeah…,”Genna agreed. “I have another check coming too. It should take about a week to pack up our things. I’ll give notice at Sweetbrook tomorrow. Christmas is in two weeks, so I’ll work through Friday, and we can leave any time after that. This will be our Christmas present to ourselves.”

  Kareena’s spirits lifted slightly as she contemplated a new life out of this dreary town.

  The girls drove south on the N.Y. Turnpike in Kareena’s VW wagon. They couldn’t take everything they wanted with them, so they limited their packing to what was absolutely necessary. Bathing suites were at the top of there list. The further away from home they got, the better Kareena felt. She could get a job waiting tables, and Genna could find something at a local nursing home. Their destination was Hollywood, Florida. They drove twelve hours and stopped over night at a Circle 8 Motel just before South of the Boarder of I-95.

  Kareena woke with a start, it was 5:00am she was trembling with tears in her eyes. She struggled to recall the nightmare. She hadn’t had this particular one since her early childhood. It was hard to describe, not dreams of people or places or events, but darkness and pain.

  The pain was a stabbing sensation through all of her nerve endings that broke through the blackness like little stars, not beautiful stars like we see in the dark night sky, but stabbing shards of light that gripped her whole body, it was very chilling. The pain would fade in and out with the light, and then she’d wake up. She had never shared this with anyone. She had no words to describe these nightmares at that tender young age. These nightmares had continued for a few years, and she never had them again until now. She didn’t mention it to Genna; she didn’t want to shed any bad light on their trip.

  They got breakfast at Stuckeys, and headed out. It was a beautifully clear warm day. By 1:50pm they had crossed the GeorgiaFlorida boarder with light hearts and big dreams. The further south they traveled the more palm trees they encountered. The feel of Florida was like a wand casting a magical spell over them. They only had 100 miles to go and the excitement grew as they chatted about all they were looking forward to. They couldn’t wait to set foot in the ocean. Genna was driving, they were on US1 as they neared Hollywood while Kareena studied the map. It was nearly dusk and even though Kareena was tired she wanted to see the ocean.

  “Let’s cut across Sheridan Street, to A1A so we can see the ocean. It’s your next left, then right on A1A.”. As they exited the car they breathed in the aroma of the salty sea air. It was heavenly. Kareena felt peace and serenity. They parked at the Dania Pier. Genna wore blue jean shorts with a white cotton sleeveless shirt. Kareena wore white shorts with a green sleeveless tank. They removed their shoes and walked toward the ocean. There were a few stragglers still on the beach, and the air was growing cooler, but it was heaven compared to the cold December nights they left behind. They walked to the water’s edge and gazed out at the great expanse of ocean. It was peaceful and calming. The surf ebbed and fell unthreateningly as they took it all in. The evening was growing darker so they decided they should find a motel. As they drove along the beach the lights were on in all the hotels and restaurants, it was a beautiful sight. They would go apartment hunting in the morning.

  They woke to brilliant sunshine, and it made them feel like they indeed had made a new beginning. Kareena showered and dressed. She went out to the motel lobby for the paper while Genna took her shower. They drove to I-Hop and each took a page from the classifieds. They wanted to be near the beach, but found that it was quite expensive. So they headed over the intercostal looking for more reasonable lodging. They crossed Biscayne Blvd and checked out the neighborhoods across from Gulfstream Race Track. After a couple of hours they found a cute apartment complex not far from the Library. They called the number on the “For Rent” sign and spoke to a nice lady named Mildred. She said she would meet them in a half hour. They waited in the car.

  Mildred arrived in a tan Cadillac. She was an elderly lady in her late sixties. She greeted the girls with a smile and showed them the two bedroom apartment in the four apartment complex. It was in the shape of a U and faced west. There was a small pool and a laundry room. The girls said it was perfect, they would take it. They paid the first and last months rent in cash and signed a lease. Mildred said it was ok if they moved in right away. Mildred gave them her card, and told them that if there was anything they needed just give a call.

  They unpacked the car and laid claim on which bedroom they wanted. The whole place was very clean and there was a dishwasher in the kitchen. The girls were ecstatic. Neither one of them had ever had a dishwasher up north. When they finished putting their meager belongings away, they put on their suits and headed out to the pool with the newspaper. They would do some grocery shopping later that afternoon, but right now they were going to scout the newspaper for jobs.

  Best Mates

  Since the split, Rian was concentrating on his studies, and his extra curricular activities. He had flown home for the Holidays. Every year the family met at the Ireland Estate in Killarney. Rian had assured his Da that he was no longer seeing Kareena, and his mind was where it should be.

  His father had met with Khalid’s father and through many hours of negotiation worked out a deal that he may live to regret, but it was the only way to appease Mustafa, his long time associate. After all Mustafa had many sons, not that, that was any consolation for losing Khalid.

  It was December 23rd; Rian’s father encouraged him to go out that evening.

  “Why don’t you call Morgan, you haven’t seen him for a time.”

  “No Da, I really don’t feel like going out.”

  “You’re brooding over that Lass aren’t you Son.”

  “No, I’m not Da, I just don’t feel like company.”

  Sean could see that Rian was down so he gave Morgan a ring. Morgan was across town in a shake of a lamb’s tail. Morgan had missed Rian; they had grown up together and had great memories of their rowdy days as young boys. Morgan was attending Yale, and hadn’t seen Rian for almost a year. He was also home for the Holidays. Morgan had a heard time talking Rian into going out.

  “Come on old chum, you look like you could use a mug.”

  “I really don’t think that’s what I’d be née den right now Mor

  “And why on Gods good earth not?”

  “Your Da tells me you fell hard for that Yank in the States.”

  “My Da does not know shite.”

  “Well then why don’t you come out, have a mug and give me a chat.”

  Rian knew Morgan well enough to know he wasn’t going to take no for an answer, he reluctantly retrieve his coat off the hook by the door. ‘Why can’t everyone just leave me be?’ He asked himself. “Ok Morgan, one mug, I have missed you.”

  They arrived at Kelly’s one of the pubs that they use to frequent. The smell of liquor and stale smoke hung in the air of the dimly lit dark wooden pub. One of the Lasses that Rian had dated occasionally approached them. “Well if it ain’t Rian McKay O’Connor in the flesh. I can’t believe my bloody eyes.”

  Morgan greeted her “Hi Celia, how’ve you been?”

  “Well, hi ya, Morgan, I’ve been just perfect, how bout yourself then?”

  “Great.” He replied.

  “And Rian my love, how bout you?” She said as she tried to snuggle up close to him.

  “Hi, Celia.” Rian said as he stepped back. “Listen, Morgan and I came for a mug and a chat, would you mind leaving us be?”

  “Well…, what the bloody hell’s got into you Mr. O’Connor, you go away to that bloody yank school in the states and you come back and think you’re too good for the likes of me do ya? It wasn’t to long ago, you thought I was just fine. Now ya got a stick up your ars. It’ll be a bloody cold day in hell before you ever take me for a spin again.” She stormed away without a look back. Rian just smiled.

  Morgan and Rian took a seat in a back booth and talked about old times, and reminisced about their childhood. Morgan ordered a third round. Rian’s mood was so glum Morgan could not contain him self any longer.

  “Ok, Rian ole mate, spill it.”

  “Spill What?” Rian replied with a look of dread.

  Morgan gave him a stare that said come on I’m here for you. “It’s me you’re talking to Rian!”

  “There is really nothing to tell, I’m really enjoying my studies, and have a lot on my plate right now. I’m not complaining mind you, I just don’t want to talk about it.”

  “It…. meaning…the death of that bloke, or the loss of the lass?


  “You know your taking the death of that kid too seriously. Don’t get me wrong, I know it’s a serious matter, and it shook you to the core, but it’s not like you did the killing.”

  “I know! But it made me see that life is serious, and if you want to get anywhere you need to buckle down and take life that way.”

  “So what… now you’re giving up fun for the rest of your life? I guess your Da is right, you’ve got it bad.”

  “It would never have work between us. First off, she’s not Irish.”

  “Ok…, so?”

  “You know my Da, he is so set on keeping our blood line pure. On one hand I can understand it. Just look at Celia over there, she’s a half breed, and she’s all over that low life. I guess that’s what he’s afraid of. He doesn’t want me rearing any half breeds. You know he blames all of my drawbacks on my Mum’s Scottish blood.”

  “Aye…, so?”

  “So, I broke it off with Kareena after Khalid’s unfortunate accident. Maybe my Da is right, if I was half the man he expects me to be, I would have told her I didn’t want to see her again, and just left it at that, before…..” Rian stopped himself from finishing his sentence.

  “What Rian? ….Before what ? …. What happen?” Morgan looked into Rian's eyes and he could see a clear picture.... No…don’t tell me, you didn’t.”

  “Aye, I had no intention of laying a hand on her, Morgan, I swear. But when I went to pick her up for lunch to tell her we were through, something came over me. I looked at her sweet innocent face and she had tears in those big beautiful brown eyes of hers, as if she knew what was coming and I just couldn’t help myself. We were all over one another, she wanted me as much as I wanted her.”

  “So, now it’s finished?”

  “I’m hoping so.”

  “What do you mean?

  “I used no protection, and I’m worried sick about it.”

  “So that’s it?”

  “Aye…, you know I’ve always been very careful and would never be caught like that.”

  “Well was she using birth control?”

  “No, that’s the problem, she doesn’t believe in it. She has a very strong aversion to any drugs. She watched her Mum take medicines all her life, and hates the thought of taking anything herself. Her Mum has always been very sickly and the last thing she wants is to wind up like her.”

  “It sounds like you have very strong feelings for her.”

  “I do, but my feelings are secondary, she is better off without me. I would only cause her more pain if I stayed with her any longer.”

  “So you haven’t heard from her since the breakup?”


  “Than, what’s the problem? If she was with child, she would certainly contact you.”

  “I don’t know…, she’s very independent.”

  “So why don’t you call her?”

  “I don’t want to lead her on.”

  “Well just tell her you wanted to make sure she was alright. How long has it been?”

  “Two weeks.”

  “Well that’s really to soon to know anything.”

  “When you get back from Christmas break, you should call her.”

  “I don’t know, it’s very difficult for me. I’m really torn. I think a part of me wants her to be, even though I know it would cause a riff between my Da and me. And then the other part of me says, its better this way.”


  Rian’s flight arrived at Hartford Airport, where he had parked his Mercedes in long term parking and started the long drive back to Williams. It was snowing and the roads were slick. The salt trucks had been out but the snow was falling. He had to drive slowly as not to skid. Getting snow tires put on his car was one of his first priorities when he got back. He had made up his mind to give Kareena a call in three more weeks. That should be enough time to know one way or the other weather she was ok or not.

  It was a long three weeks. He almost called her two or three times in the interim but managed to distract himself. When the three long weeks were finally up Rian punched in Kareena’s number and received a no longer in service message. He felt his blood rush to his feet and his heart began racing. He began to pace, he had to think, who could he call? Her work…that’s it he’d call the restaurant where she worked.

  He punched in the number nervously and each ring seemed like an eternity. A women’s voice came on the line. “Hello, may I help you?”

  “Hello… is Kareena there?”

  “She no longer works here.” Rian’s heart sunk and his hands began sweating.

  “Can you tell me when she left your employment?”

  “She gave notice a month ago.”

  “Did she say where she was going?”

  “No, she didn’t”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, I’m sure, who is this?”

  Rian hung up. Think…Think where can I find Kevin. Kevin… what was his last name? Kevin….Kevin Trombley that’s it his last name is Trombley. Rian Goggled his number. There were three Trombleys listed locally, he would try them all. The first one didn’t know a Kevin. The second one he got a voice message. Kevin can’t come to the phone, leave your number…beep. Rian decided he should leave a message. “Kevin, this is Rian, you know Kareena’s friend, can you please give me a call it’s urgent?” He left his number. The third was disconnected, so he was hopeful that the message he left would get a response, although he didn’t think at this point Kevin would be very excited to hear from him.

  When Kevin got home he noticed the light flashing on the answering machine. He it the button and listened to Rian’s message. “That low life! What the hell does he wa

  Kevin contacted Genna’s sister Diana to tell her that Rian had called. Diana immediately got on the phone to Florida. “Genna, tell Kareena that son of a bitch Rian has been looking for her. He called Kevin and left a message. No, Kevin didn’t talk to him. Call me back.”

  On the way home from work, Genna accessed her voice mail from her cell. “What the heck does that bastard want now. Can’t he leave well enough alone? Kareena doesn’t need any more heartache.” She would call her sister as soon as she got home.

  “Diana, Hi I just got home. I haven’t seen Kareena yet, but I will tell her as soon as she gets in.”

  “Well, tell her for me that she should make the bastard pay big time. How is she doing?”

  “She’s ok, she’s resigned herself to the fact that she will have the abortion. She is trying to save enough money to pay the hospital bill, they want the money up front you know.”

  “What about the abortion pill?”

  “The doctor gave it to her. She took it, but it didn’t work.”

  “Ok…, well I’ll wait to here from you before we say anything to Rian.”

  It was now Friday night and Rian was beside himself. He had left three messages for Kevin and gotten no response. He was going to go to Kevin’s house tonight. It was 6:00 pm he wanted to catch him before he went out.

  Rian knocked at his door and waited. Kevin opened the door and hesitated. “Hi… Rian.”

  Rian pushed his way in, and spoke in a calm but purposeful tone. “Where is she?”

  “Who?” Kevin asked.

  “You know who, Kareena.”

  “I’m not at liberty to say.”

  “What the bloody hell does that mean?”

  “Look Rian, if she wanted to be found you would have heard from her by now.”

  “So she knows I’m looking for her?”

  “Yes, when I received your message I called Genna’s sister, as a mater of fact Diana and Garrett should be here any minute.”


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