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Page 7

by J. E. Swift

  Garrett’s eyes were wide. It appeared that he was talking to himself. “Remarkable.”

  Caitlyn grinned. “Nothing to it!”

  “No, Caitlyn. Actuals don’t…” he squeezed his eyes shut. “Actuals don’t just levitate on the first day of training. It just doesn’t happen.”

  Her elation deflated. “Is there something wrong with it?”

  He forced himself to smile at her. “No, of course not! It’s just… very unexpected. Sorry, it sounded like I wasn’t excited by it. I really am! It’s an amazing feat. Really!”

  “Can we try again?”

  “Not tonight. But I promise, first thing in the morning we will begin right where we left off.”

  As they left the building, Caitlyn felt as if she was the one floating only a few minutes before. That night, she went to bed truly believing that all of this was real; that it was not just a dream or something she made up in her head. Caitlyn was beginning to feel that for the first time in her life, she truly was where she belonged.

  Chapter 7

  The weeks flowed by and Garrett and Caitlyn fell into an easy pattern. They met in the mornings to train, working all day, and several evenings a week they would get together to have dinner or watch a movie. Caitlyn enjoyed the time she spent with Garrett; not only was he a good mentor, but she liked him genuinely as a person.

  There were times that she felt the lines of friendship blur. It was obvious to note that while Garrett was a flirt by nature, he never actively pursued any woman he rained his attentions on. As far as Caitlyn knew, she was the only person that he spent any quality time with.

  When they were in the training facility, he was overall professional. But outside of it, Caitlyn saw the Garrett that she met back in North Carolina return. He was relaxed and fun. The evenings they would have dinner, there were often seemingly innocent touches or hugs, as she would leave. Lately, she had been finding herself trying to make those hugs linger or finding ways of accidently brushing by him.

  It was a strange kind of dance she was performing, and she was not quite sure why she was doing so. She was attracted to Garrett’s looks and had been from that first night she saw him. But he was her mentor, and she did not want anything getting in the way of that most crucial relationship.

  Caitlyn’s success on the first day of training continued. She could tell that Garrett was bewildered by the fact that she could so readily pick up on the things he was teaching her.

  First, it was levitation. After that first day, Garrett spent that primary week, honing her ability to lift the ball. He was right about rewiring her brain. The more she practiced, the more levitation became second nature. By the end of the second week, she could lift the ball without closing her eyes and concentrating. She simply thought that she wanted to raise the ball, and the ball lifted to her will.

  Garrett then moved her to objects with a higher density. Again, he warned her that this would be a more difficult task than the cork ball. And at first, it was. The block was more difficult to break through. But once she had a fundamental understanding that the she needed to think about the object more abstractly, it was extremely easy for her. She thought of the objects that Garrett gave her as a group of atoms, nothing more. Once she did that, she was able to lift anything that he threw at her-Styrofoam, Steel, and Gold.

  One afternoon, as she lifted all three of those objects as if they were as easy as the cork ball, he had sat down with her. He placed his arm around hers.

  “Caitlyn, you know that you’re special, right?”

  “Well, I’m an Actual, so obviously I’m different.”

  Garrett looked to the ceiling quickly before glancing back down at her. “I’m serious. What you have accomplished in a month with levitating, it’s astonishing. I’ve met with Councilmen Riley on several occasions about your progress. I’ve shown him what you are able to accomplish and he is, needless to say, very, very impressed. The Trust is extremely lucky to have acquired you. If the training continues progressing the way it has, I already know that they are going to immediately try to immerse you into their culture, working for them.”

  “Really?” Caitlyn could not help but be pleased.

  He gave her a small squeeze. “Really. It’s easy to get wrapped up in all of this, especially someone who is as talented as you are. I’m just saying, a lot of people are going to tell you how wonderful you are, how extraordinary you are-”

  Caitlyn interrupted him. “Garrett, I’m not one to get a big head. I have too many self-esteem issues for that.”

  “I know you won’t. Just remember that there is nothing wrong with you being proud about what you can accomplish. But that wasn’t the point I was trying to make.”

  “Sorry! Please continue.”

  “The point I am trying to make is that there are going to be a lot of individuals that are going to try to rush you into a career or a certain path. Being an Actual does not mean that your life needs to be solely dedicated to the Trust. There are a lot of different options out there, a lot of various things you can do with your life. I just want to make sure that you consider all your options, do not let someone woo you with a million compliments and then make you choose something you are not sure you want to do. Not everyone who trains with the Trust works for them or even necessarily associates with them.”

  “If you feel that way, why are you working for them?”

  “I am working for them because I choose to. I just want you to make your decision yourself, not be influenced by myself or anyone else. It’s very easy to get swept up in the Trust, especially when they are so actively recruiting someone like you for different departments. Okay?”

  “Okay. I’ll think long and hard before I make any decisions.”

  After that particular conversation, Garrett then moved Caitlyn to blocking thoughts and projecting them at will. Caitlyn again, picked up on blocking thoughts within the first day. Once he had explained the basic concept to her of what she needed to do, she was able to block her thoughts from him. They spent the next several weeks perfecting the technique before she requested that they begin telekinesis.

  With the knowledge that Caitlyn was naturally gifted at these talents, she found herself pushing harder and longer. Being capable was not simply enough for her. If she trained hard enough, she could be one of the best, be one of the elite. She was in charge of her own destiny and it was only limited by her own will. Caitlyn demanded more out of herself. She liked to think that she was making her mother and her sister proud with what she was accomplishing, that they would forgive her for not being good enough back when she was a teenager. When there was a concept she did not fully grasp, she worked at it till she did.

  She knew Garrett was not pleased by this. Garrett was laid back by nature, and she knew he felt that he indulged her insane drive more than he thought he should. He had voiced his concern about her drive on more than one occasion, making a remark here and there. But it wasn’t until one day, when it was well past sunset and Caitlyn had not taken a break the entire day that Garrett finally stood his ground. She had been contorting a piece of metal when Garrett paused.

  “Enough.” His voice rang loudly in her mind.

  Caitlyn look at him confused. “What?”

  “I said enough. You are burning the candles at both ends. We have been going at this for ten hours now, with only a quick break to eat. You cannot keep going at this intensity.”

  “But I want to. Garrett, this piece of metal is not contorting right.”

  Garrett sighed at her. “Wanting to and what you should do are two completely different things, Caitlyn. I should be setting up training for a maximum of seven hours at a stretch, and I’ve already been going way beyond that at ten.”

  Caitlyn looked at him irritated. She widened her stance, crossing her arms. “Garrett, I am not tired at all. When I get tired, I promise I’ll let you know.”

  Garrett copied her stance and glared at her. “No. I am the mentor and I say training ends now. Yo
u may not be tired, but I am, and if I am tired, I cannot mentor you effectively. Caitlyn, I am ordering you to leave this facility, go home, eat, and rest. In fact, I am declaring tomorrow a day off.”

  “What? Are you mental? I am a couple of months into training!”

  “No, I am not mental. I’ve indulged you time and time again and I won’t let it continue. You need a day off from this; I need a day off from this.”

  Caitlyn walked around him, beginning to exit the door. “Fine Garrett. Oh excuse me, Mentor Garrett.”

  Garrett grabbed her by the shoulder, spinning her around until they were face to face. His stare was intense and her heart picked up a little. “I think I’ve earned more respect than that from you, Caitlyn. Have I ever led you astray? Have I?”

  Caitlyn felt ashamed; she knew he was right and she was acting like a petulant child. She needed to trust him and believe that he did know what was best, more so than her. She hung her head slightly. “I’m sorry. You’re right. It was not fair of me. It’s just I feel such a rush when I am learning, it’s hard for me to stop.”

  He took a deep breath before offering her a smile as a means of truce. Garrett placed his hand on her shoulder. “Caitlyn, you are really something else you know that? Most of the potentials that have awoken find this frustrating and are relieved when the day is done until they have mastered the techniques. But you… you find it exhilarating.”

  “Well, I never said I was normal did I?”

  “No…” Garrett said leading her down the corridor. “No, you did not.”

  Chapter 8

  Garrett returned with Caitlyn from yet another training. Her technique was exceptional, almost flawless. In a matter of weeks, she had learned to master not only mind blocking and levitation, but she has also been handling telekinesis and rudimentary healing techniques. She was well advanced of where she ought to have been. In a matter of weeks, she would easily be able to pass the Threshold. Truth was, she would be able to pass it now.

  Garrett was proud of his student. Her accomplishments were certainly gathering the both of them recognition, and recognition was the one thing he preferred to stay away from for now. The quicker they finished her training, the quicker he would be asked to go back to becoming an Inquisitor. It’s not that he minded the job, but he simply wasn’t ready. He wasn’t ready to leave her.

  Caitlyn had an amazing capacity to begin looking at her abilities in unexpected ways. He was pleased that she was not limiting herself, as was the issue with most students. The Cine Tofa was big on training their Actuals to think outside the box, something that Garrett thought should have been implemented years ago with the Trust and set them to a distinct disadvantage.

  Garrett wanted to hone her skills and have her take advantage of that natural instinct. He had another meeting with Councilman Riley to discuss the next steps to be taken with Caitlyn. The Councilman was impressed as always with her advancement and wanted her to take the Threshold as soon as possible. It was something that Garrett would need to discuss with Caitlyn; the Threshold should only be taken when one was ready, and even though today had proven yet again that she was close to being prepared, he did not want to rush his student into anything.

  More so, he was not sure himself if he was ready to lose her mentorship so quickly. He would always be her mentor, but the day to day contact would be limited as the Trust would without doubt want to evaluate her and use her as they best saw fit. He already knew what they wanted from him.

  As they left the car and Garrett walked Caitlyn to the front door as was customary for them, he was surprised to find Trish waiting by the door as if anticipating their arrival. She gave a meaningful glance at Garrett before turning her attentions to Caitlyn.

  “I’ve got some bad news for Caitlyn. Can you stay? She is going to need someone.”

  Garrett knew that this was not going to be pretty. “Yes, of course I can.”

  Trish rubbed her hands nervously. Caitlyn, oblivious to the internal conversation between them, waved in greeting as she approached the concierge. Garrett knew that Trish was a mother hen and took Caitlyn especially under her wing. He was grateful for that. Trish was a valuable person to have in your corner if needed. She may look all motherly on the outside, but she was a fearsome thing if one ever crossed her path.

  She led Caitlyn to the porch swing. “Sweetheart, I have got some bad news.”

  Caitlyn’s voice constricted just the slightest. “What is it, Trish?”

  “Honey, we found out that your sister, well, she passed away today.” Caitlyn stared at her for a full minute without saying a word. “Sugar, did you hear me?”

  Garrett could not believe how quickly Caitlyn’s eyes went dead before him. She stood, her movements at best mechanical. “I heard you. I just I can’t believe that.”

  “Sweetie, it’s true.”

  He was sure that Caitlyn’s accusing gaze pierced through her. “How would you know? Why would you know? There would be no reason for the Trust to be privy to that information.”

  Trish touched her arm. “We make it our business to know. All students need instruction and caring. We pay attention to things such as their families and friends to help prevent any distractions. Especially with one as special as yourself.”

  Caitlyn shrugged her off, a bitter laugh escaping her lips. “As special as myself. If you really knew me, you would have discovered that I was nothing special. Nothing special at all.”

  “We disagree.”

  Garrett could not help but be shocked at Caitlyn’s reaction. Before meeting Caitlyn the first time, he had completed his research of her family and background as required by the Trust. Caitlyn’s life had been fairly normal until her mid teenage years. When her mother died, everything was fine until she turned rebellious for a year or so before settling down and becoming an A student. Her sister had been struck by a car, which Garrett had assumed had acted as a catalyst for Caitlyn’s better performance. But he couldn’t account for this sudden behavior; the coldness was something that he would not have anticipated. She was normally so warm, a feature that he had come to cherish.

  He asked the next question when it became apparent Caitlyn was not going to continue the conversation further. “How did she pass away?”

  Caitlyn stared out of the porch to the field. Her jaw clenched, and Garrett knew she was listening. Trish glanced quickly at Caitlyn and then to him, clearly concerned from her reaction.

  “From our report, she had a blood clot that dislodged itself. She died this morning at ten am.”

  “Any word on funeral arrangements?”

  “Our sources say it is being planned for Tuesday. I’ve already set up flight arrangements for Caitlyn and you to be there on Monday. The flight is open ended, so you can return whenever you are ready to.”

  Garrett glanced at the concierge. “Thank you.”

  Trish nodded in acknowledgement, frowning worriedly at Caitlyn before turning back into the house to resume what tasks she had been working on before.

  Quietly, without saying another word, Garrett walked over to Caitlyn and reached out from behind her, wrapping his arms around her to offer some kind of solace. She did not acknowledge his action, instead choosing to stare ahead, looking out into the nothingness of the night. Her tears were silent; the only evidence of them at all was the moisture he felt on his arms as they fell. Still, Garrett held on, knowing that she should not be alone in this moment.

  “It will be okay.”

  She did not move. “Nothing will ever be okay again.”

  “You say that now, but it will be.”

  “Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”

  “I am going to go back with you.” It was not a request. It was a fact. His heart ached at her loss. He wanted, no, he needed to go back with her and be there in her time of need.

  She did not say another word the rest of the evening. The next several days would be a challenge for the both of them to get through. Not only would she be in a trem
endous amount of grief, but also he recognized that it was a fine line he was going to need to walk. His job was to be there as her mentor, her friend. But it was his continually evolving feelings towards her that might prevent that, and he had to assure he did not try anything inappropriate that she would regret in her compromised emotional state.

  The next morning it did not surprise him when Trish advised that Caitlyn was staying in her room and was not coming out. After two days, he was beginning to believe that he would need to force her out physically to attend the funeral. When he had pulled up to the house, he was very relieved to see her standing there on the porch with her suitcases, ready to fly home.


  Garrett quietly observed Caitlyn as she stood in her black dress, with a black umbrella, trying to protect herself from the drizzle that was coming down a bit stronger than the weatherman had called for. She stared ahead at the casket in front of her, not moving an inch as the pastor said some comforting words about death and the afterlife.

  A cold hard man stood beside her, which he presumed was her father. Garrett could see that maybe at one point in his life her father had been a happy man, but the past ten years had clearly taken a toll on him, leaving him obviously bitter and angry. Throughout the entire service, Walter Young never once even glanced at his daughter to make sure she was alright.

  So Garrett stood off to the side, watching what remained of her family dynamic unfold. As the casket was being lowered into the ground, some of her cousins stopped by to speak to her father

  He was amazed that they did not attempt to talk to Caitlyn at all, instead pretending as if she was merely not there.

  It was no wonder Caitlyn carried all this guilt the entire time over her sister if this was how her family treated her. It angered him to know they treated such a good person like that.


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