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Jace Page 21

by Jessie Cooke

  He adjusted the glasses again, bringing her body into even closer focus. She had the man’s jeans off now and Tommy saw that he was wearing a pair of boxer shorts and had slipped his feet back into his shoes. The woman slid her boots on as well and then picked up a towel and began to lead him up the short trail that went through a path of bushes and then opened up at the springs. He wondered if this woman knew that from living here before. He wondered how many men she’d brought up here. He suddenly realized that as he was having those thoughts, his free hand was rubbing up and down over the bulge in the front of his jeans. He pulled his hand away. He wasn’t a damned pervert. What would his grandmother think if he got arrested for being a peeping Tom? Of course, they’d have to be arrested for public nudity…maybe, if they got all the way nude.

  The man and woman disappeared around a bend and Tommy waited for several minutes before leaving his spot and walking down to where they’d left their picnic. He bent down and scooped up a strawberry and dipped it in a bowl of cream before heading up the same trail they had just gone down. He went slowly and stepped lightly and when he came to the tunnel he stopped. He was sure that was the way they went, but if he stepped through it, they’d see him. Instead, he went around to the right and climbed up on top of some rocks where he could see right down into the two hot pools of water that were surrounded by large rocks and sat alongside a creek that fed into the Colorado River.

  The sexy woman pulled the man in behind her. They both wore their suits into the water and, almost disappointed, Tommy watched. They kissed again, passionately, and Tommy found himself rooting for the man as his big hand fished around for the string that held that little bikini top together. When he pulled on it, Tommy almost let out a cry of victory, but he caught himself. He focused the binoculars right on the sexiest pair of breasts he’d ever seen. They were perfectly shaped and she had dark, round nipples that he’d like to…Shit, the man’s big head was suddenly in the way as he began to suck on one of them. Tommy moved the binoculars back up to her face. She had her head dropped back and her cheeks were flushed. Her mouth hung open and she was licking her full lips now. Tommy had to adjust himself again, for a few minutes, just to relieve the discomfort. The man spent a long time, sucking and licking at the woman’s beautiful breasts before taking her waist in his hands and lifting her up onto the side of the pool and sitting her down on the rocks along the side. Tommy gasped and then put his hand over his mouth, cursing himself. The canyon was filled with rocks, and his voice could echo. He looked back down and realized they hadn’t heard him. The man had removed her bikini bottoms, though and Tommy thought he might have a heart attack as he watched him spread her legs and bury his face between them.

  The woman took both of her breasts in her hands and squeezed them and pulled at her own nipples as the man licked her pussy. She had a look of pure ecstasy on her face, and unable to take it a second longer, Tommy reached down with his free hand and took his swollen cock out of his jeans. He gave it a squeeze as he watched her, still trying so hard not to be a vulgar pervert…but Jesus, he’d never thought watching a live sex show would be so hot.

  Tommy wasn’t sure but he thought he saw the woman have an orgasm. Her body jerked and convulsed and she cried out in a sexy way. He heard her tell the man she loved him and for a second he was reminded of what he was doing…invading their privacy. Feeling ashamed, he began to tuck his cock away and leave…but then she changed the game on him again. She flipped around into the water and made the man sit on the side, and while Tommy watched, she gave that man the hottest, most active, sexiest, noisiest blowjob Tommy had ever seen…and when he was younger, he’d watched a lot of porn. His heart was racing by the time she pulled her head up off the guy and his body was burning up from the inside out and his cock was throbbing. He couldn’t stop watching now, especially when the woman stood up again and then bent over like she was touching her toes and the man stepped up behind her. The woman was facing Tommy and he could see her breasts dangling and he heard her gasp as the man entered her from behind. As soon as he did, he reached around and grabbed a breast in each hand and then Tommy watched him fuck her, hard and fast, while she begged him for more. He was drilling into her so hard that their skin slapped together and echoed off the rocks. Tommy didn’t even realize he was stroking his own cock as he watched, urging the man along with her to hit it harder, fuck it faster. Then suddenly the man grunted loudly, moved his hands down to her hips and pulled her back onto him. She screamed, the man called out her name, and Tommy’s orgasm shot out all over his hand, his arm, his shirt, and his jeans.

  It took him a few seconds to recover before he was fully ashamed of himself and pissed that now he couldn’t approach them to “talk” because he was covered in his own come. With a disgusted sigh he tucked himself back in his pants and while they were still kissing and pawing each other, he left. He’d have to catch them later, when they weren’t going at it like rabbits.


  Jace looked across the dinner table at Beck. She’d just told him she was going to have their baby and he was so happy and so full of love that he thought he might burst. He had talked to her the night before, about his fears that he wouldn’t be a good father, because of his old man. Beck reminded him of how long he’d been caring for Rosie. She quizzed him about things, asking him questions that started with, “What would you do if this happened?” Apparently, he passed the quiz because when she grew tired of it, she’d kissed him hard, made love to him on their new living room couch, and slept cuddled up in his arms all night.

  “What are you looking at?” Beck asked as she popped a piece of the steak Jace had barbecued for dinner in her mouth.

  “The most beautiful woman in the world,” he said with a smile. Beck looked down at her plate, picked up a green bean, and tossed it at him. It hit him on the side of the head. He laughed and said, “What the hell was that for?” Rebekah smiled and the room lit up and she said:

  “Because you’re such a fucking girl. Stop it.” Jace laughed. He did love how mean she was. It was part of her appeal. Maybe it had something to do with how he grew up. Maybe he’d grown accustomed to mean people. He had no idea. All he knew was that he couldn’t wait to build his club, his family, and most especially his life with this woman. Finally, he knew what all the bullshit had been leading him to, and he’d do it all again and walk through fire to get right where he was today.

  Read Finn’s story next. Click Here!

  Excerpt from Finn:

  Caitlin sat in the little Toyota Corolla staring at the door of the coffee shop across the street. She’d been there for half an hour already, watching people go in and come out. She looked at the time on her phone. She was supposed to meet her date at eleven. It was 10:58. So far she had seen an old man, a teenage boy, and two men in suits go inside. The rest of the customers who arrived since she’d been watching had either been women, or couples. She doubted he was already inside, but none of the people she’d seen go in even came close to the description that Joy had given her. She knew she should just go over, order a cup of coffee, find a seat and wait. The man would probably leave when he saw her anyway, and it might be less embarrassing if she didn’t see him first.

  Caitlin tried to tell Joy that blind dates weren’t for her. Caitlin was more of a wingman/woman. She could have a conversation with anyone and people usually liked her. But men weren’t usually attracted to her right off the bat. She wasn’t pretty like Joy. Her cousin and new roommate looked like a fashion model. Her hair was light blonde with highlights that made her look like an angel when she was in the sun. She had blue eyes that sparkled when she laughed and deep dimples on either side of her thick, pink lips. And then there was her body. The genetics in their family didn’t play fair. Where Joy was tall and curvy in all the places a woman was supposed to curve, Caitlin was barely five-foot-two, and the day God was handing out tits and ass, she was conspicuously absent. Caitlin didn’t begrudge Joy her beauty. Her cousin was as beau
tiful inside as she was out…but she wouldn’t have minded if just a little bit of it had been left over for her.

  Caitlin came to Phoenix after she graduated college just a few weeks earlier. She’d left New York and her tearful mother, and she’d driven all the way to Arizona, alone. It was her first time out of state, and her first time away from her mother. The buildup to it had been dramatic and rife with lots of tears, guilt, and even a few minor threats. But that was her mother, and Caitlin knew before she even brought up the idea how she was going to react. For the first time in her life she’d stood her ground. Her brother, who lived down the street with his wife and son, had been her biggest champion. He’d urged her to go when she had the chance or be forever attached to their mother at the hip. Caitlin had nightmares sometimes of still living with her mother when she was forty, still being single and having ten cats. It was that nightmare more than anything else that had pushed her to change her life. Her mother had her life there, her church and her friends, the ladies she played bridge with every week, and her grandson just down the street. She would be okay, and Caitlin hoped that they would have a better relationship separate than they did together. She was glad that as far as her mother knew, Joy was still the “good girl” that she’d been when she was thirteen and her family had moved to Arizona. In reality, her sweet cousin was something of a slut, but Caitlin really didn’t judge.

  Caitlin had met four of Joy’s “dates,” all as her cousin was pushing them out the door the next morning. If she were one to judge, she’d have to say that by what she had seen so far, maybe Joy wasn’t the one a person should want to set them up on a date. Not that the men weren’t all very nice-looking, but none of them seemed to have much going for them. Weekday mornings and no one was rushing to get to work was one clue. One of them rode a bicycle and the other had to push-start his car down the street. Caitlin didn’t care much about money or material things, but a man with a job would be her preference. All Joy really told Caitlin about the man she was meeting today was that his name was Michael, he worked in a bookstore, and he had a “grunge” kind of look about him. Caitlin wasn’t even sure what that meant, so she Googled it. Images of men with stubble on their faces and hair that looked like it had no relationship with a comb popped up. Oddly, that encouraged rather than frightened her. Caitlin knew what her “league” was, and the guys that she’d seen go inside in their business suits with their freshly shaved faces and styled hair were not it. Maybe “grunge” was what she should have been looking for all along.

  She looked at the time again. It was 11:02. With a sigh, she started to get out of the car. The loud roar of a motorcycle startled her as it drove by, but the shiny chrome and the blue flames painted on the gas tank caught her attention. She was looking at the bike…until the guy on the back of it got off. He had the longest legs that she’d ever seen and they were wrapped up in a pair of jeans that looked very well-worn, and damn did he wear them well. He was also wearing a leather vest and his thick arms were covered in colorful tattoo sleeves that went from his shoulders to his wrists. His long dark hair was pulled back in a ponytail and it fell down to the center of his back. There was a skull in the center of the patch on his vest and it said “Phoenix Skulls” across the top and bottom of it. He was a biker…someone she would never have even considered bringing home when she lived with her mother. It would have given her a heart attack. Maybe that was why Caitlin suddenly felt excited about this blind date… That had to be him. He was the only one close to what Joy would be attracted to. Caitlin hadn’t even seen his face yet and she’d already decided if he wanted to go home with her and leave the apartment the next morning like Joy’s dates did, that was okay with her.

  She glanced at herself in the side-view mirror of the car and cringed. Surely that guy could do better than her. Why wouldn’t Joy want him for herself? He was in Joy’s league for sure and out of the park when it came to hers. But damn, she wanted to meet him. Maybe he’d at least take pity on her and have a cup of coffee. Maybe she could at least stare across the table at him long enough to get a clear picture she could use later…much later…when she closed her eyes in bed and tried to block out the sounds coming from her cousin’s room down the hall.

  She smoothed down her fuzzy hair. She had always thought the humidity in New York was what made it frizzy, but after a few days in Arizona’s dry heat, she knew she didn’t really have an excuse. Keeping her eye on the sexy biker as he went into the coffee shop, she reapplied her lip gloss. It wasn’t going to help, but at least she’d look like she tried. She took one last deep breath of the dry, hot air and then jogged across the street. Her heart was slamming against her rib cage by the time she reached the coffee shop door. She could see the man inside. He was walking away from the counter, coffee in hand. He took a seat at a little round table, facing away from the door, and took out his phone. She wished that she could see his face. Maybe he had a bulbous nose or a skin tag between his eyebrows. At least then he wouldn’t be perfect, and he’d be closer to her ballpark. She cursed herself and then pushed open the door. She started to walk over to him but decided to stop at the counter first and get her own coffee. Maybe he’d be impressed with the fact that she was an independent woman. She kept one eye on him to make sure he wasn’t getting away while she waited to order her coffee. She could see his profile now…and alas, his nose looked perfect. Of course the skin tag was still possible…or maybe a unibrow, or a harelip…

  She was finally at the counter and seconds later she had her coffee in hand. Hoping that the sweat she could feel stayed invisible underneath her clothes and didn’t stain her shirt, she finally stepped around his table and got a look at his face. Jesus Christ…no skin tags, no unibrow…nothing but perfection. His eyes were huge, hazel, and surrounded by dark lashes, his nose straight and not too big. His lips were too full for a man…women paid for lips like that. He was looking down at his phone still. He hadn’t seen her yet. She knew she should run…but something inside of her took over and the next thing she knew she was talking, to the cool, sexy, hot man who was way too good for her.

  “Hi! I’m Caitlin. I’m so sorry I’m late. You haven’t been waiting too long, have you?” The man lifted his gorgeous face up from the phone and as soon as his eyes landed on Caitlin’s face, she saw confusion. She panicked for a second, thinking she’d made a mistake, and she felt the heat that flooded her cheeks. But then he spoke and suddenly she wondered if the look was because she wasn’t what he was expecting. She’d told Joy to warn him…

  “Well, hello, Caitlin. Please, have a seat.” His voice was warm and friendly and he had some kind of accent. It gave her the chills…or maybe that was just being so close to him that did that. Either way, they were running up and down her spine as she took a seat. He was smiling at her and she decided that no matter how this date went, she would hold onto that image and have some marathon sex that night, if only with her own hand.

  “This is such a cute little place,” she said, looking around. “Do you come here often?” She mentally rolled her eyes at herself. What a cliché phrase that was.

  “No, not really. I haven’t been in Phoenix long…”

  Yes! Something in common. “Me either! I’m a recent transplant from New York, what about you?”

  “Dublin,” he said.

  “Dublin? As in Ireland?” That was the accent. So sexy! And Ireland…Caitlin had a bucket list of all the places she wanted to travel someday. Ireland was number one.

  He smiled again and for a second even as he answered the question, she forgot what it was. His two front teeth overlapped slightly in front. It was an almost unnoticeable imperfection. It made Caitlin’s silly little heart happy. He wasn’t perfect after all. But still the hottest man she’d ever had a conversation with. “Yes, as in Ireland.”

  “I love Ireland!”

  He seemed to frown for just a second and then he said, “You’ve been there?”

  “Oh no! I’m so silly. I meant I love everything I
’ve ever seen and read about it. It looks so beautiful and has so much history.”

  “That it does,” he said. The smile was back and everything inside of her was shaking. The adrenaline coursing through her was making her talk too fast, and she surely didn’t need the caffeine she was sipping.

  “How long have you been here, in the States?”

  “Just a few months,” he said. She wondered how he knew Joy and she was about to ask him…but selfishly she didn’t want to bring up her cousin. She didn’t want him having a picture of Joy in his head while he was talking to her. That would only make the odds that she’d ever see him again worse.

  “So, what brings you to Phoenix? Are you just visiting or are you planning on staying?”

  “Business, and yes, I plan to stay.” Thank God. Just knowing he lived in the same city as her would make the world brighter.

  “What kind of business are you in?” Her eyes went to his vest and for the first time she noticed the name stitched there. It said “Snake.”

  “Motorcycles,” he said. “We customize them.”

  She didn’t want to tell him she was stalking him so she said, “Oh, I love motorcycles!” That was true, although she knew little about them. Seven seasons of Sons of Anarchy had to count for something though, right? “I saw a beautiful Harley on my way in here. Was that yours? The one with the blue flames on the tank?”


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