by Tom Farley
and smoking cessation initiatives, 20–21, 22, 46–47, 94, 258–59
DOT (directly observed therapy), 12
Duane Reade, 146
Dubost, Joy, 227
Dunkin’ Donuts, 76, 78, 80–81, 83–84, 106
dysentery, 23, 24
Earl, Bob, 123, 126
Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy (Willett), 44
Ebola virus, 24
e-cigarettes, 241–42, 245–48, 249, 250–53, 259
eClinicalWorks, 96
See also Primary Care Information Project
educational initiatives, 14, 25, 43
HIV/AIDS education in Africa, 40
See also antismoking ads; media campaigns
EIS (Epidemic Intelligence Service), Frieden’s TB prevention program, 11–12, 27–28
electronic cigarettes, 241–42, 245–48, 249, 250–53, 259
electronic medical records
HITECH program, 170–71
Primary Care Information Project, 9, 92–97, 98–100, 169–73
Emanuel, Rahm, 232
Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS), Frieden’s TB prevention program, 11–12, 27–28
epidemics. See infectious diseases; specific diseases
Escoffier, Jeffrey, 56
and antismoking ads, 48, 56, 57, 65–66, 89–90, 194–95
and antisoda ads, 152
cigarette display bans, 200
indoor smoking bans, 61–62, 136
salt reduction initiatives, 116, 117–18, 125
exercise, 43
fast-food restaurants, 68, 69, 188, 265
See also restaurant entries; specific restaurant chains
carbohydrate and sugar consumption and, 102, 185–86
dietary fat, 101, 155
See also obesity and overweight; saturated fat; trans fats
FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
and e-cigarettes, 245–46
and the food industry, 166, 175, 263
food labeling requirements, 45, 69, 81–82
and menu calorie labeling, 263
Public Citizen and, 49
and salt reduction initiatives, 66, 116–17, 163, 165, 176, 224–25, 263
tobacco regulation authority and cigarette labeling, 142, 144, 149, 245–46
and trans fats, 45–46, 263
federal preemption, 81–82, 117, 119, 144, 192
Feeding America, 182–83
Ferrer, Fernando “Freddy,” 60
Fielding, Jonathan, 168
Finland, salt reduction initiatives in, 116
First Amendment arguments, against antitobacco initiatives, 149, 192, 200, 239, 248, 259
antismoking TV ads, 55
smoke-free legislation, 61
flu, 65–66, 134
flu prevention, 65–66, 94, 99–100
H1N1 (swine flu) virus, 127–28, 132–34
food and diet. See healthy eating; obesity entries; salt entries; soda entries; trans fats ban
Food and Drug Administration. See FDA
food banks, 182–83
food deserts, 85
Green Carts initiative, 85–88, 262
food industry
antihunger organizations and, 182–83, 186
and the FDA, 166, 225, 263
NSRI opposition and pushback, 123–24, 163, 169, 173–76
NSRI participation, 118–21, 125–27, 161–62, 164–65, 167–69, 173, 219–21, 262
objections to salt ad campaign, 173–74
as public health enemy, 267–68
See also specific companies and industry organizations
Food Industry Alliance, 144–45, 181
food justice, 43, 228–29, 265–66
food labeling, 45, 69, 81–82
See also restaurant calorie-labeling rule
Food Stamps program, 178, 179
See also SNAP
Food Standards Agency (UK), 117–18, 120, 125, 173–74
Forman, Joel, 230
Fox News, 76, 112
free speech arguments. See First Amendment arguments
Frieden, Thomas
appointed NYC health commissioner, 14, 15–16
background and early public health work, 10–13, 26, 49
CDC directorship, 127, 128, 269
at the City Council hearings on the Smoke-Free Air Act, 35
on the health department’s effectiveness, 268
and the health department’s prevention focus, 9–10, 134–35, 266–67
and healthy eating initiatives, 261
MPOWER international antismoking initiatives, 61, 62–63, 198, 260–61
and the Obama administration, 122
personal characteristics, work habits, and management style, 9–10, 13, 17–18, 21, 72, 81, 132
and the press, 139
and the restaurant calorie-labeling rule and ensuing litigation, 70–71, 79, 81, 82–85
and soda tax proposals, 101, 103, 109, 110–11
and the swine flu pandemic, 127–28, 133
thoughts of resigning, 74
on the tobacco industry, 267
and tobacco sales reduction efforts, 142, 143
and the trans fats ban, 51–52
at the 2008 Salt Summit, 118–21
See also New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
fructose, 102
fruits and vegetables
in city agency food standards, 108
the Green Carts initiative, 85–88, 262
Galea, Sandro, 230
Gallin, Chris, 7, 18, 45, 48
General Mills, 168, 183
Gennaro, Jim, 238, 239, 240, 253
George Washington University, 257
Gibbs, Linda, 86, 128, 143–44, 167, 215
and the soda portion cap rule, 207–8, 210, 217
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, 149
Giuliani (Rudy) administration, 16, 19
GMA (Grocery Manufacturers Association), 123, 126, 163, 165
GNYHA (Greater New York Hospital Association), 110, 156
Goddard Claussen (Goddard Gunster), 158
Goldberg, Whoopi, 211
Goldstein, Gail, 52
Goodman, Andy, 137, 190, 204, 265, 268
Gowda, Deepu, 215
Goya, 167, 220
Grandeau, David, 184
Greater New York Hospital Association (GNYHA), 110, 156
Greenberg Traurig, 149
Green Carts initiative, 85–88, 262
Green, Mark, 13
green markets, 87, 88
Grimshaw, Vicki, 199, 202, 240, 249, 250, 269
Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA), 123, 126, 163, 165
grocery stores
and the FDA menu calorie-labeling rule, 263
healthy food availability, 85–86, 87, 265
and the soda portion cap rule, 206, 209
See also bodegas; cigarette retailers
H1N1 (swine flu) virus, 127–28, 132–34
Halloran, Daniel, 228
Hamburg, Margaret, 176
Hannity, Sean, 112
Harkin, Tom, 69, 136, 166
Harlem Hospital, 25–26, 40, 42
Harris, Patti, 128
Harticollis, Anemona, 184–85
Harvard School of Public Health, 44, 45, 257
See also Willett, Walter
Hassell-Thompson, Ruth, 159
Health and Hospitals Corporation (HHC), 46–47
health care. See doctors; medical care; preventive care
health care costs, 18, 105
health care funding, soda taxes and, 156–57
health care reform
and the restaurant calorie-labeling requirement, 136
soda tax proposal, 111–12
health education. See educational initiatives
Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH), 170–71
healthy eating, 42–43, 44
/> the Green Carts initiative, 85–88, 262
health department’s environmental approach to, 50, 101, 261–62
health risks of unhealthy eating, 42–43, 261
overview of New York City efforts, 261–66
See also junk food initiatives; obesity entries; restaurant entries; salt entries; soda entries; trans fats
heart disease and heart attacks, 113, 261
hypertension/salt consumption and, 114, 124, 226
New York City deaths from, 15, 42, 258
smoking and, 7, 18, 26–27
trans fats and, 45
heart disease prevention, 42–43
See also salt reduction initiatives; smoking prevention programs; trans fats ban
Heinz, 118, 167, 221
Henney, Jane, 165–66
Henning, Kelly, 63, 198, 260, 266
HHC (Health and Hospitals Corporation), 46–47
Hispanic Federation, 231–32
HITECH (Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health), 170–71
HIV/AIDS, 11–12, 24, 40, 41
healthy food standards for, 262
state soda tax proposals and, 110–11, 156–57
Hostess, 173, 221
“How to Prevent 100 Million Deaths from Tobacco” (Frieden and Bloomberg), 64
Hunt, E. Charles, 53, 76, 77
hydrogenated fats. See trans fats
hypertension, 113–16, 124, 224
See also National Salt Reduction Initiative; salt reduction initiatives
IMF (International Monetary Fund), 41
India, Frieden’s work in, 12–13, 14, 17
individual-rights arguments
against smoking bans, 33
against the trans fats ban, 71
health department’s behavioral focus and, 266–68
and portion size caps, 189, 204, 208, 212–13, 228, 230, 235
infectious diseases, 23–25, 93, 256
2009 swine flu pandemic, 127–28, 132–34
influenza. See flu
Institute of Medicine (IOM) salt reports, 165–66, 169, 176, 223–24
insulin metabolism, 102, 185
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 41
INTERSALT study, 114–15
IOM (Institute of Medicine) salt reports, 165–66, 169, 176, 223–24
Ireland, 2003 indoor smoking ban, 62
Jackson, Robert, 228
Jacobson, Michael, 228
jails, food standards and, 107–8
Johns Hopkins University school of public health, 256–57
Johnson, Lyndon, 138, 178
Jones, David, 228–29
Jones Day, 149
Journal of the American Medical Association, 164, 221
junk food initiatives, 101–12
city agency food standards, 107–8, 109, 262
junk food taxes, 104
Mexican junk food tax, 266
vending machine junk food bans, 108–9, 262
See also sugary drinks
Kansagra, Susan, 180, 269
and antitobacco programs, 199, 239–40, 244
and proposal to raise the tobacco sales age, 239–40
and the SNAP soda exclusion proposal, 180–81
and the soda portion cap litigation, 233, 236
and the soda portion cap rule, 204, 207, 213–14, 215, 230
Kass, Sam, 176
Kellogg’s, 118
Kennelly, Maura, 190, 204, 205, 207, 215, 236, 269
Kent, Muhtar, 158, 159, 181, 215–16
ketchup, salt reduction initiatives and, 124, 125–26, 162, 167, 221
KFC, 150, 188, 227
Kilgore, Beth, 57, 268
and antismoking ads, 57–58, 59, 65, 66, 89, 194–95, 196
on the antisoda ads, 153
and in-store tobacco warning signs, 144
King & Spalding, 231
Klein, Jeff, 159
Koch brothers, 264
Kolata, Gina, 71
Kraft Foods, 118, 164, 165, 168, 220, 221
labeling requirements
FDA food and menu labeling rules, 45, 69, 81–82, 263
See also restaurant calorie-labeling rule
Laffin, Pam, 56–57, 58, 59
Lancet, 269–70
Latham & Watkins, 231
federal preemption, 81–82, 117, 119, 144, 192
as public health tools, 2, 43–44
See also New York City ordinances; Smoke-Free Air Act; smoke-free laws; trans fats ban
Boreali v. Axelrod, 232
over cigarette retailer warning signs, 148–49, 192–93
over e-cigarettes, 245–46
over restaurant calorie-labeling requirement, 9, 79–85, 88–90, 91
over soda portion cap rule, 231–35, 236–37, 264–65
over tobacco discount ban, 259
over tobacco product display bans, 239, 248, 249
lead paint ban, 51, 237, 264
Leiter, Al, 33
Leonhardt, David, 111
Let’s Move! initiative, 176
life expectancy, New York City’s increase in, 198, 257–58
Lisberg, Adam, 139–40
Liu, John, 88, 211
by the soda industry, 158–59, 186, 213
by the tobacco industry, 193
Loeser, Stu, 162, 166–67, 199
Lopez, Wilfredo, 46, 50, 51, 53, 70, 71, 81
Lorillard, 142, 149
Love, Courtney, 246
low-sodium diets, 162–63, 221–24
See also National Salt Reduction Initiative (NSRI); salt reduction initiatives
Lucky’s Café, 235, 238
lung cancer, 22, 26
Lustig, Robert, 102
McCarron, David, 124
McCord, Colin “Coke,” 25–26, 29, 40–41, 44, 46, 269
McDonald’s, 68, 189–90
and the calorie-labeling rule, 77, 80, 150
portion sizes and calorie counts, 105, 188, 212
and salt reduction initiatives, 168
and the soda portion cap rule, 206, 227
trans fats phaseout, 136
McGreevy, Jim, 227–28
McKeown, Thomas, 93
Mad Men effect, 242, 243–44
Madonia, Peter, 16, 24, 28–29, 52, 60
Man Drinking Fat, 154–55
Marcus, Elliott, 86, 87
margarine, 45
Marie (antismoking ad star), 89–90, 98, 241
marketing. See advertising; media campaigns; specific industries
Mark-Viverito, Melissa, 228
Mars, 164, 168, 183, 220, 221
Martinez, Ronaldo, 57, 58, 59, 64–66, 89, 98
Maselli, Frank, 171–72
Massachusetts antismoking programs, 22, 54, 55, 56–57, 58, 64, 65–66
media campaigns
obesity prevention and antisoda ads, 104, 106, 151–55, 183, 184–86
salt ads, 173–74
soda industry ad campaigns, 157–58, 212–13, 231
trans fats dangers, 53, 71, 73–74
See also antismoking ads
Medicaid costs and funding, 105, 110–11
medical care, 93
health care costs, 18, 105
See also preventive care
medical records, electronic
HITECH program, 170–71
Primary Care Information Project, 9, 92–97, 98–100, 169–73
Merrill, Tom, 81, 192, 214, 269
on antisoda initiatives, 265
and the cigarette pack display ban, 201
and the restaurant calorie-labeling rule, 81, 82
and the soda portion cap litigation, 232–33, 234, 236
and soda portion cap proposals, 104, 206–7
methadone, 247
metrics, 12, 17–18
Mexico, healthy food initiatives in, 266
Meyers, Seth, 264
nbsp; milk-based drinks, and the portion cap rule, 205–6
Milken, Michael, 257
Miller, Gifford, 36–37, 38, 60
Million Big Gulp March, 213, 229
Mondelz, 220, 221
Monserrate, Hiram, 88
Morrison, Denise, 174
Mortener, Keith, 242
Mostashari, Farzad, 27–28, 169–70, 269
and antitobacco initiatives, 28, 31
and the HITECH program, 170–71
and the Primary Care Information Project, 92, 94–96, 98–100, 169
movie theaters, and the soda portion cap rule, 206, 212, 213, 227
MPOWER international antismoking initiatives, 61, 62–63, 198, 260–61
Mugabe, Robert, 41
Murphy, Ramon, 239
Myers, Matt, 239
NAACP, 231–32, 266
Nader, Ralph. See Public Citizen
National Association of Theater Owners, 227, 231
National Association of Tobacco Outlets, 259
National Central America Health Rights Network, 11
National Restaurant Association, 76, 163, 227, 231
National Salt Reduction Initiative (NSRI), 113–27, 161–69, 219–26
background, 114–18
doubts about the science of, 164, 165–66, 169, 176, 221–24
federal support for, 163–64, 165–66, 167, 169, 176, 224–25, 263
impact and effectiveness of, 219, 226, 262–63
industry opposition and pushback, 123–24, 163, 169, 173–76
industry participation, 118–21, 125–27, 161–62, 164–65, 167–69, 173, 219–21, 262
press and public reaction, 162–63, 166–67, 221, 224
reduction targets, 120, 124–27, 161–62, 262
restaurants and, 127, 162, 163, 164–65, 168, 226
See also salt reduction initiatives
NCDs (non-communicable diseases). See chronic disease entries; specific diseases
Neely, Susan, 112
New England Journal of Medicine, 12, 26–27, 92, 111
New York Association of Convenience Stores, 144–45
New York Association of Grocery Stores, 241
New York City
cancer rates, 258
cause-of-death statistics, 15
city agency food standards, 107–8, 109, 262
demographics, 14–15
heart disease deaths, 15, 42, 258
life expectancy increase, 198, 257–58
obesity rates, 203, 265
smoking rates, 31, 48–49, 54, 64, 97, 98, 141, 196–97, 242–43, 259–60
New York City Board of Health
authority and history of, 23–24, 46, 77, 214, 233, 234, 236, 264
cigarette retailer warning sign rule, 143–45, 148–49, 192–93, 259
healthy food standards for city agencies, 107–8, 109, 262
lead paint ban, 51, 237, 264
window guard rule, 51, 233, 264
See also New York City health code; restaurant calorie-labeling rule; soda portion cap rule; trans fats ban
New York City Council