The Earthrin Stones 2 of 3: Trials of Faith

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The Earthrin Stones 2 of 3: Trials of Faith Page 54

by Douglas Van Dyke

  The lord loved his hunting, so the acceptance passed his lips,

  He issued permission and thus enjoyed his future hunting trips.

  The lord had a plain daughter, whom he feared would never marry,

  A handsome knight was willing, at the expense of a heavy dowry,

  “For a tenth of your lands, just a tenth!...Your daughter I will wed.

  As long as she pleases me I’ll keep her unto death.”

  The lord eagerly took the offer, getting her out of his hair.

  He chuckled at his good fortune as he bid farewell to the pair.

  The lord looked sadly into a mirror, seeing the aging of time.

  An alchemist from afar offered him a potion spiced with thyme,

  “For a tenth of your lands, just a tenth!...I’ll give you beauty in a vial.

  You’ll grow old eventually but not wrinkle in all that while.”

  The charisma of the lord was worth such a pittance to pay,

  He took the potion and nay longer feared the advancing of his days.

  The lord pushed away from his table a most unsatisfying meal,

  A neighbor baron offered him an appetizing deal,

  “For a tenth of your lands, just a tenth!...I’ll find you a master chef.

  You’ll dine in such contentment, on your plate not a thing will be left.”

  The lord dined well from then on, never better had his stomach felt,

  As day after day went by he was often loosening his belt.

  The lord strode in cloth garments as he walked the edge of his stead,

  A local armorer commented he needed to protect his heart and head,

  “For a tenth of your lands, just a tenth!...I’ll make armor of unmatched steel,

  Under its silver hue, you’ll withstand any blows a foe may deal.”

  The lord’s health was paramount, so he signed up right away,

  And he got the finest shiny armor, and not much did it weigh.

  The lord’s armor was impressive, yet he stood without a sword,

  He sent a summons to the city for the best smith to come forward.

  “For a tenth of your lands, just a tenth!...I’ll craft a blade pure and true,

  With my forge’s magic, no shield will stop it from passing through.”

  The lord asked the smith if such a weapon could possibly be made.

  When it arrived the lord spent hours simply admiring the blade.

  The lord felt his humble, old manor was not built too impressive,

  The stonemason agreed he should have something built more massive.

  “For a tenth of your lands, just a tenth!...I’ll build your wall and towers high.

  Your peasants will be humbled under banners that scrape the sky.”

  The lord agreed right away and watched them drag in tons of stone.

  In the highest parapet he marveled at the strength of his new home.

  The lord’s feet were weary from all the stairs and paths he tread,

  A traveling merchant caravan offered him an alternative instead.

  “For a tenth of your lands, just a tenth!...A champion stallion we’ll provide,

  Of the finest stock, nay other animal can match his powerful stride.”

  The lord easily accepted the horse and prepared the stable,

  He frequently rode the horse down trails as fast as it was able.

  Happy in his new lifestyle, the lord was visited by the clergy,

  And for all his lavish means he was made to feel quite dirty.

  “For a tenth of your lands, just a tenth!...A tithe gives salvation of the spirit,

  It will buy land in the heavenly kingdom, for after death you’ll need it.”

  The lord sighed, “I can’t pay my last tenth, I’ve squandered the rest on whims.

  Yet between myself and the gypsy,

  The taxman and the knight,

  The alchemist and the baron,

  The armorer and the smith,

  The mason and the caravan,

  We’ll make a trade with your kingdom’s lord, to obtain a tenth of heaven from him!”

  Appendix A - Reference to Elven nations and Tribes, (1250 AC)

  Main Branches of the Elven People

  Faer’Seelie- These include the elves that make their home in the Wilder continent, (known to them as Eyldiian). Eyldiian is a heavily forested continent, allowing these elves to preserve their woodland origin and traditions. It is a mistake to call these elves feral or lacking in civilization…their society revolves around nature yet they are not a simple folk. These elves disturb nature as little as possible. They make their homes in trees, either shaping the trees to adapt to their needs, or allowing the trees to reshape their own needs. Their magic tends to favor natura, the natural magic present in the life on the land. They are more adapted to survival and conditions in the deep woods even more than the other tribes. Some clans of Faer’Seelie have ventured into other continents and started new civilizations. These travelers see themselves as pilgrims or missionaries, bringing to other lands the pure concepts that define their relationship with the woods. Their home is always Eyldiian, the continent they feel is a daughter to Laedelious.

  Talo’Seelie- This general term refers to a bunch of clans that slowly separated from the Faer’Seelie over time. These elves hold many of their old forest traditions, but they also refuse to be hampered by those same customs. The original tribes migrated to other lands many centuries before the Godswars. Although in most cases they clung to forest habitations, many mixed in with other humanoid societies. Today, clans of these elves inhabit human, domid (halfling) and gnome settlements. Even their homes in the woods reflect certain changes adapted from new lands and ideas. While they still have druids who focus on natura magic, they also have intellectual members that study arcana and the harmonic web. These clans recognize and attempt to preserve many old traditions, yet they feel they have advanced more of their understandings and growth through new concepts.

  Duar’Seelie- The elf clan that was long ago exiled to underground caverns has developed into a race of pale, gray-skinned hunters that have an eternal hatred for their surface cousins. In some ways they maintain the old customs, nurturing underground plant life and building their societies around those deep plants and fungus. They have also embraced the rock and the metal ores within, making them masters of smithing. Although they also have druids who delve into natura, the focus of their craft has shifted to include mystics whose elemental masteries alter the rocks around them. In some ways, their society is more dwarf-like than elf.

  Kruku’Seelie- This is a marine race of elves who at some point in ages past breached the division between land and sea. They are considered to be far removed from their land-bound relatives, though not shunned as the Duar’Seelie. Their homes are along shallow water bodies, and they prefer salt water. Their skin has adopted a whitish-blue pallor, which does include some fin-like appendages. They are tightly bound with nature like their other cousins. They make homes in coral reefs and large kelp beds. The bones of dead sea animals, some enormous, have also given shape to their dwellings. They may walk uneasily on land for some time, but the water is their natural habitat.

  Agora’Seelie- This term does not apply to a collective tribe of elves. The definition of this term reflects an individual break with “Seelie” ancestry. It applies to those born from a union that includes only one elf parent, thus they are commonly referred to as half-elves. Regardless of the race of their second parent, the half-elf is secluded into this classification by other elves. At best, it is a means of segregating those who stand out from the rest of elven culture; at worst, it is often used in racist or derogatory connotations. The short version of the name, “agora”, is an insult among elf kind. Needless to say, Agora’Seelie do not have a centralized culture. They may try to fit in with their elven homes, or take refuge in the society of their other parent, or they may take isolation from both.

  Appendix B – Deities Common
ly Worshipped in Dhea Loral

  This is not a complete list of all the beings that hold governance over the world of Dhea Loral. It is a glance at some of the major powers that exert their influence over the land, people and natural events. The gods make possible all the little things that keep the world from falling into disharmony. They each have agendas carried out by worshippers residing in the world, for the gods themselves are forbidden to tread the realms as they once did. It should be noted that many gods exist under different names across various cultures and languages.

  Abriana – Goddess of Love and Healing. She is the most loving goddess and a supporter of all that is good and wholesome in the world. She helps instill feelings in mortals of brotherly love, marital commitment, and care of the people. Many of her followers are pacifists and healers. There are others who do take up the call of arms, but only to fight for what they love and protect. Even those that become paladins are restricted from using weapons or incurring fighting on the first day of each month, as these days are sacred to Abriana.

  Boyal – God of Justice. It is said when the Goddess of Death collects the souls of agnostics, unbelievers, and those who turned traitor to their god, she must bring them before Boyal for sentencing. Once that is done, she is only too happy to carry out the sentence or deliver the wayward soul to its fate. The clerics of this faith often find themselves on city councils, in courtrooms, or even libraries of official records. Boyal proclaims order as a paramount quality of civilization. The concept of law and rights, and how they apply to different people, is carefully studied. Many clerics go on pilgrimages to explore how the cultures of other lands express their laws.

  The Codex – Book on the Philosophy of Good. Not a god by itself, it nevertheless has inspired a large following. This way of life is based on a literary work that champions a strong belief in the morals and principles that are known as “good”. The original Codex was brought into existence with the help of several deities devoted to good causes, and it took a life of its own. People who devote themselves to this following are able to tap into clerical miracles just as if they were praying to a genuine god. There are many that serve to fulfill the moral requirements set forth in the book.

  Daerkfyre – Dwarven god of Strength, Valor and Courage. Worshipped as one of the dwarven “battle gods”, this deity favors strong warriors. Daerkfyre is often referred to with the extension “the Valorous”. Often worshippers of this god are as strong and stubborn in the mind as they are with their muscles. Physical strength is a domain honored by dwarven miners and certain craftsmen. Warriors often pray to this god before battle. Weapons blessed by his clerics are exceptionally strong and durable.

  Dalios – God of War, as well as the humans’ God of Strength and Courage. This deity can be wildly unpredictable. At times he sets forth destruction and strife, though sometimes for the benefit of oppressed people. Regardless, this god is a major influence on events that shape the course of the world. His clerics are often eager to go into battle on either side of the lines, and sometimes they do meet across opposing armies. To these clerics, life is met by facing trouble in a straightforward type of manner. The clergy often spends their short lives seeking out glory amidst fighting for a cause. Dalios is believed to look over the world from a huge feasting hall, toasting those who struggle and fight for their beliefs.

  Dawn – Goddess of Life and Rebirth. Closely related to Abriana, this goddess shares some of the same ideals. However, this deity views life as chaotic, with a bit of mystery. She creates and shapes new life, from babies to new species. Sometimes the new species can be deadly, but that is only to balance out and strengthen other forms of life. This goddess has a special abhorrence of the undead, and her clerics fight to rid the world of their existence. Due to her zeal for all kinds of life, many of her worshippers include people who feel more at home in nature than in civilized areas built upon stone.

  DeLaris – Goddess of Death. Death can never be anything but frightening. She resides in one of the many Lower Worlds, but travels between them often and freely to carry out her tasks. Her most ardent followers in life may pass into the afterworld to become Karet-Atriul, otherwise known as Death Angels. These souls become harbingers and servants of her will, assisting the goddess with the many aspects of her position. She ferries the dead across the other worlds and homes of the gods. Those souls who were unfaithful, traitorous to a god, and untrue in their worship may find an eternity of torture or simply a boring, never-ending imprisonment. Some of her most powerful clerics can raise the dead back to life, but only to prove her power over death. Her clerics are not very strong with social ties, for they serve as a constant reminder to others of the dark fates that might befall them in the next world.

  Foyul – God of Balance. Foyul works on the principal that too much influence by one side or force tends to imbalance the world. He walks a middle line between anarchy and order, good and evil. His followers come from all walks of life, all serving to sway the balance in their own way when needed. Foyul has few friends among the gods or men, as he tends to fight for all sides in order to not let any one force hold too much sway. His clerics may be evil or good, and may act for any number of good or bad intentions, striving to maintain the balance of the world.

  Ganden – God of Honor, Duty, Service. This god has followers in many races. Those that feel fulfilled by a calling of decency to their fellow man and sacrifice for the sake of others fit into his followers. Those who break promises, or serve only themselves, fall out of favor to this deity. Ganden serves the other gods in the same way, carrying out honorable edicts and being of service to those that require aid. Often symbols of this god can be found with militias, honor guards, healers, and others who perform even menial services to others.

  Juliustan – God of Storms and Cataclysms. Many races fear the name of this god, without a full understanding of his focus. On one hand, he strives to balance the natural forces of the world. This can only be done by allowing some of the pressure of the forces of nature to vent their wrath on occasion. He may hold back one storm, while allowing another to rage unchecked. On his other side, he also seeks to ease the suffering of the world’s people through such terrible events. This aspect is apparent in his clerics. His followers bring relief to those who have been displaced by storms or cataclysms, and assist in rebuilding. People do not fully understand and tend to fear his name. Many blame him for catastrophes in the first place, and fear that it is somehow anger or wrath. His clerics believe the world would suffer worse destruction than the Godswars if Juliustan relaxed his control.

  Kelor – God of Luck. Although the other gods maintain that followers must have faith, this god prefers blind chance more openly. He champions games of chance, gambling, and random fate. This god tilts the tables in the direction he prefers, so one never knows how chance will turn up. This god rivals Dalios in unexpectedly bringing down great warriors. Many adventurers worship him, or at least pray for his blessing. Clerics of this god often throw themselves at adventure, or raise funds for the church in gambling houses. This god excels in finding small ways to thwart big plans.

  Krakus – God of the Sea. The water is home to many creatures, and the oceans and seas have their own unique biology. This god provides a home for some, and can bring down wrath on others with the power of water currents. Sailors pay homage to this god in return for passage over his domain. In time, Krakus can reshape the land with his currents, or smash cities in great waves, (and would do so more often, if not for the interventions of Juliustan). The influence of his domain resulted in several of his churches being built to float out on the water. His clerics have much influence over the element of water and some can walk over its surface.

  Laedelious – Elven Goddess of Forests and Wildlands. Commonly referred to as the “Treemother”, or “Lady of the Green”, this goddess has worked through the elves to further the protection of nature. Due to her guidance, many elves build their cities within the trees and current topography, ra
ther than cut down the woods. Many elves enjoy a certain harmony with the woodland creatures through their history with Laedelious. Though the race of man shapes the land around his needs, elves have learned to shape their civilizations and homes around the needs of nature. Although this goddess has many cleric followers, there are also a number of mystics that work in her name.

  Mothrok – Goddess of Earth and Stone. Born of the element of earth, this goddess has a strong connection to earth and stone. She believes in the superiority of everlasting stone, and the plant life that flourishes from the ground. She sees animal life as a type of vermin that infests the planet on which Dhea Loral can be found. Given her perspective, one would think that she would have few followers. In actuality, Mothrok has many worshippers among the underground-dwelling races, and others that work with the land. Even goodly farmers spare prayers to her out of fear for their crops. As part of her control over the land, she has been known to bring forth the corpses buried within the ground and use them as undead abominations.

  Nandorrin – God of Fire. Worshipped mostly by dwarven smiths, this god is also often seen as a smith. Whenever tales are heard of volcanoes running with lava, it is believed to be Nandorrin reforming part of the world. Many candle makers use his image or symbol on their work. Many wizards praise him for their destructive fire-based arcana. His clerics perform a lot of ceremonies around fire, and to an extent they can shape fire as well.

  Noyugon – God of Knowledge and Learning. Often know as the “Lorekeeper”, this god strives to preserve histories and knowledge, and is said to be a recorder of deeds for the gods themselves. He promotes academies and centers of learning. Needless to say, he does not have many followers outside of educated cultures.


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