Jordan's Quest: Bad Boy Mafia Dark Romance book (The Generals' Sons 1)

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Jordan's Quest: Bad Boy Mafia Dark Romance book (The Generals' Sons 1) Page 6

by Veronica Cane

  He had been ready for a few minutes, but he had waited for her, watching, while she got dressed. "Enjoying the show?" she asked ironic.

  "Actually, yes, very much." He said, getting up from the bed where he had been lying down.

  "I thought you guys liked seeing a woman strip, not get dressed." She added, with a grin.

  "I thought that myself." He replied but didn’t explain further.

  She shrugged and followed him to the dining room. There, waiting for them, a splendorous table awaited. The cook had prepared a couple of dishes with fish and shellfish, and it all smelled delicious.

  At the table, there was four places set and she looked at him curious.

  "Garcia and Wilson will join us for dinner. We always eat together when I'm here, so they can update me on… businesses." He informed her.

  "I see. Maybe I could eat in the kitchen and let you guys talk in peace." She quickly answered, not too happy to have the bitter face of Wilson in front of her during dinner.

  "No, you can stay." The order was precise and she couldn’t do much.

  The other two men arrived to the room only seconds later.

  "Uhmm, this smells delicious. Norma is the best cook I've ever known." Garcia said, rubbing his hands with anticipation.

  "Let's eat." Jordan pulled out a chair for her and helped her to take a seat, sitting in front of her.

  They immediately started to enjoy the food, and while they were chatting about cargos and shipments, she let her mind flow, reexamining all of the past 36 hours' events in her mind.

  She had never had so much sex in so little time. That's why his effect over her felt like a powerful spell, since she didn’t seem to counteract it. She had tried everything to fight it, but he only needed to touch her to make her fall at his feet.

  She finished eating, but the men were still talking. Once in awhile she felt Wilson's dark look on her, but she had ignored it every time. She wanted nothing to do with that man.

  After a second yawn, she called Jordan's attention. "Do you mind if I go to bed? I'm very tired." She asked him.

  Wilson snorted in a low tone, but she was able to hear him very well.

  "Sure, I won't be much longer." He answered.

  "Thank you. Good night to you all." She said and walked out of the room, heading to the bedroom.

  "Boss, I received the information you asked me for, about her." Wilson said, as soon as the door closed behind her. "Although I have to say there isn't much in it."

  "Where is it?" Jordan asked, turning to look at him.

  "I left it in your office."

  "Good, let's take a look at it." He got up and abandoned the dining room towards his office. He had always thought knowledge was power, and he made sure to know all there was to know about all the people around him, especially about his enemies.

  He took a seat behind his desk and opened the file Wilson had left there for him, as the other two men sat on a couch nearby.

  Like Wilson said, there wasn’t much there. Her only relative was her mother, the father had never been a part of her life, and she had struggled to get to where she was. She had had a couple of boyfriends, but it had been almost six months since she had dated anyone. That, somehow pleased him, but he deliberately didn’t dig deeper there.

  Her best friend was another stewardess that worked with her and they usually went partying together.

  Other than a few other meaningless details, that was all.

  "Are you sure this was all there was?" he asked Wilson when he finished reading.

  "Yes, boss. I hired the same agency we always do. That's all there is to know."

  "Good. Let's call it for tonight. I'll see you guys in the morning."

  "Sure thing, boss." Garcia said, with a pleased smile, before he left the office with Wilson.

  Chapter Twelve

  Ashley was so tired she could barely keep her eyes opened. When she got to the bedroom, she changed into a tiny night gown and fell in bed, her eyes closing as soon as she laid her head on her pillow, falling asleep immediately.

  When she woke up in the morning, she was alone in bed, although the pillow next to her showed signs of him. She got up slowly and headed to the bathroom, but he wasn’t there either. She took a quick shower, making sure not to wet her hair, before putting on a sleeveless shirt, denim shorts and some cute sandals.

  She wasn’t sure of what to do, so she decided to go find Joanne. She would probably know Jordan's whereabouts.

  She went downstairs and started looking for the kitchen.

  Ashley was reaching the end of a corridor when a door to her right opened up and Wilson came out of it.

  He grabbed her by her arm and pulled her close to him. "What the hell are you doing here, putica?" he asked, towering her.

  "I'm looking for the kitchen." She answered, doing all she could not to provoke the brute.

  "Feeling like the fucking owner of the house already, are you?" he spat.

  "I have no idea what you're talking about." She replied, pushing her arm, trying to free it from his tight claws. "Let me go."

  "I wouldn’t get to comfortable, puta, the boss doesn’t keep his whores for too long." He added with a scornful grin.

  "Maybe you're right, but I really don’t see how this is any of your business." She pointed out, starting to lose her patience and struggling harder to free herself.

  "I'm watching you, cunt, so you better be very careful around me. Nothing would make me happier than to erase that smugness off of your face." He threatened her.

  She finally removed her arm from his grip. "I'm sure of that, but until that day arrives, just stay out of my way and I'll do the same for you." She said, not letting him know just how upset she was. "And you must have serious problems, man, if you see smugness on my face." With those last words, she turned around and went back to the living room.

  Joanne was there, dusting the furniture.

  "Oh, hi, Joanne."

  "Good morning, señorita Ashley." She greeted her smiling.

  "Have you seen Jordan?"

  "He left this morning, very early, to Caracas, with Garcia, señorita Ashley, but he said he would be back at night." She explained. "He said you looked too tired and that he didn’t want to wake you up."

  "Ah, I see, that's nice of him." she replied, not sure what she was feeling right then.

  "I have everything ready for your breakfast at the terrace, señorita, if you want to." Joanne informed her with a smile.

  "Yes, Joanne, that would be very nice." She answered with an imperceptible sigh. It was going to be a very long day.

  She walked slowly up to the terrace and took a seat at the table, looking around, enjoying the beauty of the place. Joanne brought her breakfast, eggs, bacon, ham, cheese, and arepas, a typical corn bread from the country, along with coffee and orange juice.

  "Would you like anything else, señorita Ashley?" Joanne asked, with a kind smile.

  "Are you busy, Joanne? I really hate to eat alone, do you think you could sit down and join me?" Ashley asked with an inviting smile. She didn’t want to be left alone with her thoughts.

  "I already had breakfast, miss, but I wouldn’t say no to a good cup of coffee." The other woman answered. "Let me get a cup for me."

  She returned quickly and took a seat in front of Ashley. "Thank you, I really hate eating alone." Ashley said before starting to eat. "Have you always lived here, Joanne?"

  "Yes, señorita, all my life, I've only been to the capital a few times."

  "Wouldn’t you like to live in Caracas?" most people in the country dreamed of living in the capital.

  "No, señorita, Caracas is chaotic, noisy and already has too many people. I wouldn’t exchange Margarita for that, even with all the problems we have here." She quickly answered. "Do you live there?"

  "Yes, I… used to live in Caracas, but like you, I don’t like it much. I would love to move in La Guaira, very close to the airport, and have a much better place to live in." As
hley answered, with a bit of nostalgia.

  "Do you travel a lot?"

  "Yes, I was working as a stewardess in the national airline. It was my dream job." Ashley answered sad. "But life gives too many turns and sometimes you have no idea where you'll stop."

  "Yes, that's true. I wanted to study at the university and have a good career. Instead of that, I ended up getting pregnant at sixteen, and becoming a single mother at seventeen." Joanne told her, with a resignedly smile.

  "Oh, you have a child?" Ashley asked, not even a little bit surprised. She had seen and heard that story, way too many times.

  "Yes, my daughter, Marian, she is eight years old now." She answered pulling out her cell phone and showing a picture of the girl to her.

  "Oh, she is a beautiful little girl." Ashley praised.

  "Yes… the best daughter in the world. She is so mature that sometimes she scares me. But I love her so much I would never wish things were different." The other woman explained.

  "Yes, I can understand that."

  "How did you meet Señor Martinez?" Joanne asked, obviously curious.

  For a moment, Ashley considered telling her, the truth, but common sense told her she would only lose with that. "I met him several times on my flights here and other cities in the country."

  "He was flying commercial flights?" she asked astonished.

  "Yes, he did, several times." Ashley confirmed.

  "He never does that… he always gets his father's plane or a military helicopter like today." Her words confirmed Ashley's suspicions about Jordan. He had really stalked her, choosing only flights he knew she would be on. "Well, he flew with me a few times and he always hit on me. But I always turned him down, until last time, when I wasn’t able to say no to him again." The truth… even with a little makeup on. "The rest, like they say, it's history.

  Joanne chuckled, obviously pleased with the story.

  "Oh, that's very romantic." She clapped her hands.

  "I'm sure he has had a lot of women before me… but for now, I can enjoy his company." She said, not wanting the other woman to start thinking they had the romance of the year. "Have you worked for him for a long time?" Ashley asked, curious.

  "For three years now, ever since he bought this house." She informed. "He is a very good boss, and pays a very generous wages, not like most around here. I was very lucky to get this job."

  "Well, you better get back to work, if you want to keep it." Wilson's voice startled both women, and Joanne almost jumped up out of her chair.

  "Sí, señor." She mumbled before she disappeared into the house.

  Ashley bit down her lips, swallowing her rant, and finished eating without looking at the man that took Joanne's place.

  "Don’t even try to get help from the house staff. They would never do anything against Jordan." He said, in a cold tone.

  "I have no idea what are you talking about." She said, drinking the last sip of coffee from her cup, before getting up from the table.

  He grabbed her arm when she was half way up. "Don't play dumb with me, and know I'm watching your steps."

  "Go ahead and watch whatever you want. It will be your time you'll waste, not mine." She snapped her arm from his grip and went back to Jordan's room, hoping he wouldn’t follow her there.

  But after just half an hour she was ready to climb the walls. She wasn’t used to being inactive, with nothing to do. She had to find something to keep her occupied or she would end up going insane.

  Cookies… she could bake cookies, assuming they had the necessary ingredients in the house. That would take enough of her time as to distract her for a good while.

  She headed back down, straight to the kitchen. Joanne was there drinking a glass of water while chatting with the cook, a middle aged woman, with the unmistakable look of a Caribbean woman.

  "Señorita Ashley, do you need anything?" Joanne asked with a cautious smile. It was obvious that Wilson had scolded her.

  "I'm bored… to death. Would you girls mind if I entertain myself baking some cookies?"

  Joanne looked at her puzzled and then to the other woman. "This is Norma, señorita, the cook, she can make the cookies for you.

  "Hello, Norma, it's a pleasure meeting you." She said with a broad smile. "And I'm sure you cook the best cookies around, but I'm bored, I need something to do or I'll go insane." She explain.

  "Then, by all means, señorita Ashley, bake all the cookies you want." Norma said with a smile.

  "Thank you, I will stay out of your way as much as I can."

  "Don’t worry about that, señorita. What do you need?"

  Ashley gave her a list of ingredients and the older woman went to the cupboard and started to take it all from there. In no time, Ashley was surrounded by ingredients and kneading the cookies dough.

  She baked a lot of cookies, chocolate chips cookies, coconut cookies and butter cookies, to take her mind off the situation she was living in. She wanted to call her mom, but she didn’t dare to ask anyone for a phone. The watchdog was around and the last thing she wanted was to cause trouble to other people, so she would have to wait for Jordan to arrive.

  While she was halfway through her baking, Norma started to prepare things for lunch.

  "Can I help you Norma? Cooking relaxes me and I'm already here." She asked with a pleading smile.

  "Of course, señorita, I'll be more than happy to have your help." The other woman accepted with a kind smile. "As long as you share some of those amazing cookies you're making."

  "Of course… I can't eat them all by myself." She giggled. "So what are you going to prepare today for lunch?"

  "Well, señorita, since you're the only one here, I was going to ask you that."

  "Oh, no, don’t mind me. I'll have whatever you prepare. So far your meals have been fantastic." Ashley said hurriedly.

  "Oh, that's sweet of you. El señor Jordan always asks for sea food when he is here, so we basically have fish and shellfish. Would you like a pasta marinara?"

  "Oh, yes, I’d love that."

  Both women started to work and an hour later they had the pasta done as well as all the cookies.

  "Do you want us to serve it to you at the terrace?" Joanne asked her, when she joined them in the kitchen.

  "Can't I eat here, in the kitchen?" she suggested, not looking forward to eating alone.

  "I'm afraid el señor Wilson won't like that much, señorita." Joanne finally answered after an awkward silence.

  "Yes, that's for sure. The man seems to be chewing on a lemon all the time." Ashley ranted, as the other women chuckled. "Well, I would rather have it on the terrace then. I really enjoy the views there."

  "Good, you go ahead and I'll bring the food there." Joanne answered with a smile.

  "Thank you, both of you. I enjoyed the morning very much." Ashley said before heading to the terrace.

  She was finishing her meal when Wilson showed up and took a seat in front of her, with a scornful grimace. "Trying to buy the staff with cookies? That won't take you far."

  Chapter Thirteen

  "Is there a reason why I have to put up with you? Or are you just being you?"

  His grin became crueler. "Pack some of your things, enough for a three day stay at the beach." He ordered. "Boss wants us to meet him there."

  "Where is there?" she asked sighing, not very happy with the idea of going anywhere with the man on front of her.

  "A private island on the Caribbean, it belongs to a friend of the boss." He answered.

  "And couldn’t he come back here for me?" she asked, showing her displeasure.

  "Why would he? He's a very busy man, he has no time to waste on his fuck toys, beyond necessary." Despise in his voice was more than obvious.

  "Of course." She sighed. Well, those reminders would serve her good. They would let her keep her head closer to the ground and her heart away from any of this. She was his fuck toy and she knew that whenever he got tired of her he would discard her and walk away without l
ooking back. "When do we have to leave?"

  "As soon as you get ready, and don’t make me wait too much."

  She put down her fork and got up. "I'll be ready in half an hour."


  She went back to her room and she put a few clothes in one of the suitcases Jordan had bought her.

  "Señorita, are you ready? Do you need any help?" Joanne's voice startled her. She was changing into clean clothes after the quick shower she had taken, when the other woman open the door to the room, catching her still naked.

  Ashley looked at her, flustered, standing with her panties in her hands. "Joanne…"

  "Oh, I'm sorry, I shouldn’t have barged right in." Joanne said with a naughty smile, but for Ashley's chagrin she didn’t leave. She finished entering and closing the door behind her. "El señor Wilson is getting impatient. Is there anything I can do to help you?" she asked as if nothing was out of the ordinary.

  Taking a deep breath, Ashley put on her panties and bra. "No, I guess I have all I need."

  "Did you pack a couple of night dresses? You might get some guests." Joanne asked, looking at Ashley's suitcase still opened over the bed.

  "Do you really think so?"

  "It could happen. It's better to be prepared. Let me get them for you."

  "Sure." Ashley put on the white summer dress she had chosen for the trip, a pair of white sandals, some light makeup and she was ready.

  "Let's go then. He must be waiting for us." Joanne said with a grin.

  "Are you coming with us?" Ashley asked surprised.

  "Yes, el señor Jordan asked me to. It seems the house has no personnel, so he asked me to go along." The woman explained.

  "What about your daughter?"

  "My mother will take care of her."

  They went to the hall where Wilson was already waiting for them. He grabbed the suitcase and grunting headed to the SUV waiting for them.

  The trip to the airport was short and only a couple of hours later they were landing at the small airport on the island. Another SUV took them to a small marble palace near an amazing beach. They entered the house, escaping the heat just to find Jordan waiting for them in the hall.


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