Exploding the Phone : The Untold Story of the Teenagers and Outlaws Who Hacked Ma Bell (9780802193759)

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Exploding the Phone : The Untold Story of the Teenagers and Outlaws Who Hacked Ma Bell (9780802193759) Page 46

by Lapsley, Phil

  Engineers 52, 91–92, 184

  Engressia, Joe

  2111 conference 163–165

  Acker, Bill 140, 161–162, 238

  Arrest, 1971 132–134

  Bell Labs analysis of Esquire article 183

  Blindness 117–118, 164

  Blue boxing to get a job 130–134

  Captain Crunch 165–166

  Childhood 117–123

  College 123–129

  David, B. 126–128, 165

  Denver 316–317

  Emotional connection to telephone 119, 129

  Esquire article 168, 170, 172–173

  FBI investigation, 1969 127–128

  For Whom Ma Bell Tolls Not 181

  Isolation and loneliness 126–127, 129, 161–162

  Memphis 129–134

  Millington Telephone 134

  Mountain Bell 316–317, 328

  National Public Radio 230

  Open sleeve-lead conference 127, 202

  Publicity 126

  Secrecy vs. openness 165, 246

  Stories and Stuff 328

  Verification 250

  Way, Tandy 122, 127

  Whistling 122–126

  Wozniak, Steve 218–219

  Zzzzyzzerrific Funline 328

  See also: Joybubbles

  Entrapment 283–284, 287–288

  Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 190, 297

  Ernestine (Lily Tomlin character) 191–192

  Esquire magazine 170–184, 199, 206, 208–210, 213, 218, 231, 247, 252, 273, 297, 327, 330, 334

  ESS: See electronic switching system (ESS)

  Exchange, telephone 20, 23, 27, 59, 65, 250, 316, 325

  000-199 exchange codes 65, 202–203

  Automatic 25, 41–43, 45

  Failure, PLaza 8, NYC 189

  Foreign 300

  Missing 9–11

  Names 31–32

  Numbers 31–32, 45, 47, 65

  See also: busy signal conference, central office, party line conference, switchboard

  Execunet 300–301

  Exhaustive dialing: See scanning

  Extensions, telephone 188, 193

  Facebook 150, 158

  FBI: See Federal Bureau of Investigation

  FCC: See Federal Communications Commission

  Federal Bureau of Investigation

  Acker, Bill, 1976 311–312

  Atomic bomb plans 321

  Barclay, Ralph, 1961 59–60

  Bell Labs Telephone Crime Lab 182–183

  Billings, MT blue box arrests 180

  Blue box arrests, September 1972 215

  Bookmaking 98, 100–109

  Convention, phone phreak, 1972 215

  Credit card calls 194–195

  Draper, John, 1971–1972 180, 208, 213–214, 216

  Draper, John, 1975, wiretapping of FBI 251–261

  Draper, John, 1976 276–277, 282–284, 287–292

  Engressia, Joe, 1969 127–128

  Gudgel, Bob, 1971 181

  Harvard students, 1963 78–83

  Locke, Jake, 1967 8, 9, 12–13

  Oklahoma, Ray, 1972 212

  Memo to AT&T Chairman 258

  Pyne, Charles, 1963 78–83

  Sheridan, Paul 271–280, 287–290, 301

  Telephone company security agents 204

  Toll fraud 91

  Wozniak, Steve, blue box note 223–224

  YIPL/TAP newsletter 240–241, 276–277, 321

  Federal Communications Commission

  Antitrust laws 302

  Carterfone/foreign attachments 298–299

  Hush-a-Phone hearing 159

  Laws against telephone fraud 90

  MCI 299–300, 302

  Investigation into AT&T service failures 189

  Investigation into AT&T discrimination 190

  Rate increase request 187–188

  Fettgather, Jim 147, 153–156, 163–164, 166, 170, 172, 247–248, 328

  Feynman, Richard 119

  Fiddle 242

  Fierstein, Alan 186–187, 192, 197–200

  Fifth Estate 241

  Fine Arts 13 2, 7–8, 12, 71, 77, 79–80, 126, 225

  Firedrake, George 280

  Flash Override 270, 274

  Flute 76–77

  See also: Davy Crockett Cat and Canary Bird Call Flute, Tonette flute

  Fonger, B. A. 278

  For Whom Ma Bell Tolls Not: See Orth, Maureen

  Ford, Gerald 268, 303

  Foreign exchange service 300

  Framed: See entrapment

  Fraud by Wire: See laws, 18 USC 1343

  FX service: See foreign exchange service

  Garbage: See Dumpster diving

  Gates, Bill 281, 309

  General Telephone and Electronics (GTE) 57–58, 124–125, 161, 205–206, 226, 255, 257, 260, 268, 277, 279, 286–287, 331

  Gilbert, John 245, 338, 390

  Gilbertson, Al 167–170, 173–174, 230, 327–328, 335

  Glare: See simultaneous seizure

  Goldman, Albert 252

  Governor Dummer Academy 68

  Gravitt, T. O.: See Ashley-Gravitt scandal

  Greene, Harold 321–322, 332

  Greenstar, Project 91–97, 115–116, 144, 182, 304–305, 358–359

  Group Bell 245–246

  Guard banding 273–274, 278–279

  See also: tandem stacking

  Gudgel, Bob 165–166, 181, 240

  Hacker, telephone 369

  Ham radio 37, 65, 69, 74, 88, 122, 126, 141, 201, 331

  Handles 165–166, 173, 221, 316

  Hanna, Kenneth 98, 104–116, 288, 312, 327

  Harmonic telegraph 17

  Harvard University 1–2, 4, 7–9, 12, 68–72, 74, 77–78, 80–86, 126, 225, 309, 313, 326

  See also: Locke, Jake; Lauck, Tony; Pyne, Charlie; Ross, Ed

  Harward, Bill 257–258, 277–278, 282

  Hatred of telephone company 187–192, 197, 231

  He’s got the whole world in his hands 223–224, 244

  Heckel, Paul 66, 74, 77–78, 83, 326

  Heffron, Eli (store) 66

  Heinz, Dennis 150

  Heist, Bill 98, 104, 106–107

  Herald, Boston 8–10, 13

  Hierarchical network 24, 269, 348–349

  Highrise Joe: See Engressia, Joe

  Hijacking, cultural 199–200

  Hill, Robert 348, 389

  Hippies: See counterculture, Youth International Party

  Hoaxes: See pranks

  Hoffman, Abbie 186–187, 192, 197, 199, 212–213, 215–216

  Hogan, James 109

  Homebrew computers/Computer Club 281, 308–309

  Hook switch dialing 121–124

  Hopper, Ken 93–95, 182–183, 257, 277–279, 315–316, 322, 331

  Hotel Diplomat: See Conventions, phone phreak

  Hubbard, Gardiner 17–18

  Hush-a-Phone 158–159

  In-band signaling 48–49, 62, 74, 85

  Independent telephone companies 22, 26–28, 57, 72, 124, 138, 161

  See also: competition, General Telephone and Electronics

  Informants 214–215, 244–245, 253, 277, 279, 283–284, 287–288, 290, 308

  See also: Eder, Chic; Reid, Ernie; Sheridan, Paul

  Information: See directory assistance, knowledge, openness vs. secrecy

  Intel 306–309

  International Society of Telephone Enth
usiasts 165

  See also: David, B.

  Internet 16, 43, 99, 156, 296–297, 332

  Interstate Commerce Commission 27

  Inward operator 4–7, 10, 33, 36, 49, 66–67, 72–73, 208, 250

  Isolation: See loneliness

  Jacobs, Bob 272, 277–278


  Jell-O 118

  Jobs, Steve 219–225, 243–244, 309, 313, 333–334, 336

  Joke lines 157–159, 223

  Joybubbles 328–329

  See also: Engressia, Joe

  Juicing 245, 390

  Justice Department, U.S.

  Antitrust 27–28, 301–302, 321, 331

  Bookies 104, 107, 112, 115

  Draper, John 260

  Greenstar 96

  Laws, telephone fraud 89–91

  Sheridan, Paul 271–272

  Wiretapping via verification 254, 257

  See also: Federal Bureau of Investigation

  Kaylor, Roy 280–281, 283

  Kazan, Lainie 223, 244

  Kefauver, Estes 108

  Kelley, Clarence 258

  Kingsbury Commitment 27–28, 301

  Kissinger, Henry 225

  Kleena Kleene, B.C. 4–7

  Knowledge, shared 165

  Kranyak, Jack 241

  Langford, F. Steele 257, 259

  Lauck, Tony 69, 72–74, 77–78, 82–83, 326

  Lavelle School for the Blind 136, 141–143


  18 USC 1084 (Interstate Transmission of Wagering Information) 100, 107

  18 USC 1343 (Fraud by Wire) 89–91, 97, 107, 115, 208, 212, 260–261, 282, 288, 290–291, 311–312

  47 USC 605 (Wiretapping) 96, 109–113, 288

  502.7 California Penal Code 210, 241, 380

  Lefcourt, Jerry 199

  Leger, Lloyd 316–317

  Letters on telephone dial 32

  Lingo, Kim 230

  Locke, Jake 1–14, 126, 313, 326

  Loman, Henry 108, 111

  Lompoc prison 293, 296, 312

  Loneliness 126, 129, 155–157, 160–161, 245–246

  Long distance

  211 access code 32

  AT&T Long Lines 22–23

  Automation 41–50, 52–55

  Competitors, access to AT&T 27–28

  Direct distance dialing 49–50

  Early 14–16

  Routing 42

  Switching, manual 24, 32–35, 42

  Toll records 101–104

  Loop arounds 148–150, 153, 155–157, 173, 178, 202, 223, 230, 237, 245, 262, 267

  Lucey, Fraser: See Acker, Bill; Esquire magazine

  Machine intelligence 46–47

  Machine, The (telephone joke line) 157, 159–160

  Mack, John 305

  MacKenzie, Louis 86–87, 103–104

  Mafia: See bookmaking

  Mark Bernay Society 154, 166

  Marker 46

  Mason, Peter 80

  May Day demonstrations, 1971 185, 193

  MCI 299–302, 331

  McQueen, Steve 195

  Memory, computer 46–47, 234–235, 306–308

  Menalto Market 280–283, 287–288

  MF: See multifrequency

  MF Boogie 230

  Microprocessor 306–309

  Microsoft 62, 235, 309

  Midnight Skulker: See Bernay, Mark

  Military telephone system: SeeAUTOVON, JCSAN/COPAN

  Millington Telephone 134

  MIT 2, 4, 6–11, 66, 69–70, 74, 79, 84, 86, 313, 326, 334

  See also: Heckel, Paul

  MITS (Altair computer manufacturer) 308–309

  Mob: See bookmaking

  Modell, Nathan 106

  See also: Hanna, Kenneth

  Modem 43, 296–297, 313, 320, 322, 332

  Monopoly 18, 27–28, 158, 187, 236, 301

  See also: antitrust, Carterfone, competition, Hush-a-Phone, MCI

  Moog synthesizer 222

  Morris, IL (ESS prototype) 234–236

  Morse code 16, 37, 141–142, 208

  Morse, Samuel 15

  Moscow 130, 181, 225

  Mountain Bell 317–318, 327–328

  Multifrequency (MF) signaling 5–6, 9–10, 47–50, 52–57, 72–74, 76, 85, 138–142, 145, 154, 167, 175, 203, 206, 208, 219, 230, 247, 268, 296–297, 314, 325

  Multiple telegraph 16–17

  Mute: See black box

  National Public Radio 230–231, 244, 298

  National Security Agency 101, 209, 278, 395

  Nerping: See juicing

  Network of phone phreaks 9, 126–129, 155–157, 160–166, 169, 171–174, 181, 212–214, 218–219

  See also: 052 conference, 2111 conference

  Network Service Center, Denver 317–318, 328

  New England Telephone and Telegraph 28, 80–82

  New York Institute of Technology 180

  New York service failures 188–189, 297

  New York Telephone 28, 144–145, 180, 188–189, 204, 207, 215, 241, 260

  Newman, Paul 195

  Newspapers, underground: See underground newspapers

  Nike missile control 71

  Nixon, Richard 185–186, 191, 225, 229–230, 303

  No. 1 ESS, No. 4 crossbar switch, No. 5 crossbar switch, etc.: See numerical entries at start of index

  NORAD 80, 131

  Norden, Robert P. 264–267, 293

  Northern Telephone Company 325–326

  Notes on Distance Dialing 72

  NPA: See area code

  NPR: See National Public Radio

  Nuclear hoax, Santa Barbara 225–228, 267

  Numbering plan area: See area code

  Oaf Tobar 221, 224

  Obscene phone calls 264

  Obsession 10, 14, 17, 36, 68, 72, 117–118, 199, 266, 333

  Oklahoma, Ray 203, 209–210, 212–213, 250, 328

  Old Bailey (UK phone phreaks) 242–243

  Omerta 144–145

  Open sleeve-lead conference 127, 202

  Openness vs. secrecy 165, 169, 245–246

  Operating system 62–63, 235


  Acker, Bill 140, 317

  AUTOVON 278–279

  Boys as 21

  Bribing 102

  Condon, David 35–36, 39–40

  Conference calls 163

  Credit card calls 194–196

  Distance dialing 49

  Early 20–21, 23–26

  Ernestine (Lily Tomlin character) 191–192

  Engressia, Joe 124, 129–130, 133, 328

  Greenstar 94

  Impersonation 40, 66, 83, 326

  International 246

  Long distance 32–36, 39–43, 49, 175

  Optical telegraph 15

  Pay phone 238–239

  Pyne, Charlie 64–67, 70–71, 83

  Sheridan, Paul 264

  Size of workforce 24, 41

  Stacking 66–68

  Supervision 47

  Verification 250

  See also: directory assistance, inward operator, rate and route operator

  Optical telegraph 14–15

  Organ: See electronic organ

  Organized crime: See bookmaking

  Orth, Maureen 181, 208

  Overseas switching center 246–247

  Ownership of telephones: See rental of telephones

  Pacific Northwest Bell 188, 240

Pacific Telephone and Telegraph 28, 188, 248

  Barclay, Ralph 58–61

  Bubis, Al 107–108

  Draper, John; Sheridan, Paul; and FBI wiretapping 253–255, 260, 262–264, 271, 276–277, 282–283, 285–289, 293, 322

  Ramparts 210–211

  TEL newsletter 241–242

  Panel switching system 42, 45

  Paranoia 165, 180, 191, 244–247, 266–267, 277, 294, 308, 315, 318–319

  Party line

  Actual 186

  Conferences 10, 147–148

  Patent, telephone 18, 21–22, 26

  Pay phone

  Airport 72, 154–155

  Barclay, Ralph 52

  Burglaries 263

  Draper, John 181, 201, 214, 273, 282–283, 287–289

  Engressia, Joe 122–123, 129

  Pyne, Charlie 68

  Red box 238–240, 256, 273, 291, 315

  Security measure 11, 68, 82

  Whistle trips 154–155

  PDP-6 computer, MIT 313

  Peckham, Robert 208, 214, 217, 319

  Peg counter 105

  Pennsylvania Bell: See Bell of Pennsylvania

  People’s Computer Company 272, 280–283, 287, 308

  Perrin, Wayne 263–268, 270–272, 277–278, 280, 284–286, 293, 331

  Person-to-person call 34–35

  Philby, Kim 81

  Phone Freaks of America (PFA) 165

  See also: Network of phone phreaks

  Phone trips 154–155

  Phreak, origin of term 165, 174

  Plath, Rick 149–150, 160

  PLaza 8 exchange, New York City 189

  Plimmer, Tom 159–160

  Point-to-point telephone service 19

  Politeo, Tom 159–160, 169

  Pope (Wozniak prank) 225

  Popular Electronics 88, 307–308

  Pranks 122, 224–229, 267, 315–316, 322

  Precedence dialing 269–270, 274

  President, United States: See Ford, Gerald; Nixon, Richard

  President’s Analyst, The 191, 292

  President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board 259

  Processor Technology 309, 314

  Project 21 286, 293

  Project Greenstar: See Greenstar, Project

  Pseudonyms: See handles

  Publicity 85–86, 97, 124, 126, 129–130, 132, 164, 169, 180, 213, 225

  Puzzles 2, 17, 70, 174, 196, 262

  Pynchon, Thomas 171

  Pyne, Charlie 64–86, 103, 199, 225, 313, 326, 333

  Radio Electronics 242

  Ramparts 209–213, 241, 297, 328

  Rate and route operator 33, 42, 58, 66, 311

  Rates, telephone

  Competition 299–301

  Historical 19–20, 26, 34, 124, 163

  Increase requests 187–188

  Person-to-person 34–35


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