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Legacy (Blackwater Pack Book 3)

Page 29

by Hannah McBride

  Everyone slowly cleared out until only a few of us were left. Dante stalked away from my side, grabbing Tate and pulling her close as Ryder let Addie out of the car.

  “Mom,” Skye breathed as she approached. “Are you okay?”

  She was still pale, but nodded. “I’m fine, baby.”

  “You’re welcome to go with the others,” I told her, not crazy about her going home to an empty apartment. “You can stay at the house tonight. Or stay with Zoe and Michael.”

  “Actually I’m going to go pick up your mother,” Addie replied, her eyes darting around nervously. “Gabe’s insisting she get some sleep that isn’t the cot they brought into his room. I told her she can use Skye’s bed. The apartment is only a couple blocks from the medical center, so she’s still close by.”

  “Thank you,” I said, truly meaning it. Addie had been invaluable lately between handling food for the workers and keeping Mom company at the medical center so she wasn’t alone.

  “How is he?” Skye demanded, her worried eyes lifting to me.

  “He’s doing good,” I answered, thankful it was the truth. “I promised him I would bring you by soon to visit.”

  “We’ll give you a ride,” Rhodes said, wrapping an arm around Larkin’s shoulders.

  “Actually,” Addie said, “if it’s all right, I’d like to run back. I could use some time to clear my head.”

  “Mom.” Skye sighed. “Is that even safe right now?”

  “She’s safe,” I assured Skye. “The borders are miles away and locked down tight, and there’s plenty of guards in the woods between here and town.”

  Now that Brooks Ridge was with us, we had ample guards to make sure everyone inside the Blackwater pack territory was safe.

  “It’s fine,” Addie replied firmly. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Skye moved away from me and hugged Addie. “Promise you’ll call if you need me.”

  Addie released her with a smile, smoothing a hand down Skye’s dark hair. “I will. Don’t worry about me.” She turned and headed for the treeline.

  “What now?” Skye asked softly, looking around.

  I glanced around at my friends. My family.

  “Now we hug you again,” Larkin declared with a beaming smile, pulling Skye into a crushing hug. It only took a second for Katy to join them.

  After a pause, Rhodes shrugged and wrapped his arms around all three of them.

  I started to laugh.

  “You know you want in on this,” Katy teased from over Larkin’s shoulder.

  “You all have five seconds before I’m taking Skye back,” I warned them instead. My wolf was less than pleased with anyone except us touching Skye.

  Four and a half seconds later, they let Skye go. She was back at my side, my arm wrapped possessively around her shoulders, at the five second mark.

  “Is there anything we need to know right now?” I looked at her.

  “Yeah,” she replied seriously, but turned away from me and looked at Katy.

  “I know where Maren is.”

  Katy gasped and stepped back into Dante as he, Ryder, and Tate joined us.

  “Are you serious?” Ryder demanded. “You found her?”

  Skye nodded. “There’s a facility in New York she’s being held at.”

  Katy’s eyes narrowed. “What kind of facility?”

  “The kind Damien is using to hold women and girls he plans to auction off,” Tate replied woodenly, leaning against Ryder.

  “Auction off?” Rhodes practically choked on the words, horror etched on his features.

  “They’re not being hurt,” Skye added, still looking unhappy. “But Damien has been keeping women and girls there. Linden told us about it.”

  “You don’t think he’s lying?” I rubbed my jaw.

  She shook her head. “No. And Elias confirmed it.”

  “We need to go get them,” Katy said, her eyes flashing.

  “We will,” I promised her.

  “The only way we’ll get to them is to beat Damien,” Skye said. “It’s too guarded and too deep into Norwood territory to get to it on our own.”

  “Okay,” I said slowly. “Tomorrow we’ll start making a plan. We’ll figure this out.”

  Katy nodded, but huffed a little. “Okay.”

  “You guys head back to the house,” I told them. “We’ll catch up with you tomorrow.”

  “We will?” Surprise lit Skye’s face as she turned to me.

  “We will,” I repeated firmly, almost daring her to challenge me.

  Her gaze heated, and her tongue darted out, wetting her lips. It was all I could do not to throw her over my shoulder then and there.

  Rhodes snickered as he led the others off. “You two kids have fun.”

  “Don’t do anything we wouldn’t do,” Katy sing-songed as she walked away.

  I had no idea what they would or wouldn’t be doing, and I didn’t really care.

  The only thing that mattered was the girl in front of me.



  “The cabin?” I remarked quietly as we walked through the woods. The moon was full, hanging swollen in the dark sky and illuminating the trail from the Alpha house to the cabin with silvery light.

  Remy pulled me to a stop as it appeared in front of us. “I just needed time alone with you. I …” He closed his eyes as he trailed off, his features tight.

  I traced his jawline. “I get it. I just want to be with you, too.”

  He leaned into my touch, nipping the tip of my finger when it got close to his full lips. “We’ll meet up with everyone else tomorrow. Tonight is just us.”

  I bit my lower lip. “I love the sound of that.”

  Heat flared in his eyes, turning his gaze molten as he led me forward and opened the front door of the cabin.

  I looked around as I stepped inside, my mind remembering the last time we had been here together.

  It felt like a lifetime ago. So much had changed since then.

  The door closed with a soft snick behind me. My eyes met Remy’s and for a second, neither of us moved. We barely breathed.

  Like some sort of bell had gone off, we reached for each other at the same time. His mouth crashed against mine, demanding control. My mouth opened and he slid inside, dominating and owning the kiss while his tongue tangled against mine and he pressed me against the wall hard enough to rattle the picture hanging.

  I lost track of time as I sank into the kiss. Until my lungs were starved of oxygen. I pulled away, my head falling back against the wall as I sucked in a greedy lungful of air.

  His mouth latched into the claiming mark on my neck, his teeth dragging across it for a second that felt more erotic than my body could stand. I whimpered as my knees shook.

  A full body shudder rippled down my spine as his hands drifted over my ribs, around the swells of my breasts, and hooked his fingers into the collar of my shirt.

  Which he promptly ripped into two pieces.

  I blinked, stunned as the fabric tore effortlessly under his strength. He met my gaze and what I saw reflected in his eyes stole my breath while my shirt pooled at my feet.

  “That was really freaking hot,” I admitted, still breathless and dizzy.

  The corner of his mouth hooked up in a devastating half-smile that made my toes curl. One that promised so much more than I could even start to guess, but couldn’t wait to explore.

  A second later, his mouth fused to mine once more. One hand palmed my breast, teasing me over the lace cup of my bra. The other hand snaked around my back, pulling me closer still as his thigh worked between mine, pressing against me until it hit a spot in my center that had me seeing sparkles.

  I moaned at the contact, my hips writhing as I sought out that friction again.

  His teeth nipped at my lower lip, tugging it until it released with a pop of satisfaction.

  “Rem,” I gasped, my skin on fire as his hand moved from my back to my front, tracing the edge of my jeans. My stomach
quivered with anticipation as his knuckles grazed the exposed skin below my belly button.

  A second later his hand moved to my back again, easily undoing the clasp of my bra. He yanked it away, tossing it onto the floor with a growl before his head dipped, capturing my nipple between his lips and sucking it into the wet heat of his mouth.

  At some point my hands fisted in his hair, tangling in the soft strands and yanking while his mouth teased and tortured relentlessly. His mouth alternated between peaks, giving each breast equal attention. Whatever his mouth wasn’t devouring, his fingers were exploring.

  My pulse beat frantically as I struggled to keep breathing and stay upright.

  His teeth lightly bit the tip of my nipple. With a groan, I wrenched his head from my chest and claimed his mouth again. His hands fell to my hips, squeezing and lifting me until I could wrap my legs around his waist, my center pressed against the hard line in his jeans that I craved.

  He walked us blindly into the kitchen, dropping my ass onto the small table.

  I frowned as he pulled away again.


  He pushed my shoulders down, waiting until I was laying on the table before his hands started working on my jeans. He pulled them and my underwear from my body, practically ripping off the sneakers and socks encasing my feet.

  It took seconds, and then he was dropping to his knees and hooking one leg over his shoulder and using his hand to push my other leg to the side until I felt the delicious pull in my hip as he stretched me, baring me to his hungry gaze.

  I started to push myself up onto one elbow, ready to tell him he was severely overdressed, as he spread me open with his fingers, but I fell back, weak and trembling, as his tongue licked the length of my slit.

  “Shit,” I muttered, sucking in a sharp breath through my teeth. The fingers of one hand wrapped around the edge of the table as the other tangled in his hair again.

  One finger, then two, slid inside of me, thrusting lightly, while his tongue traced lazy circles around my clit until I was squirming and whimpering under him.

  I gasped as his fingers curled, hitting some magical spot inside my body that had me toppling over the edge of ecstasy.

  Instead of withdrawing and giving my body time to come down from the high and recover, he kept going, adding a third finger and sucking my clit between his lips firmly. My first orgasm was barely over before he was hurtling me into a second.

  The pleasure burned so bright it almost edged into painful as my core tightened again. White spots danced in my vision for a second, but Remy didn’t seem to be stopping or even slowing down.

  I tugged at Remy’s hair, needing a break before I literally exploded. I managed to wrestle myself up to my elbows, everything south of my neck shaking with the effort.

  “I can’t … Remy,” I muttered almost incoherently, but it did the job.

  He paused and looked up at me from between my legs, the tips of his fingers withdrawn and poised at my slick entrance.

  The sight was one I would never forget. His pupils were blown, his expression more feral than I was used to. He licked his lips, ready to go back to devouring me.

  It called to my wolf, to the deepest parts of me.

  “You can,” he grated out, his eyes glinting as he finished assessing me to make sure I wasn’t actually tapping out or having a flashback. “You will.”

  I swallowed thickly, my mouth going dry as he lowered his mouth and thrust his fingers inside me again, angling his hand to hit that spot inside me all over.

  My arms gave out, and I fell back onto the table with a thud as I spiraled towards my third orgasm. I squeezed my eyes shut as my hips jerked, bracing for the moment I detonated.

  With a cry, my back arched off the table as I came, shattering into a thousand scattered pieces.

  Remy stood up, the cocky grin on his face enough to send a ripple of shockwaves through my system. He tugged me to the end of the table, lifting me up until he could kiss me.

  The taste of me on his tongue was heady and left me wanting more. I gasped into his mouth as he picked me up once more. My over-sensitive folds rubbed against the hard bulge in his jeans as he walked, and all I could do was squeeze my eyes shut against the sharp spikes of pleasure.

  My fingers curled into his black t-shirt, my face buried in his neck where I pressed a sloppy, drugged kiss.

  A moment later, he lowered me onto the bed and straightened. I reached for him, my fingers managing to snag a belt loop that I tugged on.

  “I need you,” I whispered softly, my gaze flickering to him.

  The animalistic look in his eyes softened. “I need you, too, babe.”

  I could feel my heart pounding against my chest as he kicked off his boots and pulled his shirt over his head. I hummed in appreciation, my eyes lingering on the raised scars of his claiming mark.

  I sat up with renewed energy, swinging my legs over the edge of the bed and pressing a kiss to his ribs. His hand tangled in my hair, pulling until my neck was arched and my lips ready for him to claim again.

  He kissed me slowly, thoroughly, as my fingers found the button and zipper of his jeans, undoing them and dragging them off his hips enough for my hand to slip inside and cup him through his boxer-briefs.

  I worked the jeans and briefs down until he could step out of them. He let me go to kick them away, and I circled the base of him with one hand, my head dropping so I could lick the crown of his dick.

  He groaned, the sound vibrating in my bones.

  Grinning to myself, I sucked his tip into my mouth, tasting the salty bead of fluid.

  “Fuck,” he muttered, his head falling back as I worked more of him into my mouth in deep, greedy passes.

  After a minute, he shuddered and pushed me back.

  “You’re too fucking good at that,” he grumbled, shaking his head.

  I smirked, unable to help myself.

  His gaze traveled down my body like a caress, awakening a new wave of desire that pooled low in my stomach.

  At some point, I had started to shed the nervous, skittish girl I had been for a woman who knew what she wanted.

  And what I wanted was my mate. Now.

  As if reading my mind, Remy’s gaze turned to liquid fire.

  I scooted back on the bed, watching as he prowled over me, every inch the predator. He lowered his mouth to mine, one hand settling on my hip in a bruising grip as he nudged my thighs apart with his hips.

  His head lifted, his eyes locked onto mine, pinning me in place as he started to enter me.

  My body struggled to accommodate him for a moment, trying to adjust to his size. It had only been a week since he had been inside me, but in a lot of ways, it felt like the first time all over.

  Maybe because it was the first time without the Summit looming in the background, or the first time we were together on pack land. The first time we were home and truly together.

  With one strong thrust, he filled me completely. His muscles shook with strain as he struggled not to move as I adjusted to his invasion. He focused his attention on my mouth, tempting and teasing with feather-light kisses and soft caresses as he gave me a minute.

  I framed his face with my hands and kissed him gently. “I’m yours, Remy,” I murmured against his lips, kissing him again on his cheek before I whispered in his ear.

  “Stop treating me like I’m made of glass, and fuck me like I belong to you.”

  His head snapped up, eyes wide. His jaw even dropped a bit in shock. I was too worked up to really stop and admire the fact that I had surprised him. I filed that memory away to relive later. Right now, I needed a different sort of memory to be started.

  I arched a brow, rolling my hips into his. “Unless you forgot how and need me to do all the work?”

  His lips curved up, his eyes glittering at the challenge. He pulled out, almost completely, and then slammed back into me with enough force to crack the headboard into the wall.

  I moaned, my eyes squeezing shut
at the sharp spear of brutal satisfaction.

  That was exactly what I needed. He was everything I needed.

  “Look at me,” he demanded, his tone rough and hungry.

  My eyes flew open at the command.

  “That’s better,” he murmured, repeating the thrust again.



  I lost count of how many times he retreated and invaded my body, conquering and laying claim to every piece of me as he went. My hands fell to his shoulders, my nails digging into the hard muscles there.

  His hand worked between us, swirling around my clit as he ground his hips against me.

  “Fuck,” I hissed, barely resisting the urge to close my eyes.

  He chuckled. “That’s the idea, baby.”

  He changed the angle of his hips, lighting up new nerve endings.

  “God, I love you,” he said softly, almost too quiet for me to hear.

  I touched his jaw. “I love you.”

  The finger lazily circling my clit turned into a steady pressure as he pumped into my body, unfurling a spiral of pleasure from my core that warmed my blood.

  His fingers trapped my clit, pinching it lightly, as he thrust deeper and harder. I cried as the orgasm ripped through me. My body clamped down, milking him as I struggled to breathe.

  With a guttural roar, he thrust once more, his whole body jerking as he came.

  Remy collapsed onto me, his weight pressing me into the mattress. After a moment, he started to lift off of me, but I wound my arms around him, keeping him right where he was.

  “I love you, Skye,” he murmured, kissing my throat, his head resting against my shoulder.

  Tears burned the backs of my eyes suddenly. All the emotions I had been holding in check for the last week started to break through the wall I had erected to close myself off to the stark gravity of our situation.

  The bombing, being taken, finding my father, losing Remy …

  It all tore through me like a tornado, leaving a path of destruction and chaos across the landscape of my heart.

  I hiccuped, trying to hold it together and not lose it when I felt the wetness on my throat. It took me a second to realize it wasn’t my tear I felt sliding across my neck and falling to the pillow under my head.


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