Very Much Alive: True Destiny, Book 1

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Very Much Alive: True Destiny, Book 1 Page 11

by Dana Marie Bell

  He rolled his eyes. For a millennium or more he’d defined clever.

  When her lips brushed his cheek he stilled. It was the first spontaneous, freely given display of affection she’d bestowed on either of them. He grinned at Kir and mouthed, See? She likes me better.

  Kir chuckled.

  “Travis, any idea what we can do next? Until Tweedledee and Tweedledum allow me out of the condo there isn’t much I can do other than online stuff.” She glared at Kir and Logan equally. “Which is why I called you in.”

  Travis opened his mouth to answer when a knock sounded on the front door. They stared at it.


  “I didn’t order in pizza, Logan, honest.”

  Logan tensed as Kir went to answer the door, setting Jordan back on the sofa and standing quickly. “Kir!” He strode towards his lover.

  “I know, I know! Sit, Kir. Stay. Woof.” Kir leaned against the wall and crossed his arms.

  “Don’t pout, babe. Jordan does it better.” Logan opened the front door with a grin.

  The punch hurt almost as much as Jordan’s piercing shriek. He looked up from his position on the floor to see the twin sons of Thor standing over him, fists clenched, murder in their eyes.

  “How the fuck did you get through the wards?”

  Kir pushed both men back, ignoring their futile attempts to land a blow on him. “Gentlemen, if you’ll just calm down, I’m certain we can come to some sort of understanding.”

  “Die, imposter!” Magnus Grimm threw another punch, looking startled when it glanced off that invisible shield Kir was endowed with.

  “Die!” Morgan Grimm echoed his brother’s movements a split second after, with the same effects.

  Logan leaned up on his elbows and glared at them. “Again, I ask: How did you get through the fucking wards?”

  “You must be slipping, Loki. There are no wards.” Magnus glared down at him, his blue eyes fierce, his face nearly matching his red hair as he tried to land blow after blow on Kir and failed.

  Morgan managed to get behind Kir and began raining blows on the back of his head. If he’d succeeded in landing just one, Kir would have been unconscious. Instead, he looked like the world’s largest bobblehead, as the repeat blows bounced his head forward.

  “Guys!” Jordan bellowed, her hands cupped around her mouth. “Stop!”

  “Did they hurt you?” Morgan bellowed back, turning to stare at her. He kicked Logan’s leg in the process, looking grimly delighted when Logan hissed in pain.

  Logan stood. He felt his fires building inside him. Oh, goody. I haven’t had a really good fight in a long, long time. His smile was feral as his fists lit up. “Hey, pretty boy. Did Daddy send you out here to do his dirty work?”

  “Logan, knock it off.”

  “Tell that to your stepbrothers, Jordan.” He and Morgan began to dance around one another, both waiting for the other to make the first move.

  “Really, Magnus, you’d think you’d know me. You’re my damn nephew, after all.” Kir was still trying to hold off Magnus, the elder twin, with little luck; neither one of them was willing to let the twins anywhere near Jordan, which was severely hampering their movements.

  Morgan, the bastard, feinted left, and Logan fell for it. He got past Logan, pulling Jordan behind him, both of her wrists grasped in one big hand. “We’re leaving now, sis.”

  Jordan gasped in pain as Morgan, all unknowing, put pressure on her shoulder wound.

  Thunder cracked. Lightning struck just outside the building, blinding anyone who looked out the window. Kir turned, his eyes dark blue, the irises white as snow. Dark clouds drifted across their surface like reflections in a pond. He completely ignored Magnus’ last punch; his head didn’t even move. “Get your hands off of her. Now.”

  Logan shivered at the low timber of his lover’s voice. Shit. Baldur’s been roused. From the sheet of rain that was suddenly coming down outside, Kir was severely pissed.

  Magnus’ eyes were wide, but he refused to let go, holding Jordan behind him despite her desperate attempts to get free. “No. I refuse to hand my sister over to a murderer.”

  Kir’s eyes closed and his head tilted back.

  Logan felt a chill go down his spine as power built around Kir. “Kir, no.”

  When Kir opened his eyes, a spring storm, grey and white and blue all swirled together, danced across them. They were totally inhuman. Light pulsed around him, dappled green as the light that shone through new leaves. “Let her go.” His voice was the softest and most dangerous Logan had heard in centuries.

  Morgan and Magnus both looked confused at Kir’s display. “That’s not possible,” Magnus whispered, moving around the glowing Kir. “It has to be a trick.”

  “No trick.” Logan stood slowly and approached Kir, his eyes never wavering from his lover’s face. The last time he’d seen that look on Kir’s face was when he’d found Logan tied to the mountain. “Love?”

  Kir blinked, some of the anger receding from his face, but his gaze remained riveted to Morgan.

  “Morgan? You need to let go of Jordan now.” Travis stepped carefully between Kir and Morgan, gently pulling Jordan’s hands out of Morgan’s grasp.

  “It has to be a trick.” Magnus pushed Logan aside and tried to touch Kir.

  Before Logan could react, light flashed, thunder sounded, and Magnus was flying across the room. His unconscious body slammed into the wall, cracking the drywall. A blackened spot on the maple floors attested to where the lightning had struck, only inches away from Magnus.

  Fuck. He’d never seen Kir do that.

  “Don’t ever touch Logan again.” Those stormy eyes drifted back to Morgan. He looked coldly indifferent. “Care to take a turn?”

  “Kir?” Logan got between them again, knowing how close his lover was to losing it. Kir wasn’t a killer, and Logan wasn’t about to allow him to become one now. “We’re safe now, blondie.”

  Kir shook his head slowly. “No, we’re not. The wards are down.”

  Logan blinked and looked over Kir’s shoulder. “No they’re not.” He blinked again and frowned. “Yes, they are.”

  He turned slowly and glared at Jordan, who looked confused. “What?”

  “You took the wards down.”

  “I did not!”

  Logan snorted. “You did so.”

  “Did not!”

  “Children.” Kir’s voice was lazily amused. “Play nice.”

  Logan started to turn and answer him when, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Morgan lift a gun.

  The barrel was aimed right for Kir.

  “No!” Logan dove, trying to get between Kir and the bullet.

  Everything seemed to happen at once. Morgan went flying back, the bullet missing Kir by a good foot. Jordan screamed again as Travis let go of her. His hand was out, fingers spread, encasing both Morgan and Magnus in cages of force. The larger man was also glowing.

  Travis turned glowing, blind eyes on Logan and Kir, his gaze unfocused. “Justice has been a long time coming for the two of you.” He grinned, a self-mocking expression that Logan was all too familiar with. He’d seen it in his own mirror one too many times. “But I’m here now.” He turned to the two young men groggily getting to their feet, identical expressions of hatred on their faces. “Don’t worry about these two; I’ll take them off somewhere where they can get over the effects of Grimm’s drugs, then I’ll do my best to pound some sense into them.”

  “Um, Travis?”

  “Yes, Jordan?”

  She gestured towards her eyes. “You might wanna, you know, wear your sunglasses when you leave.” The men looked at her, and she shrugged. “What? I’m just sayin’.” She took a deep breath and turned to Kir with a shaky grin. “Want to order in pizza?”

  Logan exchanged a look with Kir, grateful to see his eyes had returned to normal. She’d seen almost all there was to see of them, and she wasn’t afraid.

  He was done waiting. As soon as Travis and the oth
ers left, her ass was theirs.

  Chapter Seven

  The door shut quietly behind Travis, with Morgan and Magnus in tow, magical leashes around their necks and wrists. Logan leaned back, studied the door intently, and made a few graceful gestures with his hands.

  Something glowed on the edges of Jordan’s vision, settling back down into nothingness when Logan was done.

  It never failed to amaze her when they used their powers around her. They were so ordinary otherwise that, when they did act otherworldly it was a bit of a shock. Kir’s “temper tantrum” of a storm was still raining all over the city, and there were fresh scorch marks in the wood where Logan had been standing.

  Logan turned and exchanged a look with Kir, his head leaning against the door. The way Logan was shaking his head worried Jordan. His shoulders were tense, but she could just see the corner of his mouth, and it was turned up.

  Kir wasn’t much better. He was leaning up against the wall with his arms crossed. His expression was hungry as he stared at her. The heat in his gaze nearly burned her. She licked her lips, her heart beating faster as his gaze locked on her mouth.

  Logan turned around, leaned against the door, and crossed his arms over his chest. If Kir’s expression was hungry, Logan’s was predatory.

  Her gaze darted back and forth between the two men, reading trouble there. She knew how difficult the last few weeks had been on them. The men hadn’t sought relief with one another, despite how hot they’d all made each other. She also knew they weren’t truly angry with her. She’d been here long enough to see how both men reacted when they were pissed, and this wasn’t it. From the looks of things, they were definitely more horny than irritated. Looks like my time’s up. An erotic shiver went down her spine. She still couldn’t believe she’d lasted as long as she had. Maybe part of her recent bitchiness was her own frustration peeking through. Truth be told she was just as tired of waiting. “Uh, guys?”

  “You took the wards down.” Logan started forward, his arms moving easily by his sides. His stride was lazy, his gaze hooded as he stalked towards her.

  She shook her head. “I really have no idea what you’re talking about.” She started to inch back as Kir pushed off from the wall and began circling towards her. He glided around the chaise and the ottoman, his eyes never leaving her.

  She felt the brush of Logan’s fingers against her cheek and yelped. She whipped around to find him right on top of her. “I think I know which one of my gifts you received.” He took her arm and began steering her backwards towards the chaise. “How badly did you want to see Travis?”

  Pretty damn bad, but she wasn’t about to tell them that. “He’s my friend as well as my boss. And I called him here.”

  “You didn’t just create a pass-through for Travis, Jordan; you took all the protections down.”

  She gulped. “I don’t know magic, Logan. How would I do that?”

  Logan grinned, the expression all teeth. “I’ll explain later. First, Kir and I are going to make sure you’re too damn busy to email anyone else.” He leaned in close, nearly distracting her from Kir, who’d come up behind her.

  Kir’s hands settled on her waist, his lips teasing the side of her neck. His lips slowly moved up her neck to lick delicately at the shell of her ear. She could feel her brain shutting down as images of her in a heavenly sandwich began overriding everything else. From the look in their eyes, her days of putting them off were officially over, and while her mind said wait a minute, her body was singing the Hallelujah Chorus. “Uh, are the wards back up?”

  Logan’s hands began unbuttoning her blouse. “Yup.” The feral heat in his eyes had her heart pounding. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. We won’t be interrupted.”

  He pushed her shirt off her shoulders, Kir taking over to pull it off her arms. “No?”

  “No.” He took her mouth in a kiss designed to set her soul on fire. She felt Kir gripping the back of her head, pulling her gently to the side. Logan moaned in response.

  “My turn.” Kir’s mouth descended, ravaging hers in a kiss that rivaled Logan’s. He broke off, licking his lips. “Sweet.”

  “Mm-hmm.” Logan hummed his response against the curve of her breast as he nibbled down towards her nipple.

  When did I lose my bra? Wait. When did I lose my shirt?

  She felt Kir kneel behind her, taking her jeans and panties with him. When he nipped at one of her ass cheeks she gasped.

  “Like that, sweetheart?” Logan took her nipple gently between his lips and sucked, the sensation rocketing down to her clit.

  “Oh God,” she moaned, arching into the gentle bite of Logan’s teeth.

  “Yes?” the two men chorused.

  She stared up at Logan, who was looking down at her with something more than just heat. She turned her head slightly and felt Kir rub his cheek against hers like an affectionate cat, the whiskers of his five o’clock shadow abrading her skin.

  For two weeks they’d teased, touched, laughed, and kissed, but hadn’t gone beyond that. They’d shown her both the good and the bad of living with them.

  Now she couldn’t picture living without them.

  She reached up and caressed Logan’s cheek, leaning her own cheek against Kir’s.

  Logan turned his head and kissed her palm. “I think that’s a yes.”

  The relief in his voice made her smile.

  “I think so, too.”

  She laughed, and nodded. “Yes.”

  She never saw two men strip so fast in her life. Kir was the first to lose his clothes, tripping and falling down on the chaise as he tried to remove his shoes and pants at the same time. He scooted further up the chaise after exchanging a wicked look with Logan.

  Jordan gasped when Logan put her on the chaise, straddling Kir’s calves. He gently pushed the back of her head, putting her lips down to Kir’s cock, lifting her hips at the same time. She blushed, knowing the view he was getting of her wet pussy. “Suck him, baby.”

  Kir was staring down the length of his body, his hand gently stroking her hair as he looked at her with a hot, pleading look. “Please.”

  That quick laughter turned to a need so raw her pussy wept from it. She grabbed the base of his cock and lifted it up, licking around the flared head in slow, lingering swipes. His slow hiss as he lifted his hips was music to her ears.

  She moaned when Logan’s fingers circled her clit. “Take him in, sweetheart. I want to watch you make him come.”

  “Oh, shit.” Kir’s eyes went wide as Jordan took him as far down as she could go. His eyes rolled back in his head as she sucked as hard as she could, his moans and gasps of pleasure spurring her on.

  A wet tongue lapped at her pussy. “It’s been a very long time since I’ve had a woman.” Logan’s voice was dark and rich with need. “And I intend to enjoy every—” lick “—last—” lick “—long—” lick “—minute of it.”

  She groaned as Logan settled in behind her, sucking on her clit as she tongued the underside of Kir’s cock. Kir grabbed both sides of her head as she bobbed up and down on him. She made sure to keep her tongue hard against the underside of his cock, something he seemed to appreciate if his moans were anything to go by.

  Nothing made her hotter than a man who let her know he was enjoying himself.

  Logan stopped sucking on her and stood, leaning over her back. One hand continued to play her clit while the other hand landed on the chaise, holding him steady. She could feel the warm head of his cock lodge between her thighs, brushing her wet core. She pushed back a bit, trying to get him inside her.

  The slap on her ass tingled and made her jump. “Naughty girl. Not yet.” Logan’s tongue lapped the crease of Kir’s thigh and groin, making Kir cry out. The agonized pleasure on the blond man’s face was a sight to behold.

  She bucked back onto Logan’s hand as he inserted what felt like two fingers into her pussy. She reached around and stroked his cock, resting against her hip, until he pulled away from her.

sp; “No. Kir first, then I get mine.” His mouth went back to Kir’s balls, tonguing them while she sucked.

  “Oh, shit, oh shit, oh shit!” Kir bucked up into her mouth and came down her throat, one hand clenched in her hair, the other clenched in Logan’s.

  “Mmm, nice,” Logan purred, pulling his mouth off Kir’s balls. He put one knee on the chaise and leaned over, kissing Kir long and hard.

  He turned to Jordan. “Your turn.”

  Logan helped Kir up off the chaise while Jordan watched, wide-eyed. “My turn?”

  Kir chuckled. “You didn’t think we would leave you wanting, did you?” He picked her up and laid her gently on the chaise. “It’s simple, really.” He plucked her hard nipples with his fingers as Logan went down on her again, lapping at her like a starving man. “Logan’s going to eat you until you come, then I’m going to fuck you while you suck his cock.”

  “Hey!” Jordan looked down to see Logan frowning at Kir. “Who says you get to fuck her first?”

  “I do.” He was grinning at Logan, who leaned against Jordan’s thigh with a cocky look on his face.

  “I think I should get to fuck her first.”

  The two glared at one another, then grinned. “One, two, three, shoot!”

  “Damn.” Kir threw his head back and laughed. “Looks like you get to fuck her first.”

  Jordan stared at the two men who’d just played Rock Paper Scissors for the right to take her first. “You’re kidding me, right?”

  Logan dived right back in, sucking on her clit until the argument, and how they’d handled it, was blown right out of her head. Kir was suckling her nipples, one right after the other, the sensation almost more than she could bear. Then Logan worked a little of his magic, heating his tongue just a little bit more than a normal human could do. It was if he’d sipped hot coffee then immediately gone down on her. The added sensation threw her over the edge. She came, clenching Kir to her breasts as she bucked up against Logan’s mouth with a shuddering moan.

  Kir kissed her as Logan eased her down off the orgasm, lapping at her mouth as gently as Logan lapped at her pussy.

  Logan sat back on his heels and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “Ready, sweetheart?”


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