Very Much Alive: True Destiny, Book 1

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Very Much Alive: True Destiny, Book 1 Page 14

by Dana Marie Bell

  He glanced up at the security camera in the corner of the room. A simple twist of reality had activated it. It had been easy to do, during one of Fred’s swings. They’d been so captivated with making him hurt they hadn’t checked to see if he’d done anything other than laugh.

  All of the Aesir and Vanir were now privy to his torture, no doubt glued to their chairs, sitting on their self-righteous asses as he got beat with Mjolnir.

  “Where’s that damn snake?”

  Hopefully it met a really big mongoose.

  Grimm looked towards the door, his expression concerned. “I don’t know.” He looked back at Fred and frowned. “Perhaps I’d better go check.”

  “No need.” Travis stepped through, glowing brightly, his eyes completely white.

  Yee-haw, the cavalry is here. Ow. He winced as he tried to straighten up with a pained smirk. “Hey, Lefty.”

  “Hey, Hothead. Ready to go?”

  “Oh, hell yes,” Logan chuckled painfully. “Right after you rip Grimm’s testicles off. I want to stick around to see that.”

  He had to bite back another scream as Fred Grimm swung Mjolnir and broke his right arm.

  Hell. Jordan had better stay far, far away from here. If Kir brought her with him, I’m going to be supremely pissed off. She did not need to see her father and stepfather torturing him.

  “Your daughter is on the way to the hospital, Fred.”

  Oh, shit. That meant Jamie was in bad shape. He’d hoped that, by coming with Val peacefully, the sons of bitches wouldn’t hurt her too badly.

  Guess he’d been wrong. Yet another thing to set at their doors and make them pay for.

  Travis’s gaze remained locked on Grimm’s, his arms loose at his sides. He was waiting for the Old Man to make a move. From the look on his face, he was eager for it.

  “Jordan?” Fred stepped away from Logan. His expression was filled with hope and fear.

  “No. Jamie.” Travis smiled as Grimm’s eyes narrowed. He completely ignored Fred’s gasp. “Yes, Old Man. I found her. And I want to know one thing.” Travis’s body was suddenly glowing so brightly it hurt to look at him. “Did you rape her before you beat her and crucified her?”

  Logan looked at Travis and shivered as the full blast of the God of Justice’s anger swept through the room. Grimm screamed, the power flowing through him, unable to stop the sheer magnitude that was Tyr in his justified wrath.

  The shining figure of Tyr glided into the room, a glowing spear appearing in his left hand. Logan’s jaw dropped when he saw it. It was Gungnir, the Godspear, the symbol of Odin’s power.

  So the rumors are true. Tyr handed Grimm the Godspear and stepped aside, letting him rule the gods. Son of a bitch. Which meant two things. Tyr was the oldest of them all. And he had the power to take back the gift he’d given Odin.

  Which he’d just done.

  “You may not have raped her—”

  Logan sagged in relief.

  “—but you tortured her. Your own grandchild. You murdered women and children, sacrificed them on the altar of your greed and lust for power. No more.”

  Grimm laughed, and it wasn’t a good one. “Fred. Adam. Stop him.”

  Fred and Adam stood there, staring between the two men, fighting the compulsion in Grimm’s voice.

  “He tortured your daughter, Fred. Made Jamie bleed, and now he’s blaming me for it. Do something!”

  Fred blinked, and slowly began moving forward towards Tyr.

  “Don’t bother.”

  Kir. Logan’s eyes closed in relief. Even with his healing, the shit they’d been doing to him had hurt. And now this little side-trip into Hell could come to an end.

  Kir stepped in, glowing, to stand beside Tyr. Both gods were glaring at Grimm. “Hi, Dad. Miss me?”

  Grimm’s eyes narrowed. “Imposter.”

  Fred and Adam had stopped again, turning back and forth between the three men with dazed expressions on their faces. Logan snorted.


  Oh, hell no. He glared at Kir, who shrugged. “Tell me you did not bring Jordan here, Kir. Please, tell me you didn’t.”

  “Oh my God. Logan, are you all right?” Jordan started to rush forward, only to be stopped by Kir.

  “Don’t worry.” Logan grinned, knowing it was lopsided. “It’s only a flesh wound.” He tasted copper and licked his lips. His split lip was bleeding again.

  “Untie him right now.” Jordan growled at her fathers, her little fists clenched at her sides.

  The ropes binding him came undone. He cocked an eyebrow at her. “Been practicing, have we?”

  She flushed as he stood, twisting his neck to work the kinks out. “I wish, maybe I would have been able to get here sooner.”

  He shook his head, knowing he’d have to explain to her later the nature of their magic.

  “Is Jamie all right?”

  “She’s on her way to the hospital as we speak,” Tyr replied. Gungnir was pointed firmly at Grimm.

  Jordan glared at both her fathers. “Did they know?”

  Tyr shook his head. “No.”

  Grimm held his hands out, smiling softly. “Come on, Travis. You know me. Can you honestly picture me hurting my granddaughter?”


  Grimm lowered his hands, his expression hurt. “How can you say that?”

  Travis pulled his hand back. “Because Baldur, who is supposed to be dead, is standing right next to me. You lied to us, Grimm. You lied to us all. You used Idun’s apples to keep us all under your spell.”

  Logan saw a familiar figure slip into the room. He wondered why no one else could see him, and tensed, getting ready to throw himself in front of Jordan and Kir, but with his injuries he might not make it in time. His arm and ribs were mending, but they throbbed, nearly blinding him with the pain.

  “Once the spell of the apples wore off I saw your lies for what they were.” Tyr’s glow intensified. “And now you will pay.”

  The figure moved, and Logan leapt.

  But the shadow didn’t move to Kir or Jordan. It went straight for Grimm.

  Grimm gurgled as Vali slit his throat. “For Jamie.” He moaned as Vali pierced his heart. “For Hodr.” The younger god looked straight at Kir, and pierced Grimm’s femoral artery. “For Baldur.”

  Grimm dropped to his knees, and Vali drove the dagger into his back, severing his spinal cord. “For Loki.” He watched with dispassionate eyes as Grimm collapsed, blood pooling beneath his body. He stepped back to watch his father die, his eyes cold and hard.

  Then he took his dagger and attempted to pierce his own heart, only to find his wrist grasped firmly in Tyr’s. “You have to let this end now, Tyr. My purpose is done.”

  “What purpose? To torture us?” Logan was all for the other man’s commitment to suicide. Hell, he was ready to look for some popcorn. He wondered if Val would wait long enough for him to go get some from the employee break room.

  “You’re why Kir and Logan are still alive, aren’t you?” Jordan was staring thoughtfully at Val, who refused to meet her gaze, or anyone else’s. His arm strained against Tyr’s hold, muscles bulging. “You kept Grimm from succeeding, but you had to make it look good.” She smiled, that sweet, sweet smile Logan loved so much. “You were playing double agent, weren’t you?”

  Val’s eyes closed, his shoulders slumping. He quit pulling against Tyr’s hold. “My purpose is done, my brothers avenged. The betrayer is dead.”

  Everyone looked down at Grimm’s body…

  “Fuck. Son of a bitch. Mother fucker.” Logan turned and saw the small window was open. He rubbed his eyes tiredly. “Why the hell didn’t I see that one coming?”

  “How did he get away?” Kir was glaring at the spot Grimm had been. His eyes followed the trail of blood across the floor, up the wall and out the window. “He could be anywhere by now!”

  “He shouldn’t have survived that.” Logan limped over to the window, pushing Adam Grey out of his way to do so. The other ma
n was so stunned he didn’t protest. “Unless…”

  “He blood-bonded with my mother, I know that. It’s possible he bonded with some other Jotun until he received the power to heal.” Logan and Val exchanged a look. Logan still wanted to see Val writhing on the end of a pointed stick, but he wanted to see Grimm there more.

  “You pierced his heart. Unless Hel gave him a free pass, he should be dead.” Jordan frowned, confused. “Shouldn’t he?”

  Logan frowned, thoughts racing through his mind. If Grimm had survived his wounds, wounds that would kill even a god, how had he gotten away? “Good question.”

  Jordan watched as all of her relatives gathered in Grimm and Son’s main conference room. Logan had been cleaned up as much as possible, but she still saw red every time she looked at her fathers. For their part they couldn’t quite meet her eyes, the effects of Grimm’s potion still strong in their systems. Kir was keeping a close eye on them, making sure they didn’t get any closer to the three of them.

  Frigg was seated in Grimm’s old chair, her face cold and hard as she stared at Logan. Logan ignored her, whispering to Kir as the others filed in and took their seats. Frieda Grey took a seat by her brother, her eyes wide as they went back and forth between Kir, Logan and Jordan. Morgan and Magnus sat somewhere in the middle, somehow managing to look both protective and shamefaced at the same time. It was an interesting look for her older stepbrothers. The fact that both men had come to the three of them and offered their apologies, along with a death threat should either of the two men ever make her unhappy, hadn’t hurt.

  “Y’know, the name thing is still kinda confusing. Frigg is Frederica, Freida is Freya, et cetera,” Jordan whispered to Logan as she patted his chest. She hadn’t moved from his side since they’d left the basement, worry clearly written on her face despite the fact that almost all of his wounds had healed.

  He snorted. “Get used to it, sweetheart.” He kissed the top of her head absently and turned back to Kir.

  She rolled her eyes as a blonde woman swept into the room. Jordan didn’t know who she was until she smiled sadly at Logan, ignoring Kir.

  Logan nodded briskly, wrapping his arms around Jordan and pulling her tight to his chest. “Sigyn.”

  Her eyes widened as they flew to Jordan. “Sydney. Sydney Saeter.” She held out a hand for Jordan to shake.

  Jordan turned to Logan. “Saeter?”

  He grimaced. “We’re divorced.”

  “Oh.” She shook Sydney’s hand, not surprised when the woman’s gaze traveled between the three of them, ripe with speculation. Sydney sat near Magnus and Morgan, completely ignoring Frederica.

  A few other people Jordan didn’t recognize wandered in. She expected they were the rest of the gods.

  Frederica stood. “We are gathered here to welcome back one of our own, long thought lost to us.” She gestured with a smile to Kir, her voice warm and loving. “Baldur. Welcome home.”

  The room erupted into polite applause. Logan rolled his eyes and leaned back in his chair, legs stretched out, and crossed his arms over his chest. From the look on his face he was expecting a good show.

  Kir stood. “My name is Kiran now. Baldur died the day his father pierced Loki’s heart with an arrowhead of mistletoe.” He stared around the room, his expression devoid of warmth. “Anyone who calls me Baldur will be ignored.” He sat back down and stared at his mother.

  Jordan whistled silently at the cold rage in Frederica’s eyes. “And, of course, we must elect a new head of the firm.” She ignored Logan’s chuckle. “I nominate Bal… Kiran, who was born to lead us, on one condition, of course.”

  Jordan saw Logan’s fists clench. Kir’s jaw tightened. “I refuse to give up my relationships with Logan or Jordan, Frigg. Get over it.”

  She glared at Logan. “He is the sole reason you were taken from us, kept from us, for so long.”

  “No. That would have been Daddy Dearest, remember?”

  Val entered the room, followed by Tyr. “And I’m going to hunt him down. Hodr still needs to be avenged. But I could use some help.” He stared around at the stunned faces of the other gods. Jordan was the only one who smiled at him.

  No matter what else he’d done, he’d kept her men alive. She owed him.

  Tyr nodded. “You have it.” He ignored Val’s startled expression and turned to Kir. He held out the Godspear with a grin. “This belongs to you.”

  Logan watched as Kir’s lip curled. His long, strong fingers took the spear from Travis’s hand.

  Frigg’s gloating expression turned Jordan’s stomach. The sweet-natured Grammy she knew had turned into a self-centered shrew. She was almost tempted to ask Logan to make her some applesauce just to get her Grammy back. “Congratulations, my son. You are now in your rightful place as king of the gods.”


  Tyr’s brows rose. “You were always meant to lead the gods. You know that.”

  Kir laughed. “Yes, but, you see, they never said which gods.” He waved a hand at the men and women seated around the conference table. “As far as I’m concerned, the majority of them can rot in hell.” He turned to Val, ignoring the outraged gasps of the others. “You…you I’m putting on probation, along with Magnus and Morgan.”

  Val gulped.

  Logan growled. Jordan hid her smile behind her hand. If Kir and I gang up on him, we should be able to win him over.

  Kir gently lifted her face. “You and Logan are going to be by my side for the rest of eternity.”

  “Now, blondie, we need to discuss that.” Logan’s arm went around her shoulder to tug her closer. “She’s not immortal.”

  Jordan and Kir exchanged a grin. “She is now.”

  Logan’s brows shot up. “How?”

  “Mistletoe scratches.”

  “You mean, you two bonded?”

  Kir nodded.

  Logan collapsed in relief. “Thank God. I actually thought I was gonna have to ask Lefty for a favor.” He shuddered.

  “Get over yourself, hothead.” Travis grinned. “Oh, hey, by the way, congratulations! When were you going to make the announcement?”

  Jordan turned to stare, confused, at a wide-eyed Logan. What announcement? From the devilish gleam in Travis’s eye it had to be good.

  Logan was shaking his head at Travis. “Ix-nay, Lefty.”

  “What announcement?” Jordan was looking back and forth between the two men, her suspicions roused. They were roused even further when Kir turned his back, his shoulders shaking, tiny little snickers escaping despite his attempts to muffle them.

  Travis’s grin was pure mischief. “The announcement of your marriage to Logan, of course.”

  More outraged gasps filled the room as Logan stood. Jordan smacked Logan on the arm. “When did I get married? And why wasn’t I invited?”

  Jordan glared. Kir sputtered.

  Logan groaned. “Gee, thanks a lot.” He stared at Val. “Need any help hunting down Grimm?”

  Val’s lips twitched. “I think you have more important things to take care of right now.” He nodded at Jordan, a soft smile on his harsh face, the uncle she’d grown up loving finally revealed to her men. “You’re in good hands, honey. They’ll take care of you.”

  She took a deep breath. She’d deal with Logan later. “How’s Jamie?”

  “She’s hurting. I took her to Jefferson; they’re taking good care of her.”

  “Good.” She turned to ask Travis a question, but the other man was gone. “Huh.”

  “You ready to go?” Kir took one hand, Logan the other.

  “You can’t leave.” Frederica stood, her glare equally divided between Logan and Jordan. “You have responsibilities.”

  Kir tugged at their joined hands until the three of them started moving towards the front door. “You’re absolutely right, Mother.” He grinned. “I think I need to pay a visit to Hell.”

  He laughed as he tugged his lovers out of the room.

  “Hell?” Jordan stared at the back of K
ir’s head. She turned to look up at Logan, who was grinning. “Is he serious?”

  He looked down at her. “Look on the bright side.” The two men tugged her into the elevator and hit the button for the first floor. As the door closed, Logan winked at someone over her head. “You’ll never be bored.”

  She heard a chuckle as the door closed. She wasn’t very surprised when Kir hit the emergency stop button halfway between floors. The two of them were desperate to reaffirm their bond with Logan, make sure he was safe and all right. Part of her knew what they were about to do was completely insane, but if they weren’t safe together, when were they safe?

  When Kir started unbuttoning her blouse she stopped him. “Logan first.”

  They turned and grinned at him.

  The heat in his gaze alone drove the temperature in the elevator up a few degrees. A bead of sweat dripped between Jordan’s breasts, testament to the fact that the temperature really had gone up.

  Logan’s eyes followed the path. “Clothes off.”

  Kir began slowly undressing her while Logan quickly undressed himself. He joined Kir, both of them stopping to give her little nibbling kisses down her breasts, to her stomach, and down each leg. They carefully avoided her pussy, grinning when she groaned in frustration.

  Before she knew it her back was on the elevator wall, her legs wrapped around Logan’s waist. His cock tunneled in and out of her with quick, almost manic strokes, while Kir stripped behind them and watched with a savage expression on his face.

  “Love you,” she gasped against Logan’s lips as he pushed her into a quick and dirty orgasm that left her dripping and wrung out. She felt Kir gently pushing her legs aside, but didn’t have the strength to open her eyes. She just smiled dreamily as Logan’s strokes slowed down, caressing her still quivering flesh from the inside out.

  Logan gasped and tensed. “Kir?”

  “A redhead sandwich.” Kir leered at her over Logan’s shoulder as he thrust slowly into Logan’s ass. “Mm-mm.”


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