Alex Haley

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by Robert J. Norrell

  4.McCauley, 49.

  5.Biographical information, AHP, MS 1888, box 19, folder 8.

  6.”Search for Roots” manuscript, AHP, MS 1888, box 19, folder 8.

  7.”Roots: The Second Hundred Years,” story meeting, January 9, 1978, AHP, MS 1888, box 38, folder 6.

  8.AH, “Negro Entertainer’s Contribution to the American Way of Life,” Cosmopolitan, 1962.

  9.Haley autobiography typescript, AHP, MS 1888, box 19, folder 8.

  10.AH, “She Makes a Joyful Noise,” Reader’s Digest, November 1961.

  11.Miller Williams, letter to the editor, Readers Digest, and Alex Haley, January 22, 1963; Miller to Haley, January 28, 1963, ARC, MS 2083, box 3, folder 23; AH to Barney McHenry, February 11, 1963, ARC, MS 2032, box 3, folder 28.

  12.AH to PR, July 14, 1964, AHP, MS 1888, box 44, folder 14; McCauley, 45.

  13.MM, MX, 139.

  14.MM, MX, 117.

  15.MM, MX, 113–123.

  16.”Roots II” file, AHP, MS 1888, box 38, folder 12; AMX, 390.

  17.MM, MX, 160-61; New York Times, March 12, 1961; James Baldwin, The Fire Next Time (repr. New York: Dell, 1963), 72.

  18.C. Eric Lincoln, The Black Muslims in America (Boston: Beacon Press, 1961).

  19.AH, “Mr. Muhammad Speaks,” Reader’s Digest, March 1960.

  20.Nat Hentoff, “Through the Looking Glass,” Playboy, July 1962.

  21.Thomas Weyr, Reaching for Paradise: The Playboy Vision of America (New York: Times Books, 1978), 171–172; Los Angeles Times, June 5, 2002; Playboy, September 1962.

  22.M. A. Jones to DeLoach, memo, October 9, 1962, ARC, MS 2032, box 2, folder 16.

  23.AH and Alfred Balk, “Black Merchants of Hate,” Saturday Evening Post, January 27, 1963.

  24.MM, MX, 232.

  25.McCauley, 68.

  Chapter 4: The Fearsome Black Demagogue

  1.See books by Paul R. Reynolds: The Writer and His Markets (New York: Doubleday, 1959), The Writing and Selling of Non-Fiction (New York: Doubleday, 1963), and The Middle Man: The Adventures of a Literary Agent (New York: William Morrow, 1972); New York Times, June 11, 1988; PR to AH, April 8, 1963, AHP, MS 1888, box 44, folder 13; AH to PR, April 9, 1963, AHP, MS 1888, box 44, folder 14.

  2.New York Times, February 11, 1978; Handler, Introduction to AMX, xxvi.

  3.Reynolds, Middle Man, 199–200; AMX, 463; MM, MX, 248.

  4.MM, MX, 247; PR TO AH, June 26, 1963, AHP, MS 1888, box 44, folder 14.

  5.PR to AH, May 14, 1963, AHP, MS 1888, box 44, folder 14.

  6.MX to PR, June 3, 1963; AH to PR, June 3, 1963; PR to AH, June 4, 1963; AH TO PR, June 27, 1963, all in AHP, MS 1888, box 44, folder 14.

  7.PR to AH, July 3, 1963, AHP, MS 1888, box 44, folder 14.

  8.AH to PR, September 5, 1963, October 3, AHP, MS 1888, box 44, folder 14.

  9.Russell J. Rickford, Betty Shabazz: A Remarkable Story of Survival and Faith Before and After Malcolm X (Napierville, IL: Sourcebooks, 2003), 80, 152; Betty Shabazz, interview by AR, January 27, 1989, ARC, MS 2032, box 3, folder 6.

  10.AMX, 394-95; AH to MX, September 25, 1963, MXC-S, folder 3, box 6.

  11.AMX, 396.

  12.Ibid., 396–398.

  13.Ibid., Handler introduction, xxvii.

  14.Ibid., Epilogue, 406.

  15.MM, MX, 238; New York Times, May 12 and 19, June 4 and 25, July 28, 1963.

  16.AH to PR, June 27, 1963; AH to Wolcott Gibbs Jr., October 10, 1963, both in AHP, MS 1888, box 44, folder 14.

  17.PR to AH, September 18, 1963, AHP, MS 1888, box 44, folder 14; James F. Dwyer to Wolcott Gibbs, Jr., September 16, 1963, KMP.

  18.PR to AH, October 1, 1963, AHP, MS 1888, box 44, folder 14.

  19.AH to PR, October 10, 1963, AHP, 1888, box 44, folder 14.

  20.W. E. B. Du Bois, The Souls of Black Folk, pp. 116, 126, 127, 132, 133, 169, 170, 204, and 227 in the 1903 edition, which can be found at several web locations, including: and; W. E. B. Du Bois, The World of W.E.B. Du Bois: A Quotation Sourcebook, ed. Meyer Weinberg (Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1992), 208; George Bornstein, “W. E. B. Du Bois and the Jews: Ethics, Editing, and The Souls of Black,” Textual Cultures 1(Spring 2006): 64–74.

  21.AH to Wolcott Gibbs, Jr., October 27, 1963, AHP, MS 1888, box 44, folder 14.

  22.AH to PR, September 22, 1963; AH to Wolcott Gibbs, Jr. September 25, 1963; AH memos to McCormick, Gibbs, and Reynolds, November 11, 14, 1963, and January 6, 1964; AH to Wolcott Gibbs, Jr., October 27, 1963, all in AHP, MS 1888, box 44, folder 14.

  23.AH to Wolcott Gibbs, Jr. October 11, 1963; AH Memo to McCormick, Gibbs, Reynolds November 14, 1963, both in AHP, MS 1888, box 44, folder 14.

  24.PR to AH, December 12, 1963 AHP, MS 1888, box 44, folder 14.

  25.MM, MX, 26–32, 260.

  26.PR to AH, December 4, 1963; PR to AH, December 12, 1963; AH memo to McCormick, Gibbs, and Reynolds, December 12, 1963, all in AHP, MS 1888, box 44, folder 14.

  27.AMX, 411–13.

  28.MM, MX, 283–84.

  29.AMX, 416–18.

  30.AH to PR, December 11, 1963; AH memos to McCormick, Gibbs, and Reynolds, January 19 and March 21, 1964; AH to PR, March 26, 1964, all in AHP, MS 1888, box 44, folder 14; AH to PR, February 6, 1964, KMP.

  31.AH memo to McCormick, Gibbs, and Reynolds, February 18,1964, ARC, MS 2032, box 3, folder 24; AH memos to McCormick, Gibbs, and Reynolds, February 10,1964; March 21,1964; and March 25, 1964, all in KMP.

  32.New York Times, March 9, 1964.

  33.MM, MX, 301–303.

  34.Davis quoted in MM, MX, 324.

  35.AMX, 418.

  36.PR to AH, May 14, 1964, AHP, MS 1888, box 44, folder 14; AMX, 419.

  Chapter 5: Marked Man

  1.AMX, 338-339, New York Times, May 8, 1964.

  2.AMX, 420.

  3.MM, MX, 352.

  4.MM, MX, 178–179, 200.

  5.McCormick to John Appleton, May 13, 1964, KMP; PR to AH, May 14, 1964, AHP, MS 1888, box 44, folder 14; AH to Ken, Tony and Paul, June 14, 1964, AHP, MS 1888, box 44, folder 14.

  6.AH to MX, June 21, 1964, MXC-S, box 3, folder 6.

  7.AH to PR, June 21 and July 8, 1964, AHP, MS 1888, box 44, folder 14.

  8.”Search for Roots” manuscript, 2nd draft, January 18, 1979, n.p., AHP, MS 1888, box 34, folder 3; PR to AH, July 9, February 5, 1964; AH to PR, January 28, 1964, AHP, MS 1888, box 44, folder 14.

  9.PR to AH, June 23 and July 9, 1964; AH to PR, July 14, 1964, both in AHP, MS 1888, box 44, folder 14.

  10.New York Times, March 1, 1964.

  11.New York Times, September 21, 1964.

  12.AH to Phoebe [PR secretary], November 7, 1964, AHP, MS 1888, box 44, folder 14.

  13.Ken McCormick testimony, Alexander v. Haley, 915–16, ARC, MS 2032, box 6; Los Angeles Times, February 15, 1977.

  14.Robert Penn Warren, “Malcolm X: Mission and Meaning,” Yale Review 56 (December 1966): 167.

  15.Saturday Evening Post, September 12, 1964; AMX, 426.

  16.New York Times, September 8 and October 11,1964; Saturday Evening Post, September 12, 1964.

  17.New York Times, October 4 and November 8, 1964.

  18.AMX, 426–27.

  19.Ibid., 428–29.

  20.Ibid., 430; Russell J. Rickford, Betty Shabazz: A Remarkable Story of Survival and Faith Before and After Malcolm X (Napierville, IL: Sourcebooks, 2003), 298.

  21.New York Times, February 22, 1965; AMX, 433.

  22.AMX, 43

  23.AH to PR, November 15, 1964; PR to AH, January 28, 1965; AH to PR, February 8, 1965; PR to AH, February 9, 1965, all in AHP, MS 1888, box 44, folder 14.

  24.AH to PR, February 21, 1965, AHP, MS 1888, box 44, folder 14.

  25.John Doar to the Director, FBI, February 24, 1965,

  26.Lisa Drew to author, May 9, 2014.

  27.AMX, 459–62.

  28.New York Times, February 22–27, 1965.

  29.AH to PR, February 21, 27, 1965, AHP, MS 1888, box 44, folder 13.

  30.PR to AH, March 11, 1965; Timothy Seldes to PR, March 15, 1965; Ed Kuhn to PR, March 22, 1965; James N. Perkins to Malcolm Reiss, March 26, 1965, all in AHP, MS 1888, box 44, folder 15.

  31.Malcolm Reiss to Percy Sutton, April 14, 1965, AHP, MS 1888, box 44, folder 15.

  32.”Search for Roots” manuscript, 2nd draft; PR to AH, May 11, 1965, AHP, MS 1888, box 44, folder 15.

  33.PR to AH, May 11, 1965; PR to AH, July 7, 1965; AH to PR, July 9, 1965, all in AHP, MS 1888, box 44, folder 15.

  34.AMX, 463.

  35.New York Times, November 5, 1965; Washington Post, November 14, 1965; Warren, “Malcolm X: Mission and Meaning,” 164; New York Review of Books, November 11, 1965.

  36.”What They’re Reading,” Change in Higher Education 1 (May–June 1969): 9.

  37.Christian Science Monitor, January 22, 1969; Atlanta Daily World, January 22, 1970.

  38.MM, MX, 466; A Lie of Reinvention: Correcting Manning Marable’s Malcolm X, ed. Jared A. Ball and Todd Steven Burroughs (Baltimore: Black Classic Press, 2012); V. P. Franklin, “Introduction: Reflections on the Legacy of Malcolm X,” Journal of African American History 98 (Fall 2013): 562–64; The Cambridge Companion to Malcolm X, ed. Robert Terrill (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010).

  39.Burroughs, “Doda: Objectivity vs. Memory,” in A Lie of Reinvention; David Remnick, “The Making and Remaking of Malcolm X,” New Yorker, April 25, 2011.

  40.The Norton Anthology of African American Literature, ed. Henry Louis Gates Jr. and Nellie Y. McKay (New York: Norton, 1997), 1860–1876; Robert E. Terrill, “Introduction,” The Cambridge Companion to Malcolm X, ed. Robert E. Terrill (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010), 3.

  41.Carol Ohmann, “The Autobiography of Malcolm X: A Revolutionary Use of the Franklin Tradition,” American Quarterly 22 (Summer 1970): 133; Robert B. Stepto, From Behind the Veil: A Study of Afro-American Narrative (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1991).

  42.The Autobiography of W. E. B. Du Bois: A Soliloquy on Viewing My Life from the Last Decade of Its First Century (International Publishers, 1968), 12.

  Chapter 6: Before This Anger

  1.”Origins of Roots” manuscript, AHP, MS 1888, box 34, folder 28; AH to PR, January 30, 1965, AHP, MS 1888, box 3, folder 10.

  2.”Origins of Roots” manuscript.

  3.AH to PR, January 30, 1965, AHP, MS 1888, box 3, folder 10.

  4.”Origins of Roots” manuscript.

  5.Stanley M. Elkins, Slavery: The Problem in Americqn Institution and Intellectual Life (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1959), 82, 88.

  6.”My Search for Roots—A Writer Goes Back to Africa,” Tuesday Magazine, a supplement to the Philadelphia Sunday Bulletin, October 12, 1965.

  7.McCauley, 113–114; “Origins of Roots” manuscript.

  8.New York Times, September 26, 1976; “Origins of Roots” manuscript.

  9.Karel Arnaut and Hein Vanhee, “History Facing the Present: An Interview with Jan Vansina,” H-AFRICA, November 1, 2001,; Jan Vansina, Oral Tradition: A Study in Historical Methodology (Chicago: Aldine Publishing, 1965), 186.

  10.AH to “Jim,” February 17, 1966, ARC, MS 2032, box 3, folder 25; AH to Lucy Kroll, Jill D’Argent, Ollie Swann, and James Earl Jones, December 18, 1967; AH to PR, December 19, 1967; PR to AH, December 22, 1967, all in AHP, MS 1888, box 45, folder 1.

  11.Malcolm Reiss to Betty Shabazz, June 17, 1966, AHP, MS 1888, box 45, folder 1.

  12.Playboy, April 1966.

  13.Playboy, December 1966.

  14.AH to PR, August 8, 1966, AHP, MS 1888, box 3, folder 10; Ebou Manga, interview by AR, May 13, 1989, in ARC, MS 2032, box 3, folder 15.

  15.AH to PR, October 24, 1966, AHP, MS 1888, box 45, folder 1; AH to PR, October 18, 1966, AHP, MS 1888, box 3, folder 10.

  16.New York Times, January 27 and July 9, 1967; May 13 and October 5, 1969; January 27 and August 16, 1970; AH to PR, October 29, 1966, AHP, MS 1888, box 45, folder 1.

  17.McCauley, 112.

  18.”Origins of Roots” manuscript; Haley notes on “Encounter with Africa,” AHP, MS 1888, box 34, folder 38.

  19.”Gambia,” AHP, MS 1888, box 29, folder 1.

  20.AH to Maurice Ragsdale, December 14, 1966, AHP MS 1888, box 3, folder 10.

  21.KM to PR, January 12, 1967; PR to KM, January 16, 1967; KM to PR, January 18, 1967; AH to PR, March 5, 1967, all in AHP, MS 1888, box 45, folder 1.

  22.PR to AH, March 8, 1967, in AHP, MS 1888, box 45, folder 1.

  23.AH to PR, March 9, 1967, in AHP, MS 1888, box 45, folder 1.

  24.PR to AH, March 10 and April 10, May 16 and April 25, 1967, AHP, MS 1888, box 45, folder 1; Lawrence Hughes to John Hawkins, May 15, 1974, ARC, MS 2032, box 3, folder 27.

  25.AH notes, AHP, MS 1888, box 34, folder 26; John Gunther, Inside Africa (New York: Harper’s, 1955), 744–45.

  26.AH to Edward Sowe, March 16, 1967, AHP, MS 1888, box 3, folder 10.

  27.Haley notes on “Encounter with Africa.”.


  29.AH to PR, April 23, 1967, in AHP, MS 1888, box 45, folder 1; Jan Vansina to AH, April 29, 1967, AHP, MS 1888, box 3, folder 10.

  30.Manuscript of AH in Africa, May 1967, p. 515, in AHP, MS 1888, box 34, folder 33.


  Chapter 7: The American Griot

  1.AH to PR, May 27, 28, June 16, August 5, 1967; PR to AH, May 29, July 11, September 29, 1967; PR to AH, 1967, AHP MS 1888, box 45, folder 1.

  2.AH, Roots (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1976), 682–83.

  3.Ibid., 684–85.

  4.Ibid., 672–73.

  5.Haley direct examination, Courlander v. Haley, ARC, MS 2828, box 6, folders 16–17; Publisher’s Weekly, September 6, 1976.

  6.McCauley, 141.

  7.AH to PR, December 27, 1967, AHP, MS 1888, box 45, folder 1; Lucy Kroll to Oliver Swan, December 14, 1967, AHP, Ms 1888, box 45, folder 1; New York Times, March 8, 1968.

  8.Haley direct testimony, Alexander v. Haley, AHP, MS 1888, box 45, folder 2; Playboy, January 1977.

  9.Anne Romaine interview with Louis Blau, August 9, 1989, ARC, MS 2032, box 2, folder 25.

  10.Richard Marius, “Alexander Murray Palmer Haley,” Tennessee Encyclopedia,; New York Times, June 27, 1976; Helen Taylor, “The Griot from Tennessee: The saga of Alex Haley’s Roots,” Critical Quarterly 37 (1996): 57.

  11.New York Times, June 27, 1976; “Roots II,” autobiographical narrative, AHP, MS 1888, box 38, folder 12.

  12.”Roots II,” autobiographical narrative, AHP, MS 1888, box 38, folder 12; William Van Deburg, New Day in Babylon: The Black Power Movement and American Culture, 1965–1975 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992), 78; Newsweek, February 10, 1969; Peniel Joseph, “Dashikis and Democracy: Black Studies, Student Activism, and the Black Power Movement,” Journal of African-American History 88 (Spring 2003): 182–2003; New York Times, June 9, 1968.

  13.Newsweek, May 6, 1968; U.S. News and World Report, February 24, 1969.

on Post, June 6, 1968, December 8, 1971; Wall Street Journal, March 9, 1972; Hartford Courant, April 4, 1969, February 21, 1973.

  15.Lost Angeles Times, May 25, 1969; Cleveland Plain Dealer, February 13, 1969; Washington Post, January 6, December 8, 1971; Wall Street Journal, March 9, 1972.

  16.AH to PR, February 15, 1971, AHP, MS 1888, box 45, folder 2; Ken McCormick affidavit, December 30, 1991, KMP.

  17.”Lecture on Roots,” AHP, MS 1888, box 30, folder 18.



  20.Wall Street Journal, March 9, 1972.

  21.”Roots II” file, AHP, MS 1888, box 38, folder 12; Charles Thomas Galbraith quoted Haley, reported in Philip Nobile, Village Voice, 1993.

  22.AH to Helen B. Wilkins, September 13, 1969, AHP, MS 1888, box 21, folder 11; AH to PR, August 8, 1969; AH to “Mrs. Williams” [Reynolds agency], March 27, 1970, AHP, MS 1888, box 45, folder 2; J. Martin Carovano to Paul Reynolds, October 9, 1974, ARC, MS 2032, box 3, folder 27; “Roots II,” autobiographical narrative, AHP, MS 1888, box 38, folder 12.

  23.AH to Hillel Black, March 5, 1969; AH to Lawrence Hughes, July 29, 1969, Hillel Black to AH, July 31, 1972, AHP, MS 1888, box 45, folder 2; AH to PR, August 24, 1969, AHP, MS 1888, box 45, folder 2; “Fisher-edited copy,” AHP, MS 1888, box 25, folder 4.

  24.AH to PR, September 16, 1970; KM to PR, September 21, 1970; AH to PR, November 28, 1970, AHP, MS 1888, box 45, folder 2; AH to PR, May 20, 1971; PR to George Sims, July 2, 1971, AHP, MS 1888, box 45, folder 3.

  25.AH to PR, June 19, May 20, 1971, AHP, MS 1888, box 45, folder 3; PR to AH, April 30, 1971, AHP, MS 1888, box 45, folder 2.

  26.AH to PR, May 18, 1971, ARC, MS 2032, box 3, folder 25; McCauley, 148.

  27.Chicago Tribune, February 18, 1973.

  28.Personal Video Interviews Given by and Given to Alex Haley, Alex Haley website,; Christian Science Monitor, April 24, 1972; “My Furthest-Back Person—‘The African,’” New York Times July 16, 1972.

  29.PR to AH, August 7, 1972, AHP, MS 1888, box 45, folder 2; AH to PR, October 5, 1972; PR to AH, August 7, 1972; PR to Rubin Clickman, May 29, 1973 AHP, MS 1888, box 45, folder 3.


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