Pure Blood (Time Spirit Trilogy, #3)

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Pure Blood (Time Spirit Trilogy, #3) Page 5

by Melissa Pearl

  “Lucia,” Gabe’s voice was tight as he uttered his daughter’s real name.


  “Why are you telling me this?”

  Harrison squeezed her shoulder.

  “Because I want to go back and stop his death and maybe get him to write her a letter and then we can…”

  “A letter?” Gabe sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “A letter. You want to travel back to…?”


  “1820.” Gabe closed his eyes and shook his head. “1820 so some guy can write Helena a letter.”

  “Uh-huh.” Gemma put on a brave smile.

  Gabe’s stern gaze shot across to Harrison. “Is this your idea?”

  “No.” He raised his hands, two white flags of innocence. “But I… my mom is really messed up and I can’t talk her around. She won’t tell me anything. She won’t tell me why she left him or why she was even there in the first place. She just…” His shoulders slumped with a sigh. “I really think some form of correspondence from Nathaniel would help her move on.”

  “Please, we need your help.” Gemma grabbed Gabe’s hand and squeezed.

  “This is ridiculous.”

  “But necessary.”

  “No! No, you guys. Risking your life for this is not necessary! You don’t even know how he died!”

  “That’s what we’re going to find out. It’s worth it.”

  Gabe shook his head.

  “It is, Gabe. She’s been suffering for nearly two decades. If she needs a little help to move on, then I’m going to give it to her any way I can. I know you both don’t want me traveling back, but I’m the only one with the ability to do it and I’m going.”

  The air buzzed with her electric determination.

  “I’ve been trying to talk her out of it all week and I’m getting nowhere.” Harrison sighed. “I’m admitting defeat and coming to terms with the fact she’ll have a much better chance of pulling this off if we help her.”

  Gabe’s birthmark burned fiery red on his collarbone and his question was uttered through gritted teeth. “Do we have a deadline?”

  “The moving van arrives on October 30th. I need to do this and dig up the evidence before then.”

  Gabe sighed and pinched his nose again.

  “And there’s no talking you out of this?”

  She shook her head.

  “Okay, you stubborn little…” He swallowed and shot his daughter a dry look. “Let’s get to work.”

  Harrison was sent to the library while Gabe and Gemma worked on a few traveling exercises to get her back in shape. By the time he had returned that afternoon, Gemma had crossed the line three times and was looking exhilarated. He’d never seen her like that before and it took him by surprise.

  “When I’m not taking anyone with me, it’s easy. I don’t feel drained at all,” she explained before giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

  “How did you go?”

  “Only okay.” He leant against the hood of his car as he rifled through his notes and shared some basic background information on the Clayton family and what minimal information he could find on Nathaniel.

  “Most of it’s about Robert and Emilie.” He folded the pages. “It’s kinda weird how little there is on Nathaniel. It’s like the family wanted to hide something.”

  “Maybe they were embarrassed that he was in love with… a witch.”

  Harrison frowned. He didn’t like his mother being referred to in those terms, but was forced to recognize that anyone slightly unusual in those days was easily branded.

  “Sorry. I don’t really think your mother’s a witch.”

  “I know.” He slid his arm around her waist. “There’s a strong chance you’re right. If the family history is embarrassing then they don’t tend to make it known.”

  “Maybe that’s why she left him. Too much family pressure?” Gabe piped in.

  “I’m still sticking to my baby theory.”

  Harrison rolled his eyes, but couldn’t deny the plausibility of it.

  “Gemma thinks my mom left because she was pregnant with me.”

  “She’s probably right. People will give up almost anything to give their children the best shot at a normal life.”

  Harrison studied Gabe’s face, knowing the casually stated comment held much more meaning. He glanced at Gemma who seemed to remain unaware of the depth of emotion emanating from her father. Harrison decided to move on from the topic sensing now was not the time to delve into it.

  “So I’ll try look through my mom’s stuff tomorrow and see if I can find out a little more. Knowing her, she would have done some pretty thorough research.”

  “We’re definitely going to need more than what you’ve got before we can send this one back.” Gabe pointed to his daughter then scratched the stubble on his chin. “Why don’t Lucia and I meet here tomorrow to keep working on the travel thing and you join us at lunchtime after you’ve gone through your mother’s stuff.”

  “Cool.” Harrison pushed up from his car and walked around to open the door for Gemma. Once she was secured inside the vehicle, he sauntered back to his door, stopping to slap a firm hand on Gabe’s shoulder. “Thanks for your help.”

  He wanted to say more, knowing this man mirrored his feelings about Gemma’s travel, but he couldn’t form the words.

  “I’ll prepare her as best I can.” Gabe read his mind. “Don’t worry, she’s capable of pulling it off. I guess we’re just going to have to trust that.”

  * * * *

  Harrison’s mind was reeling as he pulled the Corvette onto the grass verge. The Claytons were hiding something. That was an understatement! Gemma was not going. It was as simple as that.

  Having spent the morning studying the file of information he eventually found and stole from his mother’s office the night before, he was determined that his girlfriend was staying put. His mother would just have to deal with this in her own way. He would just have to move for the rest of the year and commute down on weekends. They would meet up again in college. A year was not that long.

  The idea made his belly surge with bile, but what other choice did they have?

  He slammed the door behind him as he walked towards Gabe. At least he knew he would have his backing. Striding up to the tree Gabe was resting against, he tried to calm his boiling emotions, so that his voice would remain even.


  The air around them went still and a naked version of his girlfriend suddenly stood before him. Her face was radiant. His smile of admiration was cut short by a swift elbow jab from Gabe. He reluctantly turned to study the bark of the pine while he listened to Gemma’s comments on where she had been. His lips quirked as he read through her vague explanation and recaptured the afternoon she had gone to. He remembered it too and felt his cheeks heat with color.

  “You can turn around now,” Gabe’s voice was droll.

  He was so busy admiring the vivid image in his head that he nearly forgot his horrifying news until he spotted his girlfriend’s beautiful face. Her expression was melted chocolate and he could have swum in its warmth all afternoon, which is why she couldn’t go.

  “I’ve changed my mind. You’re not going.”

  “What?” The sweet chocolate hardened to a bitter cocoa. He felt the loss keenly, but pressed on.

  “I can’t let you go. It’s too risky.”

  Gabe cut off Gemma’s outburst. “What do you find?”

  “He was accused of murder. That’s why he disappeared… to escape the law.”

  “That is so not true! Nathaniel Clayton would not kill anybody.”

  Harrison silently pleaded for assistance, but felt his spirits wither at the expression on Gabe’s face.

  “If he was only accused, it doesn’t mean he did it.”

  “Thank you,” Gemma’s voice was pointed. “Look, Harrison, I’ve met this man and I am telling you he is not capable of doing something like that.”

  “Gem, you
spent less than thirty minutes with the guy, you don’t know what he may have been driven to. What if he somehow thought my mother was taken and he went after the person he thought was responsible. What if he thinks it’s you… and tries to hurt you!”

  “Okay, now you’re just clutching at straws.”

  “Don’t be flippant about this! You’re not the one sending someone you care about off to who knows where, to do who knows what! I’m not losing you over this!”

  “You lose me if we don’t do it! You really think we can still see each other if you’re in DC?”

  “It’s better than not seeing you ever, because you’re dead!”

  “Are you seriously willing to believe that your father’s a murderer?”

  “I’ve never met the man! I don’t know!”

  “Enough!” Gabe’s bark sealed both their lips. “Arguing over this point is not achieving anything. Now Harrison, did you find something we can actually use.”

  Harrison shot the man a dark look. “Not much. I don’t know who he was accused of murdering.”

  “Did you ever think it could be your mother? This woman he spends all his time with suddenly disappears. People would ask questions.”

  “What’s the bet that’s one of the reasons your mother hates herself so much? She’s probably assumed it’s her they’re talking about.”

  Harrison nodded at the theory. It did make sense. He was too riled when he found out to stop and think of that scenario. His emotions settled to a simmer as he continued his recap.

  “I also found out he disappeared before they could arrest him and no-one heard anything about him after that. He was presumed dead months later when some unidentified remains were found in the forest, several days ride from his brother’s estate in the country. My research theorizes that he was attacked by bandits.”

  Gabe nodded. Running a hand through his hair, he looked at his daughter with grave eyes.

  “It’s not much, kid. I don’t think we can send you back on this amount of information.”

  “No,” her voice pleaded. “You guys don’t give up yet. I’ll go and see Emilie. Maybe she can point me in the right direction. She’ll know stuff that’s not recorded.”

  “How do you know she’ll even talk to you?”

  “Because I saved her life once. She’ll remember me.” Gemma’s confidence did not wipe the skepticism from Gabe’s expression. “Look, if I don’t get what I need from her, I’ll come home. A little trip to have a conversation is not risky.”

  She glanced between the two of them. Harrison kept his expression level as he waited for Gabe’s verdict. A jagged laceration was ripping his spine apart as he waited. His insides warred with desperation for her to go and help his mother and a determination to keep her here, safe in his arms.

  She won’t stay in your arms if she doesn’t go, Granger.

  “One conversation.” Gabe held up his finger. “If Nathaniel’s more than a week ahead of you on his journey you come home. If Emilie has doubts about his innocence, you come home. If you get over there and things feel wrong, you come home. Agreed?”

  Gemma nodded with a triumphant smile. Harrison let out a long sigh then shot her a glib grin, allowing his head to bob once… the minimal gesture sealing an action that could have dire consequences.

  Chapter Nine

  St Augustine, Florida – 2011AD

  The fall weather was pleasant. Gemma stood outside Gabe’s caravan going over last minute details. It had been just over two weeks since they started preparing for her trip. She had not needed as much training as last time, things coming back to her easily. As she stood in the fresh, morning air, she felt a heady mixture of excitement and anxiety.

  Wriggling her fingers, she listened to Gabe go over the plan one last time, nodding her head as she absorbed the information. They had discussed it numerous times already, but one last recap wouldn’t hurt.

  They had chosen a Wednesday, feeling it was their best chance to do this with no questions asked. Gemma was faking a sicky and Harrison had managed to forge a pretty decent note in Bryan’s scribble stating they had a family function in DC. With whispers of their eminent departure in the air, the excuse was bought. So the trio had a whole day to try and pull this mission off… all Gemma could hope was that they would need every second of it. The longer she was across the line, the better.

  If she did manage a successful conversation with Emilie, she may be gone a little longer than normal in her hunt for Nathaniel. Harrison wasn’t happy about it, but she wasn’t going to miss an opportunity if it was presented. She had been made to promise that if he was more than a week ahead of her, she had to abort. She just hoped and prayed they were timing it right. Harrison had spent hours pouring over his mother’s notes and doing extra research of his own. Gemma was feeling confident.

  “Well.” Gabe slapped her on the shoulder. “Use your brain and stay alert. And don’t…”

  “Come back dead.” Gemma smiled. “I know. I’ll be safe.”

  His cheeks creased with a smile as he pulled her into a solid hug before kissing the top of her head and passing her over to Harrison.

  Her boyfriend looked nervous as he ran his hands over her cheeks and held her face firm.

  “It’ll be okay. I’ll be back before you know it.”

  He attempted a smile, but failed. She let her eyes shine with an “I love you” as he pulled her face towards his and sent her senses reeling with a passionate farewell.

  She staggered back from him and blushed. With obvious effort he stepped away from her. She knew he was watching her the whole time as she closed her eyes and began to visualize.

  * * * *

  London, England – 1820AD

  Much to her chagrin, it took Gemma two hours to find the Clayton’s residence. Thankfully she had managed to clothe herself easily, although she carried a weighty guilt as she pictured the finely dressed man now tied to a barrel in nothing but his underclothes.

  Lifting her chin she gazed up at the beautiful Clayton home and grasped at the images Harrison had shown her the day before. Pulling up the blueprints in her head she worked out where she was supposed to sneak in. She played with the lapels of her coat, trying to look inconspicuous as she sauntered around the back of the premises. The lack of undergarments was taking a toll on her muscles as the damp mist seeped through the fabric. She could feel goose bumps on her flesh as she studied the trellis. If she had any hope of getting to Nathaniel without catching pneumonia she’d have to borrow more suitable clothing.

  The vines made her climb to the second story a little more challenging, but she made it to the top without slipping and was grateful to find the bedroom window unfastened. Edging into the warm room, she perched on the sill and took in her surroundings. A luscious four-post bed dominated much of the room. Gemma admired the beautifully carved structure as she dropped to the floor and tiptoed towards the fireplace. Taking a moment to warm her hands she closed her eyes and sought the blueprints again. If their assumptions were right, Emilie would probably be having tea in the parlor. Gemma crossed her fingers, praying their information was correct and that Robert was away for the week.

  With her breath on hold, she opened the door and crept down the corridor. The murmur of voices ascending the stairwell had her jumping behind the nearest door and leaning against the wood. She listened to the footsteps clip past her and cracked the door open to watch two housemaids, their arms full of clean linen, heading into the bedroom she had just left. With a quick nibble on her cheek, she snuck out once again and fled down the stairs with as much stealth as possible.

  The parlor was quiet as she approached. When she peeked her head around the corner, she saw Emilie sitting on the sofa, her back as straight as an arrow, sipping from a china cup.

  With light steps, she entered the room and raised her hands in warning, hoping to stop Emilie’s startled scream. The woman’s eyes rounded with surprise and her mouth dropped open. Gemma ripped off her hat and the room fell
silent as Emilie swallowed her scream. Instead her head tipped to the side like a curious bird’s and her eyes narrowed.

  “I know you,” her voice was soft, only the smallest hint of a French accent remaining.

  “Yes.” Gemma nodded and took another step forward.

  “My guardian angel?”

  Gemma smiled and nodded once again, her body flooding with relief. “I was hoping you’d remember me.” She approached the woman with confidence and knelt at her feet.

  “What are you doing here?” Sudden fear morphed her elegant features. “Is something bad about to happen?”

  “No, no,” Gemma reassured. “In fact, I need your help this time.”

  Emilie’s brow furrowed.

  “I’m looking for Nathaniel.”

  “Why?” Emilie sat back on the couch.

  “Because I want to help him.”

  “He didn’t kill that woman.” Emilie’s voice was frantic, her eyes brimming with tears. “I don’t know where she went, but he loved her and he would never harm her.”

  “I know, Emilie. Can you tell me where he is?”

  “We’re not sure.” Her hand shook as she raised it to cover her mouth. “Robert got him out of the city before they could arrest him and he was supposed to be hiding in our country estate, but they came for him and he had to flee. I think he’s trying to find her… to prove his innocence. Although I’m sure that’s not the only reason he’s looking.”

  “When did this happen?”

  “A week ago. Robert thought he might head north, but I guess we have no way of knowing for sure. I’m so worried about him. Ever since that woman left, he’s been so depressed and then to have these accusations against him. I…” The petite woman paused and looked down at Gemma, her eyes narrowing. “How are you going to help him?”


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