Pure Blood (Time Spirit Trilogy, #3)

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Pure Blood (Time Spirit Trilogy, #3) Page 15

by Melissa Pearl

  Gemma rubbed a shaky hand over the frownlines on her forehead.

  "It's only a theory." Gabe shrugged.

  "I wish I could ask him. I want to understand this. Get my head around what they were doing to me."

  "Don't you go near him again, you hear me?"

  Gemma nodded.

  "I don't want him laying another finger on you."

  Nibbling her lip, she blinked at unshed tears. “You know, I never wanted to believe that they could be so cruel and I’ve been fighting with myself ever since I met you. I knew deep down that you were right about them, but I didn’t want to see it. I’m sorry. I’m sorry if I ever made this hard for you.”

  “Hey, stop that.” Gabe gave her a stern look. “You’ve done nothing wrong in all of this. You’re a pure one with a pure heart. Your mother would be so proud of you." His eyes sparkled. “I know I am.”

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  Gemma sat back in her seat, retrieving her drink on the way. Sipping quietly she kept eyeing her birthmark tattoo, her mind racing with an unbidden thought.

  I know I can make you prouder still, but I don’t know if I have the courage.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Memphis, Tennessee – 2011AD

  “I can’t believe you’re in love with Lena’s daughter.” Helen sat beside Harrison on the bed, staring at the door in front of her. “I always hoped life would make our paths cross again. I never saw this coming though.” She shook her head with a grin. “There was always something so familiar about Gemma and I could never put my finger on it.”

  Harrison watched her expression closely.

  “So, you don’t mind that I’m in love with your enemy’s daughter?”

  Helen looked a little miffed. “She was never my enemy, Harrison. I never wanted the friendship to end, but it just couldn’t survive under the circumstances. When I first returned, I wanted to find her, but I had to think of you first. I was worried if I came into contact with anyone from my past that it would somehow get back to my mother and she would use my offspring for her own purposes. I couldn’t allow that to happen.”

  Harrison reached for her hand and gave it a squeeze. It was such a relief to have her know everything. He had studied her carefully as he divulged all he knew. Her face had wandered from interest, to shock, to a nod of understanding, through to alarm, then settled on appalled as Harrison walked her through his time with Gemma. It had taken him close to two hours, having to answer her questions along the way, and he now felt depleted. He rubbed his forehead with a sigh, the tension in his muscles making it hard to move.

  “I’ve been trying so hard to protect her, help her out of this hell and then the one time she needs me the most… I’m not there,” his voice cracked.

  His mother’s hand came to rest on his shoulder.

  “My guess is that’s she gone to Gabe.”

  “But what if she didn’t make it. What if they’ve…?”

  “You’d know if she were dead. Trust me on this, when you lose a soul mate you feel it.”

  Helen winced and looked to the floor.

  “I have to do something. I can’t just sit here wondering where she is. I've gotta go to her. Now.”

  Harrison raised his eyes.

  “I agree.”

  His mouth dropped open. “Seriously? I was expecting a much bigger fight than this.”

  “I can’t say I’m happy about it,” Helen sighed, “but I know she needs you and you can’t do any good for her here in Memphis.”

  Harrison rushed for the door. Helen grabbed his sleeve.

  “Just promise me you’ll be safe. If the Harts got rid of you once, they won’t hesitate to do it again.”

  Her words stilled him. He swallowed down a foreboding gulp and frowned. Reaching for his phone, Helen drew it from his fingers and punched in a number.

  “Yes, US Airways please.”

  * * * *

  The only flight he could get had him landing in Jacksonville at three in the morning. He found the first cab he could and was pulling up to his house an hour and a half later. The air was still and crisp as he jumped onto the pavement and headed around back in search of the spare key.

  His body protested against the exhaustion tugging at his brain. He didn’t have time to be tired. His quest would not allow him the luxury. Bolting through the back door he headed up the stairs. He didn’t care that it was four-thirty in the morning; he was driving to Gabe’s.

  Switching on his light, he plundered his desk draw, pulling out his key and ignoring the debris he left in his wake. His trip down the stairs was quick and would have been seamless if it hadn’t been for the explosion of pain that tore through his face as his body was flung back against the railing.

  Finding his center, Harrison jerked around to face his attacker. Suddenly his body was hauled down the stairs and slammed against the wall.

  “Where is she?” The deep voice was so full of menace Harrison nearly didn’t recognize it. Balling his hand, he shot his fist into his assailant’s stomach, releasing the forearm that had been blocking his airway.

  “Get the hell out of my house, Simeon!”

  Harrison managed to block the next blow and deliver one of his own. He couldn’t deny the satisfaction he felt, watching the guy stumble away from him. Righting his body, Simeon came at him again, this time catching his jaw and sending him sprawling. Before he could catch his breath the guy had jumped on him like a panther and wrestled him to the ground.

  “Where is she?”

  “Even if I knew I wouldn’t tell you.” Harrison spat, wriggling his arm free and punching Simeon in the back.

  “You liar!” Simeon raised his right arm, coming in for another punch. Grabbing the opportunity, Harrison stalled his hand and used his other to punch him in the chest. Pushing his body free, he swung back onto his feet and crouched, ready for another attack.

  “You’re the only one she would have run to, Granger.” Simeon’s eyes sparked as he readied himself for battle. “Tell me where she is and I won’t have to kill you.”

  Harrison dodged the chilling comment by forcing his brain to register that Gemma was not with Simeon and he had no idea about Gabe, so the chances of his girl being safe were escalating.

  “Stay away from her and I won’t have to kill you.” He wasn’t sure if getting cocky was the right choice, but he went with it anyway.

  His reward was a guttural snarl from his opponent as he pounced towards him. Dodging the first fist, he got clipped by the second and then everything became a blur. He wasn’t sure what furniture was destroyed along the way, but by the time they reached the kitchen both of them were bruised and bloodied.

  Simeon reached for a knife and Harrison reached for the phone. Dialing 911, he held the receiver to his ear, keeping his gaze locked on Simeon.

  “911, what is your emergency?”

  “There’s someone in my house.”

  The knife landed an inch from his ear and hummed with vibration from the forceful throw. Simeon’s eyes were charcoal and his warning all too clear. Without another word, he opened the kitchen door and departed.

  “Sir, what is your address?” the phone operator repeated.

  “Sorry, false alarm. A stray cat got into the house and knocked over a lamp downstairs.”

  With mumbled apologies Harrison hung up the phone and leaned his shaking body against the counter. Wiping the blood from his nose with his sleeve, he forced his battered limbs back upstairs. The least he could do was clean up. Gemma didn’t need to see him like this.

  * * * *

  The sun was just rising as he pulled his Corvette to a stop beside Gemma’s Ducati. His heart was near flying by the time he reached the door and took off completely when he watched it squeak open to reveal Gemma.

  “Hey.” Her eyes filled with instant tears as she descended the stairs and wrapped her arms around him.

  He held her tight.

  “I tried to reach you, but my phone… and then I couldn
’t remember your number.” Gemma leaned away from him. Her tears evaporated as her relief turned to shock. “What happened to you? Your face?”

  Her fingers were gentle as she examined his cut lip and swollen, black eye.

  “What happened to you?” His pain was forgotten as he fingered the scars peppering her cheeks. All that remained were a few scabs from the deeper cuts, but Harrison deduced how hideous her face must have been on the night it was done.

  “Thought you were in Memphis 'til Sunday.” Gabe called from the caravan.

  Harrison glanced up to see Gemma’s father leaning in the doorway, a grin glistening in his eyes.

  “I spoke to Ruby and had to get back.”

  “You spoke to Ruby? What did she say?” Gemma’s eyes were wide.

  “Why don’t you two take a walk? There’s a trail starting at the edge of the forest behind the camper.” He flicked his head in the right direction. “Take as long as you need.”

  Interlacing his fingers with Gemma’s, Harrison pulled her towards the trail and began to talk. Gemma filled in all his blanks with a teary explanation. He held her close and kissed her hair, repeating that everything would be okay.

  “You’re free now, sweetie.” He grasped her shoulders and looked into her eyes with a smile. “It’s over.”

  “But they’re still looking for me… and they know where you live now. What if they find-”

  “Stop. I’m not going to let them touch you or my family. We’ll sort something out.” He placed his hands on her cheeks, forcing her to look at him. “It’ll be okay, we’re together now… everything will be fine.”

  Her head eventually bobbed with assent. Sniffing at her tears, she wiped them from her face and managed a small smile. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, turning her back towards the caravan.

  “Come on, let’s-”

  His body tensed with warning and his eyes shot towards the trees.

  “What is it?”

  “Someone’s watching us,” he whispered.

  Before either of them could react, the flora beside them rustled. The panther pounced again, knocking Harrison off his feet and wrapping two strong arms around Gemma.

  “Simeon!” Harrison yelled an angry warning, but it was pointless. Before he could even move he saw his girlfriend evaporate to gold dust, trapped in Simeon’s embrace.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Los Angeles, California – 2001AD

  Gemma winced as her body reconnected. Opening her eyes she scanned her surroundings with confusion. She was standing in a boy’s room. The blue wallpaper was peppered with movie posters and the wooden shelves lined with action figures. She glanced at the framed certificates and photos dotting the only remaining spaces.

  This must be Simeon’s room, but something doesn’t fit.

  Her eyes traveled over the single bed, which lay in a rumpled mess. She stepped towards it and snatched up a blanket, wrapping it around her body. She then turned with a furious glare and pushed Simeon off balance.

  “Don’t you ever do that to me again!”

  Simeon was too busy looking around the room in stunned awe to notice her fury.

  “It worked.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “This is my room… when I was ten!” He reached for a miniature Oscar that was sparkling on his desk. “I got this just after my tenth birthday. Look how new and shiny it is!”

  His excitement turned her mouth dry.

  “Simeon,” she swallowed, “you’re acting as though this is the first time you’ve traveled.”

  “They said I should go somewhere familiar,” he winced and grabbed his belly, “and that I should take you with me, just in case, you know.” His body bent in pain as his legs buckled beneath him.

  Instinct made Gemma move to his side and catch him.


  He rolled onto his back and slumped against the foot of his bed, out of breath. “They said it would hurt, but…” He winced and curled again, his face scrunching with pain. “This is really bad.”

  Sweat was beading on his forehead as he began to lose focus.

  “Simeon!” Gemma grabbed his face, forcing his eyes to her. “What’s going on? What did my parents do to you?”

  “I needed a job and they said it was the best thing I could do, so I agreed,” he puffed. “They made it sound so good and you were easy to like… so pretty.”

  She could sense the spots blurring his vision and felt the urgency rise within her.

  “What did they give you?” Gemma shook him.

  “I can’t breathe.”

  “Simeon, you have to tell me what’s going on!”

  “The injection… your blood…”

  “My blood?” She felt it turning icy as she listened.

  “They wanted to wait until you turned 18 so your traveling cell...”

  “Traveling what? What about my traveling?”

  “They tried to get you back to take a sample, but Alistair couldn’t do it. They had to use... the blood you left in the garage. He said it was lucky he pounded you so good... I didn’t like that he said that.”

  “Why do they want it?”

  "It's pure." A smile fluttered over his lips before he grimaced and let out a faint groan.

  "I don't understand."

  “To mix with the vials… the gold dust. They’re going to sell it… make a fortune. Everyone… wants a chance to… go back and fix their mistakes… right?” He puffed out one last smile before looking her straight in the eye. She watched his gaze flicker with fear before his eyes drooped shut and his head lolled to the side.

  “Simeon!” She gave his cheek a gentle slap, but he remained unresponsive. “I have to get you back.”

  Wrapping her arms around him, she closed her eyes and felt their dust blend into one another as they crossed the line back home.

  * * * *

  St Augustine, Florida – 2011AD

  Harrison was spitting tacks when Gemma and Simeon popped into view, but she didn’t have time to worry about it. Pulling her clothes on with haphazard urgency, she eyed Simeon’s motionless form, a slow terror creeping up her spine. She was so busy fearing the inevitable she nearly missed Harrison’s intent until he was walking towards Simeon with a raised fist and threats issuing from his mouth like poison arrows.

  “No!” Gemma blocked him. “Look at him!”

  As if coming out of a haze, Harrison’s eyes cleared. He dropped his gaze and took in Simeon’s appearance, his face blanching with shock.

  “What happened?”

  Gemma opened her mouth to explain, but nothing could make it past the lump in her throat.

  With paramedic efficiency, Harrison dropped to his knees, ripping off his jacket as he went. He gifted Simeon a little decency, then began a quick assessment. Grabbing his face, he turned the lifeless form towards him and lowered his cheek, checking for any signs of breath.

  “I don’t think he’s breathing.”

  Gemma stood stupidly beside her boyfriend as he began going through the motions of CPR. Simeon’s body remained limp throughout the process and after ten minutes of intensive resuscitation, they both knew it was pointless to continue. Harrison sat on his knees and felt for a pulse one last time. Gemma dropped down beside him, not wanting to hear the verdict.

  “What the hell happened to him, Gemma? Why is he dead?”

  Chapter Thirty

  St Augustine, Florida – 2011AD

  Harrison’s head buzzed as he tried to absorb Gemma’s blubbering explanation. He kept his hand rubbing slow circles over her back as she described Simeon’s explanation.

  “What do we do now?”

  “First things first, let’s get him to Gabe.”

  Gemma wiped her tears and gave a quick nod. She almost looked pleased to have something constructive to do. Harrison didn’t quite share her avidity as he gazed at Simeon’s tall frame, wondering how on earth they were going to lug the dead weight all the way to Gabe’s carava

  “We can do it.” As usual, Gemma had gone ahead and read his mind.

  Harrison cleared his throat with a nod, reaching down and tucking his arm beneath Simeon’s shoulders.

  “Let’s at least dress him first.”

  It was an awkward and exhausting mission. By the time they reached the caravan they were both out of breath and aching.

  Gabe rushed out when he registered their yelling and helped them haul Simeon onto his bed. He didn’t take his eyes off the boy as he listened to Gemma’s explanation.

  “I have no idea what happened to him,” she finished with a sigh, “but it’s got to be the first time he traveled. That injection must have given him the ability.”

  “But something’s wrong with it. I’ve never heard of travel killing anybody before.”

  “Maybe it’s because he’s not a time spirit,” Harrison suggested.

  “But you traveled.” Gemma pointed at him.

  “He has the right blood flowing through his veins.” Gabe pointed to the bed. “This kid was just a normal human, not designed to travel.”

  “They used him as a guinea pig.” Gemma shook her head, disgusted. “He said he needed a job.”

  “So, what are we going to do?” Harrison shoved his hands in his pockets. “It’s not like we can call the authorities on this one. Who knows what they’d find if they did an autopsy?”

  “My guess is a whole heap of organs that didn’t reconnect properly.”

  Gemma closed her eyes and swallowed.

  “We could just dispose of the body and tell everyone he went home early.” Gabe’s suggestion was quietly spoken and in spite of his shock Harrison agreed with him. Gemma on the other hand…


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