Pure Blood (Time Spirit Trilogy, #3)

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Pure Blood (Time Spirit Trilogy, #3) Page 20

by Melissa Pearl

  “Hey.” She smiled as Gabe tousled her hair and sauntered past her into the kitchen. Her face lit with a grin as she watched her father wrap his mother in a tight embrace and adorn her neck with kisses. Pancakes forgotten momentarily, she turned in his arms and melted into an elongated kiss.

  “Gross, do you guys have to do that when we’re present?” Quinn grimaced while popping a piece of bread into the toaster.

  Yanked apart by their son’s disgust, Lena laughed her way back to her pancakes as Gabe refereed another squabble between the boys.

  “Here you go, Lucia, eat up.”

  Lena placed a plate of steaming food on the table. Lucia gripped the back of the chair, still feeling a little dazed.

  “Actually, I’m not that hungry.”

  Her mind was still a blur as she tried to wrap her head around the images filling her brain. They felt so real, yet here she was living in a zoo with loads of children and a warmth so inviting she never wanted to leave.

  The smile dropped from Lena’s face as she studied her daughter. Glancing back at her husband, she handed him the spatula before pulling Lucia into the laundry.

  Leaning against the washing machine, she turned to her with serious eyes. “Did you dream again last night?”

  Lucia nodded.

  “What was it about this time?”

  She sighed, knowing her mother would get what she wanted, even if it meant staying here all day.

  “You know that story you told me? About when I was a baby and that girl came and told you to run.”

  “Yeah.” Lena rubbed her daughter’s arm.

  “Well, I was the girl this time and after all the gunshots I disappeared and ended up on this beach. It was sunrise and there were birds and… then I died.”

  Lena closed her eyes and shook her head. “We should never have told you about the electus… your history.”

  “What, are you kidding me?” Lucia shook her head adamantly. “No, Mom I needed to know all that stuff. We’ve spent our lives moving around and hunting for this box that just seems impossible to find. You had to explain that to me and you’ll need to tell the others eventually too.”

  “I know, but your dreams are getting more vivid and… violent. I’m worried about you.”

  “They’re only dreams, Mom.” Lucia attempted a smile. “I just… have you ever wondered if that girl who came back that night was actually me? Like those people, the Harts, had succeeded and I’d grown up with them. Was it me who came back to fix everything?”

  Lena’s eyes studied her daughter closely before giving a nod.

  “It makes sense. That girl asked me to find Dom and Ruby Hart… the children of the people who tried to steal you.”

  “I know you always feel bad you couldn’t take them in.”

  “Yeah,” Lena sighed. “That grandmother wouldn’t give them up for anything. It’s probably best they stayed with family.”

  Lucia nodded, but got straight back on point. “I just can’t help feeling like that girl, if I was that girl, left something huge behind. I feel so hollow sometimes and I can’t explain why.”

  Her mother touched her cheek with an aching smile. “Oh baby, I wish I could give you a reason. All I can hope is that you’ll find your answer one day.”

  “Yeah.” Lucia smiled again, but it was a half-hearted action. The aching loneliness had started earlier that year and had been increasing each day. She knew she should just accept it, she might feel like this for the rest of her life, but a small part within her fought against it.

  “Sorry to break up the party,” Gabe’s voice was gentle as he interrupted. “Did you say Quinn was allowed to skip math tutoring this afternoon so he could play baseball?”

  Lena’s eyes sparked. “I certainly did not!” Rolling her eyes, she shuffled out of the laundry. “Quinn Hunter, what have you been telling your father?”

  Lucia smiled as she listened to Quinn’s quick protests.

  “You okay, kid?” Her father tipped his head.

  “Yep.” Lucia grinned, knowing that in spite of the cavity in her chest, she had a great life. Stepping forward she wrapped her arms around her father’s waist and squeezed. “Love you, Dad.”

  He rubbed her back and kissed her head with a chuckle before slapping her on the butt and pushing her towards the door.

  “Now go eat your breakfast while I clean up the new coat of peanut butter now adorning the counter.”

  Lucia stepped past her father with a grin, which turned into a full on chuckle as she watched him bend back with mock dismay as Mya innocently licked her peanut butter pinkie and giggled.

  Chapter Forty

  Boston, Massachusetts – 2012AD

  It had been six months since her most horrific dream. As time passed they had faded and Lucia had learned to live with the hollow aching. She knew it would dim as the years passed and her hopes for the future were mounting day by day.

  She was now a student at Boston College. Aside from the burning homesickness that seemed to fill her evenings, she was doing pretty well. The school was only two hundred miles from her family home in Burlington and her father had promised to fly her back whenever she needed.

  Her parents were a little nervous having her so far away after a life of shifts and changes. Throughout weeks of discussion they finally decided they couldn’t let their future be dictated by the box anymore and so she had applied to colleges all over the country. She was secretly relieved when she was accepted at Boston; she wasn’t sure how keen she was to be too far from home.

  She was sure the homesickness would eventually ebb and she would get sucked into the busyness of college life. Friends had been a little sparse over her first two weeks, but she was never one to initiate, a skill she knew she had to improve on if she were to have any social life while away from home. Her roommate seemed nice enough, but a little flighty for her tastes. In all honesty she was already eager to start looking at solitary accommodation, but it was going to take a fair amount of sweet-talking to sway her parents in that direction.

  Pulling her books to her chest, she drew in a breath of fresh morning air as she sauntered down the path towards her next class. Her eyes ran over the line of cars parked neatly against the curb and her mind let out a little huff as she relived the argument she lost with her mother over being able to drive Dad’s Harley down. He had been doing it up for her in secret; now the only thing stopping her from hitting the road was a fierce determination from a mother who was adamant none of her children were to be seen on that bike.

  She’ll come around.

  Lucia grinned.

  Without realizing, her steps slowed to a stop as she noticed a shiny Corvette Stingray. She let her eyes travel up the silver paint and curve over its smooth lines.

  “I’d love to think you were checking me out with that look on your face, but I’m guessing it’s my car.”

  Lucia blushed as she noticed the lean guy stepping from its interior.

  “Sorry.” She grinned. “I have a little thing for Corvettes.”

  “I can understand that.” He swung the door shut with a smile.

  Lucia ran her hand over the edge of the machine. “It’s a really nice do up. Did you work on it yourself?”

  “Yeah, me and my stepdad.” The boy ran a hand through his waves of blond hair and shoved his hands in his pockets.

  She looked up and caught his warm gaze, basking in the beauty of his chocolate orbs. His head tipped curiously to the side as he studied her.

  “Have we met before?”

  The question sparked something within her that she couldn’t explain. She shook her head with a smile. “I don’t think so, but you seem really familiar somehow.”

  His hand shot out of his pocket and extended towards her. “Harrison Granger.”

  “Lucia Hunter.” She returned the gesture and felt her insides gasp with pleasure as a warm flame licked up her arm.

  They both stood in stunned silence, their hands bobbing up and down, loc
ked in an endless shake. In a slow yet fluid movement, Harrison drew her towards him and placed his lips lightly on her mouth.

  Her skin sparked to life and she felt the cold contrast when he pulled away.

  “Sorry,” he mumbled, looking confused. “I don’t usually kiss girls I’ve only just met.” His cheeks blushed red to match his impish grin.

  She smiled back slowly then shrugged her shoulders. “There’s an exception to every rule.”

  His face lit like the sun as he grinned back at her. Jumping to the sidewalk, he extended his hand. “Can I walk you to class?”

  “Sure.” Lucia placed her fingers in his palm and relished the warm sparks flying over her flesh. They traveled up her arm and dove into her chest filling the cavity with a rush so fast she nearly lost her breath.

  A small laugh filtered through her lips.

  Harrison turned at the sound and squeezed her hand. His eyes swam with a smile that said, "I've finally found you."



  Completing this trilogy has been a total joy. It has taken me three full years and so many wonderful things have happened in this time.

  Peter - my gorgeous husband, thank you so much for your constant support. Thank you for looking after the boys so I could write and giving me everything I needed to be successful.

  Thank you to my beautiful boys, Jake and Brody, for making me laugh and giving me so many great reasons to be thankful.

  I want to thank all the people who have been such a support to me, cheering me on and telling me how much they have enjoyed my work... in particular Mel and Anna. I love you guys. Thanks for being awesome.

  As always, Amanda - thank you for the beautiful cover. You are such a patient, generous person and I'm so grateful for everything you've done.

  To my bestie, Brenda, I'll never be able to write a book without thinking of you and being so incredibly glad God brought you into my life.

  And lastly, to my ultimate inspiration... thank you for your love, your grace and for every story you plant in my head. I'll love you forever.

  About Melissa Pearl

  Melissa Pearl lives in Auckland, New Zealand with her husband and two sons. She trained as an elementary school teacher. She has always had a passion for writing and finally completed her first manuscript in 2003. She has been writing ever since and the more she learns, the more she loves it. Keep an eye out for future projects.

  Connect with Melissa Pearl

  You can contact Melissa Pearl online:




  Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Melissa-Pearl/230335437021600

  Twitter: https://twitter.com/MelissaPearlG

  Smashwords: http://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/melissapearl

  Other Books by Melissa Pearl

  Golden Blood (Book 1 of Time Spirit Trilogy)

  Black Blood (Book 2 of Time Spirit Trilogy)


  Forbidden Territory is a co-authored novel by Melissa Pearl and Brenda Howson.

  Mica and Lexy have been best friends and next door neighbours since they were eight years old. They share everything and have no secrets from each other until... Tom arrives on Mica's doorstep - a gorgeous exchange student from England. And Lexy is smitten.

  Suddenly both girls are keeping secrets. Mica is hiding news about Tom's English girlfriend and Lexy hasn't got the heart to tell her best friend that her brother Eli, the guy Mica is mad on, thinks of her as only a friend.

  After a massive fight, the girls decide the best way to mend their friendship is to spend some quality time together. And what better way than to go camping away from their parents... and why not invite along the guys they are crushing on.

  So the four teenagers embark on a geo-caching expedition into New Zealand's native bush expecting a long weekend filled with flirtatious fun; instead secrets are exposed as they stumble across a hidden marijuana crop and its gun-wielding watchmen. Forced apart they spend the next forty-eight hours racing blindly in opposite directions as they fight to find each other before the hunters do.

  Here's a little excerpt from the book, coming in 2012.




  I needed no more persuading and was soon racing blindly through the thick foliage. Leaves slapped at my face and roots nipped my ankles but I kept going, following the bright pack in front of me. Another gunshot rang out. I ducked my head. The tree beside me exploded. Splinters fired out from the bark exterior, spraying my arm with small shards of wood.

  “Mica!” Eli’s voice was strong with concern.

  “I’m fine. Just go!”

  The gunfire fuelled our speed. A strong hand grasped my wrist, pulling me further into the dense bush.

  “Through there! Mutt! You go around the other side, we’ll block ‘em off!”

  My heart jumped into my throat as I heard the voices behind us. Eli yanked me towards what I hoped was safety.

  I heard his cry before suddenly dropping into a steep slide. The earth rushed past us as our bodies slid through sticks, pinecones and dead leaves. My stomach rose into my throat. I quickly swallowed it as we came crashing out of the bleak woods and into the dazzling sunlight. Our bodies tumbled over one another as we fell the last few metres and landed, battered and bruised, onto a dried up river bed.

  Lying still on the rocky surface I held my breath and listened. An eerie silence echoed around us as I waited for another gunshot, but none came.

  “Are we dead?” I whispered shakily.

  “No,” Eli’s voice held a hint of laughter. Sitting up with a groan he turned to look at me. “You okay?”

  I nodded mutely, still too shocked to form a coherent sentence.

  “Come on.” He stood, brushed the twigs from his shorts and reached for my hand.

  I gratefully took his and tried not to groan as my bruised body made its ascent. Squinting against the glaring sunlight, I looked around me. A sudden dread seeped into my very core.

  “Where’s Lexy?”

  “I don’t know.” Eli’s adam’s apple took a quivering trip up and down his throat as he searched his surroundings.

  “We have to go back.” I turned and began climbing up the small drop, back into the bush.

  Eli grabbed the waist of my pants and pulled me down onto the pebbly floor.

  “Are you crazy?”

  “Let me go!” I slapped his hands away.

  “Those guys are probably still up there, Mica. It’s not safe!”

  “Exactly! It’s not safe! We need to go and get them!”

  “Mica! Stop it!” He grabbed my flaying wrists with a firm hand and wrapped his other arm around my waist. .

  “Let go!” I raised my tramping boot and landed it on his shin.


  Everything but my right wrist was instantly released, but my tugging still wasn’t working. His grip was relentless!

  “Eli! I can’t just stay here and let them…” Panic soon got the better of me and my voice shook with unshed tears.

  He glared down at me. The soulless prat!

  “It’s Lexy!! What if she’s hurt? What if they’ve got her! Damn it, you don’t understand! She’s my best friend! I have to go back and get her!” Fear filled sobs raced up my throat.

  Eli let out a sigh and pulled me towards him. Wrapping firm arms around me, he regained his soul by quelling my struggling limbs.

  “You don’t think I’m worried too? She’s my sister! I want to race back in there just as much as you Mike, but we have to be smart about this.”

  Pulling away from me, he placed a hand on either side of my face and forced me to look at him.

  “We are going to find them. Lexy’s a smart girl, she knows how to survive in the bush and Tom’s there to help her. We’ll be no use to them if we get cau-”

  Our bodies tensed at
the sound of a quad bike coming down the riverbed. The bush above began to shake and wriggle at the same time, then a walkie-talkie squawked with information.

  “I think they went this way, mate. Nic, check down in the riverbed. Mutt reckons there’s four of ‘em. Should be pretty easy to find.”

  I held in a gasp and looked to Eli for a way out. Thankfully his face had somehow morphed into a complete look of calm. Grabbing each other’s hands we crept away from the voices as quickly as possible. As the sound of a revving motor grew nearer we realised, with sinking hearts, that there was no way we could get away from these guys. Eli squeezed my right hand and scanned the surrounding area again. I tried to join him, but my eyes seemed to keep blurring with tears. Why I was turning into a feeble female in distress was beyond me. I always thought I’d be brilliant in these situations, but I had never faced death before and it was fully freaking me out! Thank goodness Eli was here.

  My thoughts were reinforced as he pulled me towards a small cave-like opening beneath the forest floor. Wrenching off my pack, Eli threw it into the space before sending his own in behind it. He then wrapped an arm around my waist, pulled me into the tiny cavern and sat me between his thighs. I leant my forehead against his cheek, held my breath and waited.

  If the circumstances had been any different I would have been reeling in the fact that the sexiest guy on the planet now held me firmly between his legs and his body felt so divine I could just die! Unfortunately, intense fear was blinding me from this pleasure and the muscular arms surrounding me were completely unappreciated due to the harsh voices and searching eyes of two very large drug dealers.


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