Naughty Professor - A Standalone Teacher Romance

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Naughty Professor - A Standalone Teacher Romance Page 39

by Claire Adams

  I charged towards the Language Department, where I knew Clarity was just finishing her required course. Landsman College required all students to master a foreign language and she had become quite good at Spanish.

  "Hola, Professor Bauer," a student called as I neared the building's front steps.

  "Hi, Ben," I said as I slowed my pace.

  "You looking for someone?" he asked.

  I pressed two fingers to my throat and looked at my watch. "Nah, just trying to get my heart rate up before I'm stuck in another lecture," I said.

  The student laughed and went on his way just before Clarity emerged. Her red hair flared as she stepped into the sunshine, and then her emerald eyes clapped onto me.

  "Clarity, wait," I said.

  She took off at a fast clip across the lawn towards the library. I used the sidewalk in the same direction and hoped that it was not too obvious to the other students that I was chasing her.

  Clarity dodged through the double doors of the library before could charge up the steps. I didn't dare call out in the echoing lobby. I pretended to glance into the research librarian's office on my way past, just in case anyone wondered why I was tearing through the library stacks.

  Then I spun and followed her down the staircase. Her clattering footsteps disappeared before the basement floor and I knew she was cutting through the archives. I sped back upstairs, through the periodicals and into a second staircase. Back down on the half floor, I cursed the old library's maze like design. Finally, I had to run in order to catch Clarity.

  She must have heard me coming because she jogged into another alcove where a hidden set of steps acted as an open fire escape. I ran after her and we both popped out into the arch-ceilinged reference room at the same time. Clarity rounded the long, low bookshelves and made one last dodge near the Oxford English Dictionary.

  "Clarity, please, I need to talk to you. It has to do with your father," I hissed.

  Clarity stopped cold. "My father? Is he okay? What happened?" She dug in her backpack for her cell phone and turned her back on me. "Why isn't he answering my call?"

  "He's waiting for you to come home so he can tell you the truth, face to face," I said.

  "Then why are you chasing me all over campus?" Clarity snapped. "I need to go home."

  I held up both hands and stopped her. "I wanted you to hear it from me, before anyone stops you on campus," I said.

  "Hear what?" Clarity cried.

  I took a deep breath. "Your father has been suspended on charges of falsifying evidence in a plagiarism case," I told her.

  Clarity's eyes took on a green fire. "I don't believe you. Why are you telling me this?"

  "In light of our, um, discovery at Thanksgiving, I thought it best to let you know everything I heard."

  Clarity narrowed her eyes. "Why would I believe you as a source? You don't have much credibility in my book."

  The comment hit me like a slap in the face. "Credibility? Clarity, I was just with your father. I went straight to the source."

  "And you want me to believe that my father was suspended over some plagiarism case? Are you just trying to soften the blow for when you break the other story?" She crossed her arms tightly over her stomach and searched my eyes.

  "No. I told you, I'm not pursuing that unless you want my help," I said. The sheen of tears in her eyes made my chest clutch. "I came to find you right away because this is a bigger story and I need your help."

  "You want me to help you help my father?" Clarity snorted. "Sorry, but that doesn't strike me as something you'd do."

  "Even though you accused me of befriending your father to help secure my position here at Landsman?" I snapped. "What do you think would happen if your father was suspended? My job is the first on the chopping block. So, whether you believe that or what I'm telling you right now, I'm helping your father."

  She shuffled her feet and recrossed her arms. "Even if it means you'll lose your job anyway?" she asked.

  "Yes." I reached out to grab her shoulders but she stepped back. "Clarity, it's an old case that your father was sure he handled appropriately. Something's wrong. Someone set him up, using that plagiarism case, in order to pressure him to help with what you saw on Thanksgiving."

  Clarity rubbed her shoulder and thought that over. "Like leverage? But I thought my father had already fixed Junior's application?"

  I smiled, relieved to give her one piece of good news. "Your father refused, and that's why he's suddenly been suspended."

  "How are the two connected?"

  I could have kissed her. Clarity's tears had evaporated as she locked on to the details that would interest any journalist. "The plagiarism case involves another Tailor. Brian Tailor, to be exact," I told her. "Michael Tailor's nephew."

  Clarity let out a harsh laugh and shook her head. "I know Brian Tailor and there is no way he was involved with a case of plagiarism. First rule, check your facts, right?"

  I rubbed my neck. "I'm trying to help you, Clarity. Can't we work on this together? Why are you treating me like the enemy?"

  "Because you are," she cried. Clarity remembered the quiet of the library and dropped her voice to a rough whisper. "I don't want your help. I don't want anything from a man like you."



  Half a dozen classmates stopped me on my way across campus. I apologized and dodged around them. Thomas tried to tell me the college president was looking for me, but I pretended I didn't hear him. By the time I made it to my front steps, I was terrified I had been followed.

  Ford was right: my father's scandal was all over campus. If he had not chased me into the library in order to tell me, I would have found out in the middle of the commons with everyone watching.

  "Clarity, sweetheart, I'm so sorry," my father rushed to meet me at the door.

  The house was shuttered and dark and it was hard to see my father's face through my tears. "I'm sorry. You only got involved with Michael Tailor because you thought his connections could help me."

  "They still can," my father said. He led the way to the sofa and we sat down. "I'm not going to give in to Tailor's demands, but Wire Communications should take you on your own merit alone."

  "I don't want the internship, Dad. I'm going to help you fight this," I promised.

  My father shook his head. "No, Clarity, I'm asking you to please stay out of it."

  "You sound as if you've been talking to Ford. Oh, wait, you told him before you told me!" The accusation sounded petulant, but my emotions were causing a storm of thoughts that I couldn't quite control.

  "Ford is right about this, honey. He's trying to help. If we try to expose Michael Tailor, then everyone loses. The college loses a major donor, I still lose my job, and you lose your internship and future career connections," he said.

  He reached out to hold my hands, but I yanked them back. "No. I'm not just going to sit back while you suffer through this alone. How can you think that's right? Let me dig into the story, get all the details, and I can be the one to publish it in the Landsman student newspaper. Corruption can't be allowed. It'll only get worse," I pleaded with him.

  "Clarity, sweetheart, I can't let you be involved. This was my mistake—"

  "You didn't make a mistake," I cried, "you trusted the wrong person. You always think the best of people. That's not your fault; that ability to believe in people is one of the things I love most about you."

  My father's eyes were washed with unshed tears, but he shook his head. "I should have gone directly to the college president when I was given gifts by Michael Tailor. Instead, I hoped to leverage his friendship into something good for you. It was all my mistake."

  I jumped up from the sofa, too irate to sit still. "I cannot believe I'm hearing this from you! What about the truth? What about the honor code that you helped to forge? I can't just stand aside while you are attacked."

  The conversation went ten more rounds of the same words. My father asked me in every i
maginable way to leave the story alone. He even threatened me as if I were child he could still send to her room. I told him in no uncertain terms that I would not stay quiet and that I intended to uncover everything I could about the plagiarism case.

  "Please, Clarity, the Tailors are all cut from the same cloth. They know all the advantages, and when they are cornered, they simply put the pressure on someone else. Leave Brian Tailor alone," my father begged.

  It hurt but I ignored his words. I jumped into my car and called Lexi before the garage door opened. "Hey, I was wondering if you could introduce me to one of the football players." I asked.

  "About time," Lexi giggled. "Which one has finally tickled your fancy?"

  "Brian Tailor," I told her.

  There was a long pause, then Lexi sighed. "Clarity, I'm not stupid. Please tell me this has nothing to do with your father's, um, news."

  "Just meet me at the coffee shop, okay?" I begged.

  Lexi was there with her hands on her hips and a stubborn expression on her pixie-like face. "I'm going to do this for you. You know I'm going to do it. But, first, I want to know the truth from you."

  "Why ask like that? Since when have I ever lied to you?" I asked, insulted.

  "Thanksgiving. You have feelings for Professor Bauer, don't you?" Lexi asked.

  My mouth opened and closed but I could not get the words to come out. Finally, I forced out, "What? Why are you asking about Ford?"

  Lexi's smile was sad. "You called him Ford. Look, Clarity, we all knew you weren't into college guys and that's great, but I don't think you need any more scandals right now. And you certainly don't need the heart ache."

  Hurt strangled my voice but I whispered. "I already know about Libby Blackwell. She rubbed it in my face."

  "And have you talked to Ford?" Lexi asked.

  I threw my hands up in the air. "How am I supposed to process that when my father's career has just been ruined?!"

  "Alright, fine. But we're coming back to this conversation," Lexi said. "Now, there's Carl with Brian. Come on, I'll introduce you."

  Brian Tailor was the all-American boy complete with white-blond hair, chiseled chin, and dark blue eyes. He smiled as we shook hands. "Nice to meet you, Clarity. Actually we had class together freshman year. Chemistry 101, remember?"

  "Was that a line?" Lexi asked with a laugh.

  "No," I smiled at Brian. "I remember you helped me memorize the periodic table of elements. Isn't Chemistry your major?" I asked.

  "Bio-Chem," Brian said. "I'm hoping to go to work as a research and development scientist at one of the big pharmaceutical companies. Great pay, and the added benefit of helping the human race."

  "Good looks and good intentions. I like him." I stepped forward so Brian could get a good look down the loose neck of my shirt. Then I traced a finger down his forearm. "Bio-Chem can't be an easy major; lots of pressure?" I asked.

  Brian's dark blue eyes hardened and a muscle tensed in his square jaw. "The only pressure I feel is outdoing my own test scores."

  "Brian's top of his class," Carl said.

  I blinked, surprised. Carl didn't often speak up, but his tone was adamant. "Oh, so, he's one of those super-brainy football players?" I asked.

  Carl nodded.

  Brian punched his friend in the shoulder. "I suppose Carl never tells anyone that his professor just asked him to publish his last paper. Seems like I'm not the only smart guy that knows how run a play."

  "Speaking of plays ..." Lexi pulled Carl aside with nothing more than a heated glance.

  "That's some play you just tried to pull on me," Brian said when we were alone.

  "I'm sorry, what?" I asked.

  He narrowed his eyes. "I get it. Your father is in trouble for a plagiarism case and I'm the defendant. It makes sense that you'd come after me to get at the truth. I just didn't think you'd drag Carl into this or try to flirt the truth out of me."

  I swallowed hard then jutted my chin up at the tall man. "It seems to me like you would want to defend the man that defended you. Unless there's more to the story than anyone else has heard."

  Brian ground his teeth but gave in. "The whole story is completely boring. I wrote a paper for the assignment. The paper was switched while I was at football practice. When Dean Dunkirk confronted me with the plagiarized paper, I didn't recognize any of it. It wasn't mine; I didn't write it."

  "Then who did? Where did it come from?" I asked. I blinked away a hot wash of tears.

  "Come on, Clarity, you're trying to protect your family. You know how it is," Brian said.

  "No," I snapped. "I don't know how it is. I'm not just trying to protect my father, I am trying to find out the truth. Wait," his words sunk in. "Are you trying to protect your family?"

  Brian scowled. "I'm not saying anything more. I already told that nosy professor everything. Though I wish you had gotten to me first. Maybe my uncle would understand if I confessed everything to a pretty girl."

  "Which professor?" I asked. My heart slammed against my ribs.

  "You know, you're professor. The reporter all the girls drool over. What's his name? Like a car or something."

  "Ford," I ground out. "Ford Bauer."

  "That's the guy you need to talk to."


  The frustration almost stopped my fingertips and I struggled with my phone all the way across campus. Not only had Ford beat me to the first interview, but he had gotten more information. Once Brian realized I flirted with him just for information, he clammed up.

  It wasn't hard to put two and two together. Brian was too smart to need to plagiarize his paper. Clearly, the paper had been switched, and the only motive for doing so seemed to be my father's undoing.

  Finally, I punched the right information into my phone and found Ford's home address. The tires squealed on my car as I pulled out of the student parking lot and headed off Landsman campus. I tore through the idyllic neighborhoods that surrounded our prestigious college and whipped into the parking lot of the apartment building where Ford's address was listed.

  When I reached the door and hammered on it, a thought surfaced that made me catch my breath. What if someone saw me at Ford's place? What would campus gossip do with the knowledge that I had come to Ford's apartment alone?

  Footsteps approached the door, then Ford let out a string of expletives. Obviously, he had had the same thought as me.

  "You shouldn't be here, Clarity," Ford said as he opened the door to his apartment.

  "Yeah, well, propriety or not, I'm here," I snapped. I elbowed my way past him and inside.

  Ford turned around and shut the door behind us. Then I noticed he was still damp from the shower, with nothing on but a faded pair of blue jeans. The tee-shirt he held was knotted in his fist and he forgot about it as he glared at me.

  "Your father told me he wanted you to stay out of it," Ford said. "Don't you think this might make everything worse? What if someone saw you come here."

  "You're the one that answered the door half-naked," I said. It was hard to look away from the chiseled muscles of his chest or the dark dusting of hair that lead down past the loose waistband of his jeans. "I think you owe me an apology."

  Ford raised a dark eyebrow. Then he yanked his tee-shirt on and his expression changed. Gone was the angry glare and the bemused sparkle. Instead, he looked relieved. "I've been trying to apologize to you ever since ..."

  "Ever since you and my father treated me like a child?" I asked.

  His lips quirked but his expression remained the same. "Ever since we kissed. I should have told you immediately. My head was all turned around. I tried to tell you at Thanksgiving," he said.

  My stomach did excited flip-flops but I waved his topic away. "No, I'm not letting you distract me from the matter at hand," I said. "You have information that can prove my father's innocence and I want to know exactly how you are going to use that information."

  Ford's eyes turned a stormy gray. "I know you're stuck on that, Clarity, but
we need to straighten a few things out between us."

  "Later," I snapped. "You can prove my father didn't help Brian Tailor cheat. That will save his career. And, we have a chance to tie it to Michael Tailor and be done with his corrupt interference at Landsman College for good."

  A dark blue washed into Ford's eyes as he studied my face. "I admire your optimism, Clarity. I really do. The belief that the truth will solve everything is a very powerful way to lead your life."

  My chest ached. "Except?"

  "Except the truth always comes with a price and I'm not sure you understand that yet. I hate to sound cliché, but it's a lot like pulling the thread on a sweater. Everything can come unraveled," Ford said. "So, let's just slow down for a moment."

  He turned and went into his small, galley kitchen, and I had a moment to take in my surroundings. Ford's apartment was a lot like his office. Spartan furnishings were simple and undecorated. The shelves held very little except a few odd knick-knacks and a framed photograph of him and a similarly dark-haired young woman.

  "That's my sister," Ford said. He came back to the living room and offered me a soda. In his other hand he held a beer.

  "What if I wanted the beer?" I asked.

  Ford shook his head. "Clarity, I don't know what information you think I gleaned from Brian Tailor, but it isn't enough to clear your father."

  I set the soda down with a sharp crack. Then I put my hands on my hips and glared at Ford. "You want to know what happened with that plagiarism case?"

  Ford sighed and slumped down on his sagging sofa.

  The screeching of the sofa springs distracted me. "Can't you afford a better place?" I asked.

  Ford crinkled his nose and looked around. "I didn't think it was that bad. I've got everything I need. I spend my money in other ways."

  "Like burying stories?" I asked.

  It was the wrong question. I knew it as soon as the words left my lips and it hung over the room.

  "Tell me what you think happened," Ford bit out. He took a long swig of his beer and fixed his stormy eyes on me.


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