Naughty Professor - A Standalone Teacher Romance

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Naughty Professor - A Standalone Teacher Romance Page 100

by Claire Adams

  I smiled and put my phone on the table next to me. "Awesome. I didn't want to appear too odd just yet."

  "I like odd, especially when it looks like you do." He picked up another chip and took our drinks from the waitress, trying the strawberry one as I tried the mango one. "Switch."

  I ignored his compliment and took his drink, giving him mine. I tried the chilly, pink liquid. I was almost surprised that he was willing to drink after a complete stranger, but I never was one to care too much about germs. Jackson hated sharing anything, even with me.

  "Which do you like best?" he asked and sat his drink down.

  "The strawberry one." I picked up my phone and typed in a few notes, not yet comfortable with voice recording in front of him. He'd yet to take his eyes off of me, which left me feeling rather adored, and yet slightly exposed.

  "Then keep that one with you." He picked up another chip. "Tell me more about your love of food. I work for a company that critiques resorts and hotels all over the world. We have several food critics that we utilize, but I'm hoping that we move toward a more focused model where we hire eight to ten that exclusively work for us."

  "I'm just a foodie with the ability to express myself well, I guess." I shrugged and picked up a few chips, sampling the dips that lay on the table between us. "I hope to one day work for a company like yours, or perhaps find a clear path to creating a name for myself. Then, maybe I can get my reviews to actually hold clout."

  "That takes a lot of time, but it's worth it. I've been with the company for two years and have already worked my way through the ranks quite well. That wasn't without sacrifice though." He took another sip of his drink, his tongue snaking out to lick at the salt on the rim of the glass.

  My stomach tightened as I entertained thoughts of how sexy it would be to slide into his lap and taste the drink from his tongue. Stop it.

  I'd never been promiscuous before, but then being in a long-term relationship really left no room for that. Funny how Jackson had been the exact opposite, getting the best of both worlds.

  "Hey. You alright? Your pretty smile turned into a frown." He reached across the table and brushed his fingers over my hand.

  "Yeah. I just went through a really nasty breakup a month back. Just can't seem to shake it." I shrugged, not really wanting to talk about Jackson or my laundry list of shit that followed me around all the time.

  "I knew something was a little off on the plane." He pulled his hand back as the food was delivered. "Not that I know you that well, but I could see something weighing on you."

  I glanced up at the server. "Just set it in the middle of the table. We're sharing it."

  "Lovely. I'll bring you two plates." The girl smiled and sat the platter down.

  Breathing in deeply, I let my eyes scan the plate and smiled. "This looks incredible."

  "I agree. You'll have to give me the pleasure of reading your write-up on the place. If it's good, perhaps I can submit it to my boss for review. If nothing else, he could give you some pointers. Hell, I could too. I do reviews for all parts of the company." He took the plates the server brought back and handed me one. "If you want."

  "I would love that." I took my plate and worked to get a good-sized bite of everything onto it before glancing back up at the sexy man across from me. "What costs have you paid to be where you are in your career? Is that why you're not married?"

  "Married? I'm too young to be married, or so I like to believe. My mother would tell you otherwise." He rolled his eyes, and I couldn't help but laugh.

  "My mom used to talk about marriage all the time too, but in the last few years she's laid off." I left the part out where it was surely my dad's fault that her desire to tout marriage was long gone. I needed to visit her soon and have a long heart-to-heart. Something was up, and neither her nor my father were acting like themselves much.

  "Lucky. My mom makes me feel like a leper most days." He chuckled. "I had a few good relationships in high school and college, but I've been out of school for two years now, and the handful of girls I've asked out turned into nothing more than dinner and dancing. They're looking for stability I guess, and with me moving about so much, I have none to offer."

  "You travel all the time?" I took a small bite of a beef tamale and held up my hand. "Just a minute."

  Closing my eyes, I took in the flavors and lifted my phone to my mouth, not caring who was in front of me. My passion to taste the flavors of the world and report them overrode even my appearance sometimes.

  "Smooth and a touch spicy, the sauce brings about a delicious heat that permeates me completely and leaves me desperate for more. The meat is undeniably beef, the grassy tones and earthy complexity is a delight." I opened my eyes and turned the recording off. "Sorry."

  He stared at me, his mouth a little agape. "Wow. You sure you shouldn't open up a website called Food Porn? I want to eat ten of these just off of your description."

  I laughed. "Too much?"

  "Um, no. Not nearly enough. I can't say I've ever been turned on by a girl describing a tamale, but there's a first for everything." He laughed. "Onto another topic before I blush."

  "You blush? You don't seem like the type." My insides were dancing to the sound of butterfly wings as he complimented me. The light dusting on his cheeks gave credence to him being slightly turned on, which was exhilarating.

  "I blush more than I care to say." He took a bite of his food and nodded. "It is delicious. Feel free to do whatever you need to, I'm happy witnessing it."

  "Now I'm going to blush." I smirked and finished my tamale. "Tell me about your travel schedule."

  "It's fifty weeks a year. I'm home maybe Saturday and Sunday a few times a month. I usually work Monday through Friday and then use the weekends to explore the places I'm sent. The company pays for my stay as a thank you for selling them my soul." He picked up his drink and watched me as he brushed his tongue along the side of the glass to gather salt once again.

  I adverted my eyes as a light sweat covered my skin. The heat of the salsa mixed with him watching me was only the start of my discomfort. I was a lightweight where alcohol was concerned, as well. A few beers at the beach, another in the bar, and a margarita later, and I was ready to slide into the booth next to him and snuggle up to his side.

  "That's a lot of traveling, but it sounds like a great life." I grabbed a few chips and took my time enjoying them as I beckoned my body to calm down a little. "Do you live in New York?"

  "Yeah. I love it there. My whole family lives in the suburbs, but I'm downtown in Manhattan. The vibe and activity keeps me feeling alive." He shrugged.

  "I get that." I picked up my fork and smiled. "Now hush and give me a few minutes to analyze all of this."

  "Consider me part of the audience." He winked and worked on his plate while I got lost in my own world for a few minutes. The sexy smile on his lips only grew as I finished up my fun and dropped my napkin into my lap.

  "That was delicious. Thank you for bringing me here. I love it."

  "I'm going to take you everywhere just to hear you moan over how good the food is. You should come with a warning label." He wagged his eyebrows playfully, which pulled a chuckle from me.

  "And what would that be?" I moved out of the booth and stood beside it.

  "Addictive, but only when she eats?" He took the bill and pulled a card from his back pocket.

  "Only when I eat? You've seen nothing yet." I gave a cheeky grin and turned. "I'm going to the restroom. I'll meet you at the front."

  My cockiness was only enhanced thanks to the liquor. I needed a warning label on my forehead to warn everyone not to give me more than two drinks.

  It was harmful to everyone involved. Most of

  Chapter 10


  I couldn't have forced myself not to stare at her as she walked to the restroom. Her beautiful legs caught my attention first, but her ass was second on my ever-expanding list. Walking with a hard-on was going to suck, and yet I
was sure it would only be the first of many if I hung out with Vivian much more. She had a wickedly sensual way with her descriptions, and the fact that she was innocent in using the terms she did only made it more enticing.

  I was in trouble where she was concerned. As long as we didn't end up in a bedroom together later that night, I would be okay. She was bubbling with passion, and where I wanted a taste of it, I realized that I'd not be quick to let her go. She didn't need that, nor did I.

  "All done. Thank you again." She slid her hand into mine, which shocked me a little.

  With the building crowd around us, I was grateful that she had. She must have realized the need to stay together. It had to be the need for a sense of security more than attraction. I couldn't tell if she was into me at all, which was unnerving, and yet a good place to be.

  "There's a great ice cream shop down here. Did you save room?" I asked her as I pulled her closer to my side. The hordes of people in the streets were kind enough to let us pass through, but it was impossible to do so without brushing by twenty people on the way.

  "Room for ice cream?" She smiled up at me. "Who doesn't save room for dessert?"

  "I like you more already." I squeezed her hand and turned down an alley to our right, the place a little scary, but with all the crowds behind us, it would be fine.

  "Do you always take your dates down dark alleys? I guess your mother didn't teach you anything, hm?" She snuggled in closer, and I couldn't help but groan internally as her breast pressed against the back of my arm. It was horrible of me, but I wanted so badly to know the color of her nipples, if she enjoyed having them adored and worshiped, if she made sounds when being pleasured.

  "Date? Is this a date?" I chuckled as she gave me a look my mother would be proud of. This was a girl I could take home and have my family go ga-ga over. They all would, especially my youngest brother. His obsession with redheaded woman was almost too much. A sense of propriety rose up in me, and I forced it back, not yet ready to allow any strong feelings to guide my actions where Vivian was concerned. I had just met her, and we were simply on a fun date. Nothing more.

  A dark shadow moved in front of us, pulling from the wall. I pulled Vivian roughly behind me, not thinking twice about protecting her from anything that came at us.

  "You got any spare change, man?" A raspy voice resounding from under the dirt-stained hoodie the man in front of us wore.

  "I don't. I'm sorry, man." I took a step back and held onto Vivian's hand, though it put me at a bit of a disadvantage not to have both of my hands in front of me.

  "That sucks. You rich fuckers and your credit cards nowadays." He took a step toward us and pulled off his hoodie to reveal a weathered face with a long jagged scar across his cheek.

  Vivian gasped behind me and pressed herself to my back.

  I turned my head to the side, but never let my eyes off the guy. "Turn back and run. I'll meet you in the hotel."

  "Fuck that. I'm not going anywhere without you." She released my hands and started to move around me as I blocked her.

  "Stop it. Get back," I barked at her as the guy pulled a knife and lunged for me. My father had been a cop all of my life, and one thing he made sure to do was to teach my two brothers and me how to defend ourselves.

  I spun out of the guy’s trajectory and grabbed his wrist, twisting hard until he dropped the weapon. Pushing him against the wall, I put my knee in the back of his leg and gritted my teeth.

  "Not happening, dude. I don't have cash because I don't carry it. I should put your ass on the ground for attacking me and my girl." I worked to not breathe in the horrid odor of his soiled clothes.

  "I'm getting a cop." Vivian turned and jogged back down the dark alley, her white dress and shimmery hair almost making her look like an angel fleeing the scene.

  "I'm sorry, man. You don't know what it's like. You have your fancy clothes and your beautiful wife and...and..." The guy didn't get to finish as Vivian turned the corner with a cop next to her.

  I released the man and moved back as the cop went into action, handcuffing the guy’s wrists behind his back.

  He glanced over at me as he pulled the creep from the wall. "No more dark alleys. They aren't safe here. Got it?"

  "Of course. Thanks for your help." I wrapped my arm around Vivian's shoulders and glanced down at her. "I'm sorry. That was stupid."

  "It's okay. I'm just glad you weren't hurt. That was fucking scary." She ran her fingers down her face. "I'm thinking ice cream another time. I need my bed and a good love story on TV."

  I forced a laugh and moved us out of the alley back into the fray. I wanted to make a joke about joining her, but from what I could tell, it wasn't the time. She was shaken, and I should have been. The adrenaline pumping through me wouldn't let me feel anything but a deep need to protect the beautiful girl tucked against my side.

  We walked into the hotel and I released her, enjoying the slight look of disappointment on her regal features.

  "Thanks for going with me. That was the best meal I've had in weeks, and the best company I've entertained in years." I rolled my shoulders, feigning meathead masculinity. "Kinda nice to show off my self-defense skills too."

  She popped me in the chest playfully and moved in front of me before lifting to her toes and kissing my cheek. "Let's not test those skills again. I didn't like that part very much."

  "I know. I was teasing." I touched the side of her face as my blood lit on fire. "I want to kiss you, but you know that, don't you."

  She pulled out of my hold and smiled. "Yeah, but it's best if you didn't. A week wouldn't be enough."

  "I agree with that." I let my eyes drag down her. "No way I can talk you into coming up for a quick tour of the penthouse?"

  "Not for a million bucks. Neither of us would survive a tour. Besides, I've had far too much excitement for one night."

  "Then tomorrow. You have my number now. Text me and let's see if our schedules align?" I was pushing, but damn if I couldn't help myself. Every part of me wanted to spend the night in her arms, and her refusal didn't seem to dim that desire, but only make it worse.

  "Sounds good. Thanks again, Easton. Good night." She turned and walked toward the elevator.

  I stood in stony silence and watched her until she disappeared into the sea of bodies. The need to catch up with her, kick everyone off the elevator, and hit the stop button was almost overwhelming. It would feel so damn good to press her against the wall and run my hands over her curves while tasting the skin of her neck, the tops of her breasts.

  Growling low in my chest, I turned and moved toward the stairs efficiently. My body was in need of a long release. It was far overdo, and Viv had sparked something inside of me that wasn't going to lie down and obey with just a long night of sleep.

  Taking the stairs two at a time, I let the elevator scene play farther in my head. I would tug her dress up and make love to her mouth as I rocked my hips forward, grinding my cock against her tight stomach as she cried out for me.

  The soft skin of her upper thighs and the bottom curve of her rear would be delicious as I turned her around and moved to my knees, tugging her dress up and pressing my tongue against her.

  By the time I made it to my room, my heart was racing, my body screaming for me to call her and demand that she come up to my room. It wouldn't go over well, but if she beckoned to me, responded by showing up, there's nothing I wouldn't do to bring her pleasure over and over again.

  I typed in the room code wrong three times before finally getting the fucking door open.

  The responsible part of me tried hard to chastise myself for talking with Vivian about my company, about connecting any part of our futures together, but I wasn't having it.

  "Even if she is bat-shit crazy and hiding it well, I want more of her." I shut the door and worked to get my shirt off as I headed for the shower. Damn if I wasn't panting as I stripped myself and climbed into the shower. Reaching for the soap, I lathered up my hands and pressed my back to
the cold tile as a yelp lifted from me.

  How I'd gone from not wanting anything to do with her, to pulling her into the center of my darkest fantasies was beyond me, but I was too far lost to need to think on it.

  I tightened my hand around the tip of my cock and jerked my hips forward, imagining how tight she would be. I wanted a bit of tension, a fight to take ownership of her, and something told me that she would put up the exact experience I was looking for.

  Groans filled the shower as I worked myself to the edge and stopped. Turning, I slid one hand up the shower and closed my eyes, fondling my sack and tugging softly as I imagined her on her knees, her dark blue eyes showing me how hungry she was for more of me.

  I pressed forward, crying out at the tension my grasp created. It was nothing compared to the vivid colors of the vision playing behind my closed eyelids. "Take it, Viv. All of it, baby. Show me how much you want it."

  I could almost feel her hands sliding up my thighs as I watched her take my cock into her pretty mouth, tilting her head and forcing more of me inside of her. Sharp nails dug into my lower stomach and I rocked myself in and out of her mouth until I was breathless and dizzy with desire.

  She pulled back, her lips puffy and swollen as she licked at them sensually. "I need you to fuck me."

  "Yeah you do." I grabbed her hair carefully and tugged her up, loving the way her big breasts bounced for me. "Turn and press yourself against the shower. Hope you like it deep."

  "I like it any way you're giving it." She stood and slid her hands up the shower wall, arching her back as I reached out and grabbed onto her hips and pressed myself against her.

  "I'm gonna cum," I groaned and pressed myself into her, my hand tightening on my cock as I worked to bring myself to orgasm.

  I shuddered as I lowered to my knees and lost myself in the fantasy, bleeding out the passion that I'd tucked away for companionship.

  Something told me I'd found it, but the thought alone scared the hell out of me.


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