Breaker (Book 1): Corrupted Saints MC

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Breaker (Book 1): Corrupted Saints MC Page 4

by Kimberly Belle

  “Here you go baby,” he said.

  Did he just call me baby?

  I took a sip of the water while keeping eye contact with him. “Thank you.”

  He sat there and stared at me. I could see his anger and sadness. I hope I didn’t do something to make him mad.

  I opened my mouth to say something but then Heather walked in.

  “Oh my god Char, you’re awake. You gave us such a scare,” she said.

  “Sorry,” I managed to say.

  “Oh honey, you don’t need to be sorry. These guys have been watching over your 24/7. They are better nurses than me.”

  I tried to laugh but my ribs burned. I winced.

  I heard a growl. It was Breaker. Staring right at me with a serious face.

  “Calm down Breaker, she is gonna be fine,” said Heather.

  When did he get so protective of me? Oh god the way he is staring at me and those muscles.

  I tried to clench my legs together but the pain hurt. I felt a pool of desire hit between my legs. This is so the wrong time to feel your sex drive coming back, Charlotte. Get it together.

  I drank some more water as she changed the bandages on my legs and then finally my lip.

  “How long have I been out,” I managed to say. My throat was feeling better.

  “Three days,” I jumped. It was Breaker who answered me.

  “Okay, I am done here. I need to rush back to work. It has been crazy there lately. So girly, I know you can take over from here, but please call me if you need anything. I am still gonna come and check up on you. Your stitches can be taken out in a week. You know the drill,” said Heather.

  She walked over to me and hugged me. “Thank you, Heather,” I said through teary eyes.

  “Oh Honey, you know I am always here for you,” she said. She got up and Tank walked her out.

  I was left in the room with Breaker. He kept looking at me so serious and I was scared. I wish Tank would come back. He was less scary.

  I broke eye contact with him and looked away. I felt him getting closer to me. I could smell the leather and cologne. It was like a drug of comfort.

  I felt a dip in the bed. I looked over and he was sitting on the edge of the bed.

  He rested his hand on mine. I looked up and met his eyes. He smiled.

  “Hi Breaker,” I said.

  “Mason,” he said.

  I looked at him, “huh?”

  “Call me Mason, It’s my name. Mason Bryant.”

  “Mason. Mason Bryant. Thank you.”



  H earing her say my name, my real name makes my heart flutter.

  I barely know this girl and I already know she is gonna be mine. Her piece of shit brother is already taken care of. He was stealing from the club along with Crash. We caught them both on surveillance at the tattoo shop. They stole over twenty grand of money, they were also insiders for the Death Riders. They were trying to sell us out. The MC has been trying to find him ever since but the pieces of shit are missing. My girl doesn’t know it yet but her brother is a dead man along with Crash.

  “Mason, I need to use the bathroom,” she broke through the silence.

  “Sure thing sweetness, I am gonna need to pick you up and bring you to the bathroom. I don’t want you to rip out your stitches.” She looked at me worried. “No need to be shy now.”

  She stiffened. Eventually, she let out a sigh and nodded.

  I pulled down the shirt she was wearing. My shirt. Heather would come in and changed her. Out of respect, I didn’t let anyone see, not even myself. The burns on her legs still looked nasty, I tried not to look out of respect for her.

  I picked her up bridal style and carried her to the bathroom connected to my room. I set her down on the toilet.

  “Thank you,” she said. Expecting me to leave.

  I stood there waiting for her to finish. I wasn’t going to leave her alone. She wouldn’t get hurt on my watch.

  “Breaker, I need you to leave so I can use the bathroom. This is embarrassing enough. Please. I promise to call you when I am done peeing.”

  “Fine, but you don’t attempt to move your ass from that seat unless I am here to help you up. Got it?”

  “Yes, Sir.” She does a mock salute.

  I took one last glance at her sitting on the toilet, looking vulnerable. The swelling on her face has decreased and she was beautiful. I am finally able to see a glimpse of her legs and they are beautiful and long aside from the damage her shit face brother did. She has to be around 5’9 perfect for my 6’6 frame. I can picture her long legs wrapped around my waist.

  My cock starts to stir. I hear her clear her throat trying to get me to turn around and leave.

  “Please Breaker.”

  I finally turn around and move to the door frame, waiting for her to finish.

  Finally, after a few minutes, I hear the toilet flush.

  “Damn, baby that was the longest pee I have ever heard. You’re a doctor, is that normal?”

  I bend down to help her to the sink. She slaps my arm.

  “Yes it is normal, I was out for three days, you know.”I see her looking at the damage that her brother did on her face in the bathroom mirror. She is touching her cheeks, her eyes, nose, and lips. A lone tear escapes from her swollen eye.

  I move closer to her and clear away the tear with my thumb. I place my arms on her shoulders and turn her towards me. “You don’t cry for what that asshole did to you, you are a strong, intelligent, beautiful woman, he doesn’t deserve your tears.”

  She sniffles, “Thank you. I think I am ready to go back to bed if you don’t mind.”

  I gently pick her up and carry her to bed.

  “Do you need anything else?” I ask.

  “Do you think it would be okay if I had something to eat?” she asks.

  I feel like such an asshole she hasn’t eaten in three days.

  “Of course. Is there anything that you want to eat? I can have one of the old ladies cook you up something.”

  She licks her lips.

  “Come on darlin’ you gotta tell me what you want, I can’t read your mind.”

  “I will take anything you got on hand. I could eat a cow.”

  I let out a rumble of a laugh.

  There’s a knock at the door. “Come in.”

  In walks Tank, “Hey Charlotte, Pres,” he says and nods.

  “Hi Tank,” my girl says her eyes brighten up.

  What the fuck is this. Her eyes don’t do that with me.

  “What the fuck do you want?” I said.

  “Whoa,” he puts his hands up, “I just came by to see if you guys wanted anything to eat. I was gonna order some Thai.”

  My girls’ stomach starts to rumble loudly. She looks scared and says “Sorry.”

  Tank and I both laugh. “Nothing to be embarrassed about Charlotte. What do you want?” I said.

  “I will take anything, even leftovers,” she replies.

  I take her hand, she winces and turns her face to me. “Listen, you are not an inconvenience, you’re our guest and I want you to tell me what you want. Anything you want.” I can’t believe I had to say that. But she needs to stop acting like she is a bother. That could be farther than the truth.

  She licks her lips again. I wish it was my tongue doing that instead. She doesn’t even know what she does to me. I feel my cock starting to stir. I adjust myself.

  “Pad Thai, Chicken Satay with Peanut Sauce and Shrimp fried rice,” she finally says.

  “You got it,” said Tank. He turns and walks out the room smiling.

  My girl and I are left in the room alone again.

  “Mason, I am sorry for coming by here. I didn’t mean to mess anything up for you. I am not even sure why I ran here. I just came here by reflex. I am gonna leave after the food. I don’t want to be rude but I have to get back home,” she gulps and closes her eyes. “I need to get back home and my work! Oh my god, my work!”

bsp; “Calm down woman, first of all, stop saying sorry. I am glad you came here. I am glad that you sought help from us. You gave us a scare. Second, you’re not going back home until you can walk by yourself and I know your brother won’t touch you again. And third I called your work and they understand. They said to take all the time you need.”

  She gulps again and looks at me. I see her neck move as she swallows. I run my hand through my hair. I have never wanted someone so much. This is more than a sexual need, yeah there’s that but I want her in my life, to share my life with her, to keep her safe and to make her happy.

  “I’m so-..,” she was about to say sorry but I cut her off.

  “Nope, no sorry, you’re not allowed.” I say with a smirk. She needs to stop saying sorry like she is the one who did something wrong. She is looking at me with wide questioning eyes. “I am not kidding Charlotte.”

  “Okay, I won’t say it anymore but I am going to go home after I finish eating. I can’t keep taking your bed like this.”

  “I insist that you stay here.”

  “No, Mason. I need to be alone right now, plus my brother knows this place. He knows you will protect me here. I need to go somewhere he wouldn’t look.”

  My girl had a point but I don’t want her out of my sight. No one would dare touch her here. She is mine but she doesn’t know it yet. As long as her brother is out there I am gonna make sure she is safe. She wants to go fine, as much as it hurts me to let her go, I will watch her.

  “I don’t like it but I can’t keep you here against your will.”

  She looks up at me like she wants to say something but is afraid. “What happened to my brother? Where is he?” she finally says.

  “Charlotte we don’t have to talk about this right now.”

  “Please Mason, I need to know. Is he still at my house?”

  “We don’t know! Your shithead of a brother is a traitor to this club along with a patched member. He is in hiding.” I let out a huge breath that I was keeping in. “You will never be harmed here, you brother wouldn’t dare set foot in this clubhouse again. He knows what he did was wrong and he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar along with another member.” I take a step closer and caress her swollen face with the back of my palm. She flinches slightly but eventually leans into my touch. “Please just think about it a little longer before you decide for sure if you want to leave or not.” She looks at me curiously.

  She doesn’t know it yet but she will never be harmed again, not as long as I am living.



  I have tears running down my face. Mason just told me that my brother is missing. I need to leave as soon as possible, I can’t bring my drama to their club.

  I ate, more like swallowed the food that Tank brought me. He sat and ate with Mason and I. They told me how they patched into the Corrupted Saints together and became President and VP together. They are like brothers.

  It is weird to say but Tank feels like the brother I should have had. He is a huge teddy bear of a person but I would never say that to him. He looks deadly but the deadliest of them all is Breaker.

  He looks at me like I am water in a desert. I can’t blame him, he causes Niagara Falls between my legs.

  “Damn, Charlotte, I didn’t know a girl could eat like that,” says Tank.

  “Yeah well that’s what happens when you haven’t eaten for a while and my brother was always watching what I ate.”

  “Well, you don’t have to worry about that anymore. I hate to say it but I am gonna hit the hay. I need to check on a few thing with the shops. I will check in with ya later,” says Tank.

  He comes over and gives me a kiss on the forehead. I blush.

  I hear a growl coming from Breaker. I blush even more.

  “Calm down fuck head, she is like a little sister,” says Tank.

  I am confused. I look at Breaker and raise my eyebrow at him. “Why are you being such a brute anytime someone gets close to me?”

  “I don’t like other men touching you.”

  “Why, it’s not like you like me or something? I mean how could you. I am a broken person.” I gulped.

  He comes to sit on the bed and takes my face in his hands. “You need to know that I may have only known you for a little while but you make me feel stuff in here,” he points to his heart. “I have never felt that before, you have cast a spell on me, Char. Please don’t say things to put yourself down.”

  “I will try.”

  “Good now it’s time for you to go to bed.” He gets up to leave.

  “Breaker, I mean Mason. Do you think you could take me to a hotel?”

  “Please Charlotte, I don’t want you to leave. You will be safe here. We have security all over and Rock is on watch 24/7. You’re like a little sister to these guys. Will you please stay?”

  I know he is really struggling with me wanting to leave but I feel like I am going to bring trouble to him. I can’t lie though I feel safe here. Tank makes me feel safe and Breaker does too but he also brings out a side of me I thought I lost a long time ago.

  I sigh in defeat. I know what he is saying is true. I nod my head yes. He gets up to leave.

  Before he leaves I ask, “Do you think it would be okay if you or Tank stayed with me tonight. I feel the safest with you two and I don’t want to be alone.”

  “Fuck that, no man, I mean no man gets to sleep next to you except me. And yes I will stay with you.”

  I didn’t mean to make him angry. I just didn’t want to sleep alone. I see him walk over to use the bathroom. He walks out without a shirt on.

  Holy hell! God created a gift and this man was it. He is only wearing boxers and I can see the outline of his manhood through them. He is built like an Adonis.

  I gulped and track him with my eyes as he comes to lay next to me. He keeps a distance from me.

  Lord, how am I going to sleep with this man next to me.

  The next day…

  I wake up the next day, really needing to pee. I look over to me and I see Breaker sleeping so peacefully. I turn as best as I can and study his face. He has a strong jaw and long curly eyelashes. I want to reach out and touch them.

  I reach my hand over to wake him, to help me to the bathroom but feel bad immediately. At that moment I try to get up by myself and manage to stand on my own. I wince and curse. The door opens slightly and I see Tank.

  “Good Morning darlin’ you know you need to hammer smack that man to wake up. Whatcha tryin to do?” he says.

  “Morning Tank, do you think you can help me to the bathroom?”

  “Sure thing sweetness.” He immediately picks me up bridal style and carries me to the bathroom. “You let me know when you are done and I will take you back to bed.”

  I take a moment to brush my teeth, put on some deodorant that Heather brought me and I flush the toilet. After washing my hands, I call out to Tank. He immediately comes to my side and carries me back to bed.

  “You call me or hammer smack this asshole to wake him up, you shouldn’t have to be in pain to just use the bathroom,” he says.

  “Thank you Tank.” I smile up at him.

  “You keep smiling like that honey and Pres over there is gonna have my head.” I let out a small giggle. He is right, Mason is so overprotective of me and Tank loves to tease him.

  It was at the moment that Breaker said “Your right but your my brother and you would never take what’s not yours. You should have punched me awake baby. I don’t like you smiling at him like that.”

  Tank leaves with a huge smirk on his face. “She is like a sister, shithead,” says Tank as he leaves. I immediately turn red.

  “I’m sorry Mason. I was trying to go by myself but Tank heard me yelp in pain. You looked so peaceful sleeping I didn’t want to wake you.”

  Breaker is staring at me.

  “Darlin’ if you want something, ask.”

  I decide for a change of subject “Well then.” I bite my lip. “Would it b
e too much to ask for a shower?”

  “Of course it wouldn’t.” he gets up from bed. “You want me to call Heather so she can come help you?”

  He turns to grab his phone. I grab his arm, “No, wait. If it is alright with you, can you help me?”

  I swallow hard waiting for his answer.



  H ow did I get myself into this situation?

  She is staring at me biting and licking her lips asking me if I would help her shower. Just at the mention of shower my cock stirred.

  You can do this Mason, it’s just a shower.

  “Of course Darlin”

  “Thank you Breaker,” she tries to lift her shirt but winces. “Do you think you could help me?”

  I gulp and nod. I grab the bottom of her shirt and gently lift it from her body. It slowly reveals the bruises that he motherfucker brother gave her but also a curvy goddess. Her breasts are perfection.

  My throat goes dry. She has a completely shaven pussy except for a small patch of hair. My cock goes hard. I am gonna have to take care of this later alone.

  I turn on the water and help her in. I turn to leave but she grabs my arm. “Mason, will you stay? Please. I don’t think I will be able to wash myself very well alone.” She looks at me from under her lashes.

  I grab my shirt and take it off. I unzip my pants and then my boxers. I see her watching me as I remove every piece of clothing until I am fully naked. My cock is standing erect and hitting my belly button.

  I hear her gasp and lick her lips as she takes it all in.

  I get into the shower with her and start to lather her up with soap. I can hear her breathing hard.

  “Don’t worry hun, I am not gonna do anything to ya.”

  She turns to me and look at me and licks her lips. She leans in and I lean in the rest of the way and sparks fly. She is kissing me and I kiss her hard back, she tastes like vanilla.

  We break apart, with our foreheads resting on one another, “Mason.” she manages to say breathy.


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