Chasing Dare

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Chasing Dare Page 18

by Mikayla Lane

  “I promise you that I would never harm you or yours so long as Dare is not harmed.” Balduen was surprised when old Tom broke out into cackling laughter interrupted only by coughing and wheezing.

  Balduen became concerned when Tom bent over, hands-on knees and continued to cough and wheeze. Shifting Dare to one arm, he used the other to gently pat the man’s back until he was able to get himself under control.

  It didn’t escape Tom’s sharp gaze that Balduen could easily have disarmed him while he was having his lung fit. He gave a smile and nod of thanks to the big guy and headed back towards his house.

  Balduen shook his head at the old man and looked at him more closely as he followed him. Very thin wisps of hair didn’t hope to cover the expanse of his scalp, his brown eyes, although now dull still held a spark of life that told Balduen that in his youth, the man was probably quite a tough handful.

  His frame was very thin, and his stooped shoulders made him appear shorter than he was, but he was at least as tall as Dare. His worn clothes hung loosely, but were clean and obviously well-tended. More importantly he carried himself like a warrior, his eyes constantly roving the area, his shotgun at the ready. Balduen could definitely appreciate the man’s wariness and was grateful for another set of eyes to keep Dare safe.

  “So where are you from?” Tom didn’t even turn around when he asked, he just continued forward and a little to the left now.

  “A lot farther than you think. But, more recently of Knoxville. Where are we?” Balduen hoped it was pretty close to where they kept a presence in the area. Feeling Dare begin to waken in his arms, he squeezed her a little roughly as a caution and hoped she would understand. The last thing he needed was for her to waken and harm the old man thinking he was an enemy. After what he’d seen her doing to the female in the lab, he wanted to take no chances.

  “We’re near Stockton, TN. About Eighty-nine miles north west of Knoxville. It’s a good thing your friends are close, cause it looks like their friends aren’t happy with you.” Balduen turned when Tom gestured behind them.

  Looking up at the mountains that they’d come from, smoke still lightly billowing on the wind, he could clearly see lights twinkling in and out of sight from the top of the mountain to halfway down. Balduen let out a string of soft curses, making Tom laugh.

  “It’s alright boy. I’ve got a few more weapons we can use in the house and a right nice bomb shelter we can hide the women in. It’s old, but me and Rose been keeping it up a long time. You know, in case the kids or grandkids ever needs it.”

  “It’s a good thing your woman is coming round since we’re almost there.” Tom gave Balduen an exaggerated wink before cackling to himself.

  Balduen shook his head with a grin; the old guy was amusing as hell. And a whole lot smarter than his appearance would let on. Leaving it to Ibix to give their location to Dread, he lightly shook the fully awake Dare to let her know it was ok to stop pretending to be passed out.

  “I can walk now.” Somehow Balduen knew that would be the first thing she said to him. Luckily, Tom settled it before he had to argue with her.

  “Girl there are briars all over this place, and they will tear up your bare feet. We’re real close, so just let the man get you there then you can wander around with my Rose while we prepare for those guys coming.” Dare looked a little stunned by the man’s gruff commands, as if she was stupid to have thought of walking right now. If he thought, she’d hide in some shelter while they took on the men attached to all those lights she could see on the mountain, he was delusional.

  She was getting ready to tell him that when Baldy jerked his head ‘no’ at her a couple of times. Using their connection, he explained as much as he could to her about what had happened. What he knew had happened anyway.

  Since Brak wasn’t in the house or the lab, he had escaped Balduen and the explosions and must have sent the warning of their escape. Which meant he was most likely much closer to them than the other lights on the mountain in the distance.

  They would work together to make sure that Tom and Rose stayed safe until Dread, and help could arrive. He wouldn’t allow the man’s kindness towards them to get him killed. Besides, he and Brak had a debt to settle.


  “Grai, you gotta calm down man; you're scaring the shit out of the humans. You know that ain’t good.” Traze’s casual pose in Grai’s office chair belied the worry he felt for his brother. He’d never seen him so unstable before.

  Grai had never told him exactly what was going on, but Traze knew enough to know that this experiment was incredibly important to him. However, he had no idea it was significant enough for his normally indifferent brother to have broken nearly every object in his office in a fit of rage.

  In fact, the chair he was in had only been saved because he’d sat in it right before Grai had realized it was the only thing left to break. When he’d refused to get out of the chair, Grai started pacing through the debris on the floor.

  Traze looked up when the door opened, grateful to see their brother Koda come in.

  “I sent the humans home; they don’t need to see any more of this. Now how about you tell us the truth about what the hell is going on here, Grai? And before you lie to me, remember that I’m the one who set up all the cameras and surveillance. I’m not a fool.”

  “I have agreed with your plans from the first and have helped you achieve them. Even so, I refuse to help you anymore on these… side quests of yours, until you tell me what it’s all about. You owe us the truth. Either trust us fully or not at all, or we risk losing everything we have worked for.” Koda’s folded arms across his chest and braced stance told Grai that his brother meant what he had said.

  Judging by the matching determination on Traze’s face, he had no choice but to tell them the full extent of his true plans. It was long overdue; they proved themselves far too many times to have an excuse to doubt their loyalty to their goal. Letting out a heavy sigh, he looked between his brothers for a moment.

  “Fine, but not in here. Traze has the only chair, and I need to sit down.” Grai didn’t wait for them to follow and walked out of his office and down the hall to the conference room.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Banatar Demetrios paced the makeshift conference room in the warehouse in Knoxville, waiting for the Tezarian to arrive.

  Ivint had explained little about his arrival other than to say that he could find Dare. That was enough for him. It’d been too long since his beloved daughter had gone missing, and he was ready to bring her home where she belonged. He couldn’t contain his impatience as Ivint walked in followed by the two Tezarian’s.

  “This is Dreadhawk and Viper fle’ te’ Trugh. The man standing is Banatar Demetrios, father of Dare. From your left is Reven, Dare’s brother Risk, Jax, Niklosi, Tarvok, Randor and Amun.” High Councilor Ivint Torenson made the introductions quickly then seated himself in an empty chair next to Reven, his military commander.

  Viper looked nonchalantly around the room and took a seat next to Amun, turning to his brother Dread to make the explanations for their arrival.

  “Over a week ago I received a message through the Shengari’ from Balduen Skardard, requiring assistance.” Dread paused while several gasps of surprise erupted around the room. He knew that the Valendrans understood the ramifications of one of their kind using the Shengari’.

  “What does this have to do with Dare? Are they together?” Banatar didn’t care what Valendran bonded with their beast, he only cared about Dare.

  “She is with Balduen. She is his mate.” Dread replied honestly, not expecting the man to erupt in fury.

  “What the hell do you mean my daughter is mated to a Valendran, who bonded with his beast? How the hell did this happen? Where is she?” Banatar stormed across the room towards Dread, uncaring that Viper had stood quickly and placed himself in front of his brother.

  “Banatar! Sit the hell down and listen to him! We have no time for this! We need answers
and to find them, now calm yourself, or I’ll have Amun give you something that will. Dread and Viper are here to help; they aren’t the reason for the situation.” Ivint grabbed Banatar’s arm as he’d passed him, while Reven stood in his path, the two effectively keeping him from getting any closer to Dread and Viper.

  Dread stood calmly and waited for the man to settle himself down before continuing his explanation. He wasn’t the least bit concerned for his safety.

  “They were both heavily drugged with something I am unfamiliar with. What I know is that it rendered them completely immobile and passive to the captors. It also neutralized Dare’s telekinetic ability.”

  “The situation and the fact that Ibix, Balduen’s beast was located in a part of his brain unaffected by the drug, and Dare being his mate and his need to protect her… he had no choice but to bond with the beast.” Dread knew that in order for what Balduen had done to be forgiven or at least overlooked; he would have to help impress upon them that Balduen really had been out of options when he’d made that choice.

  At Banatar’s disbelieving snort, Dread knew he was going to have to go into more detail than he had planned to with Dare’s father. He couldn’t take a chance that Balduen’s own people would think him unstable and try to harm him when they found them. Especially not a distraught father.

  “The Relian’s were forcibly trying to impregnate Dare through artificial means. Balduen was trying to get her out before they were successful. He contacted me through the Shengari’ so that I could help you find them. He had no other choice.”

  “Right now, they have escaped. When last I spoke to Balduen, he was taking Dare away from the area. Somewhere near Stockton, TN. He found an older man named Tom and his wife Rose that are giving them shelter until we arrive.”

  Dread paused when Risk interrupted and said, “I’m on it.” His fingers were flying over symbols on a pad in front of him that Dread recognized as a Valendran comm. One flat computer screen that could be programmed for different uses and users.

  Having never seen a hybrid of a beast race before, the young Risk intrigued Dread. He was very interested in the unique energy signature that he gave off. He’d satisfy that curiosity later though, and he continued his explanation.

  “You have to understand that this is a very delicate situation. Any over-reaction or attempt to subdue either of them will result in catastrophic consequences. Ones they will not be responsible for…” Dread didn’t get a chance to finish before Banatar cut him off.

  “You mean that animal is so dangerous that he’ll put them both in harm’s way? How the hell do you expect us to control him? That’s my daughter, he’s with!” Banatar couldn’t begin to try to deal with the fact that she was mated to the animal.

  “Sir, I think this is something that Dare and Balduen may want to deal with privately, with you. It’s a delicate situation. If you just bear with me, it will be understood when we go get them.” Dread could tell by the look in the man’s eyes that he wasn’t going to let it go, and if he went anywhere near those two with this anger... he might not make it back.

  Sighing in defeat, he took a seat next to his brother, glancing at Ivint, he nodded his head slightly towards Banatar. Silently trying to communicate the need to watch the man carefully as he explained. Ivint obviously understood when he signaled Reven, Niklosi and Randor to create a blockade of sorts if necessary.

  “They were successful in impregnating Dare. However, Balduen was also successful at impregnating her as well. The Relian offspring was unable to form correctly and was absorbed into the body of Dare and Balduen’s child. So was the Relian beast.”

  Ignoring the uttered sounds of shock coming from around the table and taking advantage of Banatar’s stunned silence, Dread rushed on.

  “The problem here is not Balduen, who is in complete control of himself. The problem is that the two beasts within their child are warring for control. And they have the ability to use Dare’s telekinetic ability.”

  “They demonstrated that ability when she was threatened with death and under the influence of the drug. The child and the two beasts stopped fighting long enough to strip the flesh of the female threatening her life and exploded two buildings as Balduen was carrying her out of there.”

  “Holy shit…” Risk uttered before slapping a hand over his mouth.

  “The pressure of the power they controlled was enough to send ripples through the Shengari’. If those young ones think, your anger is a threat in any way to their father, mother or themselves, none of us would be able to stop what they would do to you. I saw through their eyes the brutality of the Relian beast in the child when he stripped the flesh from that woman. I would not like to see what more they are capable of.”

  Dread looked around the room at the shocked faces, Banatar was being helped into a chair by Ivint and Reven. The long silence was making him uncomfortable until Ivint finally spoke.

  “What do we do?”

  “We go get them. And you act just like the same loving friends and family you were before they were taken. Pretend like the young ones don’t exist right now, until I can speak with them in a more controlled environment. Your doctor can run tests, but I will tell you certainly that the only way to get rid of the Relian beast would be to kill the child. And I don’t recommend that anyone mention that option to Dare or Balduen.”

  “Do not make aggressive movements towards Balduen. Although his instincts are more sensitive now, he is in total control of his beast in the same way that I am right now. My brothers and I will personally assist him and Dare in ensuring their bonds remain stable.” Dread was again interrupted by Jax this time.

  “Dare bonded with her beast? How is that possible?”

  “I followed Balduen’s message back to him and found Dare as well. The young ones were raging in her mind; their emotions were crippling her. The only way to help her build a wall to block it was to help establish her connection with her beast. Whom she named Thorn.” Dread was expecting Banatar to start screaming at him again when he heard that news and looked at him in concern when he just sat in his chair slumped over with his head in his hands.

  Ivint patted Banatar on his shoulder before standing up and addressing the room in general.

  “I want all teams notified that they are to make no aggressive moves towards either Dare or Balduen. Don’t even say something in anger until Dread can determine fully what we’re dealing with.”

  “I want no judgments made on either of them. None of us were in their situation or facing their choices. We have to remember; they are mates. That is a blessing for all of us. As is the child. Details are not to be provided to anyone. We need to give them their privacy; their situation is theirs to tell, not ours.”

  “Reven and Jax, get the teams ready. Risk what did you find out?” Dread and Viper remained silent as Ivint took charge of the room. Dread was grateful for the man’s intelligence and compassion. Although he understood why the Valendrans had turned away from the bonding, he thought the fear associated with it was completely unjustified.

  “I have the address for a Tom and Rose Parker. I’m sending it to the comm’s.” Risk replied without looking up from what he was doing.

  “Good work. Dread, Viper we should be ready to leave shortly, let me show you around a bit and get you some refreshments.” Ivint led both men out of the door and into the corridor they had come down earlier.

  Dread didn’t even pause as he heard Banatar’s anguished cry when they were all halfway down the hallway. He was glad Amun, the Valendran doctor, had stayed behind with him.


  Dare was drying the dishes while Rose washed them, her stomach in knots. Balduen and Tom were on the front porch watching the Relian’s come ever closer to the small farmhouse.

  The moment they had come in the front door, Rose had treated them like long-lost relatives. At only five feet, four inches tall, the smaller woman could take charge of a room like a seasoned military commander.

Tom commented that it was from her days as a nurse during the war, Dare saw a strength and determination in the woman that was admirable. She’d rushed Dare into the shower, and found sweat pants, a T-shirt and even a sports bra that their daughter had left behind that fit well enough. Dare couldn’t thank them enough for their kindness.

  She was so scared for them that she was sick to her stomach. They had a mountain full of Relian’s coming and no real time frame of when help would arrive, and Tom and Rose were now in the path of danger because of her and Baldy.

  “Child, we been through a lot worse than a bunch of bad guys coming. Don’t you worry none.” Dare didn’t realize she’d been drying the same plate while she’d been thinking until Rose patted her hand and took it from her. Luckily, it had been the last one or Dare would have felt bad about not helping. She hated this, hated to put good people like these two in danger.

  Following Rose into the living room, she scanned the coffee table full of weapons that Tom had brought out from what seemed like every room in the house. He and Balduen took several guns, a shotgun and a rifle with them onto the front porch, leaving six 9mm’s, two revolver’s and a shotgun. Extra loaded clips and shells took up the rest of the table.

  “You better pick the ones you like best before they get back in here. This baby is my favorite.” Rose gave Dare an exaggerated wink before picking up a smaller 9mm and checking the slide.

  Dare burst out laughing. She couldn’t help it. This woman may be in her seventies or eighties, but she was one of the toughest woman Dare had ever met. Granted Baldy never said that he was an alien or that aliens were chasing them, but this woman had taken the news that they were being followed by dozens of bad men like she handled things like that every day! She had even commented, “This ain’t our first rodeo honey, don’t you worry none!”


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