Red Riding Hood

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Red Riding Hood Page 9

by Neo Edmund

  “Your carriage awaits, my lady.” The driver spoke with a formal English accent.

  It took Red a couple of awestruck seconds to respond. “Thank you.”

  The driver opened the carriage door and kicked down a wooden step. He turned to Red and extended a white-gloved hand. “My lady.”

  “After you, Dote,” said Red.

  The driver looked over Dote a little perplexed. “I was not informed there would be two this evening.”

  “Ice said I could bring a companion,” Red said. “Is it a problem?”

  “Of course not,” the driver said through clenched teeth.

  Dote giggled and took the driver’s hand. As he helped her up the step, she lost her balance and fell backward into his arms. Her legs flailed around as the driver fumbled to get her through the carriage door.

  Red did her best to contain her laughter as she waited for the frazzled man to regain his composure and straighten his uniform.

  He turned to Red and extended a hand. “Shall we?”

  “I suppose if we must.”

  Red took the driver’s hand. While stepping up into the carriage, she faked like she was going to tumble backward. The driver gasped in a panic and dashed behind her with his arms extended. Red gave him a devious grin as she stepped inside and sat down on the crushed velvet seat.

  “Enjoy your ride, ladies.” The driver slammed the carriage door.

  “Thank you,” said Red and Dote in unison.

  The ride to the ball took the better part of an hour. Red and Dote sat mostly in silence. It was all so surreal that neither could come up with much of anything meaningful to say.

  Red instead gazed out the window at the lush forest landscape. Even in the dark of the night, Wayward seemed magical to her, like she was living in a fairytale realm of boundless possibilities. Only days ago she was a nameless orphan, and now she was riding in a fancy carriage on her way to a grand ball. It made her feel quite foolish for considering the idea of leaving.

  “Dote, if this is a dream, I don’t want to ever wake up.”

  As they rolled up a steep embankment, Red and Dote gasped in astonishment. Thousands of floating lamps that looked like twinkling stars illuminated the night sky. Below was what could best be described as an ivory palace. It towered a hundred feet tall and was many times that in width. There were even guard towers on the two front corners.

  “Have you ever seen anything like it in your life, Red?”

  “I’ve never even dreamed that such a thing could exist, Dote.”

  As they approached the palace, they bypassed a long line of horse-drawn carriages and formally dressed party guests. They rolled to a stop at the front gate. The door opened, and two men wearing formal uniforms stood at attention.

  Red gestured for Dote to go ahead, but Dote shook her head to say no way. Red sighed and took the lead. As she stepped out, a handsome butler extended a hand and helped her down. He wore a black tuxedo with several medals on his chest.

  “Announcing the arrival of the lady Red of the Riding Clan,” the butler proclaimed.

  Party guests waiting in the line looked curiously at Red. They pointed and whispered things to one another that she couldn’t quite hear.

  “Thank you, sir,” Red said, feeling both flattered and embarrassed by all the attention.

  The butler held up his arm to Red. “Would the lady allow me to escort her inside?”

  Red giggled. “Oh, that would be wonderful.” She took his arm and together they walked toward the main gate.

  “Don’t forget me.” Dote cried out from behind.

  Red looked back to see Dote frantically stumbling out of the carriage. “Dote, I’m so sorry. I got so caught up in everything that I nearly forgot you.”

  Dote’s eyes were wide with awe as she took in the sights. The butler let out a prudish sigh and offered his arm to her.

  “Are you going to announce her?” Red asked the butler.

  “Of course, Miss Riding. I was just about to.” The butler looked to Dote. “What is your name, young lady?”

  Dote whispered into his ear. The butler grumbled to himself. He then cleared his throat.

  “Announcing Miss Dote, of the Shrine family.”

  Not a single person in the crowd reacted, but Dote smiled and waved just the same. She took the Butler’s arm, and the three of them walked through the main gate.

  Dote whispered to Red, “I can’t believe they didn’t make us wait in line.”

  “Miss Riding is an honored guest,” the butler said. “See, Red? You’re totally important,” Dote said.

  The idea of this seemed strange to Red, but she figured it was best to leave well enough alone and just enjoy the moment.

  As they entered the ballroom and approached the top of a grand staircase, Red’s and Dote’s eyes lit up in amazement. Down below, a full orchestra was playing for countless party guests waltzing on a dance floor. Surrounding them were hundreds of tables, where guests dined on gourmet food and sipped champagne.

  “Shall we go down, ladies?”

  As the butler led them down the grand staircase, Red felt a surge of excitement that she did not expect.

  “Dote, I have a feeling this is going to be a night that we’ll never forget,” Red said.

  “It will be as long as they have mint chocolate cake.”

  When they neared the bottom of the stairs, Red spotted Ice Seether among the crowd. She was standing with a group of aristocratic gentlemen and their snooty looking wives.

  Ice was wearing a long purple gown with a train that dragged for several yards behind her. It was plain to see she had no interest in speaking to the stuffy men and was just waiting for her chance to get away.

  The instant Red’s feet touched the ballroom floor, Ice looked right to her, as if she sensed her arrival.

  “Red Riding, thank the goddess!” Ice turned away from the men without a word and dashed over. She greeted Red with a hug, followed by a kiss on each of her cheeks. “I was beginning to worry that you might not come.”

  “Ice, I can’t thank you enough for inviting me. When you said a few friends, I had no idea you meant all this.”

  “Well, you have to agree that there is nothing too good for our birthday,” Ice said.

  Red gave Ice a perplexed look. “Our birthday?”

  “Did you not know, Red, darling? You and I were born on the same day. Within minutes of one another, or so it is to my understanding.”

  “I didn’t know that.” Red stood dumbstruck. She had never known the date of her birthday. Making it more confusing, she couldn’t figure out how Ice knew, or why she would even care.

  “I know it’s still three days away. This night felt more appropriate for a ball. I hope you don’t mind us sharing a party,” Ice said.

  Red felt quite frazzled. “This is all so unexpected. I don’t know what to say.”

  “Red, tell me I’m not imposing on your own plans. You know how much I hate to be an upstager.”

  “It’s okay. I just got to town, so I hadn’t made any plans,” Red said.

  Dote stepped between Red and Ice. “I’m giving her a slumber party with mint chocolate cake and ice cream.”

  “What is this that speaks to me?” Ice looked down her nose at Dote as if she were some kind of annoying insect.

  Red cleared her throat. “Ice, I would like you to meet my dear friend, Luna Shrine.”

  Dote extended a hand to Ice. “You can call me Dote, like all my friends do.”

  Ice blatantly ignored Dote’s hand. “This is something different. The last Shrine to step foot in this house departed without her head intact.”

  Red giggled nervously, unsure if Ice was serious.

  Dote held her extended hand right to Ice’s face. “Well, I sure don’t plan to hold that against you.”

  Ice gave Dote a stone-cold stare.

  Red nudged Dote aside. “Dote is here by my invitation. I hop
e you don’t mind. You did say I could bring a guest.”

  Ice rolled her eyes in irritation. “I distinctly recall using the word date, but why not? It is your party as much as it is my own. Enjoy the festivities, little Miss Shrine.”


  Ice gritted her teeth and turned her back on Dote. She put an arm around Red and ushered her away into the crowd. “So, Red, I know we have discussed this before, but I am hoping you might open up more to me. I truly want to know every little thing there is to know about you.”

  “There isn’t much to tell, I’m afraid. Dote probably knows more about me than anybody.”

  “Yes, of course,” Ice snarled. “From what I understand, you disappeared when you were just a child. Excuse my candor. Most people believed that you were dead.”

  “Honestly, it’s not an interesting story,” Red said.

  “Your apparent resurrection is nothing less than interesting to me. Red, don’t leave me wondering a minute longer.”

  Red sighed. “It’s not that I was dead. I was taken away from Wayward and left alone to fend for myself in a city a long way from here. Until a few days ago, I had no memory of this place or anybody in it. I didn’t even know my last name and certainly not the date of my own birth.”

  “That clears up a lot of confusion,” Ice muttered.

  “I’m sorry I can’t tell you more, Ice. In many ways, I’m just as much in the dark as you are.”

  “Well, none of that matters now. Red Riding is back in Wayward and that is a thing to be celebrated.”

  Red faked a smile. “If you don’t mind my asking, why do you care so much? As far as I can tell, we’ve never met before this day.”

  Ice stopped and looked Red in the eyes. “It’s not easy to put into words. In Wayward, you’re something of a legend. The Alpha Huntress, gifted with powers greater than any in all of the land, born at the exact same moment in time as myself. Among our generation, I am by far the most exceptional of all, save one girl. Red, darling, that is you. In many ways you are my equal. We are connected at a level I can scarcely explain. Having been born so close in time to one another practically makes us twin sisters.”

  “I suppose so.” Red did her best not to cringe at the thought. “Now, if you don’t mind, I need to run off and prepare a little surprise for you.”

  “For me?”

  “I promise not to embarrass you too much. Birthday sister’s honor.” Ice strutted away into the crowd.

  Red found herself standing alone in a sea of strangers she had no interest in talking to, nor would she have a clue what to say if one of them had spoken to her. As she circled the room looking for Dote, she did her best to avoid making eye contact with anybody. It wasn’t long before her stomach was churning with anxiety. She began entertaining the notion of slipping out and catching the first carriage back home, though she thought it rude after Ice had gone to so much trouble for her.

  Just as she was about to set out in search of a ladies’ room to take refuge in, a young man with an English accent spoke from behind her. “May I have this dance, my lady?”


  “I said, may I have this dance, my lady?”

  A handsome young man with deep blue eyes and long black hair stood before Red with his white-gloved hand extended. He was finely dressed in a tuxedo with a purple cummerbund and a bow tie. A silver-handled rapier sword hung from his belt.

  Red couldn’t help but swoon a little because he was charming in every way possible. It took her a few seconds to come to her senses enough to speak. “Sorry. I was just looking for my friend.”

  “I see. Perhaps I can help you to search for him,” the handsome man slyly offered.

  “Oh, it’s not a he, more like a she,” Red was quick to note. “Then you are not here with a gentleman companion?”

  “No, not at all.”

  “Then fortune has indeed smiled upon me, for I am without a lovely lady to join me in this dance.”

  Red giggled like a giddy schoolgirl. “I don’t think that would be a good idea.”

  “I understand. I am but a mere stranger to you. My manners have escaped me. I have failed to give myself proper introduction. My name is Prince De’Mere.”

  “You’re a prince?”

  “Not exactly. My parents were rather ostentatious when they named me.”

  Red smiled and nodded, having no idea what ostentatious meant. “Well, I’m sure they meant well.”

  Prince chuckled. “That is an accurate assessment of my parents.”

  They stood for an awkward moment, both unsure what to say next.

  Prince finally cleared his throat. “Now that you know who I am, please bestow on me the sweet melody that is your name.”

  Red rolled her eyes in amusement. “Okay, I’m liking this prince charming thing you’re doing, but that sounded a little silly.”

  “Me? Silly?”

  “A little bit.”

  “But all I said was ...” Prince stopped and considered this.

  “You’re right. It did sound quite ridiculous.”


  Prince bowed his head. “You have my deepest and most sincere apology.”

  “And there you go again.”

  “I’m doing the best I can here, my lady.”

  “It’s endearing.”

  “I have a suspicion that I’m not going to be able to win with you,” Prince said.

  “Probably not.”

  “All I ask is a name and a dance.”

  “Why didn’t you just say so?”

  “My lady, I’m quite certain I did.”

  “Why don’t we skip the name game for now and just dance?” Prince shrugged. “Isn’t that what I asked you to do in the first place?”

  “You did. Now I’m asking you.”

  “If that is the way it must be, then I graciously accept your invitation.” Prince put an arm around Red’s waist and pulled her close. “I will have to insist upon leading.”

  “I can deal with that.” Red gasped as his muscular chest pressed up against her own. She had never danced before, and certainly not under such lavish circumstances. “Shouldn’t we move to the dance floor?”

  “I only dance in the moment, and the moment is here and now,” Prince said.

  The orchestra began playing a rather lively symphony. A rush of nervous excitement overcame Red as Prince led her around in a formal waltz. The idea of a fairytale princess being swept off her feet by a handsome prince had always seemed a bit sickening to her, but at the moment, she had to admit that it felt extraordinary.

  “The music is getting faster,” Prince said.

  “Then we’ll have to try to keep up,” Red said.

  As Prince led Red through the crowd, they nudged aside anybody who was in their way. The more it annoyed the other guests, the more amused they both became. It turned into a playful game where they danced their way through the middle of groups involved in conversations. Prince even dipped Red backwards into the lap of an elderly man sitting at a dining table.

  By the time the song ended, they had caused quite a scene and held the attention of much of the room.

  “Thank you. Thank you.” Red gave a playful wave to the crowd as they retreated from the area.

  “My lady, I must confess, that was the most fun I’ve ever had at one of these stuffy balls.”

  Red blissfully twirled around. “I confess that goes double for me.”

  “First ball?”

  “How’d you guess?”

  “You’re the only one in the room that doesn’t look exceedingly bored,” Prince said.

  “You don’t look bored,” Red said.

  “I’m not now.” Prince gave Red a passionate stare as he moved in for a kiss.

  Red turned away. “A dance is about all I can handle tonight.”

  “Then you will leave me longing?”

  “It’s looking that way.”

>   Prince sighed. “Then at least give me your name, so I will know who it is I’ll be pining over.”

  Red struck a playfully pretentious pose. “Since you’ve been such a gentleman, my name is Red Riding.”

  Prince’s eyes lit up with amazement. “Oh, my. This is indeed a most honored occasion.” He kneeled down on one knee and bowed his head. “Alpha Huntress, I pledge my life and service to your clan.”

  “Whoa.” Red took a big step back away from Prince. “What are you doing?”

  Prince raced to Red’s side. “My huntress, please believe that I meant no disrespect with my advances.”

  “Well, I liked that part. It’s just this Alpha Huntress business that’s freaking me out.”

  Prince stood at attention. “You have little to fear with me by your side. The men of my line served as the Alpha’s personal guards during the last war against Ragnarök. I came to Wayward to seek you out. I had no idea I would find you here of all places.”

  A thundering gong rang out.

  Red turned to see the crowd was coming to order and looking toward the grand staircase. At the top, a dozen royal knights marched out and formed a line. Two chefs rolled out a towering multi-layered birthday cake with sixteen burning candles, each over a foot in height.

  A guard with a trumpet played an ear-piercing song of salute. When he was done, he addressed the crowd. “Presenting your hostess for the evening, her Royal Highness, Ice Seether.”

  The crowd cheered with somewhat fake enthusiasm as Ice marched by the line of knights, waving her arms around and blowing kisses to the crowd. She wore a purple fur robe and a sparkling crown atop her head. In her hand she clutched a gold scepter, studded to the brim with sparkling jewels of every color in the rainbow.

  “Thank you. Thank you.” Ice said with melodramatic graciousness.

  Red rolled her eyes in disbelief. “Is this for real?”

  Prince grinned. “Oh, it’s only just begun.”

  Ice raised her scepter, and the crowd again came to order.

  “Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears.” Ice chuckled. “Okay, that was just a little joke.”


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