True Perfection [Aspire 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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True Perfection [Aspire 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 4

by Allyson Young

  So okay, she missed the sex. She hadn’t forgotten that killer orgasm when they’d taken her together, right before they had unveiled their “plan.” Her pussy still tingled with the memory. But to go to them now would be admitting that she totally needed to be with them, and she really didn’t know if that was true. Surely people could manage without sex. Nuns did it all the time. Except that nuns didn’t have two incredibly sexual, dominant men in their lives who were willing to do anything to bring them the best possible sexual pleasure, not to mention meet their every other need. Haley sighed. She was probably being incredibly dense about this, but she still needed time, and thinking while all alone was surely the best approach. She cracked the laptop and started searching for new listings.

  Chapter Five

  Gordon showed the cleaning crew out the door for what he sincerely hoped would be the last time until the bedroom renovation. And for that one they would definitely be miles away and oblivious to the mess and hassle. He was pleased with the way the kitchen had turned out, although there was a good chance it would be some time before Haley would use it. She was still diligently searching for an apartment, and Gordon had sent intense mental messages into the atmosphere begging any higher power not to reward her search. As long as she was under his roof, he and Warren had a better chance at convincing her that they were her future. Gordon believed in his heart that Haley knew that, but her experience with Warren had left her gun-shy, and he had to respect her ambivalence. They had reacted to her withdrawal in a high-handed fashion, but Warren had coined it when he had told her they knew what was best for her. Haley hadn’t smacked him, so perhaps there was additional hope. The signs of her arousal around them were unmistakable, and Gordon sincerely hoped she was suffering as much as he was. Warren was like a bear with a sore paw when Haley wasn’t around and had taken to muttering about cold showers and hand jobs. He and Warren were sleeping separately, but he was certain that Warren was jerking off as often as he was. He did know that Haley was feeling the strain, too, but he was determined, as was Warren, not to give her any indication that their physical needs surmounted their desire for her. He just hoped she would come to them in the near future, or he was going to go blind before his forty-third birthday next month.

  Haley had returned to work that afternoon and would have even less time for apartment searching. Gordon was more concerned that some well-meaning employee would offer her space in their home, although Haley was pretty private and probably wouldn’t share her personal issues. Warren would be home shortly, and Gordon thought they could finalize the plans for the bedroom renovation. Both of them believed in moving ahead, and Haley had brought them even closer together in their thinking and planning. They were functioning as one where she was concerned, although Warren still maintained that he was a bit soft with her. They essentially balanced one another out. Well, Haley held every bit of the power in their relationship. They really didn’t want to do anything to make her angry, although she was so desirable when she was upset. Gordon liked makeup sex as much as the next man, and hoped he didn’t have to wait much longer. The front door opened and then slammed. Gordon winced. Warren was home.

  “In here, Warren.”

  Warren strode into the kitchen. He looked around and nodded in approval. “Looks really good, man. What does Haley think?”

  “She hasn’t seen it totally finished yet, but I think she’ll really like it. She’s at work.”

  Warren visibly relaxed and slumped onto a stool in front of the breakfast bar. “Good,” he said. “I’ve been shoring up my defences all day at the thought of laying eyes on her. I want to fuck her so badly that pretending I’m cool with this living in the same house and sleeping separately is making me insane. I’m exhausted with pretending.”

  Gordon laughed, but he wasn’t feeling any humour. “I know. Two weeks of being celibate when we’ve had Haley between us totally sucks.”

  “Don’t use that terminology,” Warren complained. “The thought of her sucking my cock is killing me.”

  “Let’s get those plans finalized, my friend, and I’ll send them off tomorrow. That way all the permits will be pulled and we can get away at a moment’s notice.”

  Warren stared at him. “It’s been over two weeks, Gordon. She’s one stubborn wench. This is harder than putting together any business deal.”

  “She’ll come around quicker if she lives here. Let’s work on the plans, and then maybe we can go to Enrico’s and let our sub fix us dinner.”

  Warren snorted. “I’ve never felt less like a Dom in my life, Gordon.”

  “That’s because you’re now aware that any relationship is a two-way street, or in our case, three. And once this gets straightened out, Haley is going to be spending considerable time helping us catch up on our carnal needs.” Gordon managed a real laugh this time, and was relieved when Warren quirked a smile.

  * * * *

  Haley knew that her men were out there. She knew even before the maître d’ told her. She had felt them, right through the walls separating the dining room from the kitchen. Part of her was thrilled that they were intent on showing her how determined they were to be near her. Another part was pissed off at the lack of space they were allowing her. She got a grip. They had to eat. The kitchen was supposed to be finished today, but it probably wasn’t and they had decided to come here and eat her cooking. It was a compliment. Funny how she just wanted to tear off her hat and go sit with them, and eat and talk and hold their hands. Of course feeding herself would be an issue if she did that, but they wouldn’t let her go hungry. They just wanted to take care of her. She knew that, and most of the time it wasn’t unpalatable. Surely they would come to an understanding in time. But she wasn’t going on a vacation with them. Nope, she wasn't going to some warm, beautiful place with white sand and lapping waves and ocean breezes. They would have her naked and under them the whole freaking time, and she would end up doing whatever they wanted, including marrying Warren and probably agreeing to being knocked up within the year. She probably wouldn’t even get to swim in that ocean or play on that beach. Haley set her jaw. She wasn’t ready. She loved her job, and she wanted to experience life.

  “Chef.” Richard’s voice intruded on Haley’s self lecture. She started and turned to face him. His eyes were troubled, and she felt her stomach clench in reaction. Richard might get dramatic at times, but he rarely overreacted. That was what made him an excellent maître d’, despite his atrocious affected French accent.

  “What is it, Richard?”

  “Jeffrey is sitting at table four,” he advised. “I was busy, and Melinda didn’t know what to do when he came in with another man and asked to be seated. She wasn’t here the night he imploded, although she knew he was done working here. Anyway, I don’t like the feel of things.”

  Haley took a breath and thought quickly. Mr. Lewis was over at the new restaurant and wouldn’t be in for some time. She could go and ask Jeffrey to leave, but chances were he would cause a scene and that wouldn’t be good for business. She made her decision.

  “Treat him like every other customer, Richard, please. Let’s hope he brought a friend to show that the kitchen isn’t perfect without him. We’ll give him a terrific meal on the house, and he might have enough class to move on. If not,”—Haley shrugged—“well, I’ll cross the bridge if we come to it.”

  Richard nodded, but she could tell he didn’t like it. He knew Jeffrey far better than she did and had told her how overlooked Jeffrey felt when she replaced the previous chef. Jeffrey believed she had usurped him. Haley knew that Jeffrey didn’t have the skill to be executive chef, but he was a very good sous chef when he wasn’t undermining her. She sighed and patted Richard’s shoulder.

  “Thanks, Richard. Here’s hoping.”

  Richard forced a smile and said, “Your men are waiting for their meal, Chef. You are certainly a lucky woman. If you ever get tired of the one with the oh-so-blue eyes, let me know, will you?”

  Haley lau
ghed, although her conscience pricked her. Warren did love her, she knew, so why couldn’t she commit to him and Gordon? She replied, “Warren isn’t gay, Richard. Not even bisexual, I’m afraid.”

  Richard’s eyes widened, and she smacked his arm lightly. “Quit thinking about my sex life, and get back to work.”

  She watched him leave the kitchen and for a moment pondered her present nonexistent sex life, then settled into the routine of the kitchen. She had to fall back on her tried but true entrées because Mr. Lewis hadn’t obtained the ingredients she wanted for some new ideas because Gordon had talked him into closing for two weeks! Haley gritted her teeth. She was right to keep them at arm’s length right now.

  Things went smoothly for the next hour. Covers flowed out with the waitstaff, and empty plates came back to the dishwashers, often accompanied by accolades from the diners. Haley was nearly able to ignore the fact that Gordon and Warren were just beyond the kitchen, and she actually did forget about Jeffrey until she heard his raised voice. Melinda and the server came through the door at almost the same moment. The hostess was white, and Debbie looked wild-eyed.

  Haley moved to meet Melinda. “What happened?”

  “Jeffrey shoved his plate at Debbie and said some pretty awful things about you and the food, Chef.” Melinda, who had been Richard’s back up for years, didn’t rattle easily, and Haley knew it. She turned to Debbie.

  “Are you okay?”

  Debbie’s breathing began to slow, and she managed to answer. “He was a total jerk, Chef Haley. It was obvious that he had been drinking when he came in, and he pretty much chugged that bottle of wine his friend ordered. Anyway, he just blew up. I’ve never heard such language.”

  Haley was already on her way through the swinging doors, and saw Jeffrey now in a heated argument with Richard. She could see the looks on the faces of the other patrons, and her insides churned. This was so bad for business. She wanted to get Jeffrey out and gone before they had to call the police. Gordon and Warren were rising to their feet a few tables past where Jeffrey was having his tantrum, and Haley hurried to deal with the problem before they intervened. This was her restaurant and Jeffrey was her issue. She didn’t need or want their help.

  “There’s the fucking famous cunt of a chef.” Jeffrey’s slurred voice was full of venom and condescension. Haley stopped just outside of his personal space and fixed him with a stare.

  “I’m sorry if you weren’t pleased with your evening, sir,” she said quietly but firmly, “but you’ll need to leave. Now.”

  “I’m not your fucking subordinate any longer,” he snarled back at her. “We’ll leave when we’re ready. And we’re not paying for that swill we were served, bitch.”

  Haley was focussed on Jeffrey but felt his dinner partner stand and step away from the table. He put his hand on Jeffrey’s arm, and Jeffrey shook it off.

  “C’mon, buddy,” the other man said. “I’ve had enough. Let’s go.”

  “Not until I’ve told Chef Bitch here a few things,” Jeffrey shouted. “I’m a better chef than she’ll ever be, and I should be cooking here, not her. She waltzed in and stole the job right out from under me!”

  Haley knew that there was no reasoning with her ex sous chef. There was no help for it. She turned to walk away, hoping that without her presence he would leave. If not, she would call the police from the kitchen and pray that the other diners would forgive the ruination of their evening. He caught her arm and spun her around, and his other hand came up and caught her a glancing blow across the face. Haley staggered back and shoved at him. His white face flushed scarlet, and his eyes looked insane. She watched him reach out with startling speed and grab the steak knife that lay on the table, still coated with the evidence of the prime rib he had consumed that evening. Haley froze, and hard hands bit into her shoulders. She found herself spinning uncontrollably into a large, solid mass. Gordon’s arms came around her and pulled her away from the danger, but not before Haley saw Warren step in to put himself between her and Jeffrey. Even with part of her vision obscured by Gordon’s bicep, Haley saw the knife flash, and then she heard the sound Warren made. She screamed and fought Gordon’s grip.

  “Warren! Oh my God, Warren!”

  Warren and Jeffrey stepped back from one another simultaneously, and Jeffrey’s hand dropped away from the handle of the knife. A burst of crimson spread across Warren’s abdomen, the handle protruding from it like some kind obscene silver stamen. Warren staggered and was caught by Jeffrey’s friend, who lowered him into a chair. Haley tore away from Gordon and threw herself down to kneel at Warren’s feet. His hand somehow lifted and came to rest on her head, before slipping off to hang by his side.

  “Don’t you die, Warren, don’t you dare die.” Haley knew it was her whispering those words to him, but it was like she was in a different place, like she had become someone else. She wanted to wake up and find that this was just a nightmare. She wanted to reach out on either side of her and feel her men sleeping there, keeping her warm, knowing that they were safe.

  All around them people were in motion. In a tiny part of her mind, she heard nine-one-one calls being placed and someone came forward to offer their service as a doctor. Haley concentrated on pouring her energy into Warren. The doctor’s voice impressed that the knife was to remain in the wound and that Warren must be laid down in a certain position. Haley shifted to accommodate everything but never left her knees or her place. Gordon crouched behind her to stroke her hair and rub her shoulders, but Haley could accept no comfort. The ambulance arrived after what seemed to be an eternity, and she vaguely registered Jeffrey shouting as the police wrestled him away from the diners who were restraining him.

  “It’s her fault! That bitch took my job and then turned her back on me when I tried to tell her off. That guy shouldn’t have tried to protect her. It was none of his business. It’s her fault.”

  Haley didn’t need Jeffrey to tell her that. She had already shouldered the blame. She had killed Warren. She was absolutely his business, and her stubbornness and selfishness had killed him. Killed one of her loves.

  “Sweetheart,” Gordon spoke in her ear. “Haley, they’re moving him now. We’ll follow the ambulance.”

  Haley shook her head. She wasn’t leaving Warren.

  “There isn’t room for you, little one,” Gordon kept explaining, “I’ll take you to him, I promise.”

  In the end, Gordon simply picked her up and carried her thrashing form to the car. Her strength drained abruptly, and he was able to fasten her into her seatbelt and get away safely, right after the ambulance.

  “Haley, he’ll be fine.” Gordon’s deep voice barely registered.

  Haley stared straight ahead and willed her spirit into the rescue vehicle pulling away from them into the traffic. So much blood, and Warren had been so pale, his eyes half closed, his mouth set with terrible pain. It should have been her. Gordon would never forgive her when Warren died. He would see her for the selfish person she was and turn her away so that he could grieve alone. It would serve her right. She began to shake.

  Gordon cursed, and the heavy car flew forward. The big engine roared in concert with the blood pounding in her head, and Haley began to count silently. At four hundred and twenty-seven seconds, the hospital came into view, and Haley tried to fumble open her seatbelt. Gordon grabbed her wrist and yanked her arm away.

  “Wait until we stop, Haley. You can’t help Warren if you are hurt.”

  Haley wanted to scream at him. Didn’t he understand? It was her fault. How could she help Warren? She had caused this tragedy. It didn’t matter what happened to her. Still, she obeyed Gordon. She owed him that. Truth to be told, she didn’t know if her legs would hold her. When he came around to help her out of the car, Haley needed his strength, although she couldn’t look at him or say anything. She didn’t dare see the accusation in his eyes. She could barely function as it was.

  * * * *

  Gordon dealt efficiently with the red tape w
hile Haley stood mute and huddled beside him. He sensed that she would soon fall to the floor and hurried her off to a couch in the waiting room, where he pulled her onto his lap and rocked her. She tensed and shook, and he wished she would say something, anything. A nurse approached and he motioned her over.

  “Mr. Sinclair?”

  “Yes. What’s going on?”

  “Mr. Chalmers has just been taken into surgery. If you like, you can go up to the fourth floor and wait there. The surgeon will come out and talk to you when, well, when the surgery is finished.”

  Gordon didn’t like that hesitation. Clearly Warren’s injury was serious and there was the possibility he wouldn’t survive the surgery. Gordon fought the terrible feelings that news invoked and turned his attention to Haley, who was now staring at the nurse with absolutely no expression on her lovely face. It chilled him to the bone.

  “This is Haley Snider, Mr. Chalmers’s fiancée,” he said. “She witnessed the stabbing, and I’m worried for her.”

  The nurse was already taking Haley’s pulse and straightened from her crouch to gesture to Gordon. “Take her into number three. I’ll have the emerg doctor have a look at her. She’s clearly having a bad reaction to the situation.”

  Chapter Six

  Haley winced when the needle pierced her hip, followed by another cool pass of the alcohol wipe. She literally felt the medication take effect, and she miraculously reentered a world that was full of sound and colour, if devoid of Warren. Warren. She needed to find him. Gordon was looking at her anxiously, rubbing her hand between both of his, and Haley managed to look at him, if only for a moment. She loved Gordon, too, and didn’t know how she was going to deal with the double loss.


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