Taming Jax (First Wave Book 5)

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Taming Jax (First Wave Book 5) Page 14

by Mikayla Lane

  Jax watched as Reven scooped up a giggling Bayla and set her in his lap next to the tray before he handed a plate to Melina. “Eat up, breakfast is an important meal so try to clean your plate. And you, little one, you get a mix of people and baby food today.” Reven said as he picked up a spoonful of fluffy eggs and put them in Bayla’s waiting mouth.

  Reven ignored the stunned look on Jax’s face and placed a plate in front of her before giving Bayla another bite of eggs. He tried his best to hide his smile but knew he wasn’t successful, so he tried to make it appear it was the children putting the smile on his face.

  The effort was worth it though to keep Jax off balance. He knew that she had expected this morning to be awkward, and he anticipated that she would be more than ready to refortify the walls she’d built around herself, but he’d had enough. He had thought of every moan, every scent of her arousal and need, and he was done.

  Her begging words had told him everything that he needed to know. It may have taken him a while, but he’d finally figured out what kind of man Jax needed him to be. Sadly, it was the man he’d been all along. The man he’d never shown her that he was, the one that he had hidden from her.

  He didn’t know why, maybe like Jax; it was a wall he’d put up around him and the way they were both so passionate just clouded his reason. Whatever the cause, he intended to fix it.

  Jax looked down at the plate in front of her and was surprised to see scrambled eggs, toast, orange slices and… was that a hamburger? Jax shot a questioning look at Reven, who grinned and shrugged his shoulders.

  “It was all you had in the house, and Amun said they needed protein to help rebuild their muscles.” Reven chuckled as he fed Bayla a spoon of what looked like yellow slime. Jax shivered and turned away from the gross looking crap.

  Jax picked up her fork and dug into her eggs. She was really surprised when they turned out to taste incredible. She had the eggs devoured when she tentatively took a bite of the hamburger and moaned.

  “What did you do to this?” Jax asked as she took another bite.

  Reven smiled. “I used spices you already had and grilled them.”

  Bayla started getting fussy as if she were done and Reven whisked her up into his arms. “Let’s get you cleaned up while your sister and Jax finish eating.”

  Jax and Melina watched him walk out of the door. Jax was wondering where the arrogant jerk had gone and who was the sweet man who just walked out of the room? And when did he learn how to cook? She would have never guessed that he could, judging by the crap he had in his cabinets and freezer.

  Melina was calculating the fastest route to the knife on top of the dresser and to the bathroom where Reven took Bayla. She knew that she wouldn’t need to save the baby. She could hear Reven in the bathroom, running the water and cleaning up a giggling Bayla.

  It was just something her mind always did. Something she couldn’t seem to stop or control. It was comforting in a way and she had learned to rely on those strange thoughts that were always there.

  Jax finshed eating the wonderful breakfast, even the orange slices that she wouldn’t have normally eaten. By the time Reven came back in with a squirming Bayla, Melina and Jax were both standing nervously by the side of the bed. It didn’t take a genius to figure it out.

  “How about I change Bayla in the living room, while you and Melina change in here and the bathroom?” Reven said as he walked over to the bag with Bayla’s clothes and grabbed it. He was out of the room before Jax or Melina could respond.

  “Grab your clothes and hit the bathroom. I’ll be right behind you.” Jax said as she turned to her dresser and pulled out tact pants and a black tshirt. She felt the need to feel somewhat normal today.

  Obviously needing to use the bathroom as much as Jax, Melina rummaged through her bag of clothes and shut the bathroom door before Jax had a chance to grab her underwear and bra.

  Figuring Reven had things under control for a few minutes, Jax waited until Melina came out dressed before heading in for her morning shower.

  She had every intention of taking a long, hot shower to not only wake her up but to clear her head. The first touch of her poof on her breasts and all she could think about was Reven’s mouth and tongue teasing her hours before.

  Groaning in frustration, Jax rushed through the rest of her shower. She dried herself angrily, unsure if she was madder that they had been interrupted or that Reven had acted like it never happened this morning.

  She wasn’t stupid, she knew he couldn’t say anything in front of the kids. But he could have said something through the Shengari’. An apology or an acknowledgement of their mutual humiliation would have been nice, Jax thought as she threw her towel into the bright purple hamper in the corner.

  No, instead he brings in breakfast! She thought, getting more irritated the longer she thought about it. What the hell? She’d had one-night stands act better before leaving! Damn that was a lie. Why the hell, did the man get under her skin so bad? She wondered in exasperation.

  Jax had every intention of ignoring the man when she got out of the shower. She’d show him how it felt to be ignored. But of course, the bastard couldn’t make even that easy on her; she thought with a sigh as she saw the girls giggling as they played on Melina’s new bed.

  She stepped into the room, still set on ignoring him, when she saw what they had done. To say she was shocked was an understatement, she thought as she looked around.

  They had not only built the bed and the crib, but all of the furniture, and it was placed in the room in such a way as to leave the middle of the floor for a play area. It was a perfect room for the girls. And it wounded Jax more than she’d ever admit.

  She had expected to argue with Reven, even relished the thought of the verbal sparring. She had been so sure that he would have given the girls both of the spare bedrooms, using Melina’s age as an excuse for her to have her own room.

  She had expected him to gallantly take the couch before he tried to worm his way into her bed. But this… this was blatant rejection; Jax thought, suddenly feeling sick to her stomach. He may as well have just said it wasn’t that good for him and slapped her. It hurt the same.

  “Isn’t it beautiful?” Melina gushed as she rolled around her bed laughing with Bayla.

  Jax plastered a smile on her face and walked further into the room, ignoring Reven’s curious looks. “It’s amazing. I’m so glad you like it. We really need to get moving though. We need to go to town and get you both some more clothes. Not to mention groceries and the testing center, so we can see about getting you in school.”

  “Do you want to go to school with other kids your age?” Jax asked gently, unsure if the little girl would ever be ready.

  Melina’s pale blue eyes looked at Jax curiously. “What is school like? Do you really learn things there?”

  Jax sucked in a sharp breath; her own anger at Reven was pushed aside and all she wanted right then was to kill the people responsible for what Melina had gone through. The years she’d lost and the childhood she’d never get back.

  Jax sat beside the young girl on the bed and put her arm around her thin shoulders. “It’s fun. You can play and learn with children your own age. Knowledge is one thing no one can ever take from you. It’s something a nun taught me in the orphanage I was in until our people found me.”

  Melina looked up at Jax with curiosity and hope in her eyes. “So I can go to school and learn to be like you? And Reven?”

  “What do you mean, like us, little one?” Reven asked as he leaned forward in the rocking chair they’d put in the corner of the room.

  “I want to help find more like Bayla.” Melina said shyly.

  “How did you find Bayla honey?” Jax asked, hoping that maybe now would be a good time to find out more about the girls without upsetting Melina too much.

  Melina looked at Reven and when he nodded his head, she sighed. “I was looking for food, and I heard her crying when I was in the dumpster. I tried to ta
lk to her, in her head like you do, and she talked back to me. She told me how they hurt her and when I heard the men talking about what they would do…” Melina paused and sucked in a deep breath.

  “It’s alright honey. They can never hurt you again. We will never let anyone hurt you again. I promise.” Jax said as she hugged the girl close.

  “I want to kill them. Like you killed the one in the trunk of the car.” Melina said as she angrily wiped away the tears that slipped from her eyes.

  “Hey, hey… it’s not all about killing…” Reven began before Jax sent him an angry glare and cut him off.

  “I understand honey. I really do. I’m going to make sure you learn everything you want to learn, and if you want to grow up and be like me and Reven, then I will make sure it happens.”

  “I know what it’s like to feel helpless and alone, and I know what a difference it makes to learn how to protect yourself and the people you love. I will teach you that and how to take your power back so you won’t feel so afraid.” Jax promised, meaning every word.

  Reven sighed as he saw the relief cross Melina’s face. He had assumed the child was just angry and hadn’t considered that it wasn’t just revenge she wanted. He expected Jax to give him one of her smug smiles, but she kept her eyes away from his.

  He knew something was wrong with her; he'd felt it in her energy before she clamped down on it and replaced it with her battle ice. That impenetrable, cold barrier she would build around her heart and emotions like a shield. He hated that damn thing.

  The term, battle ice, had been given to her by her fellow hybrids and gifted long before Reven had ever arrived on this planet. They had seen the change that came over her when she fought and it kind of frightened them. It still did.

  However, Reven figured out the one thing that they didn’t. Jax didn’t erect the battle ice to become a cold-hearted killer; she used it as a way to distance her heart from it. He knew it bothered her, more than she would ever let on. It didn’t matter how good she was at killing; she hated it.

  Jax was loyal and passionate and before the Valendrans arrived, she’d gone on as many missions as she physically could in order to prevent someone else from going in her place. Her deep love for her friends and her people would allow her to do no less.

  However, in this moment, when there was no enemy, there was no need for her battle ice. Unless, for some reason, she was hurt or still bothered by their intimacy. Reven wracked his brain for a reason that she would be upset, and he couldn’t think of one at all.

  They’d gotten the furniture done; he thought, looking around the room proudly. He’d even kept the guest bedroom, so he wouldn’t upset her. He also felt better knowing that the girls would be sleeping in between him and Jax for the first few days.

  The guest bedroom he was in, was strategically the best one. It put him between all of his females and the only two doors into the house. Or out of it, he thought, looking at Melina hugging Jax.

  Although, he hoped that she wouldn’t try to run from them, he had no delusions that she might not freak out and try to leave. With her unique gift, it would be almost impossible to find her if she didn’t want to be found, and he didn’t want to take any chances until he felt her settling in better.

  That was the other reason he chose to keep the other guest bedroom. After what happened with Jax last night, he knew that she would be itching for a confrontation this morning, and he knew it wouldn’t be healthy for the girls to see it. He was fairly certain Melina would not feel comfortable watching him, and Jax have one of their verbal shouting matches.

  They were loud and aggressive enough that they usually cleared a room the moment they started in on each other. If grown warriors wanted no part of it, there was no doubt in his mind that two small girls would be traumatized.

  Jax had so much passion; most of it directed at him; he thought with a smile that she would stomp and gesticulate wildly as she shouted at him. He was never sure if she realized just how much of her desire and attraction bled through her actions. He hadn’t realized it until Crator had pointed it out.

  Reven shook his head to clear it. The last thing he needed to be thinking about right now was how turned on their arguments made him. Yeah, he needed to get control of himself if he was going to tame his wild mate.

  The room… he thought, wondering if keeping the room is why she’d felt so hurt when she came into the room. Was she mad he was staying? He had to know; he couldn’t put up with her icy shield all day.

  Besides, it was never a good idea to let Jax simmer about anything. It was like trying to cook C4; you never knew what was going to happen, but it would definitely involve an explosion sooner or later. If later it would be a lot worse than if he tried to diffuse it sooner, he thought.

  “Melina, can you please take your sister into the kitchen. I would like you to pick out some snacks to bring today for you and Bayla. We’ll grab lunch while we’re out, but Amun wants you both to snack when you can to rebuild your strength. OK?” Reven said, pretending not to notice Jax purse her lips as she purposely avoided looking at him.

  “Anything? I can pick anything?” Melina asked with a twinkle in her eye.

  Jax couldn’t help but chuckle at the child’s excitement over something so simple. “Yes, anything. Anything that will fit in a bag and won’t spoil in the car.”

  With a happy squeal, Melina picked up Bayla and ran to the door where she stopped short and turned to Jax and Reven. “Thank you. For everything.” She whispered before disappearing down the hall.

  Jax stood to leave when Reven blocked her exit. “What is wrong?” He asked before she could say anything.

  “I’m fine.” Jax gritted out, trying to step around him. She barely held back a growl when he stepped in front of her again.

  “Hell, I know you’re pissed off now. You’re never ‘fine’, so tell me.” Reven said, mocking her word.

  “Go to hell Reven!” Jax said through gritted teeth as she pushed against the solid wall of his chest. Which of course didn’t move an inch, making her even angrier.

  Reven knew she was too angry to ever admit it, but he could feel the hurt in her energy and knew that his decision to keep the other guest room had not only kept her off balance; it had caused her pain.

  It was times like this where he felt the human phrase “Damned if you do and damned if you don’t,” was coined specifically for him. She was such a brilliant and incredible woman; it seriously stunned him sometimes when she acted like this.

  “I’m not moving until you let me explain why I chose to stay in the other guest room…” Reven began before Jax threw her body into his chest trying to make him move. It only made her angrier when she bounced off, and he didn’t even move an inch.

  “Move!” Jax growled at him lowly as she glared into his stormy blue eyes.

  “You crazy… ugh! I moved into that room because if I didn’t, I would not just be in your room and in your bed. I would be in you!” Reven said as he clenched his fists to keep from grabbing her to him.

  “Are we leaving soon?” Melina called from the living room, startling Reven and a now stunned and silent Jax. Reven turned his heated stare to his mate.

  “You are driving me insane! But we’re not doing this in front of those girls! We will finish this later. Have no doubt that we are far from done here.” Reven growled before he grabbed her into his strong arms and kissed her soundly.

  Jax could feel him hardening against her before he abruptly pulled away and set her on her wobbling feet. He held her long enough for her to steady herself before he gave her a look that told her the next time they wouldn’t be disturbed, then walked out of the door.

  Jax shivered from the promise in his eyes and the arousal running rampant in her body for the annoying man. Damn if his sexy ass didn’t turn me dumb, Jax thought with a small smile, unsure if that was good or bad.

  She had made the wrong assumption about him again. Jax couldn’t understand why she always thought the wo
rst of him. He’d been far more patient and honest with her than anyone else she’d ever dealt with. There had even been times when she had actually felt bad afterwards, but somehow he’d always managed to make her angry again.

  The last few days had been different. The only times Jax got angry at him was the times she’d made the wrong assumption. However, they’d been getting along a lot better than they had before as well. Which was weird, she thought.

  “Maybe you should give him a chance?” Jax was startled out of her thoughts by Melina and Bayla in the doorway.

  “What?” Jax asked stupidly.

  “Bayla said she heard your thoughts. She thinks you should give him a chance.” Melina said quietly, as if afraid Jax would get mad at her.

  Damn, Jax thought, did everyone think she was an angry nutjob? She looked at the adorable baby and had no doubt the babbling babe probably had the same opinion as Melina. Nevertheless, she also knew there was no way the baby had heard her thoughts. No one could do that. Except Lara.


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