Vengeance (The Volkov Mafia Book 5)

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Vengeance (The Volkov Mafia Book 5) Page 2

by S. E Foster

  “Are you wet baby?” I ask, as I drop my own trousers to the floor.

  “I’m always wet when I have been playing with your cock.”

  I love the ways she isn’t afraid to answer me; her little dirty mouth has gotten her into a few sticky situations before.

  I stand behind her, moving her knickers to one side. I have my solid cock in my hand, I nudge her legs further apart so that I fit perfectly between them. I rub myself between her wetness, making the head nice and wet so that I can slide right in, it’s my favourite place to be, nestled between her warm, wet thighs. Her moans are driving me insane, I press the tip inside and start easing in and out ever so slowly, teasing her to within an inch of her sanity. I want her begging for my cock, as much as I want to thrust balls deep inside of her right now, we both know if I did that It would be over quicker than I want it to be. There is no other feeling like it.

  Her back arches, pushing her arse further out, I grip hold of her hips. Keeping up the slow agonising pace. Driving her crazy with need.

  “Please Malc, I need all of you.”

  There it is that word that makes me cave, she doesn’t say it often, but when she does I’m not going to disappoint her. I pull out right the way to the tip, gripping her hips making sure she feels it, waiting for her to relax that last little bit before I strike. I slam all the way inside and I feel the warmth wrapped around me. She fits perfectly, like she was made for me. I work harder and faster just waiting for her to climb. I love taking her over the cliff into a world of ecstasy. It’s not long before we are both sweating, my balls are tight, and ready to explode, but I won’t cum before she does. I bring my fingers to her clit and start working it in time with my thrusts, in little circular motions, then I stop and change direction not letting her body get used to the same stimulation for two long.

  I feel her walls clench around me, so I pause for a split second before I thrust in harder and deeper, she cums screaming and clenching begging me to stop, but I can’t, because as soon as I feel the wetness on my cock I cum. It’s hard and fast, pumping deep inside of her, I pause when I finish letting her ride the rest of her orgasm, feeling her whole body tight and tense. My name on her lips as she comes back down from her high. I collapse onto her back, trying to get my breath back.

  “Well that’s the office christened, what room is next?” I say, gently thrusting again.

  “I think we need to christen the rest of the house. She says with a wicked glint in her eyes.

  I pull out and spin her around, lift her up into my arms and make my way to the bedroom. This is going to be one hell of a night.

  Chapter Three


  He’s hiding something from me, I don’t know what it is, but I know him, inside and out. I will find out. He has been acting very different this week. I’m not sure why, it could be a combination of the moving, giving up the mafia life and starting a normal job so to speak.

  Today is the first day of school for Daria, I finish plating up breakfast for both children. She comes running in and asks me to do her hair for her. She looks beautiful in her uniform, the grey pinafore, white polo and purple cardigan all set off the colour of her hair perfectly, she looks like a little angel. Like butter wouldn’t melt.

  I put a French braid in her hair, once I’m done she takes a seat at the dining table, all ready for her first day.

  The walk to school is a very peaceful one, a lot different from the fast pace life they are used to. We stroll down the country lanes and walk hand in hand, to the little cottage type school.

  I love that there are only 26 children in the whole school, it means that the education should be top notch and teachers will have more time to spend getting to know and help each individual child in their class. I left Charlie at home with Malc, so I could spend a little time with Daria on they walk.

  “Are you excited for you first day?” I ask her, I’m using a light tome in my voice, so she thinks that I’m not trying to make a huge deal about it, that she has no reason to be scared or nervous.

  “Yes, aunt Cami. I can’t wait to make some friends so that I will have people to play with, I just wish daddy was here to see me.”

  Her little words break my heart all over again, I’m trying not to show how much as she looks up at me with sad but excited eyes.

  “Why don’t we take a picture at the front gate and send it to your dad, that way he won’t miss out on the memory will he?” Her little face lights up even more.

  “Yes please, can I help you send it to him after school please, I want to tell him how my first day went.” She said.

  “Of course, you can Daria. We will do it together when you get home and you can tell me what you want me to say in the message, how does that sound?”

  She just nods her head rapidly at me. I give her a kiss as I hear the bell, I walked her to where her class is lining up outside ready to go in, I wish I was still in school, the openness to learn something new is not just restricted to children, that even adults of all ages can learn to do anything they set their mind to. As the bell sounds I tell her to have a great first day and give her a little kiss on the top of her head, then I make my way out of the school grounds.

  I take a walk to the village, time to have a little walk around, get to know my new surroundings a little better. It’s so quiet, it reminds me of Duffus a little bit, the tranquillity of the country side, the slower pace of life, the way that over time people will get to know us and ask how our day is going. That’s what I like about living in the countryside there is a better sense of community spirit, that people will really pull together.

  I walk past the B&B, towards the little green with a couple of shops, I see a butcher and a green grocer. That’s something I haven’t seen for a long time. The idea of getting everything local and fresh appeals to me. That everywhere we shop here is giving the shop owners a renewed hope that they are still needed, that all the arduous work they put in getting us the freshest and best produce.

  I buy some things to make breakfast for me and Malc when I get back, bacon, eggs and sausage cant beat a full English. I’m hoping that spending a little bit of time together might get him out of the funk he is in. Or if it is something playing on his mind, that he might offload some of that worry on to me. After all that’s what husbands and wives are supposed to do, share the worry of each other’s problems and then come up with ways to solve them together.

  I take the same path I used to walk to the village to go home, it really is a peaceful place. Not just because of the views or the people just because there is a natural calm to this place. Walking past the B&B, I notice the huge black BMW sitting in the drive, there isn’t a spec of dirt on it, it really is out of place for county living. All the cars I have seen so far, have days old dried mud splattered along the side of them, this however looks like it has just come off the showroom floor.

  It reminds me of the cars that Damien has, but that’s absurd so I dismiss the thought instantly. Why would Damien send someone up this way? Oh, god what if he has sent someone to come and tell Malc that there is work to be done, I automatically start to panic, it’s that dizzy feeling then a shortening of breath. Now I’m thinking worst-case scenarios, everything is running through my head right now. We are out of the family business, he is done, isn’t he? Yes, he is, Faith would’ve rang me and given me a heads up if someone was on the way. She wouldn’t let me be blindsided by it. This is me just having a meltdown and starting to worry again. I speed up along the path, so that I can get home, mainly just to reassure myself that everything is fine.

  Sure, enough when I walk through the door Malc and Charlie are playing quite happily in the living room with some toy cars. See all that worry for nothing, I just hope these sorts of feeling subside with time.

  After we have our breakfast, Malc goes off to work and I spend the day cleaning and having fun Charlie. That’s the best part of the day, having some me and Charlie time, the collection of pictures that Charlie has
drawn is growing. I think one day soon I am going to run out of room on the walls in this house. The reflection of life through pictures tells stories to others, but as we get older it reminds us of the memories that we may forget. That’s why I want to catch as many moments as I can.

  I put Charlie in his car seat to go and get Daria from school. I hope she has had a good day and at least made a couple of friends, so that she doesn’t feel so alone. I arrive with plenty of time, I make my way to the gate where I dropped her off this morning. I see the classroom door open and she runs out towards me with a big bright smile on her face.

  “Mrs Petrov.” I hear a woman calling my name as I’m about to turn and leave.

  I look up and see a stunning woman coming towards me, auburn locks dazzle in the sun, emerald green eyes that are bright and happy.

  “Yes, that’s me” I say to the woman.

  “Oh, how rude of me just calling out to you like that let me introduce myself, I’m Miss Haynes, Daria’s teacher. Can I just say what an absolute pleasure it has been to meet and teach her today she is a very clever and kind little girl. I just wanted to let you know her first day went very well and that if you have any questions don’t hesitate to stop by and see me.”

  Her words are lovely to hear after I had been worried for her, they give me a little reassurance that we have done the right thing for her.

  “Oh, thank you so much for letting me know, and I will be sure to give you a call or pop in if I have any questions.”

  We say goodbye, I take Daria’s hand and walk her back to the car, I get her belted into her seat and I listen to her tell me excitedly about her day at school. She tells me about the paintings she made and the all the different children she met, that everyone seems so nice.

  We get home and I prepare tea for when Malc comes home, I hope he is earlyish tonight so he can hear what Daria has to say first hand. After I get the children bathed and into bed, I sit on the couch with a glass of red, picking up my kindle I take ten minutes to have a snoop around for a new book, I have missed reading with everything that has gone on I haven’t found the time to enjoy a delightful book.

  Malc wasn’t home on time, its nearly nine pm and he still isn’t back yet, I hope everything is alright and that work isn’t getting him down too much. I know it’s been a tremendous change for him. All he has ever known is the life that has been mapped out for him from him being knee high to a grasshopper.

  I hear the rumble of his car pulling up, I go to the kitchen, pour him a glass of wine and put the oven on to warm his tea up. He comes into the kitchen, kisses me on the cheek and takes the wine, quickly downing it in one go. He turns to leave, without saying a word to me. That’s not like Malc, whats worse is this makes me feel frustrated and upset.

  “Malc what’s wrong?” I ask him, I’m getting concerned now as he seems even more distant than he was this morning.

  “Camilla, just leave it. The less you know the better. That way you won’t worry your pretty little head about it.”

  Oh, no he didn’t just give me that shit, I have done nothing but be patient with him. This stops now!

  Chapter Four


  I hear her footfalls behind me, they’re loud against the oak floor, her heels stomping with each fluid step. Why can’t she just leave it be I don’t want to argue with her. There is more of a chance that we will end up becoming hurt because I don’t want to mislead her or lie to her anymore. I hate that right now that I’m having to, just to keep everyone safe, it’s the betrayal to her that will kill us the most.

  She is my world and we never have secrets. I have seen her at her weakest point and she has seen all my demons. That’s how we have come to stand the test of time because we are honest. But right now, I have the balance of our marriage in my hands and I don’t like it. What I say in the next five minutes will either break us apart for good or just fracture us that little bit more. Neither is what I want, I can’t lie to her anymore she doesn’t deserve it.

  “Malcolm, you stop right there.”

  Her voice booms across the room. I stop dead in my tracks and slowly turn to face her.

  As soon as she sees the guilt on my face she will know.

  “What gives you the god damn, given right to talk to me like that? You are my husband not my fucking keeper. When I start saying yes sir, no sir, three bags full sir. Then you will have the right to talk to me like that.”

  Her words resound in my head for a second longer than necessary. But I know that she is pissed and as a rule I wouldn’t ever talk to her like that. With what has happened today I snapped, because I knew that if I didn’t, I would’ve broken down and ended up telling her everything.

  “Look Malc I know you’re struggling with the move and adapting to this life, a normal life. But please don’t shut me out if you are hurting or worried then talk to me, we are supposed to be a team. You bottle it up and you know what happens, you let it fester and then you blow, just like you have done and you end up taking it out on me.”

  I know she is right, I do bottle everything up and then I make myself implode with all the worry. Her words sink in slowly, trying to process them, so I don’t put my immense size ten in it.

  She thinks all this is because I’m struggling to adapt to a civilian life so to speak.

  “It’s just hard.” I say to her. Trying not to be to open so that she can use it against me in the future.

  “All you have to do is talk to me Malc, I knew it would be a huge change for you and one you only really made for me and Charlie, because if you didn’t have us, you would have been happy to continue on the path you were on. You would continue to do all of Damien’s bidding for him, but you are worth so much more Malc, don’t you see that?”

  I see the tears in her eyes as she speaks to me, she really believes that I only gave this life up for her, now guilt consumes me because I haven’t really given anything up. It’s just a new mission that is deeper undercover than I have ever been before, we don’t know when Vlad will make his move, it could take weeks but it could take months. That’s why we moved here so that I could protect the girl he is after. I hate it when I take a life, but surely saving the life of an innocent girl is worth some absolution for my sins.

  “I’m sorry I’ve been shutting you out love, it’s hard to change the habit of a lifetime, I have never really had anyone that I’m able to open up to, without judgment.”

  It’s had to keep everything from her, but what else can I do, risk the safety of an innocent girl or risk the love of my family, I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place no matter what I do.

  “You have me now Malc you just have to talk to me.”

  She gives me a kiss on the cheek, I nod my head slowly.

  “How did Daria get on?” I ask her. Trying to change the subject.

  “Oh, she had a great first day Malc, her teacher Miss Haynes spoke to me after class, saying how well she did and what a very clever little girl she is.”

  I choke down the water I was drinking, with the name that pops out of her mouth, how did this happen? The woman I’m supposed to keep safe ends up being Vlad’s daughter’s teacher. Well if I avoided the shit storm tonight, I don’t think I will be able to much longer.

  “That was nice of her.” I say to make me sound a little less inconspicuous.

  The rest of the night is quiet and relaxed, just what I needed after today. Damien checked in again today, while I was out at work. Telling me that I have to make my move soon, he has the information that Vlad is here and set up ready to take out his target any day now.

  I can only do so much without causing too much suspicion. I just wish he could see what sort of predicament he has put me in, but no, my brother is only trying to do what is best. I know that, but it’s the way he goes about it sometimes. He wants me to take out Vlad, but how am I supposed to kill the father of the little girl that I have in my care right now. How can any father justify killing anyone’s father?

know Vlad, I know how he has suffered, we all watched him crumble into a pit of despair. He watched his wife get stabbed right in front of him while she was carrying the baby of Jonny Haynes. Then he went on the rampage killed his whole entire crew. But it wasn’t enough, vengeance isn’t complete until he eradicates every trace of that man’s DNA from this planet. I get that I really do, because if it had been me I would’ve done exactly the same as him. I needed to go and talk to him see if I can get him to back down from this quest for Vengeance.

  I head to bed, my mind not being able to take much more, as I walk into the bedroom I see Cami asleep on the bed, her hair is longer now and the blue tips have faded but she is still my sexy little pixy. The sight of her lay there in our bed has the blood instantly flowing to my shaft, making me hard as rock.

  I strip off my clothes, not wanting to wait to get into bed and devour her body. I love it when I get to worship her, make her crazy for my touch, you would think that after all this time, sex would have slowed down but not for us, I love feeling her tight pussy clamped around my cock, feeling it pulsate as she climaxes.


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