Standing Outside the Fire

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Standing Outside the Fire Page 18

by Jillian Neal

  His eyes were dark now, his irises cloaked with need. “Fucking love how your hungry little body begs for mine. That feels good, doesn’t it, angel?” Both hands gripped her ass cheeks now as he slid her mound against his erection. “Tell me,” he demanded.

  “So good.” Her eyes closed so she could memorize this exact sensation. She didn’t need to see, only to feel. She wanted to remember every single thing about this moment and all of the ones that were going to come after it. “God, it’s so good.”

  “Now tell me that you know I’ll never discuss anything that goes on between us with anyone ever again.”

  Technically, she was pretty sure that was coercion, but she didn’t really care. Letting her heavy eyes open, she tried for a flirty smirk but wasn’t certain she’d made the mark. “I know why you did it, and I know you won’t do it again.”

  “Good. Now give me this.” He grabbed the tail of her T-shirt and whisked it up over her head. Her breasts were heavy, swollen up over the cups of her bra. This pain was so different than what she’d come to associate with her right breast. It was a pain that could be healed with his touch, with his mouth, with him. It was an ache that had an answer. It gave instead of taking away. “So fucking beautiful. I didn’t spend near enough time with these in the shower.” He popped the back clasp of her bra with one flick of his fingers. Skilled lover indeed. She found that if she kept her gaze locked on the fervency pinned in his eyes, it made it much easier for her to believe that her breasts really were beautiful, that they were the kind of tits that men would fantasize about even if that was absolutely untrue.

  It was almost as if Jamie could hear her internal debate. He flung her bra on the floor and turned her, forcing her to face the dresser mirror. Instinctively she looked away. But he gripped her chin gently and positioned her so that she had nowhere else to look but into her own reflection. With his other hand he pressed her ass back until her cheeks were hugging his erection. She could feel his heat through the denim of her jeans. He thrust against her. “Do you feel how hard I am?” She nodded. “Good. Do you feel how fucking heavy I am all for you?” Another nod. “That is all because of you, because of your body, because I get a chance to show you how fucking beautiful you are, and how fucking long I’ve wanted to own you like this.”

  Charlie gave herself over to the persuasion of his hips. The confident sway and the strong, life-giving feel of Jamie surrounding her. “I…want that,” she managed in a needy choke.

  “What do you want, angel? To be owned? Done.”

  But she wanted so much more than that. She just didn’t quite know how to explain it all. His hands cupped her breasts now, and she stared as her flesh spilled between his fingers. The pulse between her legs intensified to a rhythmic ache. A hunger. Her nipples scraped against his palms as the rope-worn fingertips abraded her tender skin. Every thought was dominated by the rough and reverent caress. He didn’t go easier on her right or behave like the dimpled markings concerned him at all. “Don’t stop. Please,” she begged readily.

  “That’s what I thought,” he growled in her ear. God, she loved that, loved when his own desire turned him animalistic in nature. “Gets my angel nice and wet for me when I get my hands on her tits. There’s not a damn thing wrong with you at all, Charlie. Your body is perfect. So damn responsive to me it drives me wild.”

  How could anyone not respond to him? Everything about him was sure. Her head lolled back on his substantial shoulder. Surely, he was strong and steady enough to keep her most secret desires safe. Jamie rarely made mistakes at all, as far as she knew, and he never made the same one twice. Unlike her who’d spent most of her dating life putting herself in the arms of men who left her unsatisfied, who weren’t strong enough to handle what she brought to the bed, who she would never trust. “I’m so wet,” she assured him in a desperate whimper.

  His left hand skated down her taut abdomen and popped the snap on her jeans. It meant so much to her that he’d not quickly abandoned her right breast, but she didn’t have much time to be appreciative. His fingertips teased at the elastic band of her panties. His fingers on her was no longer a need, or some kind of requirement. No, it was now a matter of life or death. The desire arced deep inside of her. “Please, Jamie.”

  “Love hearing my name on those gorgeous lips. Do you have any fucking clue how bad I want to see my cock between them?”

  “I want that,” she urged. “I…always…”

  “You always what?” churned from deep in his chest.

  “Imagine tasting you. Imagine…” but she couldn’t do it. She couldn’t tell him just how filthy or how detailed her fantasies about him were.

  “What, angel? I need you to tell me.”

  She shook her head. “I can’t.”

  “Can’t or won’t, baby?”

  There was a humming vibration throughout her body. Yearning, pure and raw, coursed through her veins. She swore the butterflies that had been fluttering in her belly broke free and were now wreaking havoc under her skin. “I…don’t know how.” It was as if the words hadn’t yet been invented to describe what she desperately wanted from him.

  Jamie’s eyes shifted to the vibrator on the dresser and a wicked grin formed on his features. She’d been taught her whole life that sin and temptation came in the most appealing packages, but until that moment she really hadn’t gotten it, and it really didn’t matter. Her own father might believe Jamie Holder was akin to Satan’s stepson, but she’d follow him anywhere. No questions asked.

  “Bet I could come up with a few ways to help you tell me,” he tempted.

  “How’s that?” Her voice was nothing more than a few breathy mewls.

  He lifted the vibrator in one hand and took hers with the other as he guided her to the bed. “There’s only one rule to this game—you tell me if you want me to stop.”

  She nodded and a thousand scattered thoughts wove together into an erotic tapestry in her mind. Charlie wanted nothing more than to play this naughty game. She shoved the shame she always associated with sex to the furthest recesses of her mind. Maybe, if she was lucky, they would starve there.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Jamie readily admitted that he’d fucked up a lot in his life. All of the times he’d fucked some nameless, faceless woman in the name of trying desperately to get past his love of Charlie had surely done the most damage.

  But now, he had a chance to prove to her that he’d stop fucking up in an effort to have her. He’d do the work. He’d listen. He’d prove himself.

  Halting beside the bed, he set the vibrator on the mattress and stripped her of the rest of her clothing. Struck again by just how damn beautiful she was, inside and out, he shook his head. “I spent most of my early teen years imagining getting you naked, but I wouldn’t have had a clue what to do with you if you’d let me. But now, baby, I know. I still don’t deserve to get to see you like this, but I sure as fuck know how to worship you the way you deserve.”

  Her tender grin revealed more about her than her nakedness did. “I wish I could explain to you what it means to be with you like this. You don’t have to do more than we’ve already done.”

  But he did. He’d never stop trying to earn her. Letting his actions speak on his behalf, he lifted her in his arms and laid her out on the bed. She was a delectable buffet of femininity. Her breasts were swollen mounds of lush need crowned with her delicate pink nipples, so hard they had to ache. His visual inventory continued as he thanked the Lord for creating her. Her soft belly was pulled taut with her nerves, but he’d take care of those soon. For a moment, he imagined her swollen full of his baby, his lips on the swell, his hands holding his whole world in the two of them.

  She spread her thighs instinctively as his eyes appreciated the rise of her mound and the wet satin covering what he intended to own.

  “Why are you staring at me?” she whispered.

  “Because you’re beautiful. Because you’re mine.” With that he stripped out of his own cloth
es and climbed onto the bed beside her.

  He stroked his thumb over the satin of her panties making her writhe. “Do you remember the rule?” fell from his lips. His tone was thicker than his cock which was so swollen he hurt with it.

  “I don’t want you to stop,” she urged.

  “Good.” He spread her legs and positioned himself between her thighs. The heat from his breath on the wet panties made her shiver. She was a gift from heaven, so responsive to him he gripped his cock for a moment of relief.

  “I could do that,” she leaned upwards, but he settled her with a hand on her shoulder.

  “We’re gonna get to all of that, angel. Right now, you just lay back and let me make you feel good.” He stroked his fingers over her swollen lips again just to watch her buck all for him. He’d never been a selfish lover. Yet another thing that hurt him about Charlie’s inability to climax with him, but just then there were so many things he wanted her to give him, that he wanted to take all for himself.

  Reminding himself that he just had to get her there, to help her work through it, he warmed the clit massager in his hand and then flipped it to its lowest setting. Setting it against the wet spot in those deliciously innocent panties, he smirked as she cried out for him. Her hands moved to her hip bones, whether to stop him or to hold the toy in place he wasn’t entirely certain. He circled it over her clit eliciting a hum of pleasure from her. Perfect. “Does that feel good, baby? Do you need more?”

  “Please,” she whimpered for him.

  “Tell me.” Those two words were the entire point of this game. He knew she held shame over her body and over sex in general. This was the best way he knew to ease her out of that shame and allow her to own the things she wanted.

  A dark fire lit in her eyes as she stared down at him. “You tell me.”

  He was more than happy for two to play this game. “I want you to fall apart on my fingers, honey. I want your pussy cream dripping down my hand. Then I want you on your knees. I want to feed my cock in and out of your mouth, making you take my cum down your throat. I want you tied to my bed, baby, while I take you hard.”

  “Yes. God, yes, I want that.” She thrashed against the sheets now. He’d taken a gamble and won. “I need it,” she continued.

  He’d had a feeling. She was his every fantasy come to life. Her release was tied to her relinquishing her control to him. And he would do everything in his power to earn that right. “I know you do. I’m gonna give you everything you need to come undone for me.”

  Abandoning the vibrator for a moment, he slipped her panties down her legs and revealed her pussy, swollen ripe for him. The perfume of her arousal filled his lungs, rendering him weak. He fought his baser nature as the hunger to end the game and fill her with his cock until he was spent crowded his better judgement. Desperate for her flavors, he let his tongue dance along her slit. She slid her fingers into his hair and it was on.

  He returned the vibrator to her mound, holding it just above where she most wanted it, until her clit peeked out at him. He rewarded it by removing the vibrator and bathing it with his tongue.

  Charlie went wild. She thrashed in his arms as he held her hips in place and rewarded her. “So fucking sweet. I always knew you’d taste like candy made just for me.” A newer, more intense awareness settled on Jamie. He wanted her to acknowledge that he was the one who made her feel this way. That her satisfaction belonged to him.

  He returned the vibrator to her, circling her clit now. “It’s perfectly natural to want to give up control to someone you trust, angel. To someone who knows what to do with it. To me.”

  “Yes,” spilled from Charlie’s mouth but she couldn’t fully explain. There was a fine layer of sweat on her face. Her pulse drummed an erotic beat below her waist, and her body longed to dance to the internal rhythm. But still she couldn’t tell him. The shame was too loud. She shouldn’t imagine being held with such force…such possession. Her limbs being pinned to a mattress. His voice commanding her.

  His tongue and the toy went back and forth working her over, constantly keeping her guessing. And suddenly, she was sliding down a slippery slope of need and pleasure. She couldn’t stop it. She didn’t want to.

  As the vibrator buzzed, she heard Jamie’s low thrum. “Because I think what you need is to know that when your pussy is wet and needy that it’s a foregone conclusion that it’s because of me. That I’ll always take care of it. That it belongs to only me.”

  Her breaths gasped from her. She had nothing to hold onto, nothing but him. He tossed the vibrator aside and replaced it with his tongue. He simultaneously entered her with two fingers and worked her hard and fast.

  The entire world spun around her. She couldn’t stop it. She was going to lose her grip on everything, and for the first time in her life she was okay letting him hold her world together.

  The internal muscles surrounding his fingers began to pulse. He lifted his head from between her thighs and gave her a cocky smirk. “No, baby. You don’t get to come until I say. It belongs to me, remember?”

  “Oh my god.” She clawed the sheets now trying and failing at gaining purchase.

  “Not until I say. Not until you beg.”

  “Please,” she complied instantly. He somehow tapped into that inner rebel she kept locked tightly in her soul, the one that would defy direct orders, the one that longed to be a bad girl.

  In an other-worldly form of hostage negotiations, he eased his strokes and kissed her inner thighs, continuing the build but denying her the actual detonation. “Jamie,” she whimpered, “please. Give it to me.”

  “Not yet, baby doll. Look how wet you get for me.” He dragged his fingertips through the sticky evidence of her need. “Naughty girl.”

  He buried his face between her legs, drew her clit into his mouth, and began to suck. His fingers stroked to the rhythm set by her heart. Her head pressed deep into the pillow under her and she gave herself over to his power.

  The riptide of pure bliss swept over her. Pleasure zipped up her spine and exploded outward to her limbs. The rush swept her up and wouldn’t release her until she herself released.

  Crying out his name and allowing him to own her indeed, her entire body tensed in wave after wave of exultation.

  When the breath finally returned to her lungs and she managed a sleepy smirk, she almost laughed at him outright. The image of male pride hovered over her. She was certain it was taking everything in him not to beat his own chest. “Proud of yourself?” she teased.

  “Pretty much feeling ten feet tall and bulletproof, angel. But we ain’t done.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  He’d unlocked at least a small fragment of the deep secrets she thought she had to shield from the world. She’d come for him. Come on his hands. Her juices had dripped down his throat. He wanted to drown in them.

  His control slipped, but the knowledge that she wanted to be owned remained. “This one’s for me, baby,” he warned, well aware of what to say now to trigger her deliciously rebellious side. It didn’t matter that he’d come with her twice in the last two days. He swore there was two decades’ worth of need weighing down his balls, and he was going to make sure she felt every drop of it.

  Jamie turned her over and drew her up on her knees. “Arch your back, angel. Put that sexy little ass up on my stomach and give me that tight little snatch.”

  Her eyes goggled as she turned to stare back at him, but she wiggled her ass in the air daring him to make good on his promises. Gripping her hips, he drove himself deep in one long, greedy thrust. “You feel what you do to me? Feel how you make me hurt with wanting you?”

  “Yes. God, yes, I feel it.” She pressed back against him and spread her legs further. She wanted him deeper and that was a plea he’d happily answer.

  “Good.” His sac was heavy and slapped at her with every rapid drive. Her head was lowered, and he watched her tits bounce as they grazed the mattress. He wasn’t going to last. Those tight pussy muscles th
at had just been spasming around his fingers were now taunting his cock.

  He palmed her ass, longing to slap it, to know what she’d make of that, but he hadn’t unlocked that particular piece of the puzzle of Charlie just yet, so he denied himself the pleasure. “Beg me for it, angel. Beg me for everything I’ve got for you.”

  As long as he took her mind off of her own pleasure and focused her on his she’d allow herself to have it. He wove one arm around her and strummed her clit again.

  “Please,” she choked on her own need. “Please let me…please fill me full.”

  “Is that what you need, naughty girl? Need me to mark my territory again?”

  “Yes,” hissed from her. She clawed the sheets now. Sexiest fucking thing right after her titties dancing on the mattress.

  Jamie leaned over her and buried his head into her upper back. He wanted to feel her body react to his own this time. He’d been a spectator for the last orgasm. This one was indeed for him.

  He groaned as the achy pressure pumped from his balls into his cock.

  “Jamie.” His name rang out in an almost panicked warning as she brought him to the mattress.

  “Greedy girl. This one’s for me. I didn’t say you could come,” he reminded her. And once again he struck gold. It wasn’t as strong this time, but she did indeed release again.

  He unloaded inside of her, filling her so full she’d drip for weeks with his seed.

  Eventually he managed to lay out on the bed and draw her onto his chest. She ran her hands gently through his chest hair. “You know that whole tapping into my rebellious side isn’t always going to work.” She sounded much too sure of that.

  “Oh honey, that isn’t the only trick I’ve got up my sleeve. Trust me.”

  “I do.”


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