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by Deborah Baker

  “If we go up … Going on.” Spender, “1937 Karakoram Journal,” vol. 1, 50. PSA.

  Tilman had no patience for Michael’s carping. Perrin, Shipton and Tilman, 330.

  “not too patient uncle … expecting his lunch.” Tilman, Men and Mountains, 7.

  “If everyone was carrying … instead of treble.” Spender, “1937 Karakoram Journal,” vol. 1, 67–68. PSA.

  When Shipton got … strain on a party. Shipton, Six Mountain Travel Books, 242.

  He later claimed it was … was disingenuous. Ibid., 446.

  While he admired … best Alpine guides. Ibid., 407.

  The following year … reach safety. Norgay, Tiger of the Snows, 57.

  More to the point, topographical maps … Burma’s border with China. Michael Spender, “Trans-Himalayan Coronation.” PSA.

  In his grant application … Chinese Turkestan. Coll 37/90 Northern Frontier and Tibet: Mr. Eric Shipton IOR/L/PS/12/4324; 25 Mar. 1933–Nov. 1936. BL.

  With so much of … modern superiority!” Shipton, Six Mountain Travel Books, 168.

  On the 1935 Everest reconnaissance … wisdom of the Tibetans. Tilman, Seven Mountain Travel Books, 746.

  “Can you ever … lures you on.” Steevens, In India, 230.

  “The further we go … There is no retreat.” Spender, “1937 Karakoram Journal,” vol. 1, 68. PSA.

  Instead, John’s last view … plentiful in Skoro La. Shipton, Tilman, Spender, and Auden, “The Shaksgam Expedition, 1937,” 332.

  Despite Congress’s … viceroy could remedy that. Chanda, India’s Struggle, 325.

  “Whatever that means.” Spender, “1937 Karakoram Journal,” vol. 2, 6. PSA.

  In Christianity asceticism … one thing: death. Spender, “End of an Expedition.” PSA.

  The only evidence … should anyone? Spender, “Trans-Himalayan Coronation.” PSA.

  It was at a Copenhagen … British Empire. Spender, “Address on Greenland.” PSA.

  “Even a philosophy of Empire could be worked out on the basis of personal relationships.” Spender, “1937 Karakoram Journal,” vol. 2, 18. PSA.

  Shipton felt Michael … hold very firmly. See Warren, “Eric Shipton,” and Shipton, “Michael Spender.”

  Christopher Isherwood’s mother … “Poor Mrs. Auden.” Diary of Kathleen Bradshaw Isherwood, February 26, 1937, Box 4. HRC.

  William Butler Yeats … good theatre.” Medley, Drawn from Life, 139.

  Wystan promised … “connubial requests.” NS to LM, July 12, 1937. PSA.

  “Up the Old Flag.” WHA to NS, July 10, 1937. PSA.

  “That was cheering.” NS to LM, July 12, 1937. PSA.

  12. Taking a Hat off a Mouse

  Driving to Zurich from London … unsettling signs. Spender, “Guns and Carbohydrates.”

  Six days after … same stark choice. Townsend, journals, vol. 12, March 18, 1938. PRO.

  He ascribed the rise of … of German trains. Spender, “Guns and Carbohydrates.”

  The annual spring festival … distance themselves. Michael Spender, unpublished essay, ca. April 1938. PSA.

  Michael had argued … take charge. Spender, “New Maps for Britain.”

  She had had enough … they once had. Diary of Erika Haarmann MSS. German e. 16–19. BOD.

  The director of … excellent work on Dorset. E. B. Bailey to JBA, February 2, 1938. BERG.

  Nancy Coldstream … Wystan’s brother. Interview with Miranda Coldstream, summer 2014.

  Nancy had finally … with Lady Chatterley. NS to JBA, May 25, 1938. BERG.

  “Any other man … knocked her flat. Interview with Philip Spender, summer 2014.

  Her affair with Louis … rage at his presumption. Stallworthy, Louis MacNeice, 203.

  “I do feel your … interfere with Bill.” NS to JBA [May 17, 1938?]. BERG.

  She went so far … feverish declarations. NS to JBA [June 1938]. BERG.

  In Bude he carried Miranda … do over again. NS to JBA [May 1938]. BERG.

  “The thing to be aimed at was independence” … happiness possible. NS to JBA [May 17, 1938?]. BERG.

  Perhaps this was what true … soup in one’s face? J. B. Auden, “1939 Journal.” AMA.

  He planned another … Tuesday, May 31? JBA to NS [June 1938]. PSA.

  “So my puss … very warm.” NS to JBA, May 25, 1938. BERG.

  He’d been invited … Everest expeditions, was presiding. Tilman, “The Himalayan Club Dinner.”

  Though his May visit … Michael Spender instead. Interviews with Philip Spender, summer 2014.

  On his return … whenever he liked. Erica Spender to JBA, July 5, 1938. BERG.

  But John already knew … spiritual between them. Draft letter, Auden, “1938–1939 Journal.” AMA.

  John found her consumed … last time before he left. JBA to NS [July 1938]. PSA.

  “And tomorrow, dearest … it to herself. LM to NS, May 8, 1938, MS. Eng. c. 7381. BOD.

  Fantasies of violence … feet at the door. LM to NS December 9, 1939, MS. Eng. c. 7381. BOD.

  He hated rows … to be daring him to. LM to NS, January 20, 1940, MS. Eng. c. 7381. BOD. See “Trilogy for X,” lines beginning “And love still as crystal over the bed,” in MacNeice, Collected Poems, 89.

  Even Wystan … flowers in hand. Interviews with Philip Spender, summer 2014.

  But then there was … When will it begin? MacNeice, Strings Are False, 172.

  Louis would have told him … on another rendezvous.” MacNeice, Autumn Journal, 18.

  When Eric Shipton rang … Michael Spender instead. NS to MS, September 27, 1938. PSA.

  “I am so glad I’m here … give up painting.” Rogers Papers, 8121. TGA.

  There … to send Nancy. WHA to JBA [received October 1938]. BERG.

  He phoned her in Cornwall instead … Cornflower’s arrival. NS to MS, September 29, 1938. PSA.

  Protesters were just then … Chamberlain Must Go!” Townsend, journals, vol. 13, September 25, 1938. PRO.

  Had Chamberlain … they all were, really. Townsend, journals, vol. 13, September 21 and 28, 1938. PRO.

  Christine lit into … Granny and Chamberlain. NS to LM, September 25, 1938. PSA.

  Though Michael sat … Granny against him. NS to MS, September 29, 1938. PSA.

  Tea ended … in tears. NS to LM, September 25, 1938. PSA.

  Nancy, stewing in … and told Erica. NS to MS, September 29, 1938. PSA. The neighbor was John Layard and his common-law wife, Doris. NS to JBA [May 17, 1938?]. BERG.

  Despite Wystan’s betrayal … bridge-playing relations. NS to MS, September 25 and 29, 1938. PSA.

  Then, on the morning of … STOP MICHAEL. NS to LM, September 28, 1938. PSA.

  For the past month … run in any direction. Isherwood, “Diary,” September 14, 1938. Christopher Isherwood Papers, HL.

  As the two o’clock deadline … bought another paper. Isherwood, “Diary,” September 28, 1938. Christopher Isherwood Papers, HL. Isherwood, Christopher and His Kind, 323–24.

  At the end … once more to Germany. Townsend, journals, vol. 13, September 28, 1938. PRO.

  She hoped he … she had long sought. NS to JBA, September 28, 1938. BERG.

  Of course her mother … after her children. NS to MS, September 29, 1938. PSA.

  But if she had to … hopelessly tied up. NS to JBA, September 28, 1938. PSA.

  When she pressed him … there wouldn’t be a war. NS to JBA, September 28, 1938. BERG.

  War would come when … be proved wrong. LM to NS, April 20, 1939. MS. Eng. c. 7381. BOD.

  In the silences … calmed her. NS to LM, September 28, 1938. PSA.

  Even before Chamberlain … to leave London. NS to MS, September 28, 1938. PSA.

  “turned forests into lies.” Auden and Isherwood, Journey to a War, 270–71.

  Not while there is either a virgin or a rupee left. Christopher Isherwood Papers, Box 42, Diary of a Trip to Asia May–June 1938. HL.

  Bishop Foss Wescott … write his Sunday sermon. Scott, T
ime to Speak, 77, 81–82.

  He broke the steering … everything to the old man. Scott, Time to Speak, 81–82.

  At the Parichay adda … say Aldous Huxley.” Ghosh, Parichay-er Adda, March 5, 1937, 132.

  In keeping with … imperialist mind-set? Ibid. House arranged permission from Forster to have an excerpt published in Parichay, but the war intervened; it was believed that the novel would never have seen the light of day in England had not Krishna Menon tricked his partner at the new Penguin imprint, Allen Lane, into thinking it was a travel book. Telegraph, October 14, 2007.

  Auden and Isherwood’s play had been recently staged at Calcutta University. Michael Carritt to JBA, February 24, 1939. SD to JBA, January 11, 1937. BERG.

  Though W. H. Auden … name of British rule. Mulgan, Poems of Freedom, 7–8.

  For all the left’s … Indian dividends. Dasgupta, English Poets on India, 1–2.

  Mulk Raj Anand … agreed. Ghosh, Parichay-er Adda, March 5, 1937, 132.

  Anand was a small … scarlet shirts. MacNeice, Strings Are False, 209.

  Anand had also crossed … ready for independence. Anand, Author to Critic, 83.

  Though Stephen seemed to … political aspirations. Spender, Forward from Liberalism, 138.

  Orwell was just beginning … British proletariat. Orwell, Collected Essays, 397.

  Yet while Orwell had none … for being silly. Anand, Author to Critic, 83.

  Mill was a … imperial rocking-chair. House, I Spy with My Little Eye, 12.

  13. The Truth about Love

  He promised Nancy … if war broke out. NS to JBA, December 18, 1941. PSA. Coldstream, “Journal,” undated. Coldstream Papers. TGA 8922/1.

  At the farewell party … in hostile territory. Coldstream, “Journal.” TGA 8922/1.

  Stephen was too soft … a real man. NS to JBA, December 7, 1940. PSA.

  Michael would write … dinner by seven? NS to MS, September 30, 1938. PSA.

  “Why are you behaving … than she could. WHA to JBA [October 1938]. BERG.

  Hedli Anderson, a late … Bill tottered off. Coldstream, “Journal,” TGA 8922/1.

  “O Tell Me the Truth about Love.” in Auden, Tell Me the Truth about Love: Ten Poems, unpaginated.

  He’d been trying to convince … him out of it. SD to JBA, August 9, 1939. BERG.

  The one time … frozen to death. Ghosh, Parichay-er Adda, January 10, 1936, 235.

  The beau monde … Italian as well. Suraiya, Rickshaw Ragtime, 97.

  … shabby suits and carrying rolled-up. Interview with Sunanda K. Datta-Ray, March 2014, Kolkata.

  “Yes, of course I’ve heard … like his father, Ratna, Auden thought. J. B. Auden, “1938–1939 Journal.” AMA.

  W. C. had been … coach and four. Burton, Family History, 60. 185 Once, in a righteous … on its head. Anita Money, “Sheila.” AMA.

  Ratna’s four formidable … oldest friends. Author interview with Sunanda K. Datta-Ray, March 2014, Kolkata.

  Ratna spoiled his … relieved themselves of them. SB to JBA, August 30, 1942. AMA.

  He raised them on … and Hindu mythology. Sinclair, “A Memoir,” 55. PSA.

  They threw extravagant … to Rabindranath. Datta, The World of Twilight, 72.

  “grace and favor.” Interview with Sunanda K. Datta-Ray, March 2014, Kolkata.

  The rumor was … had been kind. Auden, “1938–1939 Journal.” AMA.

  Perhaps if Sudhin … invite her instead. Ibid.

  When Betty Boggins … to the mountains. SD to JBA, August 9, 1939. BERG.

  On New Year’s Day … with Margaret. Auden, “1938–1939 Journal.” AMA.

  Two weeks later … in the next room. Ibid.

  When he fell ill … eau de cologne. JBA to NS, April 16, 1939. PSA.

  He studied the blueprints … Nelang-Gangotri region. Auden, “1938–1939 Journal.” AMA.

  The day after Betty … open the festivities. JBA to NS, April 16, 1939. PSA.

  By custom men … stalked off, insulted. Sharma, Through the Valley of the Gods, 40–41.

  A letter from Eric Shipton … was in London. Eric Shipton to JBA, January 20, 1939. BERG.

  There was also … perpetual devotion. JBA to NS, April 16, 1939. PSA.

  Christ, he thought. Auden, “1938–1939 Journal.” AMA.

  After declining Shipton’s … was off again. Ibid., April 30, 1939.

  Michael Spender could … second-rate device. MS to Anthony Bull, undated. PSA.

  Hard work, accurate … quite readily. MS to NS, March 3, 1939. PSA.

  He called this capacity … unfathomable. Spender, “The Elusive Element.” Spender, “The Gentle Savage.”

  His analyst had advised … placid nature. MS to NS, March 3, 1939. PSA.

  The Wild A5 was … dust at the RGS. F. L. Wills (AOC) to Philip Spender, November 8, 1966. PSA.

  Combined with … Everest’s Felszeichnung. Spender, “The Photo-Surveyed Maps of the Mount Everest Region and Nyonno Ri.”

  Sitting beneath the A5’s … the North Face himself. Eric Shipton to JBA, January 20, 1939. BERG. I am grateful to the Britain from Above exhibition featuring the Wild cartographic plotting machine at the RAF Museum at Wembley. The flying altitude and the focal length of the camera determined the final map’s scale; the longer the focal length, the larger the image caught on film. A five-by-five-inch square print would capture eight square miles. The final North Face map was 1:50,000 with contour lines at 250-foot intervals. Another map of the entire Everest region was mislaid within the RGS for many years. Michael and Shipton also worked on a second map covering 450 square kilometers of the region around the Tibetan village of Sar, including Nyonno Ri.

  He saw his prospects for happiness … thought of losing him. MS to NS, April 14, 1939. PSA.

  … aerial survey of the Iraq oil fields. Courtauld, “Michael Spender.”

  Shipton left for the Karakoram without him. Katy Whitaker, email to Philip Spender, February 10, 2014. PSA.

  On his arrival in Harsil … fallen through. Auden, “1938–1939 Journal.” AMA.

  The Jadh Ganga Valley … coexisted peacefully. Sharma, Through the Valley, 197.

  The new maps … a rotten slagheap. Auden, “A Season’s Work.”

  His efforts seemed preposterous … and defenseless. Auden, “1938–1939 Journal.” AMA.

  They finally made camp … triumph, was all his. Auden, “A Season’s Work.” Auden, “1938–1939 Journal.” AMA.

  For three months … more desperate. JBA to WHA, July 7, 1939. BERG.

  Amid the Savoy’s shabby … accompanied by Jimsie. Auden, Reminiscences, 42.

  Juin Singh had once asked … John the sahib. Auden, “A Season’s Work.”

  In London the previous … he was unlovable. Parker, Isherwood, 383.

  Bitter heartache was … all the luck. JBA to WHA, July 7, 1939. BERG.

  Now, from the Mussoorie … in New Orleans. WHA to JBA, June 27, 1939. BERG.

  In his reply … brother every happiness. JBA to WBA, draft of letter, July 11, 1939, in Auden, “1938–1939 Journal.” AMA.

  Near about the time … ward off the chill. Ghosh, Paricha-yer Adda, May 12, 1939, 130.

  Gandhi was warmer … laugh as she was. Singh, Sahibs Who Loved India, 47.

  While Sarojini told a … smoldering Pink. Sarkar, Essays in Honour, 29.

  Slim and sharp … incarnation of Vishnu. Sinclair, “A Memoir,” 56. PSA.

  After the death of … unattractive ones. Ghosh, Parichay-er Adda, July 15, 1938, 94.

  But what Minnie lacked … House had adored her. Sinclair, “A Memoir,” 55. PSA.

  Sheila, both the prettiest … shift to London. Special Branch file: Records of Indians travelling abroad, 1936. PMROK.

  Recently returned to Calcutta … all just attended. Ghosh, Parichay-er Adda, May 12, 1939, 130. LM to HM, September 25, 1947. BOD. Jamini Roy’s paintings took their subjects from Hindu and Christian mythology and used a limited palette of seven colors that he mixed himself from
rock dust, mud, chalk, tamarind seed, and indigo, with lampblack for his lines. His canvases were made from homespun, cardboard, or plywood, coated with cow dung and whitewash.

  Had he not needed … too westernized. Ghosh, Parichay-er Adda, February 24, 1939, and May 12, 1939, 127, 130.

  “John Auden sounds like a … pained look. SB to JBA August 30, 1942. AMA.

  Sheila had been fifteen … were all dispersed. Money, “Sheila.” AMA.

  De Sahib, the Special Branch … he pointed out. Ghosh, Parichay-er Adda, August 19, 1938, 218.

  Still, en route to … whispered to Anila. SB to JBA, August 30, 1942. AMA.

  Sheila was struck first … across the room. SB to JBA August 30, 1942. AMA.

  At Cathay, in Chinatown … with Sudhin. Auden, “1938–1939 Journal.” AMA.

  The previous night’s adda … lapsing into silence. Ghosh, Parichay-er Adda, August 25, 1939, 218.

  At Firpo’s the next day … safe as houses.” Auden, “1938–1939 Journal.” AMA.

  14. Somewhere a Strange and Shrewd Tomorrow

  For nearly six months … on other people?” NS to JBA, September 15, 1939. AMA.

  Michael said it … return to Cornwall. Sharp, memoir chronology, 1939. PSA.

  Though Sonia Brownell … she added, shrewdly. Spurling, The Girl from the Fiction Department, 34.

  Was he really coming back? … a bloody hypocrite. NS to JBA, September 15, 1939. AMA.

  When Nancy made … being called up. Moynihan, Restless Lives, 51.

  Nancy suspected … her off to Bill. Spurling, The Girl from the Fiction Department, 36–7.

  Had Louis MacNeice not left London … so trapped. Townsend, journals, vol. 14, September 8, 1939. PRO.

  Wystan had got Bill … return to painting. Rogers Papers, 8121/10. TGA.

  Nancy tried to brazen … listened politely. Townsend, journals, vol. 14, September 8, 1939. PRO.

  Louis wrote her a stream … under a bomb. MacNeice, Letters, 373–74. NS to LM, February 10, 1940, MS. Eng. c. 7381. BOD.

  Nancy assumed that … been beastly. LM to NS, January 20, 1940, MS. Eng. c. 7381. BOD.

  “Do go on painting … away from London.” LM to NS, Sunday [January 7, 1940], MS. Eng. c. 7381. BOD.

  A fortnight after … front of the Boys. Sharp, memoir chronology. PSA. Townsend, journals, vol. 15, February 7, 1940. PRO.

  They got her … Baker Street hotel. Rogers Papers, 8121. TGA. Sharp, memoir chronology. PSA.


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