One More Chance at Forever (The Chance Series Book 5)

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One More Chance at Forever (The Chance Series Book 5) Page 3

by K. B. Andrews

  He laughs. “My mom and dad couldn’t be more excited. My dad is already talking about changing my room into some kind of studio.” He laughs. “Could you imagine my dad making records?”

  I shrug. “He’s really good at playing the guitar and singing. My dad said he was offered a record deal when he was younger.”

  “Yeah, and he wasted that opportunity like all the others. He’s not going to leave this town. It’s got its claws into him already.”

  I roll my eyes. Jax has such a negative outlook on life. “My mom and dad have been talking about going back on tour when Preston leaves. He could end up going with them. You never know.”

  He leans back in his chair and checks out a girl who walks by. “Yeah, we’ll see, but I doubt it.”

  I shake my head and turn back to face Lidia. “So, what are your plans?”

  She shrugs while playing with the straw in her soda. “I don’t know, and I don’t really care as long as I’m far away from this town.”

  Levi walks in and gives Jax a high five as he walks around the table and takes a seat across from us. “Man, I’m glad you guys are so excited. It’s going to suck ass for me. I still have two years of high school to finish.” He leans forward, resting his forearms on the table.

  I look at his hazel eyes and neatly, styled dark hair and feel a flutter in my stomach. What was that? This can’t happen. Levi is only sixteen. And I’m eighteen. Not only is it completely illegal, but it’s just wrong. I’ve known him since he was born.

  My eyes automatically look at his defined cheekbones, his soft lips, and move down to the biceps starting to bulge from his shirtsleeves. I squeeze my thighs more tightly together as I divert my eyes to the table in front of me.

  “You’ll be out of here before you know it,” Jax says, looking at Levi.

  Levi doesn’t acknowledge him. When I look up from the table, his eyes are watching me. They’re a mix of brown and green, like being lost deep in the forest. I know I could get lost staring into those hazel eyes, but I can’t let that happen.

  I offer up a small grin and excuse myself to use the restroom. As I’m about to reach the door, someone latches onto my wrist, turning me around.

  It’s Levi. Before I can stop him, he presses me against the wall, his chest flush with mine, our noses almost touching.

  “Why are you running from me?” he whispers.

  “I’m not running. I just need to use the restroom.” I tear my eyes away from his and look at the floor, trying to ignore the pounding in my chest from feeling his strong body pressed against mine.

  “Ever since the other night, when I kissed you, you’ve been avoiding me. Why?”

  I let out a long breath. “Because I don’t want to hurt you, Levi. We’re friends, that’s all. You shouldn’t have kissed me.”

  Pain crosses his face before he steps back. “What are you talking about? We had a good time. You enjoyed the kiss. I know you did.”

  My head cocks to the side just a bit, studying him. I’m going to hurt him, but how can I stop it? I can’t let it go on. “It was a good kiss, Levi. It really was. But I’m leaving soon, and you’ll still be here. What kind of relationship can we have? You’re too young for me. It’ll never work out.”

  His jaw flexes as he nods and takes another step back. “Alright. I get it.”

  I step forward to try and comfort him. “It’s not like that. I don’t want to hurt you. That’s why I’m telling you this. I’m trying to be honest.”

  He nods once more before turning and walking away.

  My shoulders slump as I let out a long breath. I turn and walk into the bathroom, hating myself for hurting a friend. A friend that could be more, if he wasn’t so much younger than me.

  When I join everyone back at the table, I notice Levi is nowhere to be found. I look over at Jax and whisper, “Where’d Levi go?”

  He looks at me and lifts his eyebrow and says, “He just left. Didn’t say where he was going. Are you two fighting?” He nudges me with his elbow while smiling.

  My top lip curls up as a puff of air leaves me. “No. What would we be fighting about?”

  He gives me some kind of knowing look, shrugs and walks away.

  The look makes me wonder what all Levi has told Jax. Does he think we’re in some kind of secret relationship?

  I take a calming breath and go back to my seat, but for the rest of lunch, my mind isn’t with the team. It’s with Levi, and the fact that I hurt him. I wish it didn’t have to be this way. I wish he was the same age as me. We have so much in common. We’d make a great couple. But it can’t happen, and I shouldn’t hang onto it. I need to let it go. Find someone who’s not two years younger than me.

  “Who’s up for heading over to the arcade for a little while?” Lidia asks us all.

  I shrug. “I’m down. I have to wait for my dad to get off work anyway.”

  We all load up in several cars and drive the short distance to the arcade. Heaviness from the pain I caused Levi still weighs on me, but I try my best to push it to the back of my mind.

  As I’m sitting at a pub style table alone, my phone chimes. I pull it from my purse and read the text message from Macy. Where are you?

  At the arcade with some of the girls from the team. What’s up? I reply.

  On my way! I get back almost instantly.

  I place the phone on the table and sip my soda while watching a few of the girls shoot pool.

  Within minutes, Macy walks through the doors and heads over to me. She takes a seat across from me and asks, “Is there something going on between you and my brother?”

  I roll my eyes and let out an exasperated sigh. “No, why?”

  She shrugs one shoulder. “He told me that you guys were going on a date the other day. I didn’t really believe it, but whatever. When I asked how it went just a little while ago, he nearly bit my head off. So, I thought maybe you two got into a fight or something.”

  I take a few minutes to spill everything for Macy. She’s a few years older than I am, so I hope she can help me out here. I describe how he tricked me into that date and how he kissed me. I confess that I secretly like him too, but I’m afraid it can’t work. When everything’s on the table, I let out relieved breath. It’s nice to have a girl to talk to.

  She studies me for a long moment. “Okay, so first of all, gross — that’s my little brother. And secondly, you’re right. It’ll never work. You need to stay single and play the field. Because you won’t believe how many cute guys you’ll find in college. You don’t want a sixteen-year-old kid holding you back while you’re off living your new life.”

  “So, what do I do about Levi?”

  “Don’t do anything. He’ll get over it.”

  I lift an eyebrow.

  “Seriously, he has the attention span of a squirrel,” she jokes.

  I laugh at her joke, but a piece of me is still worried about him. We’ve always been friends. Before this hiccup, I was looking forward to one last summer with Macy, Levi, Jax, and even my annoying little brother. I have a feeling I’ve screwed up the whole dynamic of our little group.

  When five o’clock rolls around, I walk back to the shop, so Dad and I can head home for my party. I hold the cake on my lap the whole way home while gazing out the window, thinking about how I can get out of this predicament with Levi.

  “Have you talked to him yet?” Dad asks.

  I nod. “Yeah, and all I did was hurt him and make him mad at me. This sucks. We’ve been best friends for so long. I never wanted to hurt him.”

  He places his hand on mine and softly rubs the top to soothe me. “He’ll get over it, Em. Trust me, it’s better this way. Leading him on would’ve only hurt him more.”

  “I know. It just sucks that I had to hurt him at all.”

  It’s not long before we pull up at home. Dad takes the cake and carries it inside while I follow behind him.

  We walk into the kitchen, and it’s littered with soda, cups, plates, napkins, chips,
and pizza. “Wow, Mom. You went all out.”

  She smiles wide, but I can see the tears she’s holding back. “It’s not every day that my baby turns eighteen.” She closes the space between us and pulls me against her for a hug. I wrap my arms around her and breathe in her lavender shampoo. Her smell has always soothed me.

  Someone knocks on the front door and quickly opens it. It’s my Uncle Dane, Aunt Alissa, and Jax. “Happy birthday!” Aunt Alissa says, pulling me in for a hug. Uncle Dane does the same, but Jax just shoves a gift at me before walking around the kitchen, eating any food that’s laid out.

  “Come on, Dane. Let’s go get the grill fired up,” my dad says, putting his arm around him.

  “What’s wrong with the pizza?” Jax asks around a mouthful.

  “The pizza is for you guys. The adults get steak.” Dad grabs a beer out of the fridge, and he and Uncle Dane walk out the sliding glass door into the yard.

  My mom and Aunt Alissa get to talking, and just like any other time they get together, nobody else can be heard. I look at Jax and nod toward the living room. I need to talk to somebody about Levi.

  He follows me into the living room, and we sit on the couch. “What do you know about me and Levi?” I ask him.

  He laughs, almost choking on his pizza. “I know you two made out.”

  I roll my eyes. “We didn’t make out. He kissed me.”

  “And let me guess, today you told him it wasn’t happening, and that’s why he left in such a hurry?”

  I nod. “Basically.”

  He waves me off. “He’ll get over it, Em. Let’s just concentrate on having a good time at your party. If only we could get the adults out of here.” He stares off into space like he’s trying to come up with something.

  I laugh. “Good luck with that one. My mom isn’t leaving to save her life!”

  Chapter Four


  The party’s in full swing. The DJ is set up in the back yard with practically the whole school dancing on the lawn. Kids are running in and out of the house to get food and drinks, and Lennox won’t stop looking out the dining room window while we try eating our dinner.

  “Chill, they’ll be fine,” Alissa tells her.

  Lennox sits down and looks over at each of us, one at a time. “Do you guys remember the parties we put on here?”

  “How could I forget?” Those parties were a blast. They always ended up with Lennox being wrapped around me.

  “My point exactly! Who knows what they’re doing out there?” She picks up her fork and moves the food around her plate.

  “Our parties were crazy because we had alcohol. They don’t,” I say, motioning toward the back yard with a nod of my head.

  “You know, I remember going to several parties when I was in high school, and I always snuck in a bottle of whatever I could get my hands on.” Dane grins.

  Lennox looks like she’s shooting daggers at him.

  “That was like twenty years ago, Len. Kids know better nowadays,” I say to ease her mind. “Not to mention, my brother was just a troublemaker. Relax and let Emma enjoy her party.” I place my hand on top of hers and squeeze.

  “Hey, you guys remember that party where Sarah woke up in that giant beaver costume?” Alissa asks.

  All four of us bust out laughing.

  “Sorry we’re late,” Sarah says, walking into the dining room. “What are you all laughing at?”

  “The time you wore the beaver costume,” Lennox tells her.

  Sarah places her hand on her hip. “That was not funny! It took forever to get out of that thing!”

  “Remember how long she chased Dane around the yard?” I ask. “I think that’s the first time I ever saw my brother run away from beaver!” Our laughter gets louder. Even Sarah joins in now that Dane is the butt of the joke.

  When our loud laughter dies down, Lennox stands and takes our plates. “Where are Levi and Macy?” I ask.

  “They’re both outside. Levi didn’t want to come. Did something happen with them today?” Sarah asks, sitting down in Lennox’s seat.

  I take a drink of my beer before I nod. “Yeah, I think Levi got his wires crossed. He mistook friendship for something more. I think Em turning him down embarrassed him a little bit.”

  Sarah nods, understanding. “I was afraid that was going to happen.”

  “But seriously though, how cute would they be together?” Lennox says, walking back into the room with a glass of wine.

  “I don’t really think that a possibility, Len,” Alissa says while peeking out the window.

  “Why’s that?” she replies.

  “Because it looks like Em has met someone else.” Alissa turns to us with a smile.

  We all jump at the same time, moving toward the window. I look out to see my little girl standing close to a guy I don’t know. She’s smiling, and he’s giving her a grin I want to smack off his face. “Who the fuck is that kid?”

  “I don’t know. I haven’t seen him before,” Lennox says, looking closer.

  “I have. He’s come into the grill a few times,” Dane says, turning away from the window and sitting down at the table. “I think Jax said his name was Tony. He just moved to town a couple weeks ago.”

  We all turn away from the window and look at him. “How old is he?” Lennox asks.

  “Eighteen I think,” Dane replies.

  Lennox looks at me. “What do you say we give Em her birthday gift now?”

  I laugh. “You just want an excuse to go out there, don’t you?”

  She smacks me on the chest with the back of her hand. “No. Maybe. Just shut up and come on.” She leads us all from the room.

  Lennox, Alissa, Dane, Sarah, and Trent all make their way into the back yard while I head to the garage. I back Emma’s new Jeep out of the garage and slowly drive it around into the backyard for all to see. Emma isn’t even paying attention. She’s standing by the fire with this new guy, completely lost in conversation.

  I honk the horn twice, and everyone turns around. The look on her face is priceless. Her ice-blue eyes widen with excitement as her mouth falls open. Suddenly, everything kicks in for her, and she’s laughing so hard she’s crying as she comes running over.

  I step out of the Jeep, and when she’s only a foot away, she jumps into my arms, giving me a big hug.

  “Thank you so much!” she says as I spin her around like I always did when she was little. I put her on her feet just as all her friends gather around her Tiffany Blue Jeep Wrangler.

  I step back to give her some space, and Lennox walks up to my side, wrapping her arms around my waist. Putting my arm around her, I hug her to my side, never taking my eyes off Em and her wide smile.

  “I think you picked the perfect gift,” she says, looking up at me.

  I pull my eyes away from Em and look down on Lennox. “Yeah, at least we know she’ll have a way home from college in a couple months. Gas on the other hand will cost us a fortune.” I laugh.

  Lennox shrugs. “She’s always been responsible. I’m sure she’ll get a part time job when she gets settled.”

  A big, white bow decorates the hood where Lennox tied it, and the top is down on the Jeep. Em jumps into the driver’s side and stands up, poking her head above the roll bar. Lennox makes Preston, Jax, Levi, and Macy hop in the Jeep and stand the same way, as she moves to the front to take their picture. I stand back, wondering how all these kids got to be so old. I remember them running around this yard in their diapers. I remember Emma talking Jax into eating a worm once. The fit Alissa threw is probably still echoing around the countryside.

  I make a mental note to show Em how to get the soft top on and off tomorrow, but for today, she needs to enjoy her friends and her party. I lead Lennox and everyone else back into the house to give them some privacy.

  We’re all standing around the kitchen island when Preston comes in. He opens the fridge and grabs a soda.

  “Hey, who’s the guy your sister’s talking to out there?” I
ask, moving closer to him.

  He pops the top on his soda and takes a long drink. “Oh, that’s Tony Wollard. He seems pretty cool. He graduated early and moved here to start college in the fall.” Without another word, he turns and walks away.

  I look at Lennox. “We need to sit Em down and have a talk with her about this guy.”

  Lennox starts laughing. “Like that’ll do any good. She’s eighteen, Mase. I’m actually surprised she’s waited this long to start being interested in guys.”

  Alissa nods. “Yeah, I mean Dane and I were about to get married before we were even eighteen.”

  I turn and give her a pointed look. “But you two were a fucking mess.” I turn away to ignore her, but then turn quickly back. “And you’re both dumbasses.” I look at Lennox. “Maybe she’ll open up to one of us about him.”

  Lennox shrugs. “I’ll talk to her, but I doubt there’s much to tell right now. It doesn’t seem like they’ve been talking long. Whatever this is, it’s started recently.”

  “How do you know?”

  She smiles. “I just know. I was eighteen once. Remember?” She places her arms on my shoulders and leans in to give me a kiss.

  “God, you two still act like you’re eighteen sometimes,” Sarah says with a roll of her eyes.

  The party wraps up around nine o’clock. We’ve managed to get everything cleaned up, and we’re about to retire to our bedroom when Em comes bouncing into the kitchen. “Do you guys care if I got out for a little bit?”

  “Where are you going?” Lennox asks her.

  She shrugs. “I don’t know. I just want to drive my new Jeep. I’ll just go to the arcade or something.”

  Lennox looks at me, and I look at her. Silently, we both agree to ask about the guy that was out in the yard. I turn and look at Emma. “You wouldn’t be going to this Tony guy’s house, right?”

  Surprise covers her face. “Tony? How’d you know his name? Were you spying on me?”

  “It’s not illegal to look out my own window, and your Uncle Dane told me who he was. He said he’s been around the grill, which is awfully close to you.”


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