One More Chance at Forever (The Chance Series Book 5)

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One More Chance at Forever (The Chance Series Book 5) Page 6

by K. B. Andrews

  Lennox drifts off to sleep quickly. Once I’m sure she won’t wake anytime soon, I get up, grab my bottle of Jack that’s hardly used anymore, and head down to the living room to get on the computer. I start a search for available properties.

  It doesn’t take long until I find one I think will suit all our needs. Already I can picture it. I grab my phone and call Dane.

  “Hello?” he answers.

  “Hey, are you awake?” I look at the time on the top, righthand corner of the computer screen to see it’s nearly 10:00 P.M.

  “Yeah, everything okay? You don’t usually call this late.”

  “Everything’s fine. But I need to talk to you about something.”


  I take a deep breath. “I was thinking about buying some property up the coast a bit and expanding the shop.”

  “Really?” He sounds surprised.

  “Yeah, I was thinking I could hire some people on to run it for me, then leave it for the kids.”

  “That’s not a bad idea. But why are you telling me this at ten at night?”

  “The property is pretty big. I was just looking at it, and I think a shop would look weird without a bar and grill next to it.”

  “Ahhh. You’re wanting me to expand too.”

  “Yeah, I mean, we’ve done it this long together. It would be added income,” I add on.

  “I don’t know, Mason. That sounds expensive. Building a whole new building. Kitchens aren’t cheap. I just had to replace a grill, and you wouldn’t believe what that cost.”

  “Don’t worry about the money. Is it something you may be interested in?” This whole idea excites me, but I’m not sure why. For the longest time I hated running the shop. It was like the shackles that kept me prisoner here. But now, after getting Lennox back, starting our family and building our life together, it’s home. I love the shop, and I love the idea of leaving something for the kids.

  “Yeah, maybe. I don’t know. It’s a big decision and something I need to put some thought into.”

  “That’s fine. Think about it. I just wanted to put it out there.”

  “I’ll talk to you later, Mase.”

  “See ya, Dane.” I hang up the phone and close the computer before heading back up to bed. I make a mental note to call the realtor tomorrow to set up an appointment to look at the property as soon as possible. It feels like I’m opening another chapter in my life, and I can’t wait to get a peek at it.

  Chapter Eight


  The house is dark, but it’s only 10:30 P.M. As quiet as possible, I walk down the hallway and stairs. The phone in my hand chimes, and I quickly draw it to my chest, covering as much of it as I can with my hands as I freeze. After a few seconds of nobody walking out of their rooms, I look at the screen.

  I see a message from Tony. Where are you?

  I quickly text back, On my way, before continuing my quiet journey down the stairs.

  I swiftly walk through the living room and out the backdoor. It’s pitch black out, all but the bright moon. It lights up the darkness enough to see his silhouette as he sits by the pond. My smile stretches across my face as I walk closer to him. He looks over his shoulder and sees me drawing near. Then he stands and turns toward me.

  “I thought you were going to stand me up,” he says with a wide grin in place.

  “Never,” I say as I close the distance between us. His arms wrap around my waist just before our lips meet.

  My eyes flutter closed as his lips glide against mine. A tingle forms low in my stomach, and goosebumps prickle my skin. His tongue dives inside, twisting with mine, and it teases that spot inside of me that makes me want more from him.

  How far should I let this go? I break the kiss until I know what it is that I want out of this night. I just told my mom that I wasn’t ready for that step. Yet when I’m with Tony, it’s something I always end up wanting.

  I feel like I’m the last person on Earth who’s still a virgin. At eighteen, all my friends have done it already. Hell, even my cousin, Jax, has done it already. I know I shouldn’t let their decisions decide for me, but I want to know what the big deal is. I shake my head and clear it. If I’m still this torn about it, I’m not ready.

  We sit on a blanket Tony spreads beneath an old tree. The branches are like a canopy above our heads, shielding us from the moon and prying eyes.

  “My dad wants to meet you,” I say, looking out over the water.

  “Okay. When?”

  I quickly look at him. “Really? That easy?” I’m surprised.

  He lets out a quiet laugh. “Yeah, why not?”

  I shrug. “I just thought that it’d be a big deal. Most guys don’t like to meet the parents of the girl they’re dating.” I realize my slip. We haven’t talked about what we’re doing. Are we dating?

  His dark eyes meet mine. “I’m hoping to be around for a while. I’m going to meet them eventually.”

  He’s going to be around a while? My heart begins pounding in my chest, and I can’t stop a smile from forming.

  I place my hand on his jaw and press my lips to his. He willingly opens for me, allowing me to take the kiss further. When his hand lands on my lower back, I move to sit on his lap, straddling him. His strong arms wrap around me, pulling me closer.

  My brain shuts off as my body takes over. My fingers tangle into his hair, and my hips start rocking against him. I feel him grow hard against me. Being able to feel what I do to him makes my stomach tighten with anticipation.

  He squeezes my hips before rolling us over, where he takes his place on top of me. I’ve never been here before, but his weight pressing down on me feels right. He hikes my leg up higher on his hip before his hand runs up the front of my shirt.

  My breathing rushes out, and my heart pounds with excitement. I don’t know what I’m doing, but I want more of this feeling — the feeling of being wanted.

  He breaks the kiss, trailing his lips down my jaw, to my neck while his hand massages my breast. As his lips make their way down, his hand works my shirt up. He kisses the skin of my upper breast where it peeks out of the top of my bra, and my eyes pop open. Where is he going with this?

  The next thing I know, my nipple is in his mouth with his tongue flicking against it. I’m scared. I don’t know how to stop him. But on the other hand, I don’t want to stop him. What he’s doing feels so good. I’ve never been touched like this before.

  My lips part on their own, and a breathy sound escapes.

  “Are you okay with this?” he asks, releasing my nipple and moving over to kiss my other breast.

  I’m not sure. Am I okay with this? I know we shouldn’t be doing this, but it feels so good. I don’t want to stop. I want to see where this goes even if I’m afraid.

  I may be young, but I’m not naive. I know Tony and I won’t make it past this summer. I know we won’t get a happily ever after. But what’s wrong with a summer romance?

  “I… I don’t know.”

  He pulls away and looks down on me. “If you’re not ready, I understand. I don’t want to push you to do something you’re not ready for.”

  I shake my head. “I’m just torn, you know? I want to keep going… But at the same time, I’m not entirely sure I can trust you. We just took the step into being more than friends. It seems too soon.”

  He nods. “I know. We’re moving too fast. I just can’t help myself. When you crawled on my lap and started wiggling against me, my brain shut off.”

  I laugh. “So, did mine.” I right my bra and shirt and sit up in front of him.

  He places his hand in mine. “What do you say we slow down a bit?”

  I nod. “We probably should.”

  For the rest of the evening, we sit by the pond, tossing rocks into the water. We talk about school, friends, and what we hope to do with the rest of our lives. We spend hours just holding hands and talking. By the end of the night, I know so much more about him.

  It’s going on midnight w
hen we finally pull apart, and I head back inside. I jump into bed with a smile on my face. But the second I’m alone in the dark with my eyes closed, a flood of emotions wash over me. My skin still tingles from his touch. With little effort, I imagine him growing hard against me while my center rocks against him. I can feel his hot mouth on my neck and breasts. And every muscle in my body tightens with anticipation for him.

  I don’t know how we went from friends to this, but I do know I want more of it — more of him. Thinking about the things we’ve just done, I drift off to sleep with visions of his dark eyes.

  When I wake in the morning, I reach for my phone. Already, I have a message. Swiping the screen, I read the text. Spend the day at the beach?

  I quickly text back, I’d love to. See you soon.

  I drop the phone on my bed and rush off to the shower and shave my legs.

  Around noon, I pull into the beach parking lot. The sun is high in the sky, and the heat and humidity of the day makes my skin sticky. Climbing out of the Jeep, I grab my beach bag from the backseat. When I turn around, my eyes land on Tony walking closer to me. He’s wearing a pair of black board shorts and flip flops. His washboard abs draw my eyes directly to him.

  “Hey, I’m glad you made it,” he says with a grin as he places his hand on my hip and lowers his lips to mine.

  When the short kiss breaks, I look up to meet his eyes. “I wouldn’t miss it,” I say, shielding my eyes from the sun.

  He takes my hand in his and leads me out onto the sand. I take my oversized towel out of my bag, and he takes it from me to spread out on the sand. My face heats up as I begin removing my tank top and shorts, leaving me in a tiny, hot pink bikini.

  I feel him watching me, but when I turn and lock eyes with him, the expression on his face makes me squeeze my thighs together to hold off the wanting that pools between them. His Adam’s apple bobs in his throat as his jaw flexes.

  He wets his bottom lip before offering a small smile. “I’m sorry for staring. You’re just… so beautiful.” His hand brushes my cheek softly before his lips are against mine.

  This kiss is slow and soft — completely different from most of the kisses we’ve shared. It makes my heart flutter in my chest. When we break apart, my face feels hot.

  “Thank you,” I say, breathless.

  “You’re welcome, blue eyes.” He turns and sits in the sand, and I take my place beside him.

  Pulling lotion from my bag, I start applying it to my legs, stomach, and arms.

  “Want me to put some on your back?”

  You mean, do I want your hands on me? Absolutely! I hand over the bottle with a quiet, “Thank you.”

  He gets up to his knees and squirts the lotion into his hand before rubbing it gently on my back. His hands are soft but firm. They remind me of something my dad has always said to me: don’t date a guy who doesn’t have calluses on his hands. It means he doesn’t work hard enough.

  Internally, I laugh at that thought.

  When he’s done and has taken his place by my side once again, I lie back and let the sun heat my body. I pull my glasses into place and close my eyes. “So, where did you move from, Tony? I feel like I don’t really know much about you.”

  I don’t open my eyes, but I can tell by the volume of his voice that he’s turned his head to answer me. “Texas. I’m going to college here in the fall, and I wanted to move out early to get settled.”

  I open my eyes and look at him. “Did you move here alone?”

  He nods. “Yeah, it was just my mom and me, but once she moved in her boyfriend that I don’t care much for, I decided to go ahead and move.”

  “You have your own place?”

  He lets out a deep laugh. “It’s just a small apartment here in town. It’s nothing great,” he replies with a shrug of indifference.

  “Maybe I’ll come visit sometime.” My cheeks blush.

  “I’d like that,” he says quietly, like he understands the underlying meaning there.

  I push the thoughts from my mind. As much as I want more of him, I’m not ready for that step today. “What are you going to go to college for?”

  “I have no idea.” He sighs. “I’m just signed up to take my generals this fall. Really, it’s more for my mom than me. She didn’t go to college. I’ve watched her bust her ass all my life to take care of us. I need to get a good job, so I can take care of her for a change.”

  Reaching out, I grab his hand. “That’s sweet.” I smile. “It sounds like you’re a mama’s boy.”

  His deep chuckle fills my ears. “I didn’t have much of a choice. I never knew my father.”

  My heart hurts for him. I love my dad, and I couldn’t imagine growing up without him. I want to ask more about it, but I don’t want to ruin the good time we’re having, so I let it slide. “Any brothers or sisters?”

  “Nope, just me. You? I know Preston is your brother, but any sisters?”

  “No, it’s just us two.”

  “Where do Jax and Levi come into the picture?”

  “Jax is my cousin, my dad’s brother’s son, and Levi, we’re not related — our parents are close friends, so we basically grew up together.”

  “He has a thing for you, you know?”

  I roll my eyes. “I know. I love him to death, but it could never work. He’s too young. He still has two years of high school left, and I’ll be leaving this fall.”

  “Where are you going to college?”

  I’m sure he’s hoping to hear me say that I’m staying here, but I’m not. “Notre Dame.”

  He nods. “That’s a good school. You must be really smart.”

  This time, it’s my turn to laugh. “No, I got a volleyball scholarship.”

  He seems impressed when he presses his lips together and raises his eyebrows. “Smart and athletic.”

  “I just played for fun. My dad had a soccer scholarship to go there when he was in school, but things happened, and he never got to go. When I got the scholarship, he was so excited that I couldn’t turn it down.”

  “What are you going to study?”

  I love that he’s asking questions, like he wants to know all there is to know about me. “Design. My mom and her best friend run their own business. They design and sell makeup, perfume, that kind of thing. I’d really like to design my own clothing line. Maybe move on to handbags and shoes later.”

  “That’s awesome. I hope it all works out.”

  I roll onto my stomach to let my back get some sun. “I do too, but it’s a long shot. I’m not holding my breath.”

  Tony and I sit on the beach for most of the day. The sun is starting to go down when he asks, “Want to jump in and cool off before we take off?”

  I smile and nod, excited about cooling off my hot, nearly sunburnt body.

  We run into the water and dive in once we’re deep enough. The cool water feels heavenly on my skin. When I break the surface, I’m practically nose to nose with him.

  His eyes flash down to my lips before meeting my eyes once again. His hands find my hips under the water, and he pulls me closer until our mouths are touching. I don’t know what comes over me, but I lift my legs, wrapping them around his hips. He supports my weight by placing his hands on my ass. Despite the cool water, I’m hotter than I was in the sun all day.

  I break the kiss and look into his eyes. “Let’s go back to your place.”

  “Are you sure?” he asks. I can hear the nerves in his voice.

  I nod, completely sure.

  He opens the door to his apartment, and we walk inside. His place has the bare minimum. There’s a dark blue couch against the wall with a small entertainment center in front of it. A coffee table and end tables surround the couch. From here, I can see into a small, dark kitchen, but there’s no table in the open space.

  “This is… nice,” I say, trying to be polite.

  He chuckles. “No, it’s not. But college student, remember?”

  I sit on the couch, placing my hands in m
y lap, riddled with nerves. I want to have sex, but I don’t want to have sex, if that makes any sense.

  He takes his place beside me, sitting the same way I am.

  I turn and look at him. “I know I asked you to bring me here, but I’m not ready to cross that line yet.”

  He nods. “I completely understand. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”

  A small smile tugs at my lips. “But we can do some stuff.”

  His lips turn up. “Thank God.” He quickly leans over, pressing his lips to mine.

  Chapter Nine


  Mason has already left for work, and Em is spending the day at the beach with some friends. My stomach is in knots as I prepare to go for the screening on my breasts. I’ve managed to keep this secret to myself, but it’s been eating at me. I’m ready to get this over with already, so I can forget it or confess. I pray I’m able to forget it.

  I finish getting dressed and head down the stairs.

  “Hey, Mom. Can you drop me off at Levi’s on your way through town?” Preston asks before stuffing half a sandwich in his mouth.

  I laugh. He reminds me so much of Mason when he was younger. His dark hair is shaggy, hanging low on his forehead, and his bone and muscle structure are nearly identical to his father’s. The only difference is his eyes. They’re emerald green, just like mine.

  “Sure. Get ready. I’m going to pour a cup of coffee, then I’ll be ready to go.”

  He runs off to gather his things while I make a to-go cup. We meet up by the front door seconds later.

  “What are you planning on doing with your summer, Pres?”

  He shrugs while watching the scenery fly by his window. “Just hang out, I guess.”

  “I think your dad is planning on putting you to work at the shop.”

  “Really? I’ve been asking him to do that every summer since I was twelve.” The enthusiasm in his voice is apparent.

  I laugh. “I’m glad you’re excited about going to work. Start saving up for that new car you want.”


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