Beautiful Mess

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Beautiful Mess Page 26

by Preston, Jennifer

  “Promise,” she laughed back. “Thanks Dad. I love you.”

  “I love you too, Sweet Pea.”

  When they got home, Bri lugged her bag into her room and flopped on her bed. A minute later her phone rang. Bri pulled it out and smiled when she saw who was calling.

  “Hello,” she answered.

  “Hey Beautiful,” Cole replied. “Did you make it home?”

  “Yep, a few minutes ago. What are you doing?”

  “Just waiting outside your house, hoping you’ll come out and see me.”

  “Really?” Bri jumped off her bed and looked out her window. Sure enough, Cole was leaning casually against the tree in her front yard.

  “Wow, someone’s got it bad!” she teased him.

  “I’m not the only one,” he taunted back. “So, what do you say? Can you spare a few minutes for your boyfriend who hasn’t seen you all week and misses you terribly?”

  “Well, when you put it like that... Be out in a second!”

  Bri hung up and rushed out of her room. Her dad and Summer were in the den, and Bri decided to let him know she was stepping out for a minute.

  “Dad?” Bri walked into the den.

  “Yes, Pumpkin?”

  “Cole stopped by to see me. He’s outside right now. Is it okay if I run out and say hi?”

  Connor smiled. “Sure, Sweetie, just don’t be too long.”

  “I won’t. Oh, and no spying!” she pointed at him before heading out the front door.

  Cole straightened when he saw her approaching.

  “Hi,” she stopped a few steps away. The darkness offered them some cover from the street, but she could still see Cole’s face clearly.

  “Hi.” He looked her up and down. Bri was suddenly aware she was still in her dance warm ups and make up, but Cole didn’t seem to mind.

  “Thanks for coming today. I’m sorry I didn’t get to spend much time with you.” She stepped closer.

  “That’s exactly why I’m here,” he grinned. “I had a win last night, and you had a win today. I think we’re both due for some serious victory kisses.”

  “Mmm, I like the way you think.”

  Cole pulled her to him and pressed his lips to hers. Bri kissed him back deeply, not caring that they were standing in the middle of her lawn for all the neighbors to see. They hadn’t had any time together this week, and it had taken a toll on both of them. She held him tight, wanting to feel as close to him as possible. Cole’s hands moved down her back and pulled her closer. Yep, he’d definitely missed her, too.

  Needing to breath, Bri broke their kiss and rested her forehead against Cole’s.

  “I wish I didn’t have to go inside,” she murmured.

  “So don’t.” He captured her mouth again and convinced her to stay a little longer. Several minutes later, she pulled back.

  “Feel free to show up outside my window any time you like,” she smiled. “But now I really have to go.”

  “Why?” Cole groaned, not releasing her.

  “First, because it’s late, and second, there’s a pretty good chance my dad is watching us from the window.”

  “Why would your dad be watching us?”

  “Um, because I told him we were together now, and he probably wants to make sure things stay PG rated.” She blushed.

  “You told your dad about us?”

  “Yeah,” she smiled shyly.

  A huge smile spread across Coles’ face, and he pulled her in for another kiss. “Hey, we should start up our Tuesday study sessions again. This whole not seeing you all week is killing me. I know we’re both super busy, but do you think we could make it work?”

  “Definitely,” Bri agreed. “Come to my house Tuesday after basketball practice. I don’t care what time or how late. I’ll make sure it’s cool with Summer.”

  “It’s a date then,” Cole smiled.

  “Good. Now, I really have to go. See you Monday.” Bri stood on her tiptoes and gave him a quick peck. “Goodnight, Cole.”

  “Sweet dreams, Ambria.”

  The next few weeks passed pretty uneventfully. Cole and the basketball team continued racking up impressive wins and had attracted quite the following. Bri and the Dance Team continued sweeping first place honors at their competitions, though they didn’t have quite the same following. At school Bri and Cole moved beyond just exchanged greetings and started having actual conversations. It was just small talk, but Bri loved being able to talk to Cole a little in History, though she noticed Trey watching them suspiciously. Serena had also taken a greater interest in Bri ever since Natalie’s New Year’s party, and had rudely butted into a couple of Bri and Cole’s conversations in the hall. Bri noticed that Serena was watching her and whispering more often, but she wasn’t about to let Serena get to her.

  It was the last Monday in January, and Cole stopped by Bri’s locker after school. It was the first time he’d sought her out to talk at school, and she was a little surprised.

  “Hi Bri!” Cole leaned against the locker next to hers.

  “Um, hi Cole.” Bri looked up and down the hall, confused. “What are you doing?”

  “I just had a quick question for you.”

  “Oh? So what is it you wanted to ask?” She smiled, shutting her locker. She noticed they were getting some curious glances, but she really didn’t care.

  Cole leaned in closer so they wouldn’t be overheard.

  “Coach has jury duty tomorrow, so practice had been cancelled. I was wondering if you’d want to go out with me?” He smiled at her up through his lashes.

  “Yes!” Bri had to restrain her urge to hug him. “I mean, that would be cool,” she tried to sound nonchalant.

  Her enthusiasm wasn’t lost on Cole and he grinned smugly.

  “Okay, then I’ll pick you up at you house after school tomorrow.”

  “You’re driving?” she teased.

  “Of course!” he scoffed. “It is a date after all,” he winked at her. “Bye, Bri.” He pushed off the locker and walked away.

  The next morning at dance practice, Bri was practically ambushed by Natalie and Erica.

  “So, what’s up with you and Cole?” Erica demanded, cutting right to the point.

  “What?” Bri was confused. Her brain was still half asleep that early in the morning.

  “You and Cole. We saw you two talking yesterday. Are you guys like a thing now?” Natalie clarified.

  “Um, no,” Bri lied. “We’re just friends.”

  “Oh. Well, what were you talking about?” Erica adopted a more friendly tone, hoping to extract some info.

  “Nothing,” Bri’s mind scrambled to come up with a reason Cole would be talking to her. “He just had a question about our History assignment.”

  “Really?” Natalie asked skeptically. “Because you two were standing pretty close. It looked like more than just a question about homework.” She crossed her arms, challengingly.

  “Well, it wasn’t,” Bri bit back. She was starting to get angry now. “The hall was just really loud, that’s all. Remind me again how this is any of your business?” She glared at the girls in front of her.

  “But, you think he’s hot, right?” Natalie smirked.

  “What? No!” Bri was totally caught off guard. She felt her face flush, revealing that she did in fact think Cole was hot.

  “Bri, I’m going to give you a bit of advice,” Natalie took on a patronizing tone. “Forget about Cole. There’s no way he’d ever be interested in someone like you anyway.” She gave Bri a derisive once-over. “And, in case you didn’t know, Cole belongs to Serena, and Serena doesn’t share.”

  Everything clicked into place for Bri, things finally making sense. She smirked at the two obnoxious girls in front of her.

  “Wow, Serena must really be worried if she sent you two to threaten me. You might want to let her know that the last time I checked, it was illegal to own anyone anymore.” She narrowed her eyes at Natalie. “Cole’s a big boy. He can decide for himself w
ho he is, and isn’t, interested in.” She smirked, turned on her heel, and walked away.

  Bri spent the rest of the day fuming over Serena, Natalie, and Erica. She wasn’t afraid of them. If Serena wanted to start something, Bri wasn’t going to back down. But she knew that if Cole found out Serena was targeting her, he’d have second thoughts about bringing their relationship out in the open. All day long, she kept going back and forth about whether or not to tell Cole about Serena’s threat. That is, until she saw the smug, victorious, smile Serena gave her after school. The girl already thought she’d won. Rolling her eyes, Bri decided she wasn’t going to let Serena come between her and Cole. Keeping secrets from him would only drive them apart. They were stronger together, and she intended to keep it that way. Having made her decision, she let go of her frustration, determined that nothing was going to ruin her night. Closing her locker, she headed home to change for her date.

  Chapter 21

  A light drizzle had begun to fall, and Bri was relieved when Cole pulled up in his truck to pick her up. After jumping inside, she leaned over and gave him a slow kiss.

  “Well, hello to you too,” he smiled. “I didn’t know you were going to get all dressed up for me.” Cole took in her cream baby doll dress, brown leather jacket and brown boots appreciatively.

  “Well, it is a date, after all,” she smiled back.

  “Yeah, but now I feel bad I didn’t stop and change for you.”

  “Oh, don’t! I think you look great.” And he did. He was wearing her favorite dark, butt-accentuating jeans and a fitted black t-shirt. His black hair hung in his grey eyes. Bri lifted her hand and brushed it back out of his face. Cole turned his eyes to hers and smiled.

  “So, where are we going?”

  “There’s a great Chinese place across town. I thought we’d start there. Bri, what are those?” He pointed to the textbooks sticking out of her bag.

  “What? I have homework,” she replied. “It is our study night after all.”

  “Yes, well, I was hoping to be studying something else tonight,” he flashed her a devilish grin. Bri laughed while her cheeks flushed.

  “Well, maybe we can do both.” She raised an eyebrow at him.

  “I just might hold you to that,” he laughed and squeezed her knee. He let his hand linger there the rest of the drive.

  They got to the restaurant and were seated at a booth towards the back where it was quiet. After ordering their drinks and food, Bri decided she may as well get the inevitable out of the way.

  “So, I had an interesting conversation with Natalie and Erica this morning,” she began.

  “Oh, really?” Cole’s eyebrows shot up. “And what did they have to say?”

  Determined not to make a big deal out of it, Bri replied, “Oh, they just wanted to warn me to stay away from you. Apparently, Serena sent them to feel me out and find out what’s going on between us.”

  Cole’s face paled a little.

  “And, did you tell them anything?”

  “Of course not. It’s none of their business. I told them we were just friends, but I’m not sure they bought it.”

  “Damn it,” he let out a breath. “This is what I was afraid of.”

  “Cole,” Bri said forcefully. “I don’t care about Serena. I know you’re worried she’ll try and make my life hell, but that’s because you assume that I care what she, or anyone else at that school, thinks about me. I don’t. I have four more months with these people. Let them think or say what they want. I could care less.”

  “You don’t know how vicious Serena can be. I just don’t want to put you through that.”

  “Let her do her worst. I know the truth, you know the truth. Nobody else matters.” She looked straight into Cole’s eyes. “The only thing I can’t handle is having to hide from everyone for the foreseeable future. You are my boyfriend. I want you to be my boyfriend. All the time, not just when no one is looking. I want to eat lunch with you, and hold your hand on the way to class, and get to do all those things that normal high school couples do. Before we head off to different schools and different lives, and it’s too late,” she finished quietly.

  Cole took a deep breath, a little shaken by her words.

  “I’m not saying I want you to march into school tomorrow and announce it over the PA system. I’m just saying let’s stop letting fear of Serena dictate who we are to each other. Okay?” Bri gave a hopeful smile.

  “Okay,” He conceded after a moment. “We should still take it slow a little longer, until I can find a good time to break it to her.” He ran his hand through his hair. At Bri’s dubious expression he added. “No longer than a week, two at the most. I promise.”

  “Fine,” She huffed. “You have one week, but the sooner the better. Serena’s under the impression that she owns you. It might be a good idea to set her straight.”

  “What?” Cole’s head snapped up. Bri chuckled at his indignation.

  “Oh, yeah! That was Natalie’s main point. I needed to keep my hands off Serena’s property. Okay, enough Serena talk. She’s already taken up more time than she’s worth.”

  “I agree,” He smiled. “So, how was the rest of your day?”

  Their food arrived, and they continued talking and laughing while they ate. They were debating ordering dessert when a familiar voice interrupted.

  “Am-Bree-ah!” Trey drawled. He came sauntering up, a bag of take out in his hand. “Fancy meeting you here!” He leered at her. Trey caught sight of Cole and did a double take. “Cole? Hey man, what’s up? What are you doing here?” Trey looked between Cole and Bri, confused.

  Cole’s body had gone rigid with shock at Trey’s appearance. His demeanor instantly changed to one of bored indifference, causing Bri to scowl.

  “Nothing,” he replied dismissively. “We were just studying. Bri is helping me out in math. What are you doing here?”

  “Just picking up some take out for me and Serena.” Trey glanced at the table. “Where are your books? I thought you were studying?”

  Bri turned to glare at Trey as she lifted her book laden bag off the seat beside her. She dropped it with a smirk.

  “Yeah, well, we just finished up and were getting ready to leave. You about ready?” Cole asked Bri, sounding like he could care less if she was ready to go or not.

  “Whatever,” she mumbled angrily.

  “Hey, hold on a sec,” Trey slid into the booth beside Bri. “What’s the rush? Why don’t you stay a minute?” he asked her.

  Bri flicked an anxious glance at Cole before answering.

  “Um, Cole is my ride, so I’d better go since he’s ready.”

  “Don’t be silly. I can take you home. That cool with you, Cole?” Both Trey and Bri turned their eyes on Cole. Trey’s were questioning, Bri’s were warning.

  “Um, sure, man. Saves me a trip.” Cole dropped some money on the table.

  Panicked now, Bri turned pleading eyes on Cole, begging him not to leave. He seemed unsure of what to do for a moment, until with a sigh, his shoulders slumped and he turned to go.

  “Catch you later,” he said to no one in particular, and walked away.

  Bri watched in shock as Cole left her alone with Trey.

  Trey moved to Cole’s empty side of the booth and smiled. Bri’s stomach dropped to her knees.

  “So, you’re tutoring Marra, huh? You know, I could use a little extra help with math, too. Any chance you could help me out?”

  “Um,” Bri turned her focus from the jackass who just left her, to the jackass in front of her. “My scheduled is really full right now. If you need help, go talk to Mr. Tillman, and I’m sure he can find someone to help you.” She didn’t even try to keep the anger and impatience out of her voice.

  “Oh, okay.” Trey was visibly disappointed.

  “Look Trey, I don’t mean to be rude, but I’ve got a ton of homework, and your food is getting cold. I really need to get going.” So she could go kick Cole’s ass for abandoning her.

�Fine, let’s go then.” Trey grabbed her hand to help her out of the booth, and held on to it as they walked out of the restaurant. Bri finally managed to extract it as they reached his pretentious, way-too-expensive-for-a-high-schooler, car. The rain had stopped, but the clouds still swirled and rumbled, matching Bri’s mood.

  Trey tried to start some conversation as he drove, but Bri refused to say anything, fuming in anger instead. After a few failed attempts, Trey’s temper got the best of him.

  “You know, Bri, I don’t get you. I’ve been nothing but nice to you, since the first day of school. And all you ever do is give me the cold shoulder. What is your freaking problem?”

  “My problem?” she replied incredulously. Trey picked a bad day to start a fight. “Oh, because I don’t instantly swoon the minute you flash me a smile or give me a bit of attention, I must have a problem! I guess my problem is that pompous, self-absorbed, egotistical jerks just leave me cold!”

  Trey glared at her, and Bri felt a knot of fear form in her stomach. She could see the fury building in his eyes.

  “No, your problem is that you’re just cold, period!” he replied venomously. “You’re nothing but a frigid bitch, who doesn’t feeling anything for anyone. Your heart’s as cold as your bed.”

  She sucked in a pained breath.

  “Stop the car!” she demanded, her heart pounding. “I’m getting out. Now!” She had to get out of there before she started crying. There was no way in hell she was going to let Trey see that he’d gotten to her.

  Trey didn’t argue, or try to convince her to change her mind. He just pulled to the side of the road.

  “Thanks for the ride, asshole!” Bri slammed the door and Trey sped off.

  She stood there panting, desperately trying to fight the tears that wanted to come. A part of her couldn’t believe that Trey had actually dumped her on the side of the road like that. The other part of her wasn’t at all surprised. And all this just added to her anger at Cole, for putting her in this position to begin with. Furious, she turned and started walking down the sidewalk. She was still a few miles from home, and it would be dark soon. She hitched her bag up on her shoulder and quickened her pace.


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