Lost Girl (Soul Bound Book 1)

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Lost Girl (Soul Bound Book 1) Page 5

by E. M Jefferson

  “Is there any way I can stop this from happening again?” I can’t allow some supernatural’s into my head, god knows what they could do.

  “No, unless you join a court. But whoever these people are, they seem extremely powerful that I doubt the court could protect you. Even I struggled to pull you out and mind games is kind of my speciality. Whoever they were, they kept you trapped until they wanted to leave.”

  Chewing my lip, I know I don’t want to join a court as I like being with Alex. And if there is even a hint of doubt, they couldn’t protect me. Then what would be the point If I joined them when they can’t stop whoever it is? Plus, I won’t be able to speak with Alex or hang out as he is outcasted... “No. I am happy here” Pushing the quilt off me, I get out of bed. “Come on, let’s forget about this tonight and enjoy ourselves”

  “Are you sure your up for it?” He gives me a questioning look, but right now I need to take my mind off what happened.

  “Yes, I’m sure” I say in an overly cheery tone. Heading towards the bathroom, where his eyes follow. I can’t have him worrying about this. He was looking forward to us going out and I refuse to be the one to ruin tonight.

  “Ok, but at any point I think you are not safe or need to leave, I will drag you out, kicking and screaming” He warns me.

  “Ok Dad!” I give him a mock salute before closing the door and striping naked. Enjoying the cold titles beneath my feet that was styled like a swim pool.

  This time I used the shower where icy cold water hits my skin, washing away the feeling I had of being violated. It was horrible to think there was someone controlling my dream and doing what they wanted, without me even remembering. There was a nagging feeling begging me to try and pull the wisps from my mind, but as always, whenever I tried to remember who I once was. A pounding headache would start at the back of my head before it overtook me completely. Sometimes the pain could be intense were I would black out.

  The sound of my alarm playing from next door had me leaving the shower before I was ready to get out. Wrapping a fluffy pink towel around me, I headed to turn it off. Since I was now out, I might as well get changed and ready.

  But I must have taken to long staring at the clothes on my bed as Alex opened the door. Letting out a loud sigh before walking towards me.

  “Here chick wear this and this, paired with these” Alex startled me as I look at the clothes on the bed, unsure what to wear.

  “Are you sure?” I question him as I look at the skin-tight crimson red dress, that screamed eat me.

  “How about for one night you let your hair down and forget about everything” Confused at the complete 180, I take a good look at him, his ocean blue eyes are darker like a storm while his face remains neutral.

  “Alex, not that I’m complaining but what is with the personality change?” I'm worried now in case someone was controlling him. Who would have though that mind control was a real thing?

  “Maybe you were right and tomorrow we figure this shit out, until then we might as well party” I watch him closely in case someone had taken over his body. “Get changed before where late” As quick as he came, his out the door as he whistles a tune down the corridor.

  The night is already weird. But trusting in Alex’s words I roll with it. Putting the crimson red dress on which is strapless apart from the criss cross that goes around my neck to keep the dress from falling down. It’s skin-tight like a second skin which has been paired off with a pair of black heels that have small sparkle gems in them. Twirling my feet, I watch as the sparkle with colour. Sooo shiny.

  I dried my hair which was actually very quick to do as it may be long, but it dries unnatural fast. Being a curtain of silver that cascades down my back. Putting it up in a knot where a few loose strains escapes, using a black clip I secure my hair. Leaving the loose bits down, it frames my face, giving me an edgy look.

  With a few touches of make-up, I make my green-eyes darker with black eyeliner, mascara and silver eyeshadow. Looking in the mirror I hardly recognise this new look, looking like a million pounds. With one look, no one would ever know the real me hidden behind the mask.

  “Get some food in your belly before we go” With unsteady feet I make my way into the living room. Knowing if I can’t walk the short distance than I don’t have a hope in hell dancing in them. Sure, I may have worn them once or twice, but I looked like a baby deer trying to walk for the first time. Maybe third time is the charm.

  On the kitchen side is a light salad and some French bread where I dig straight into it. “You look dashing” I say giving him an appreciated glaze. Dressed in tight black jeans and a blue shirt, he has some jewellery on. A silver chain and silver watch.

  “I know and you look hot as fuck dressed in red…… But I don’t remember you buying a red dress”

  “I though you got it?” I say with a puzzled expression.

  “I don’t remember but a dress like that I would be sure to have remembered picking it out for you” He says while looking me up and down. “You definitely look stunning Belle”

  My confusion only doubled as I played with my food, my appetite had gone. If Alex didn’t buy this dress than who did? But more importantly how did it end up inside the apartment? But he was the one who told me to wear it. Surly then he would have said something. I go to ask him but he beats me to it.

  “When we get there stick close to me, ok?”

  “Alex. I’m not some hopeless lost girl. I can look after myself” I removed myself from the table as I put the remaining food into the bin before washing up.

  “I know but I don’t want anything to happen to you” His arms wrap around me, in a friendly gesture with his head resting above my shoulder.

  “I know, however. If you bring a girl or guy home, then remember your own rules” I steer the direction of the conversation away from me.

  “Ahh honey, don’t be a spoil sport” He pouts.

  “I don’t need to hear, let alone see what you get up to” I said making a gagging motion.

  Letting out a low chuckle he dries the dishes before we head out. Grabbing one of my new jackets we go to leave. “You never did say what the place was called”

  “Savage Beast”

  Chapter Five

  A Night Out

  Savage Beast was not what I had expected it to be. We drove further that I through we had, as to get there it was a one-way system which took just over an hour, however by train it would have taken less than 30 minutes.

  On the drive out Alex explained that we would be on the top floor as Ty had put us down as his guests. Meaning we didn’t need to queue outside nor did we need ID. Which was a bonus as I held no documentations or ID to prove who I was.

  When we reached Oxford street, it was packed full off party people who had already been drinking. Some of them stumbled into the road while others leaned on friends for support. It was fascinating to watch them.

  I always loved to people watch.

  Colourful lights lit up the street advising all the funky and weird places one could go to enjoy there night. We soon pulled up behind a building were we parked the car. This was the clubs car parking lot reserved for their workers but Ty had given us the code so we can park.

  As we got out the car, I could hear loud music playing that could be heard from behind the club. It sounded like a mixture of heavy metal and dance. I was buzzing to get in there which didn’t take long as a short walk took us to the entrance of the place.

  I was hypnotised.

  The building was enormous and astonishing where it raised high up into the sky.

  “Yes, its shiny but we do need to get inside at some point tonight” Shiny! It was a bloody dream come true. The stunning beauty of the place stood out amongst its competition. Silver and black writing was written above the door in neon colours that flashed. Like a moth to a flame it drew me in, begging for me to come inside and get burnt.

  “But it’s shiny” I whined wanting to stay outside and have my fill. I
looked up at the dark black stone blocks. All the way up their where Celtic marks as I knew this from a book I read. But what they meant I didn’t know.

  They looked like they had been painted in sliver glitter. Like gems hidden in a cave where they sparkled and shined when the light hit them. What the strange markings meant I didn’t know but what captured my attention was how each window above had their own light on low where shadows moved. Under each one there was a design like the cosmos which stood out against the stark black colour.

  To say the building was well maintain was an understatement as there wasn’t a spot of dirt or discolouring. The building had a forbidding vibe about it, like one may not come out alive.

  But it called to me, it pulled on a part of my soul. Somehow my soul knew this place, but I didn’t. Is that possible or does that make me mad?

  The entrance beckoned me forward wanting me within its walls. My body felt like a puppet where I walked past people waiting to get in. Mumbled words and comments were made about me as I walked to the front. I didn’t pay them much attention. But what I did pay attention to were the two large bouncers that stood behind a roped gate, one with a clip board while the other stood guard. They were huge! Like monsters waiting for their next meal.

  “You sure Ty has us on the guest list?” I really hoped I wasn’t about to be made a fool of.

  “Yeah, he made sure to put our names down. Don’t worry they won’t bite…… Unless you want them to” He teases me.

  “Okay” I said being sceptically.

  “Come one” Alex said as he gave me a push forward to get my legs walking, making our way towards the imposing entrance.

  “Back off the line” A voice snapped which had the effect of my eyes snapping to his. He was very built looking like a man on steroids with a bold head covered in tattoos. His face was cruel while the other man had a curious expression. While one looked inviting the other looked terrifying. Dressed in thick black jackets that barely fit them.

  “Get to the back of the line before I throw you there myself!” He snapped more impatiently.

  “Were on the guest list under Ty” Alex said not missing a beat.

  “Names?” He barked out.

  “Alex and Belle” leaving Alex to take over I swallow hard while thinking the guy might eat me.

  “Ahh yes, I know you. Your goanna be the new girl starting here ain’t you doll” The more friendly one said giving me an encouraging wink.

  “Uh, yeah” I said warily wondering how they knew.

  “Ty has been going nuts about you starting. I think someone has a soft spot for you, hell even I can see why. The name is Joey and this grumpy guy is Dex.” He held out his massive hands that dwarf mine,. swallowing my hand as I placed it in his. I couldn’t take my eyes of the strange words across his knuckles.

  “Thanks, I guess?” I said to Joey while giving Dex a head nod. I don’t really think he would appreciate me touching him.

  “Go enjoy your night, any problems give us a call and we will sort them out” It was kind of him to offer but I shook my head in a firm no. “Ok, head on in”

  With a final wave we made our way in without any further problems as Alex kept a firm hand on my back. The doors had strange marks on them which looked to belong to another world. I really wanted to study them and find out what they meant.

  They drew my eyes to them but with another push from Alex I left my wondering mind and headed in. “We need to head up the stairs on the left, stay close until were up there”

  “Let’s go” I said enthusiastically as a sense of renewed energy hit me as we crossed the thrust hold. Like my body had been jacked up on energy.

  “Come one, speed up. I am dying for a drink” Alex said with a huge smile on his face as he took in all the other people. Alex was bisexual liking the choice of having both men and women. He wasn’t fussy but he did normally pick the crazy chicks and handsome men. His aura would draw all kinds of people to him where he would have a selection to choose from.

  Making our way through the crowd Alex took the lead, taking my hand. His eyes kept forward but from the slight movement of his head, he was checking out everyone he could. Eyes would follow him as he walked with confidence while I tried to keep up, without stumbling.

  I had never seen anything like it, the place was even more stunning on the inside. It had a creepy wonderland vibe going on with twisted tables of all shapes and sizes were some reminded me of monster heads with the way they were detailed. While others looked beasty. Some of them were wavy shapes and some were funky shapes that had a 3D look to it. But we wouldn’t be down here. No, we were making our way up towards the VIP section where eyes of envy burned into me.

  She looked at me watching her, as her eyes turned blood red, letting her vampire side come out. Baring her fangs at me she hissed in disapproval. Of, course vampires would be here, deathly pale skin was one of the main differences with their kin, second was how their fangs peeked out from between their lips. But it was always the eyes, eyes that were vivid that could hypnotise you. If one dared to stare too long.

  Turning my eyes away from the intense staring competition, we were stopped on the stairs by another guard. After Alex gave him our names, he let us go without a second look. Taking the time to study the walls there was pictures of long forgotten wars from another world. Bloody battlefield where man was half turned into beasts. They almost looked alive as I swore, I could see the images moving.

  “Come on, your worst then a child” Alex tugs me upstairs, shaking his head at how easily distracted I can get.

  But I couldn’t help it with how dark the interior was, with iron candle holders with a cruel twist lighting the walls up where shadows danced. It was almost as if something was living inside the wall as faces appeared, watching me.

  This place was creepy as hell.

  Once we got upstairs the room was separated into two main areas, one for sitting in and other for dancing. The ceiling was open where great arches ran around the room, like an old Victorian home. Rich lush colours of crimson red and gold adored the walks and tables, mixing together making the red appear darker.

  I was astonished by my surroundings as I took everything in, I felt like I was at a ball, a party fit for royalty. Not many people were here tonight as it wasn’t a busy night, however more and more people began to pour in.

  “I though it was meant to be quite?” I said with a little bit of concern.

  “It was. something must have changed for it to become rammed” Alex said as more and more people began to fill in. We headed straight to the bar at the back which was filled with more Celtic markings where neon lights lit underneath the side.

  We managed to get served very quickly before we headed towards a table where Ty was sitting on his own. “I see Ty, I will take these drinks and meet your there” I informed Alex in case he though I was kidnapped. He waved to let me know he had heard me.

  Walking towards Ty his head snapped up as he watched me. “Hey Ty, what is going on tonight, I though it was going to be quite?” I said giving him a drink.

  “It was supposed to be but, Dante arrived earlier than expected which has caused the freaks to come out” His eyebrows where drawn down as his lips curled with distaste.

  “Oh” I said. I still didn’t understand what was so bad about this Dante guy.

  “Yes, and to make matter worse, he will be staying here for the foreseeable future until he gets bored” His spiky hair was jelled up with silver highlights, he saw me looking and gave me a wink.

  “Any reason?” I asked with a small smile.

  “I saw some chick with silver hair and felt silver highlights would look great on me, make my eyes pop” Ty said making a popping sound for effect.

  Giggling like a child, I covered my mouth at how silly he looked when he popped his mouth. Dressed in black jeans which seemed to be a common theme, he had a white vest top. Black tribal marking sneaked under his vest before disappearing down. I really wanted to see wha
t the final image was, but I was a bit of a chicken.

  “Hey Ty, what’s with the crowd tonight?” Alex asks looking over his shoulder.

  “Dante is here” Time seems to slow down as his face drops, making fear flash into his eyes before it disappears.


  “Ahh Alex, still not on speaking turns with him, anyone would kill to be in his presences” A stunning women said with amazing deep brown eyes and long blond hair, she was very slim. Dressed in a pair of tight blue jeans and a tank top showing off her flat stomach.


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