Lost Girl (Soul Bound Book 1)

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Lost Girl (Soul Bound Book 1) Page 7

by E. M Jefferson

  “Women you ask way too many questions in a short period of time” he never said it like I was a nuisance. Instead it was done in such a gentle way. Like a big brother talking to his younger sister.

  “But you didn’t answer any of my questions” I look up at him with wide pleading eyes. It’s my secret weapon as I know it always works on Alex. Hopefully it would work on him to.

  “Fine! I live here because the rent is free, and I don’t need to pay. It does make it easier for work as I only need to press a button and I’m home. However, it can complicate things when I want a one-night stand, which means I have to travel to their place before coming home. Satisfied now”

  “Yes, thank you Ty…… One more Question-“The door opened letting in another person to join us.

  However, it was the one person I didn’t want to see tonight as Dante stepped in. Unlike when I saw him a few hours ago. His hair was wild, and shirt was unbuttoned showing hints of his chest and more markings. He was the last person I wanted to see after how stupid I looked earlier. Having his presences added only made my embarrassment double making my face turn red.

  “What is she doing here Ty and why the hell does she have Dex’s jacket on?” He said in a tired tone not bothering to even acknowledge me.

  “No idea, that’s what I’m about to find out, however-“Ty is interpreted by his phone ringing. Picking it up he keeps one eye on me while speaking to the person on the other side.

  “Why are you here?” He asks me as Ty is currently busy.

  “That isn’t none of your business” I tell him in a quiet voice.

  “What happens in my club becomes my business and since you are in it, then your business becomes mine” His eyes watches me like a hawk. Trying to see if I was giving him a half-truth.

  “Yes Alex. Chill out she is with me. Stop panicking” Oh, can this night get any better. Ty is trying to reassure Alex that I’m fine while Dante has taken a keen interested in what is currently going on.

  “Can you speak to him and tell him your fine?” Ty shoves the phone at me, giving me no choice but to speak to Alex.

  “BELLE, what the hell were you thinking?!” He roars down the phone where I move it away from my ear. Waiting for him to calm down before I can explain.

  “Alex, it wasn’t my fault…… It happened again” Three words was enough to make him stop before concern took over.

  “Are you hurt at all?” He sounds close to having a break down.

  “No, I’m fine. I was near here and though I would see if the club was still open and find Ty…… Can we do this tomorrow please?” I don’t want to get into my private problems with Dante around. It was bad enough having to explain to Ty, but I don’t have a choice with him.

  “Sure, let me know if you need picking up, get Ty to text me” He says before hanging up.

  Giving Ty back his phone I can see the concern in his eyes as he doesn’t know about my night-time habits. But what shocks me the most is the way Dante is looking at me, almost as if he cares about what has happened. Surly not as he doesn’t even know me.

  “Come one this is our stop” I take Ty’s hand once more but quickly drop it as a deep growl reverts around the space.

  Turning back Dante has a wild look in his eye, before I can question my sanity. I walk up towards him were I place my palm against his face in a gently way. “Are you ok?” I ask him under my lashes.

  A questioning look comes into his eyes as he tries to figure out my intentions. Being this close to him, I can almost see the man behind the mask, where his beast lurks just out of reach. Maybe he isn’t a full Fae as there is something else living inside him.

  “Are you getting out or what?” He doesn’t answer which tells me he isn’t ok. I know this because he would have to tell the truth as Fae can’t lie. Meaning there is something going on. I shouldn’t care about him as I don’t know him, but I do.

  Taking my hand back I walk to where Ty is waiting who looks just as confused as I do, shrugging my shoulders in a, “Don’t ask me” kinder way. We head towards his door, but instead of only two sets of feet being heard. Theirs another.

  “Dante. Don’t” Ty says. But all Dante does is raises his eyebrows at him. He doesn’t listen to Ty as he follows us into his room. What’s stranger is that Ty doesn’t stop him or comment.

  “Guess this party of two has turned into a party of three” I mutter under my breath. But from the chuckling behind me, Dante had heard.

  “Does anyone want a drink?” Ty asks as me makes his way into the kitchen.

  “Yes please, a water would be great” I say. Taking in the room it’s nicer than Alex’s with soft cream carpet that my bare feet sink into, a nice change from the cold pavement from outside.

  Being glad that I’m inside a warm room, I take the jacket that Dex had given me as I started to over-heat. I forgot I was only dressed in my Pj's as I heard a sharp in take behind me.

  Turning around to look at Dante, I don’t think the sound came from him. But he is the only person here. Maybe I’m too sleep deprived that is causing me to hear and see things.

  Yeah that must be it.

  The sofa, if you can call it that looks like a large bed as it is in a square shape. The colour is midnight blue with cushion along the head rest which is seated in front of a large tv screen.

  Making my way over I take a seat which I’m surprised to find is really soft to sit in. I’m tempted to go back to bed as I know Ty would let me. But Dante on the other hand I don’t think he would.

  “Here you go Belle” Ty takes a seat on my right while Dante takes a seat on my left. His close enough to me that our knees touch. Just from the contact alone, I feel the heat from his body.

  “What happened tonight Bell? Alex was freaking out like I’ve never heard him” Ty says in a tender voice. Dante looks intrigued by the conversation.

  “To understand my weird habit, you need to understand my past” I tell them both waiting for them both to nod for me to continue. “Five years ago, I woke up in hospital were the doctors told me I was lucky to had survived. I had no memories of who I was before, I didn’t even know my own name” I pause to take a sip of water as my throat is dry. “All the doctors had told me was that I was a Fae and if I wanted to know who I was then I needed to go into the London court, however-“

  “You never made it there did you?” Surprised to find Dante saying this is a very soft voice. One that contradicts his hard exterior.

  “No, I was attacked that day and dragged into an ally way-“I stop as soon as I heard Dante’s loud growl and Ty baring his teeth. Before anyone can get hurt, I hurried to explain the rest. “Alex saved me that night, he saw what had happened and intervened before any harm could really be done”

  “Well I’ll be dammed. Never through Alex had a soft bone in his body” Ty says.

  “He does with me; you would be surprised with how kind he really is” Just thinking about Alex makes me relax knowing if he through Ty would have hurt me then he would have come here to get me.

  “Cleary you have an effect on him” Dante drools likes his jealous about our relationship.

  “I owe him my life, if it wasn’t for Alex than I don’t know where I would be today. After Alex saved me, he took me in and helped me learn about the world I now live in”

  “But how does this relate to what happened tonight?” Ty asks. His just as puzzled as Dante is.

  “Because I have no memories at all when I’m asleep I feel this invisible pull that wants me to follow it. So, at night when I’m asleep I tend to sleepwalk and follow it. Sometimes I don’t know where I am as I can end up in new places or in a new country. Its hard to explain as I never ended up in the same place twice and I have no idea what I’m looking for. I think its acting like a silver lining that’s trying to help me find who I once was”

  “But why here? Why did you wake up outside the club?” Ty is quick to ask.

  “I really don’t know but when I first walked through the doors,
I could feel this energy wanting me to be here…... does that make me crazy?” I ask feeling vulnerable.

  “No, maybe there is someone here that can help you” Ty says.

  “Do you really think so?” The hope rushes up inside, the possibility of someone here that could help me.

  Ty looks at Dante in a strange way, almost as if there having a mental communication. “There is a way to unlock your memories, but I will need to speak to someone about it” Dante finally says, rubbing his chin.

  Like an overgrown child I jump into his arms, knocking him back onto the sofa. “Thank you…... I guess under that hard exterior is a softy” I say to only for him to hear.

  “I don’t think so, I don’t do anything without a price” He says. But I don’t care, if he knows someone that can help then I don’t care about the price tag attached.

  “Either way thank you” He gently rolls me off him. So different from when he was on the dance floor. Is it me or does he have a complexed personality?

  “So, if you didn’t know your name, then where did you get Belle from?” Ty asks puzzled by my name.

  I burst out laughing at how I choose my mine. “I was watching a Disney movie and really like the character-“

  “Beauty and the Beast by any chance” Ty groans when my smile widens.

  “That’s the one”

  “Did you want to stay here, or do you want me to take you back?”

  “Can I stay here the tonight, if that’s ok?” I ask Ty.


  “Thank you”

  We stayed up talking for a few hours that night about random stuff. I never noticed when Dante had removed himself from the room being quiet about his escape. But what I did know about him was that underneath his hard exterior and bad boy act, was a kind broken man. I know I shouldn’t, but I wanted to be the one to fix him and make him whole again.

  When I finally went to sleep my mind was invaded with a man with black eyes who promised to protect me from my monsters. It felt so real that I through someone had sneaked into my bed and wrapped me in a protective hold.

  Chapter Seven

  Goldilocks And The Three Bears

  After last night episode Alex had wanted me to spend the week staying inside in case, I ended up lost in the country somewhere. He kept threatening me with putting a tracker on my body. One he could track using his phone. I wasn’t sure if he was joking or not as he seemed to have through about it with a lot of through. It was scary to say that I think my days were numbered as Alex stayed stuck to me. I couldn’t pee without him hovering at the door and I can’t sleep in peace without waking up with him in the chair.

  I tried to explain it only happens once in a blue moon, but the guy just wouldn’t listen to me, not matter what I said. It was becoming tiresome to fight with Alex instead we found common ground with him cooking meals and I would clean up. It was a good start to a new chapter in my life. I think this was chapter 25?

  Anyway, we soon fell into a routine between us were he eventually trusted me to go out and enjoy myself. I know I am a grown woman who can look after myself…. Well sort of but Alex was just trying to be protective over me.

  When I told him that Ty had said I could start tonight without needing an interview I was thrilled. However, Alex wasn’t too happy about the news and kept trying to tell me I wasn’t ready.

  I mean I need a life at some point. I can’t be cooped up inside all my life.

  We ended up having our first real fight as best friends where he stormed out before returning before my first shift to apologise. I was impressed with my ability to stand up for myself as normal I would let anyone walk all over me. I was happy I didn’t need to go into work worrying about our friendship as Alex was more like family to me. Ty had been texting me all week where we would laugh at some of the stuff that happened at the club. I really felt like my life was finally starting to fall together!

  I was super excited to be working my first shift under Ty’s lead. Tonight, was going to be a good night.

  “Are you sure you will be ok?” Alex said to me.

  Tonight, he was dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a white top where his hair was pulled back in a low man bun. Not a look anyone should wear but he wore it well. “Yes, I’ve told you I will be fine. In all honesty I’m really looking forward to working again. I know your worried I won’t be able to handle how rough it can get. But I promise you I will be fine. Plus, I get to earn my own money” Alex let out a big sigh from my words.

  “I get it, I really do Belle. You want independence and to find a job you can hold down. But I’m just scared about this sudden interest Dante has taken in you as well as your midnight walks starting again” I felt my muscle tighten when he brough up my midnight walks. I mean sure, I had no control over them but at least this time I managed to wake up in a familiar place. But he was wrong about the whole Dante has taken an interested in me. We only ever spoke or talked that night. Not that we had a chance to see each other. But somehow, I knew I won’t see his soft side the next time we meet.

  “I know and I love you for how much you care. I really do but if I can’t manage this job. Then what else will I be able to do?” My pleading eyes came out as I really wanted to work. Most people would enjoy sponging off others wealth. However, that wasn't who I was. I enjoyed making my own money as it gave me a sense of power over my own life.

  “I don’t mind you living off me sweetheart”

  “I know you don’t, but I can’t keep sponging off you, it’s not fair. I’m not learning how to walk on my own two feet. Instead I have to keep relying on you and that’s not healthy for either of us” I don’t want to hurt his feeling, but I need him to understand where I am coming from.

  “Ok” He said. For a second, I though he was going to argue with me again, but he shocked me with how accepting he was.

  “Thank you, Alex,” I said giving him a big hug, one that I put all my feelings into.

  “Come on let me drive you” I was more then happy to accept his offer as it meant I didn’t need to travel on the tube.

  The night was cold, but it was clear from any clouds insight which was a good thing as I didn’t need to bring a big jacket. Instead I brough a small jacket with me where I kept it zipped up to avoid the chill. It didn’t matter what jacket I wore as the inside was going to be warm.

  I wasn’t sure what tonight was going to be like as Ty said he was going to show me the ropes for the VIP floor. He didn’t want me downstairs as he couldn’t keep an eye on me, but I wasn’t complaining. I really enjoyed his company and was looking forward to spending the night with him.

  Alex dropped me outside the door where the same door men from before greeted me and let me in without any problems. After Dex saw me dressed in my pjs he didn’t say anything about that night. Instead he asked where his jacket was as it held his security bag and number. I explained that Ty had it and would give it to him. He seemed to be ok with that. So, image my surprise when he greeted me with a smile and a wink. My mouth must have dropped open as they both laughed at me before I went through the door.

  Heading in, I made my way up the stairs towards my floor. At the moment there wasn’t many people around which was perfect as it made it easier for me to move around.

  Taking two steps at a time I went passed the next guard without any issues as Ty had told them to expect me. It was thoughtful of him to think of everything to make my first shift easy.

  As I got closer to the bar, I couldn’t see Ty anywhere but there was a bar man already behind the bar. He was dressed in a red top with the clubs’ name in black writing. He was of average high being slightly taller than me. But what was shocking about his appearance was that he looked no older that a teenager with a baby face and blue eyes. Not as stunning as Alex’s but they were more pale blue then dark. His face had softened where he saw me approaching, either it was my nervous he noticed or knew I was a tab bit overwhelmed

  Taking my time, I took in the bar which was m
ade from black marble that had crystal iron work entwined within the design. The crystal was made to look like more inscribed writing were someone had taken the time to do it. It was a flawlessly designed where the inscription was coloured red.

  At the back of the bar the theme had stopped but instead metal shelves held a variety of different drinks, most of them I recognised from my previous job while some of them looked custom made for the variety of beings that would come here.

  I even read one shelf that held a variety of different chemistry type bottles where a dark liquid was inside, no doubt this was for the vampire clientele as they could drink normal beer and beverages. However, they found that if the drink contained a mixture of blood and alcohol then it was more potent for them. The reason to this was because the alcohol would enter their bloodstream quick and would take longer to wear off.


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