Bound and Unbroken

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Bound and Unbroken Page 22

by Skye Callahan

  Eric laid his hand over hers as she twisted her fingers together. “Let’s start with the last one. Are you having second thoughts?”

  “No, I just want to get it over with so I can stop thinking about it.”

  “Over with? Come here,” he finally pulled her into his lap and she rested her cheek against his shoulder. “It’s going to take time.”

  Her chest twisted into knots at his words—it didn’t help that she knew he was right. He twisted her around to kiss her head. “I promise, you’re going to be fine. No one is going to let you starve to death or live in a cardboard box. And you and I are going to work through everything else together.”

  “I don’t want to just let people take care of me.” She straightened her back until she was slightly above eye-level with Eric. “What if I can’t find another job?”

  “Then, you’ll figure something out. Just like I’m trying to do right now,” he said, nodding to his laptop. “You can sit around as long as you want thinking your way through the possible scenarios—it’s a waste of time that could be spent doing things that matter.”

  “Point taken, but logic doesn’t always stop my mind from racing.”

  Eric lifted her to her feet, then nodded to the floor in front of him. “On your knees.”

  Lena swallowed and dropped to her knees, keeping her eyes on the floor in front of her. He pushed her knees apart, then lifted her chin.

  “Give me your wrists.”

  When she did, he smirked and pulled two leather cuffs from between the couch cushions, and placed one around each wrist.

  “Now what did you call me at breakfast?”

  “Master Rusty,” she whispered. “But it’s not—” Stop before you get into more trouble. She snapped her mouth shut.

  Eric raised his eyebrows. “Finish the sentence.”

  “You still call me Loner,” she forced out.

  “And you think Master Rusty is an appropriate name for me?”

  She shook her head. “I’m sorry, Sir.”

  Eric patted the top of her head, then drew his fingers through her hair. “I have some things to finish. Get comfortable.”

  That’s it? Lena opened her mouth, but he sat back and turned his attention back to his laptop. So she bit her lip and stayed on the floor at his feet. How is this supposed to fix anything? After a few minutes of glaring at him through the back of his laptop, she shifted to restore blood flow to her toes, and laid her head against his thigh—hoping that wasn’t cause for another scolding, but he simply caressed the top of her head.

  Once she got comfortable, she stopped paying attention to the passing of time. There was just Eric, his fingers in her hair, and his warm, strong body above her. Her own body relaxed, and her mind cleared as if she’d entered a meditative state. Eventually, Eric patted her head again and she looked up.

  “How do you feel?”

  “Content,” she answered honestly.

  “Are you still ready to work on your triggers?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Eric led her to the center of his bedroom, but all she could only concentrate on the thrum of her heart in her chest and the feeling that her throat was suddenly too small to swallow properly. Every step sent a twinge of tension through her nerves until she stopped in front of him. He lifted her chin, and brushed a kiss to her lips. Strikingly delicate compared to their other encounters.

  This is about to get bad.

  “Take off your clothes and get down on your knees.”

  She tried not to hesitate—she had just asked for this, after all—but even as she screamed at her body to move, it acted as if it was stuck in sludge.

  “Tell me something you’re afraid for me to know.”

  “I’m actually supposed to come up with something else?”

  Eric didn’t respond.

  “I’ll tell you anything. There isn’t anything I’m afraid of saying.” She took a deep breath, but her shaking muscles were already beyond control. “I trust you.”

  “And if I push you?”

  “I’ll go as far as I can.” Her shoulders dropped as she gave up control, allowing Eric to gingerly lift her chin.

  “I don’t want you to think about your answers. Do you think I’ll hurt you?”


  “What are you afraid of?”

  “Freaking out and not being able to control my reactions.” Giving him control meant taking down all of her defenses—she’d grown used to his gaze roaming over her naked skin, but now she had to kneel while he explored her soul. Right down to her darkest fears that eclipsed rational thought.

  “We’ll go slow,” he promised, touching her chin lightly. “Don’t move.”

  She heard him walking behind her, and, as far as she could tell, laying out whatever he was going to need. He knelt near her.

  “Put your hands behind you.” He fastened a short chain between her wrist cuffs. “How are you doing?”

  “Okay… Sir.”

  He ran a finger up her back making her shake with a chill. “I’m going to blindfold you.”

  She gave a tense nod, and his hands moved over her head, tightening a soft black blindfold over her eyes.

  “Eric.” She jumped.

  He put his hands on her shoulders and squeezed. Tears burned at the back of her eyelids even though she had no idea why. And the unknowing made her tremble even more.

  “Tell me your safeword.”

  A laugh squeaked out of her chest at the thought. And she half wondered if that’s why he continued to use it. “Driver.”

  She stopped shaking and almost felt relaxed.

  “Good girl.” He stayed behind her, but she felt him change his position, leaning in to kiss her neck. He nudged at her ear, tracing his fingers down her arms as he kissed and nibbled at her neck until her upper body had tightened with goose bumps.

  “I’m going to go slow, but if you need a break, just tell me.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  His hand closed around her neck and she jumped, tugging at her restrained arms.

  “Easy, Sweetie,” he whispered, his breath touching her ear. “Can you breathe?”

  “Yes.” Mostly anyway. Although the trouble was coming more from her own nerves than the hand touching her neck. One finger traced down her spine. Lips on her shoulder. Then, a hand captured her breast, rolling her nipple between two fingers.

  She had no way of knowing where his lips or hands would go next, but her rush of thoughts slowed, hands unclenched and she focused purely on the pleasurable sensations rather than the hand at her throat.

  “Up on your knees,” he said tugging her upright. Then he tilted her head back, kissed her lips and reached one hand down between her legs. Barely touching, just enough to tease. She wanted to press against his hand.

  “Don’t move.” His touch disappeared, throwing off her equilibrium slightly. She heard footsteps, then a zipper and material rustling.

  He walked closer again, standing next to her, fingers curled around her neck again, but this time she didn’t give a response—maybe because she expected it, or because his touch was still gentle if not demanding.

  “I’m going to collar you. It won’t be tight, but use your safeword if it’s too much.”

  “Yes, Sir.” She wasn’t about to hesitate in taking what she’d asked of him, but between her arousal and nerves, her words waivered.

  His hands, however, didn’t. His warm hand disappeared, and was replaced by soft lined leather. It tightened around all sides, giving her a twinge of panic, but then, he slid two fingers between her neck and the fabric, and slid them around confirming her safety. The collar was stiffer than any turtleneck she’d ever tried, that was certain, but it wasn’t very wide, possibly less than an inch—it was hard to tell for certain from her currently dark world.

  His touch disappeared. She could still feel him right next to her, but there was nothing.

  “Easy,” his mouth could have only been inches away. Fingers brushed the
hair off her forehead. “I like looking.”

  With the backs of his knuckles, he traced her collarbone then slid down her chest, between her breasts.

  “You still with me?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  His hand sank lower, resting on her mound. Hot breath caressed her earlobe, and when his mouth closed on her earlobe and sucked, her hips jerked forward at the shock and he slid one finger inside her. As his hand trailed down her back, and stopped on her still-tender buttocks, her quiet moan became an open-mouthed cry.

  A second finger entered her, while he circled her clit with his thumb. His other hand still massaging the abused skin of her ass and working its way down to the top of each thigh in turn.

  Her back arched and when her head rocked back, Eric kissed the front of her neck preventing her from lowering her chin, and trapping her in that position. He moved back, kissed her chin, and she dropped her head until their lips met.

  A hand moved to the back of her neck, cradling her head as his tongue greedily took whatever it pleased and until her head felt like a pink fluffy blanket had replaced her brain matter. As the warm sensations spread through her body, he pulled away again, and she let out a mewl of disappointment.

  She heard him move to stand in front of her, then a single finger lifted her chin.

  “Open your mouth.”

  She clenched her jaw and shook her head slightly.

  “Don’t shut down, talk to me.”

  “No. I mean yellow. Please.”

  When he lifted the blindfold off, they were nearly eye-to-eye, and he was still fully clothed—erection confined within his jeans in a way she couldn’t imagine to be comfortable as he squatted in front of her. “You’re still dressed.”

  “You expected differently?”

  “I—” Her eyes flew to the black bag sitting on the bed. The zippers and noise of rustling material must’ve come from there. “I guess…. Yes.”

  Resting his forearms on his knees, he tilted his head and studied her. “And you expected that I’d shove my cock in your mouth without warning you first? I do have a sense of self-preservation if nothing else, Sweetie.” He winked.

  “Well, when you put it that way….”

  “Do you want to continue?”

  “Can you leave off the blindfold?”

  “Imagination running a little too wild?” He brought the material of the black blindfold down, lightly touching her shoulder, then breast, stomach, and down her leg, before laying it aside. Shifting forward, he rested on his knees. “Now, open your mouth.”

  When she did, he slid a finger in her mouth. Without thinking, she pushed her tongue up, trapping it against the roof of her mouth.

  “Easy. I’m not going to gag you.” Even though his reprimand was gentle, it stung with the reminder that he wasn’t going to hurt her. She’d told him that she trusted him that far, and yet her body kept working against that resolution.

  When her body finally began to relax, he pulled her hips forward until his erection pressed at her stomach. Her mouth fought against his finger again, as she tried to swallow, but he gave her a second longer to make peace with her body and reflexes.

  She rubbed her tongue against the padded underside of his finger, tasting the remnants of her own juices. He pulled it out slightly, and she sucked at the tip.

  He moaned into her neck, still holding her lower body against him, while his mouth explored her shoulder, and she sucked a little harder, drawing his finger back in and sliding her tongue across it. Despite her efforts to keep his finger there, he pulled it away, and slid it back inside her waiting pussy.

  He then unhooked her wrists, letting her hands fall to her sides.

  “Don’t look so disappointed. We’re not done yet.” He stood over her removing his shirt and pants. Her gaze raked over him, taking in every line and contour as if she’d never seen him naked before. But as his fingers wrapped around his shaft, there was only one thing she was interested in seeing. She licked her lips, almost feeling like her mouth had started watering—what the hell was her body doing now?

  “Well, now, if I didn’t know better….”

  “I said I’d try.”

  “I don’t want to push you there. It’s a lot different than one finger.”

  “And if I get freaked out, you’ll stop.”

  “You’re an impressive little Loner sometimes.” She smiled, feeling the warmth of his words and his appreciative gaze as it fell over her body.


  She saw him take a breath, then reach into his bag and pull out a yellow ball.

  “You can’t use your safeword with something in your mouth.” He smiled and squeezed the ball until it squeaked. Then he handed it to her. “If you feel panicked squeeze the ball.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He stood in front of her, with his fingers laced through her hair. She felt her heart stumble, her chest stuttered trying to take in a breath.

  “Whatever you do, please don’t bite me.”

  It was a serious warning, but for some reason it struck her as hilarious. “So, in other words, you’re trusting me as much as I’m trusting you?”

  “More. Although it is about time we put that mouth of yours to better use than smarting off. Take me in your mouth, Loner.”

  She’d expected at least another second to regain her composure, but didn’t hesitate at the order. She moved her mouth over his hot, stiff shaft, just a little at a time, trying not to risk gagging herself and biting down. Running her tongue over the underside, she felt thick veins just beneath the surface. Then she flicked her tongue over the head, his salty taste filling her mouth as he grunted his satisfaction.

  Exactly what part of this had she been terrified of?

  She glanced up at him, not really certain to proceed.

  “Suck it a little, move it in and out.” He said, growling as she followed his instructions. His grasp on her hair tightened, and she could hear him breathing heavier.

  “Use your hand.”

  She wrapped her hand around the base of his penis, squeezing a little. She noticed his body tense, and flicked her tongue over his head again. He moaned and his muscles twitched. But the most surprising effect was that Lena felt herself getting turned on even more. With every lick, her clit throbbed and she wanted to squeeze her legs together.

  Eric tugged her hair back. “Stand up.”

  She glanced up, and reluctantly let his cock slide out of her mouth and stood. He lifted her, so that her legs straddled his hips, and carried her to the side of the bed, laying her back and leaving her legs to dangle off the edge.

  His mouth went immediately to her clit, sucking it and flicking it with his tongue—similar to what she’d just been doing to him. Her hips thrust forward, she was ready to get off, but he pulled away. Reaching across the bed to pull a condom from the side of his bag, he ripped off the wrapper and rolled it up his engorged cock and nestled it against her entrance. She eagerly pushed against him, but he paused leaning over her to kiss her stomach.

  “You’re beautiful, Lena. Sexy and brave.”

  “For you, Master.”

  The heat burned in his eyes as he filled her, and with that stroke she took him to the hilt. And then, he sat there, not pulling out, just staring down at her with a smile. He reached into the bag again, pulling out another chain, like the one dangling from her wrist cuff, and two more straps. “Knees up.”

  She lifted her ankles onto the bed raising her knees so he could reach them. Every movement made her strangely aware of his cock still seated deep inside her. One good thrust and she’d be gone.

  He fastened a strap just above each of her knees, then slowly slid out of her. “On your hands and knees, Loner. Then, move to the middle of the bed.”

  As she moved into position, he sat on his knees behind her. Then, he pulled her right wrist back and fastened it to the thigh strap. He pushed her shoulders to the bed, restraining her other arm in a similar fashion.

in the air, Lena felt a sour twinge of familiarity, and she guessed the situation wouldn’t be lost on him. She just hoped he wasn’t going to spend the next fifteen minutes trying to question her again—not while she was already ready to burst.

  He caressed her cheek, brushing his hands through her hair to pull it away from her face. “Still with me, Loner?”

  With a kiss to the small of her back, he sat on his haunches behind her. Once again, she couldn’t see anything he was doing.

  A drop of lube fell on her ass causing her to jump. She expected another plug, but he slowly slid a lubed finger inside her. He pumped her slowly a couple of times then pressed another finger to the rim. She wiggled a little, then let them slide in. Moaning at the new sensations.

  “I was just going to play with your ass for a while, but you seem to be enjoying this an awful lot. What if I keep going?” He added another finger, and with it a stretching burn, which he countered by pinching and rubbing her clit with his other hand.

  Was it wrong that she wanted more? If he could push her over the edge—which, she trusted he could do in almost any position—she didn’t care how he did it.

  “You didn’t answer me.” His hand left her clit and smacked her but cheek.

  “I’ll take it.”

  “Have you tried anal?”

  She murmured a yes, the fuzzy blanket of arousal nearly made her forget how to speak. “Didn’t feel quite this good.”

  “Well then.” He returned his attention back to her clit, then withdrew his fingers. Seconds later, his shaft pressed at her entrance, and she pushed back.

  It was bigger, and the burning stretch returned, but he slowly worked it inside until she’d taken all of him. Her body shuddered and she pressed her face into the bed trying to convince it to relax again.

  He waited, gently rubbing her sides until she was ready. Then, he slid out and pumped into her, slowly at first, and then picking up speed until she felt like her lower half was being overtaken by an electric storm.

  She screamed into the mattress as he teased her clit. Surrounded by the sounds of their grunts and gasps her body coiled. So close to release. Just a bit farther. Fingers squeezed her clit and her body burst into a wave of shudders. Behind her, Eric pumped harder, until he quaked with his own orgasm.


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