MC ROMANCE: Wanted by the Alpha Biker (Motorcycle Club Alpha Male Bad Boy Romance) (MC Romantic Suspense Contemporary New Adult Short Stories)

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MC ROMANCE: Wanted by the Alpha Biker (Motorcycle Club Alpha Male Bad Boy Romance) (MC Romantic Suspense Contemporary New Adult Short Stories) Page 125

by Alix Labelle

  “You don’t really like it here do you?” he asked, making her jump. A guilty blush crawled up her face – it was as if he could read her mind – and she turned to him.

  “I love the place,” she said, “but it’s the kind of place people like me never go, and it’s all so new to me.” Raine tried to explain how she felt. “It’s the same kind of thing I felt when I moved to Chicago,” she added. Antony took her hand again. “It is great but also a little...daunting.”

  He pursed his lips and tilted his head. “So you’re nervous about...?” He let the question trail off.

  “Messing up, looking stupid and making a fool of myself by doing or saying the wrong thing.”

  He nodded, at least pretending to understand. “You could never look stupid,” he told her, “and I promise not to let you make a fool of yourself. Would you prefer to go somewhere else?”

  Raine was shocked. The amount of time, planning and money he had spent just to come there must have been astronomical, and he would drop it all down the toilet if she wanted to go?

  “Antony! No, I don’t want to go anywhere else.” She thought for a second. “Do you?”

  “As long as you are there, it is where I want to be.” He threw this out as if it was nothing, as if they hadn’t met less than twelve hours ago.

  He’s mad! Batshit crazy if he thinks I’m anything special.

  That thought stung.

  “Aha! Food.” Antony announced. Waiting staff appeared, apparently from nowhere, with covered plates, setting them down in front of Raine and Antony.

  At least I’ll find out what he ordered me.

  Raine could do nothing but stare at the feast he had ordered her when the waiter took the cover away. Rather than the tiny morsel of French cuisine she expected to find, sitting on her plate was a large steak, oozing juice and surrounded by bright yellow, thick cut fries. Raine was speechless.

  He could have bought me this about ten miles outside of town! There was no need to fly us halfway across the state, to get steak.

  “I know what you are thinking,” Antony said.

  “I really don’t think you do.” She retorted, and he laughed.

  “You think I am some kind of madman to bring you all the way across Texas just to get a steak.” Making a face, Raine nodded. “And I would be.” He grinned, “But this is the best steak money can buy.” Raine had started to feel a little unwell, and he noticed immediately. “Do not worry, Raine, the jet was scheduled to come here anyway. I just took advantage of an opportunity to show you a good evening.” He shrugged and cut at his own steak.

  Alright you can breathe a bit now. He’s not as crazy as you first thought. Just taking advantage of the jet...

  “If the jet was coming here,” she asked him, “will it be going back?” He made a face that she had trouble interpreting.

  “About that, ah, how do you feel about hitchhiking?”

  “You actually think you’re funny don’t you?” she asked with a smile.

  “Eat your steak,” Antony ordered her, gesturing with his own knife. Raine did as she was told and the pair ate in companionable silence.

  Sipping the coffee he had ordered, Raine was quietly satisfied with the evening so far. The steak had been good, there was no doubt about that, and his company was exquisite.

  “Thank you for this evening,” she said again. He smiled at her, and her stomach flipped.

  Jesus, I only just met him today, but my body’s ready to let him have his way with me!

  “Are we going back to Crutch Junction soon?” Raine asked, half hoping the answer would be a firm ‘no.’

  “The jet will not be leaving until tomorrow morning,” Antony told her. “There are rooms in this hotel we can use.”

  “And when were you going to let me know all this?” she demanded, getting cross when he just shrugged in reply. “What about my mom? She needs me there to make sure she’s okay?”

  “Your mother is being taken care of,” he said flatly. Raine went cold as visions of someone creeping into her house flashed through her mind.

  “What have you done?” she demanded in a dark voice. Antony looked at her with some concern.

  “Oh, Rainey, nothing like that!” he said with a laugh. “I mean I sent someone round to be with her while you were with me.” He took her hand and kissed her knuckles, “Who do you think I am?”

  “I’m beginning to wonder,” Raine said sarcastically, “You’ve basically kidnapped me, flown me halfway across the country and then got strangers to look after my mom.”

  “Call her and see if she is okay,” Antony suggested gently. Raine opened her purse and dug her phone out, giving him a raised eyebrow. Antony sat back and nodded at her with a smug grin on his face.

  “Hello?” Her mother’s voice sounded odd. “Who’s this?”

  “It’s me, mom. How are things there?”

  “Oh we’re having a great time here, honey,” Her mother chuckled. “Susie got all the old board games out, and we’ve been playing poker for the last half hour.”

  Raine heard someone shout in the background. “Your mom’s a cheat!” Her mother laughed harder than Raine had heard in years.

  “I’ve got to go, baby, you have fun now.” And with that, her mother hung up. Her eyes fell on Antony, who just raised his own eyebrows in response.

  “Couldn’t you just have told me?”

  “Where’s the fun in that?”

  “Fun!” she cried. “Making me worry like that is fun?”

  “All right, All right. I’m sorry. I should have told you,” he admitted. “But admit it, you’ve been having fun.” Raine sat back in her chair and offered him a skeptical look.

  “Maybe a little.”

  “Do you want to see your room?”

  “Is this where you get me upstairs alone and try to have your wicked way?”

  “Did someone tell you?” He joked, looking around as if to see who had ratted him out. Raine giggled. “It’s all very above board,” he explained. “The company keeps a suite of rooms here, so there’s plenty of privacy.” Raine was surprised at the stab of disappointment she felt when he told her this.

  Antony escorted her to the bank of elevators, producing a key when they were inside and inserting it to gain access to the very top floor. Raine’s nerves jangled as they rose quickly. The small space and close proximity to Antony gave her a heady mix she felt in every fiber of her being. The doors opened onto a pristine sitting room, which had several sofas and a fairly large dining table.

  “Come,” Antony said with a smile. He led her into the luxury of the room. Raine turned in a small circle, trying to take everything in. He poured himself a measure of whiskey and offered her one, which she accepted, sipping the liquid fire down. Warmth spread through her.

  “Let me show you your room,” he said. Raine dutifully followed him to a double room with a massive bed. A picture window offered views over Houston, and she looked out over the twinkling lights of the city. Something caught her eye, and her focus shifted to catch Antony’s reflection as he blatantly ran his eyes over her. His gaze was so intense that it was as if Raine could feel it as it traveled from her calves, dragged over her thighs and hovered on her butt. His molten stare followed the contours of her body in the figure hugging dress, while she watched him. As his eyes reached hers, a lascivious smile spread over his features.

  He knows I’m watching him look at me.

  Raine was breathing fast when she turned round, her breasts heaving as she stared into Antony’s green eyes.

  “I should go,” he said in a voice dripping with sexual charge.

  “I don’t fucking think so!” she replied, shocking them both. Within the space of two heartbeats, Raine had stepped down out of her shoes, dropped her glass on a table and grabbed Antony by the lapels. “You want me? You got me!” she said and reached up to grab his head.

  Their lips met in a wet wrestle, almost battling for supremacy. Raine moaned as she felt him suck on her lo
wer lip, followed by the top one. His tongue flicked across her lips, demanding admittance. She allowed him through. Raine’s hot mouth opened, allowing Antony to penetrate her with his tongue. His hands pulled her against him, and she moaned again when she felt his iron hard body against her. His tongue filled her mouth, lapping against her own as she fisted her hands in his hair and pulled him to her as if the world were going to end.

  Raine broke the kiss, panting and red-faced, and searched his features. They were an inch apart, and he kept sucking at her mouth. Blood coursed through her veins, and her heart beat like never before.

  “I wanted you…” Antony declared with a kiss, “as soon as…” he kissed her again, “I saw you this morning.” His mouth covered hers again, and she thrust her tongue in his mouth this time. Her hands ran down his shoulders and dragged at his jacket, which came off easily. Antony cast it aside, while he sucked her tongue.

  “You should have said so,” Raine told him. “I wanted you then too.” The heat built between them with their admissions, and Raine started undoing the buttons on his shirt until he ripped it off himself, sending the buttons flying across the room. Her hands roamed over the flat, hard planes of his chest, grabbing his ribs and scratching her nails down his sinewy back. Their mouths were still locked to each other as Antony drew the zipper on her dress slowly down. His strong fingers delved inside, finding the skin he had wanted to touch all day.

  “I have had a hard time keeping my hands off you since you boarded the plane earlier.” Antony told her as he dragged kisses along her jawline, up to her ear. Raine was starting to lose herself. Tingles flowed across her skin, starting wherever he touched and darting down to the deepest part of her abdomen.

  Antony kissed his way down her neck, nuzzling her collarbone, which made her gasp, before making his way back up the other side of her neck. He sucked little bits of her soft skin in between his lips and nipped at them, making Raine moan. When he reached her face again, his tongue entered her mouth once more. His hands managed to slide the top half of her dress down and now roved freely over her naked skin, exploring her curves and squeezing gently at various areas.

  “Antony,” she breathed.

  “Oui, mon cher?” he said, slipping into French. She smiled.

  “I want you,” she panted. “Badly.” Antony trailed his tongue down her throat and kissed his way to her cleavage, kneading her heavy breasts through her bra. Raine tossed her head back and cried out at his touch. He reached round and undid the clasp, freeing her from the confines of her bra.

  “Yes, baby,” she moaned as he kissed each breast in turn, supporting and kneading the heavy orb,s while she scratched his arms. “That feels so good.” Electric shocks pulsed from her nipples when he kissed his way around her areolas, lapping at her stiff nipples with the blade of his tongue. Bringing her body to new heights of pleasure.

  Her belly throbbed hard with her heartbeat as Antony teased her breasts, working his way round the outside of her nipples which ached to be touched. When he finally took her right nipple into his mouth, sucking gently as he pulled his head back, she almost came.

  “Holy shit! How did you do that?” Antony just gave her his grin and stood back up.

  “Strip,” he ordered, and another flush of heat washed through her. She stepped away from him and let the rest of her dress fall to the floor, kicking it away and turning her back on him. She had chosen a small pair of black, lace panties, which disappeared in the deep valley between her ass cheeks. Wantonly, Raine slid her thumbs down the sides of her panties and slowly slid them down her butt and over her thighs. Glancing back, she saw Antony was glued to the show she was giving him, his eyes riveted to the apex of her thighs as she slid her panties off completely.

  By the time she had turned back around, Antony had stripped his lower half off as well and stood before her in his naked glory. His penis twitched almost every time his eyes took in another piece of her.

  “You are beautiful,” he told her. She crooked a finger at him, and they moved to the bed, laying facing each other. She leaned in and sucked at his lips before making her way down his neck and further down his body. She rolled him onto his back and licked at his nipples, while her hand roved across his taut abdomen. His breathing was becoming ragged as she worked her way further down, circling his cock with one hand.

  “” Her head came up from where she had been kissing the deep valleys between his abdominal muscles, and she watched his face as her hand ran up and down the length of his burning cock. His eyes became unfocussed as she rubbed her hand up and down, and when he finally closed them, she took the head of his penis into her mouth, sucking as she bobbed her head.

  Antony moaned deep and long as she worked her magic on him, licking and sucking the velvety head as he tried not to grind his hips.

  “Raine, stop...I’m going to...Raine! Ahh...”

  I never do this! I never do this! What the hell am I doing?

  Antony came, hard, his hips bucking against her face as she sucked down every last drop of the hot semen which exploded from him. When he had finished, he looked at her with something like reverence in his eyes. He pulled her to him and kissed her deeply, tasting himself in her mouth.

  “That was fucking awesome,” he told her, “I can’t believe how good that felt.” Raine lay back, her breasts rolling up to lie in big circles on her chest. Antony took her hand and kissed the knuckles, as he had done a few times that day. Unlike the other times, however, he carried on kissing his way up, past her shoulder and to her neck. His hand caressed her belly, feeling the firm roundness of it beneath his fingers. He kissed her nipples, taking each one into his mouth and making her moan.

  Antony changed positions, kneeling between her legs as he planted kisses all over her belly and sides, kissing her hips and the tops of her thighs. Raine moaned and panted, writhing as he worked his way teasingly towards her burning center. He lifted her legs and opened her to him, looking down at her soaking pussy hungrily.

  Antony locked his eyes on hers as he kissed the inside of her right knee and worked his way down. She felt his warm mouth on her most intimate area and cried out when his tongue grazed across the top of her ultra-sensitive clit. Antony lapped at her clit with long, slow strokes of his tongue, sending waves of pleasure up through her whole body. Raine could feel her thighs start to shake as the power of the orgasm she was about to have smashed through her. She scratched his head and sat up, her eyes wide as she came with a loud cry.

  “Holy shit!” she squeaked, “I’ve never come as hard as that in my life.”

  “Then wait until you try this,” he told her. Andrew raised one of her legs over his shoulder and ran his fingers down the inner thigh of her other leg.

  “What are you going to...?” She trailed off with a deep groan of sheer pleasure as his fingers dipped inside her pussy, and he hooked them up, pressing on her G-spot. That moan turned into a series of squeaks as Antony rubbed his fingers over her soft insides, slamming them up against her G-spot faster and faster as she thrashed on the bed.

  She grabbed handfuls of the sheets in her fists, the pleasure almost becoming pain as his fingers worked inside her. She could feel the intensity of another orgasm building inside her, completely different this time, but no less intense.

  “Oh God, oh God, ohGodohGodohGod...!” Raine’s body lifted from the bed as she came. Liquid shot from her pussy to soak her leg and the bed – and Antony – as she came.

  “Yes, baby, come for me,” Antony said, but his words were lost to her as she floated on a sea of utter delight. Jolts shook her body, sending ripples through her ample flesh.

  When she managed to open her eyes, Raine looked into the most beautiful pair of green eyes she had ever seen.

  “Antony,” she said in a sleepy voice, “Can we do that again?”

  He chuckled and pulled her to him. “Maybe tomorrow, mon amour.”


  Billionaire Seduction: Temptation

  A Billionaire Romance


  Raine woke in a strange bed, the disorientation making her frightened for a second until she recalled the private jet, expensive dinner and incredible sex she had had the night before. After meeting Antony DuBesne in the gym of a hotel – she had actually gatecrashed the gym, much to the anger of the receptionist there – and discovered he had reserved the entire hotel. Even in the small town of Crutch Junction that kind of thing was unheard of.

  Raine looked about the Houston hotel room she had spent the night in search of the man she had slept with.

  But did he actually sleep with you Rainey? Therein lies the rub.

  “Antony?” She called. No response came, so she decided it was safe to get up. Crossing the palatial room was nerve wracking. Raine had the feeling a group of men was about to burst in and watch her with their mouths gaping open as she wobbled to the bathroom. This room was well-appointed too, with a very inviting bathtub she wanted to relax and sooth her aching muscles in. A crimson flush crept up her neck and face as she remembered what she had done to make her muscles ache so much. Antony might be a tease, keep secrets and have a pitifully bad sense of humor, but he was gifted as a lover. Raine turned on the shower, recalling the moment she ejaculated last night and something deep in her abdomen pulled.

  Antony, Antony, Antony. Where did you learn to do that? And are you likely to do it again?

  Warm water flowed over her curves, caressing her big, natural breasts before sliding over her round belly and finally coursing down her ample thighs and butt. Not the fattest girl in the U.S., Raine was certainly no size zero and was perfectly happy to be bigger.

  Embarrassment hit her again when she realized she only had the clothes she had worn on their date last night, and not aware of the protocol in situations like this – she had never slept with a man on the first date before – she couldn’t be sure what people might think of her.


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