Death Checks Inn (Aspen Valley Inn 1)

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Death Checks Inn (Aspen Valley Inn 1) Page 4

by Robbins, Sara

  She looked closer, same medium height girl, same glossy brown hair with just the hint of red highlights peeking through. Same clear green eyes looking back at her. She was not thin; in fact, she was quite curvy. She accepted this and enjoyed dessert without guilt. Her face was a bit pale, making the dusting of freckles dancing across her nose more noticeable than usual. She looked a little tired but nothing she saw on the outside gave a hint of the turmoil she was feeling inside. How can that be, she wondered.

  She had found a murder victim and thought she was falling for the officer who was investigating the crime. She saw a secretive smile tilt the corners of mouth. He was something special. She felt a definite tingle up her spine when she remembered the way he had said he hadn’t had a reason to remove his wedding ring, until now.

  She shook herself and firmly said out loud, “Come on, get going, you are not in high school, Lacey!”

  She hurried downstairs. As she moved around the giant kitchen, she hummed softly to herself.

  Fortunately, while waiting for the Inn to be ready she had stored a few emergency meal items in the restaurant quality refrigerator. She removed a dozen blueberry oatmeal muffins and some steel cut oats she had cooked until they were creamy and delicious. She set these in the microwave to thaw slowly. She got out several small earthenware bowls. She chopped up some dates and strawberries. Then she added raw brown sugar and raisins to the others.

  The microwave signaled the thaw cycle was complete. She placed the muffins in a pretty basket with a warming stone underneath. She carried these to the dining room. She set one table up with a chafing dish of hot oatmeal surrounded by the add-ins and then placed some fresh butter next to the now warm muffins. Everything looked good, she thought.

  Charlotte came in the front door and joined her in the dining room. As she surveyed the mouth-watering spread, she nodded her approval and wordlessly began setting up another table so the guests could put their plates together and then sit by the window to eat.

  Charlotte turned from her task and looked hard at Lacey. “Okay girl, you need to tell me what happened. You look like a cat that got a dish of cream,” she said curiously.

  Lacey tried to brush off her scrutiny to no avail. Charlotte knew her sister and wasn’t about to drop the subject.

  Lacey recognized the stubborn glint in her sister’s eye.

  “Okay, okay, Wyatt kissed me last night,” she practically giggled.

  Charlotte looked stunned, “Oh hell no, my sister is not a home wrecker!”

  For a moment, Lacey wasn’t sure what the woman was talking about. As comprehension dawned, she quickly corrected her sister’s belief that Wyatt was a married man.

  “Are you sure?” she asked suspiciously, “He wouldn’t be the first man to tell a woman that.”

  Lacey didn’t tell her everything that had transpired between them last night but enough that she understood he had said his wife was deceased. Charlotte narrowed her eyes and Lacey knew that she would research and verify this before she would relax her protectiveness.

  Lacey could understand and appreciate this, having felt the same way about protecting Charlotte a few years ago.

  Charlotte had married her high school sweetheart right after graduation. Everything had been great until they lost a child five years ago. While a tragedy like that can draw some couples closer, that was not the case for her sister. They seemed unable to love each other through the crisis.

  One of the hardest things Lacey had ever been through was watching her sister face the pain of that loss. Charlotte had even lost herself for a while. Charlotte would never quite be the same but Lacey had supported and loved her through it. There would always be a hint of sadness around Charlotte’s eyes but that was just proof of how much she had loved both her husband and the sweet daughter they had lost.

  Lacey had vowed during that horrible time that she would always be there for Charlotte and because of that bond, she was not irritated that Charlotte was protective.

  Sister’s love was one of the most powerful of family love. Lacey knew that they both only wanted the other to be happy.

  This made Lacey think about her feelings. She felt more excited about life than she had in a long while. Was this because death had intruded and made her value life more or because she kissed a man that made her tingle all over. Probably a bit of both, she thought wryly.

  Miranda and John Braverman appeared in the doorway holding hands and sniffing the air appreciatively. Lacey smiled in greeting and gestured to the food table. As they began enthusiastically filling their plates Suzy and Joan also joined the group.

  After everyone was settled, Lacey asked, “Well, how is everyone holding up?”

  As she looked at each person at the table, she got the same reaction, a shrug. She didn’t expect any real answers, after all, what can you say when you have been a witness to a murder.

  The Braverman’s were scheduled to leave day after tomorrow and the college students the day after that.

  Joan cleared her throat and said, “Suzy and I have been talking and we would like to join the search for Ms. Mason. We are experienced hikers and we want to help.”

  Lacey had just answered that she thought that would be great when they were interrupted by Wyatt coming purposefully into the room. Lacey smiled shyly at him but she could see he was all business.

  “That won’t be necessary,” he addressed Joan, “We found her.”

  Chapter 13

  Everyone literally stopped mid bite and looked at him in stunned silence. He seemed to realize how bluntly he had spoken and looked at them with an apologetic glance.

  Lacey stood and asked, “How is she?”

  His eyes softened as they rested on her as if he wanted to touch her but instead he informed them all, “Not good, she’s dead.”

  There was a gasp around the table and Lacey sat back down quickly.

  John Braverman asked what they were all wondering, “How?”

  Wyatt answered simply, “We don’t know, but we will definitely find out. Lacey, can I speak to you privately, please?”

  Wyatt nodded to everyone, laid his hand gently on Lacey’s arm, and led her into the library.

  After closing the door behind them, he grasped her chin and turned her to him.

  “How are you?” he asked gently.

  She couldn’t help it; her heart actually skipped a beat.

  She straightened herself and answered firmly, “I’m fine. Now tell me what happened.”

  “That’s my girl!” he said as he searched her face closely.

  She had to put some distance between them so she could think. For god’s sake, another person had died!

  “She stammered, “Wh.. wh.. Was she murdered too?”

  He shook his head and told her they would not know for several hours.

  Her body had been found amongst the rocks in the area known as the devil’s playground. Whether she had fallen, been pushed or even jumped was something they would not know until the medical examiner completed her work.

  Lacey had seen pictures of the area he spoke of. Very desolate, near the summit of Pike’s Peak and known most famously for the phenomenon of being struck by lightning more often than any other area of the mountainous landscape. She had thought the name whimsical when she first heard it picturing the lightening bouncing around the rocks. Now the picture in her brain took on an ominous shadow. For just a moment, she felt overwhelmed by all that was happening.

  He seemed to sense her despair and quickly crossed the room to take her into his arms. His embrace was strong and protective and yes, loving. She buried her face in his shoulder as he stroked her hair and murmured soft soothing words. She melted into him and just let herself draw from his strength for just a moment.

  He led her over to the couch and sank down into the cushions cradling her in his arms.

  Much as she wanted to just surrender to all of this coddling, she would not be Lacey if she didn’t push herself up straight and look dir
ectly into his eyes. She was no weak female who had to have a man and she wasn’t going to change now.

  “Tell me what you know,” she demanded.

  He straightened his body and did his best to hide the slightly amused smile that crossed his face.

  He told her that Heather’s body was understandably bruised and broken. They had found no evidence of a struggle or the presence of another person. If it was a suicide there had been no note left at the scene.

  He also filled her in on the results of the autopsy of the body found at the bottom of her stairs. The DNA and fingerprints had proved that the victim was indeed Adam Mason.

  The Adam Mason who had been declared dead by the Kansas court system after seven years without a body or any indication that he was alive... The accidental death for which, Heather Mason had collected double on the life insurance. The two deaths had to be connected. Lacey remembered the stricken look on Heather’s face when she realized who the body was. She had seemed truly shocked.

  Lacey voiced her thoughts about this.

  Wyatt nodded and agreed that he too thought she had looked devastated that morning.

  They also spoke about how sad it was that there seemed to literally be no one to even notify of their deaths. Could there not be a single human being who would care that these two lives had passed? They both grew silent as they thought about how unusual this entire scenario had been.

  He broke the silence by saying, “I don’t feel safe leaving you here alone. I want to stay here with you until these deaths are explained. I can’t stand the thought of something happening to you now after I have finally found someone that makes me feel like this.”

  She answered with her usual spunkiness, “Oh yeah? Well mister, you’ll be staying in the remaining guest room if that is what you are insisting on doing. I’m not that easy!”

  They both burst into laughter but he knew she was serious about exactly where he would be sleeping. He was a bit disappointed but then again he had broken the celibacy of his heart only because she was different.

  He found himself thinking even more highly of her; after all, they had only met a day ago. They both felt that they were heading in the direction of intimacy but they would take their time and enjoy the journey. They had guarded their hearts for too long to jump too soon, and too far.

  They kissed almost reverently and reluctantly left the library to surround themselves with distractions to prevent them from acting on the passion that was definitely between the two of them.

  Chapter 14

  Charlotte looked at both of them studiously as they returned to the dining room where everyone lingered talking casually.

  They all turned toward the front door as they heard a simultaneous knock and someone shouting, “Yoo hoo!”

  Lacey hurried to greet the tall red-haired woman who was already standing in the reception hall.

  “Hi,” she stuck out her hand, “I’m Tricia Moore; I work at the Elkville Café. I meant to get here before your grand opening to bring these for your guests.”

  Lacey shook her hand and took the envelope she held out. She opened the packet and discovered several free meal coupons.

  “Why, thank you!” she said, “I know my guests will appreciate these. I’ve heard good things about the menu at the café.”

  Tricia smiled broadly and said “Well thank you. We are always happy to welcome a business that will send patron’s our way.”

  Lacey asked her if she would like the fifty-cent tour. Tricia seemed very interested and her bright eyes darted back and forth trying to take in everything at once.

  Lacey showed her through the Inn, of course, skipping the occupied rooms. Tricia seemed pleased with everything and oohed and ahhed in the appropriate places. Then she said she needed to get back to the café before the lunch rush hit. She waved gaily to everyone and took her leave.

  Wyatt looked after her thoughtfully.

  Lacey intercepted the look and wondered what was behind it. Was there something between them? Tricia looked a bit older than Wyatt did but hey, cougars were very in right now. Lacey dismissed her jealousy and decided she was not going to be “that” girl.

  Charlotte watched the interchange between them closely. Her sister radar was up, was it justified?

  The Braverman’s and Joan and Suzy wandered upstairs to get ready for their planned activities.

  Wyatt received a phone call that demanded his presence at the station.

  The Inn seemed bereft to Lacey as he hurried out to the cruiser.

  Charlotte clucked her tongue, her sister had it bad, and so quickly too.

  Lacey realized that once again, he had left, and she had not asked him all the questions she wanted to about his wife and even his life. Damn…damn, damn,death and murder.

  Chapter 15

  Charlotte and Lacey were silent as they cleaned up the remains of the morning meal.

  Finally, Charlotte spoke, “You’re falling for him aren’t you?”

  Lacey looked at her sister and there was helplessness in her eyes. She had not expected or intended to feel this way.

  She shrugged as if to say, “I can’t help it.”

  Charlotte gave her a sympathetic look and changed the subject. Charlotte asked for an update on the investigation.

  Lacey told her about the latest findings.

  “But how can that be?” Charlotte wondered, “If Adam Mason died so many years ago how could he die again here at the Inn?”

  They discussed the case for several minutes, both of them feeling awful that Heather Mason was also dead.

  Handy Man Dan came in and interrupted their conversation.

  “I need something to do,” he said, “I’m worried about both of you. Do you want me to just stay here in case something else happens?”

  Lacey groaned and said evenly, “That’s so nice of you Dan, but Sheriff Graves will be staying here at the Inn for the time being.”

  Dan narrowed his eyes, he had thought he was the only “big strong man” to help Lacey.

  Lacey asked him if he could check into the cost involved in some sort of security system for the Inn. She hadn’t thought that was a necessary precaution. However, that was before she had been very close to two deaths.

  Dan seemed grateful to have a mission and headed into Colorado Springs to get some ideas and costs. He felt badly that “his” Lacey felt threatened, and he would do everything he could to protect her and her guests. Besides this renovation had been the only steady work he had lined up in over a year. He wanted to stay in her good graces because there was a lot more renovating to be done.

  As Dan took his leave, the sisters talked about what they could do to make this experience better for their guests. They could not take away the fact that death had been here. They decided that they would put together a barbeque in the walled in sanctuary.

  Lacey wanted to make sure that Wyatt and his deputies were invited. Not surprisingly, Charlotte wanted to make sure Cody Westerfield was invited.

  Lacey laughed aloud and said, “Well, let’s invite the entire neighborhood. We don’t want this to look like a romantic rendezvous for us.”

  “Why not?” laughed Charlotte.

  The Braverman’s had been picked up for their day in Manitou and they would not be here for dinner. They would be enjoying a romantic fondue dinner to mark their honeymoon.

  Joan and Suzy would be hiking all day and would not only be back for dinner but would also most likely be starving.

  Charlotte offered to drive into the Springs to get the fresh food items they needed and to stop at the neighbors and a couple of businesses in Elkville to invite them to come by tonight.

  Chapter 17

  For the next few hours, Lacey busied herself with daily chores. She cleaned and straightened the occupied guest rooms, started some laundry and checked the computer for any inquiries from the Inn’s webpage.

  Mid afternoon, Dan returned with the specifications of several security system options for her to look
over. She was on a tight budget but this purchase seemed important, for both herself and her guest’s peace of mind.

  She chose a mid priced system then negotiated with Dan for an installation fee. He left looking pleased with her instructions to get started.

  She went out into the walled privacy of the sanctuary. This private patio always made her feel serene and happy. She checked the chemicals in the spa, just in case someone wanted to immerse themselves in the scented bubbling water. Then she strung some white twinkling lights on the top of the wall and around the two trees enclosed in the area. She set some candles and dinnerware on each of the wrought iron tables on the stone-floored dining area.

  Next, she uncovered the grill, which sat in a bricked in alcove. She looked around; satisfied that the area would look magical once the sun went down.

  As she opened the side kitchen door, she was startled to see Tricia Moore standing there.

  “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.” Tricia said, “I just came by to see if I can help. Charlotte stopped by the café and invited us to come over tonight. My shift is over and I thought you could use some help,” she finished.

  Lacey was happy to take her up on that offer and led her over to the work island in the kitchen.

  With Tricia busily peeling potatoes for a large batch of potato salad, she got to work putting together a dessert to finish off their dinner of grilled teriyaki salmon and chicken breast.

  They would also have fresh vegetables brushed with olive oil and grilled with fresh garlic and herbs.

  She baked a pan of fudgy brownies. Then layered brownie pieces in a trifle dish with alternating layers of chocolate pudding and whipped cream. She added a few shavings of chocolate to the top of the elaborate looking dish and set the concoction in the large refrigerator to chill.

  She really enjoyed making people happy with food, and had the waistline to prove it.

  Tricia had finished mixing up the potato salad with a lovely dressing of mustard, fresh thyme and mayonnaise. The bowl was placed in the fridge.

  Lacey suggested they pull up a couple of stools at the large work island and have a glass of iced tea.


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