The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 23 - 11 Steamingly Hot Erotica Books for Women

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The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 23 - 11 Steamingly Hot Erotica Books for Women Page 4

by Kim Wilkerson

  ‘There are differences in the anatomy of male scrotum. Some scrotums are tighter while other scrotums are loose. Protect your partner and refrain from pulling down or pulling hard on the scrotum. Drawing down or yanking on the scrotum can cause intense discomfort, dizziness, or cause involuntary upheaval from the stomach.’

  ‘Do not feel timid or shy touching the foreskin’

  Zoey had already picked up the banana. She squirted some of the dish washing liquid onto the fruit and slathered it all over its golden-yellow skin.

  The woman in the video faded into the image of a different woman. The content was the same — a model receiving an erotic massage, but he was completely different. The first male model Zoey saw was smooth. This man was hairier.

  At first Zoey thought she didn’t like all that. The hair on the man’s body seemed to go everywhere. But when the new woman ran her hands over the man’s chest, his abdominal wall, and his belly, Zoey watched with awe while the man shivered from the woman’s touch. She seemed to have magical control of him. She then reached down, massaging her way to his cock. It was wrinkly and looked… different.

  His penis was hooded. It was sheathed with extra skin. ‘Foreskin is a turn-on,’ the video talent continued. The woman began to massage the hairy model’s penis. It stretched real far. When the woman had brought the man to full hardness, she demonstrated how the foreskin moved. The skin disappeared when touched by the hand in a downward motion… and it reappeared when the woman massaged upward.

  Zoey reached between her legs. Her fingers diddled with her mound. She let them hang there playing with her pussy now and then absentmindedly. She gasped at the next instruction. Her head was spinning with sexual joy!

  She was riveted completely, seduced by the tutorial…

  ‘Hand positions,’ the tutorial said. ‘Begin with the basic one-hand movement, working up then down. The two-handed movement adds extra pleasure to the male organs, keeping your partner sensitized to the feeling of two hands as they touch… There is the palm movement, when the partner feels the crown of the penis and the shaft massaged with a backward grip. The prostrate tickle, and the twist, uses the action of the fingers and the thumbs. Make certain to connect with the frenulum, located under the top of the cockhead. Your success will earn you the unique designation as a leisure specialist,’ the video continued.

  Zoey felt funny. She bent down to look between her legs and gasped.

  “Oh, God,” she said too loudly.

  Her panties were pulled to the side. Zoey had placed her hand into her pussy. Her pussy lips were splayed and her fingers were delved straight into her centre. She wanted to press more deeply into her cleft but was worried. What if she had broke something up there? Was that even possible? She pressed her hand against her mound a second time to see if there was any pain. All she could think about was the pleasure in her core and how incredible she felt playing with her tight virgin box.

  When she looked up the video had finished. She emptied the device cache then discovered she couldn’t find the banana. She checked behind the computer and around the desk. She didn’t see anything. Where could it be?

  Zoey heard rustling outside the door and knew she only had seconds.

  She stood and removed her hand from her pussy. She reached for the towel when she smelled the scent of her hand… ‘Banana.’

  The door popped out and a large and happy canine bounded inside. Zoey tapped the device pad, yanked the towel and brushed her thighs. She didn’t how it had happened but she was pretty sure she knew females were elastic downtown. She threw the towel into her suitcase and zipped it quickly.

  The canine stiffed and licked at her legs. She swatted at him, her aim futile. He was headed straight at her.

  “Hey, girl, what you been up to?” said Wylie.

  “Oh, nothing,” Zoey said.

  She had to drop to her knees finally. It was the only thing she could think of to distract Brutus.

  “There he is,” she said ruffling the dog’s fur. Brutus barked and licked with his long fat tongue. Zoey hoped she’d wiped off all the banana.

  She was infinitely happy she had spent the last year massaging her labia. About a month ago she had explored with her hymen. She had stayed with a friend before summer vacation after asking her for help. She had showed Zoey how she broke her hymen. Zoey had practiced and practiced trying to find hers. She would sit in super warm water until her bum and pussy were completely submerged.

  Then she reached inside herself to stretch her vagina and poke at her secret wall, her veil. She used a toothbrush inside and after wriggling it around one night she busted her hymen. She had been exploring her pussy and finding she was touching herself all the time, and at the craziest of places.

  “We got a couple of more hours to kill before we get you back,” Wylie said.

  “Right,” said Zoe.

  Wylie got all quiet. “Hey, did you raid the kitchen?” he said. “Smells like fruit in here… banana,” he said.

  “I got a little hungry,” Zoe said.

  “I’m gonna’ shower,” Wylie announced.

  “You did,” Zoey said.

  “And I need another. Ol’ Brutus is clean as a whistle,” Wylie said.

  Zoe saw her suitcase. The towel was zipped up halfway. A little piece of banana and peel stuck to it. She bum rushed Wylie.

  “No —“ she said.

  “No, what?” Wylie asked.

  “You don’t need a shower,” Zoey said.

  “I do,” Wylie said.

  “I’ve got something better,” suggested Zoe.

  “What is that?” asked Wylie.

  “Come and find out,” Zoey said.

  Wylie walked up to Zoey as she sat on the floor. Her black panties were stained with banana but the dark material guarded her secret well.

  Zoey reached for Wylie’s hips. His small frame stuck forward and he turned to Brutus.

  “Get into the bathroom, boy. Git!” he said.

  When Wylie was certain Brutus was tucked away he found Zoey was on her side. She had a banana peel in her hand. She swung it around a few times, smiling at him and at his crotch.

  “Girl, what are you doing?” he asked.

  “I found your fruit,” she replied.

  “What?” asked Wylie. “Where? I don’t see none.”

  Zoey smiled.

  “Fuck,” Wylie whispered...


  Zoey grabbed handfuls of Wylie’s hair. She bucked and thrashed all over the floor. Brutus barked hearing all the commotion.

  “Shut up, Brutus,” Wylie called out. He couldn’t think much. His face was buried up Zoey’s snatch.

  “Lick me,” Zoey begged. She thrust her virgin hips against Wylie.

  Zoey never knew the pleasures of a tongue. She may not have tried her first penis but if sex was as amazing as having her pussy eaten, she was signing up to be the next President for cock.

  “Mmmmm, do that more,” Zoey said. “Eat it. Lick my pussy.”

  Wylie obliged. He dug his tongue up places unknown. He slurped and lapped at Zoey until she grabbed his head and humped him. She ground his face and pumped on him making him groan uncontrollably.

  “Come baby,” he said beneath rushes of orgasm. “I need to come, Zoey,” he begged.

  Zoey scooted back and straddled him. Wylie stared at her, eyes fluttering.

  “What are you doing?” he said.

  “Watch,” said Zoey.

  She grabbed him with her palm and started sliding it down his dick. A bubble of pre-cum drooled and coated her hand. She wiped onto her other hand.

  “Shit,” Wylie cried.

  Zoey pumped his meat. She remembered her lessons from the video content and was putting them to use. She jacked Wylie’s cock with three, cum-slicked jerks.

  “Oh, I’m gonna’ come—“ Wylie yelled.

  Zoey changed hand positions. Wylie breathed a sigh of relief, and then Zoey grabbed more cock.

  “God,” Wylie
whined. “Let me come,” he pleaded.

  She brought her hands together. Zoey enclosed his cock and clasped her fingers. She jerked the penis and made circles with both her thumbs, moving her hands on Wylie. She twisted them rhythmically with her fists, making a figure-eight. She tapped the underside of his dick, hitting the mass of super-sensitive nerves around the frenulum. Wylie looked at Zoey. She grinned impishly.

  “No… No… Oh, Zoey... God—“ Wylie cried.

  Zoey touched her thumbs together. She rubbed them over Wylie’s purpled, drooling shaft until his meat was fully bloated. “Oh, shit…” he said.

  “Wylie?” Zoey said.

  “Yes?” his question was more of an ache than answer.

  “Come,” Zoey commanded.

  Wylie threw back his head and shot his load. He unloaded thick, creamy spurts, arcing high and splattering his chest and Zoey’s hands. She jacked him off more.

  “Oh God, Oh, God!” Wylie yelled.

  A blast of crème shot out of his cock and hit the ceiling.

  “Holy fuck!” Wylie said.

  Zoey giggled with delight. She had also remembered to empty all traces of her dirty searches Wylie need never uncover. If my cousin could see me now, she imagined. She was ‘golden.’


  Francesca and her cousin were closer than sisters. They both had experienced so much, far too early. Genevieve’s campaign could give Francesca and Zoey the kind of excitement they always wanted. Francesca wondered what Genevieve would think when she learned how precocious they really were…

  Zoey and Wylie waited as Genevieve’s jet taxied. Wylie drew Zoey’s hand. He kissed it. Then he got the wickedest grin on his face.

  “Won’t it be stuffy in there?” Zoey said.

  “Nah. You could put a family reunion in there,” he joked.

  “Won’t he get hungry? What if he gets thirsty?”

  “That’s the point,” Wylie noted. “Brutus is a major pisser. Yep, I mean literally.”

  “My friend checks on him every day,” Wylie continued. “Come on. We got to get you to your big ‘thang,’” he said wriggling his brows.

  A tiny giggle slipped from Zoey. She caught herself and knew she’d say it again. Being fun and flirty was her ‘thang.’

  “That blowjob was incredible,” he said.

  “Yeah” Zoey smiled.

  “That banana..?” Wylie told her, “Un-fucking believable.”

  “You liked it,” said Zoey.

  “I fuckin’ want to bottle it,” Wylie said.

  The door to the jet unfolded. A conservatively dressed woman waved at them. Wylie looked at Zoey. “Your cousin looks fun,” he said.

  “Oh yes,” Zoey agreed.

  “She anything like you?” Wylie asked.

  “Want to find out?” Zoey said. “Come on. You said you’re starting JC in a couple of weeks. Maybe you’ll find something better?”


  “I’ve thought of a name for the campaign,” Genevieve du Perl said.

  “Like what?” Francesca said waving to her cousin.

  Genevieve watched Zoey pull on Wylie. She peered into the sunlight at the young man. He was cut incredibly. Nothing like fresh skin to apply products on and pay handsomely for when the genes were as perfect as these…

  “After our talk, and hearing your stories about your outrageous cousin, I have the preeminent social deviation,” Genevieve said.

  She smiled observing Zoey and the young man as the co-pilot escorted them up the stairs. Zoey pushed Wylie playfully. She glanced at Francesca who smiled back guilelessly.

  Zoey hugged Francesca. Francesca smiled at Wiley.

  “Devious Virgins,” Genevieve said quietly as the door to the jet closed.


  [Hope you liked the story and don't forget your 8 complimentary books, which you may find a download link to on the last page of this collection, just after the 11th story ends. Now, on to the next story!]

  The Confession


  Emma Bishop

  Alex walked into the office and spotted Dani waiting for him. He grinned, crossing the lobby. “Dani!” the woman looked up and he caught her bright smile; she stood up and rushed over to hug him tightly. Alex closed his eyes for just a moment, breathing in the smell of her shampoo and perfume before playfully lifting her up off of the ground. “When did you get in?” Dani laughed.

  “About an hour ago,” she replied breezily. Alex put her down carefully. As always, Dani managed to look perfectly put together in spite of the fact that he knew she was probably jet-lagged and tired; she probably hadn’t even eaten in the last few hours, even. But if you didn’t know her very well, Dani appeared as carefree and energetic as if she had slept all night.

  Alex took a step back from her and took her in: she was short but you never really noticed it, and she dressed to fit a curvy, long-legged body, with fitted blazers and jeans, tee shirts that clung to her just enough.

  His long-time friend had a taste for the old fashioned in her accessories; she did her jewelry shopping at thrift stores and consignment shops, and raided her mother’s collection of unwanted pieces. The old-fashioned taste almost clashed with her dyed-red hair, a shade that wouldn’t be anyone’s natural color, but which looked perfect on her.

  Dani had flown in to discuss signing a contract with himself and his brothers. Alex gestured for her to precede him into the office, taking just a moment to enjoy the view from behind. Blake and Elijah would be arriving later, but Alex had been determined to be the first one to greet Dani.

  He hadn’t seen her in months—since shortly after she had embarked on her first, self-funded tour, in fact. He and his brothers had gone to one of the early shows, but then they had been too bogged down in business details to make it to one of the bigger ones that she played later on.

  Alex could still remember when he and his brothers had met Dani for the first time. They had been teenagers; Alex had just turned fifteen, with Blake seventeen years old and Elijah eighteen. At the time, Dani was a couple of weeks away from turning fifteen herself, and had won the chance to meet them backstage at a concert.

  Alex had first been startled by the fact that Dani—unlike the other fans present—wasn’t screaming or crying or even hyperventilating. In fact, he had been drawn to her because she had been standing calmly, a smile on her face betraying that she was almost laughing at the other teen girls around her.

  Alex had drawn her away from the screaming fans to a part of the backstage area where there was at least a little peace and introduced himself. “I know who you are, Alex,” she told him, laughing. He had laughed as well, realizing the absurdity.

  “Well, I don’t know who YOU are,” he replied. Away from the chaos of the other fans, he had had an opportunity to notice that she was actually very cute; she had long, dark brown hair with expressive eyebrows and big, dark eyes. She wasn’t wearing one of his band’s tee-shirts, unlike the other fans, though she had brought her CD to be signed.

  “My name’s Danielle, but everyone calls me Dani,” she had said, extending her hand—instead of her CD. “Pleased to meet you.” Alex had shaken the small, capable-looking hand.

  The two began to talk, and Alex lost track of everyone else in the room. Dani was smart, funny, and charming; it was so refreshing to talk to a fan who wasn’t having a panic attack at meeting him that Alex couldn’t quite resist letting her monopolize him.

  “Hey,” he had said at one point, already feeling a little bit shy before he contemplating asking the question he followed with. “Do you think I could have your email address? Or your phone number?” Dani had blushed slightly but took the Sharpie from him and found a scrap of paper. She’d just written down her contact information when his brothers had showed up, wondering why he was spending the entire event with one girl.

  Alex had seen it then. Dani had blushed bright red when Blake had appeared, but then quickly went almost pale, smiling with a look he realized was a trifle
nervous. She had a crush on his brother. She didn’t scream or faint, but as Alex watched, he noticed that she did blush several times as Blake talked to her; some of her easy charm deserted her, and while she was able to keep up a friendly and normal conversation, she wasn’t throwing in as many jokes and quips to his brother as she had to him.


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