Drawing Bloodlines

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Drawing Bloodlines Page 24

by Steve Bevil

  “Or not,” added Taylor. He winked at Angela. “If the Healer is strong, then it will barely phase them.” He turned to look at Jonathan. “How did you know to pull out the glass?”

  “I just had a hunch,” said Jonathan with a shrug.

  Several twinkling blue lights appeared in the darkness, drawing closer to the group. The tiny blue lights hovered in the air for a moment before elongating into two doorways.

  “Draw your swords,” said Sweet Pea, and Taylor and the Huntress appeared alarmed. Sweet Pea unsheathed her sword. “In case it isn’t them.”

  “Jinks and Jax!” said the Huntress, sounding relieved. They smiled at her, after exiting one of the blue doors.

  Taylor gave her a cold glare.

  “What?” asked the Huntress. “I’ve had enough excitement for one day. And honestly, I don’t think we are ready to go up against the Fallen Ones.”

  “What!” he exclaimed. “That’s what we do. That’s what we train for.” He laid his arms across his chest and shook his head. “You know the creed. Only with the knowledge of good, will mankind wield the mighty sword to end the reign of the Fallen Ones. Don’t tell me you are afraid, Diana?”

  “Leave her alone, Taylor,” said Jinks. She peered over her dark sunglasses and pulled her long pink-colored bangs to the side. “You can be such a bully sometime.”

  “God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power and love,” said Jonathan.

  “And of a sound mind,” added Sweet Pea, with a smile. Jonathan’s face lit up. He immediately looked up at her and returned the smile.

  “Oh, brother,” mumbled Angela, and Malick laughed.

  “I believe someone is jealous,” said Malick, offhandedly.

  “What, wait, who’s jealous?” asked Alan from the ground. “Am I hearing things now?”

  Jinks and Jax appeared shocked. “You’re alright!” they said in unison.

  “Yeah, no thanks to you,” said Alan. Angela and Jonathan attempted to help him to his feet. “This is the last time I take advice from a guy with a cat name.” Alan looked into the faces of the people standing around him. He was covered in blood, and his shirt had a huge hole in it, but he was completely healed. “‘Take this sword and fight’, he said. I see where that got me.”

  Jax frowned.

  “Well, it sounds like you’re all healed up and ready to travel,” said the voice of a woman behind them. Nathan and the others turned around just in time to see the second blue doorway close behind the newcomer.

  “Ms. Pam!” said Taylor, happily. An air of confidence had washed over him. “She’ll sort out this mess.” He turned to look at Sweet Pea and she frowned. “I mean … not that you couldn’t.”

  Ms. Pam was older and her red curly hair sat neatly on her shoulders. The crown of her hair, parted on the left side, was adorned by a streak of white. She crossed in front of the light that reflected onto the street from the shoe store. Her yellow trench coat lit up like a glow-in-the-dark rave stick.

  “We got here as soon as we could,” said Pam. She smiled reassuringly at Jinks and Jax. “So, are we ready to go here? Who healed him?”

  “She did,” said Taylor, pointing enthusiastically.

  Angela appeared a little out of sorts. “I guess that means I’m a part of the superpower persuasion,” she stuttered. She had an uncertain and almost scared look on her face. “But that doesn’t mean I know how I did it.”

  “A bona fide Fwoobie,” said Alan. He attempted to catch a glimpse of his reflection through the screen of his bloodstained cell phone. “Probably explains why they kidnapped you the night of the last bonfire.”

  Angela’s head jerked up and her bright blue eyes were wide. Nathan had the same look on his face as he turned to look at Lafonda, Malick, and Jonathan. It was as if a light bulb had gone off in his head.

  “Fwoobie?” asked Angela, nervously.

  “Yeah,” said Alan, while struggling to make his appearance better. “Unfortunately, we’ve all been forced to become firewalker groupies.”

  “Well, hun,” said Ms. Pam. “How one is able to perform Pneuma Novo is not a mystery. I’m sure it’s someone you obviously don’t know about in your bloodline.”

  “Obviously,” said Alan, mockingly.

  “And on that note, let’s go,” said Ms. Pam, sounding annoyed. “We need to move everyone immediately, before the Fallen Ones return.”

  “Return?” blurted Alan. “No offense to you, Ms. Pam, I know you’re supposed to be some kind of expert.” He cast a glare at Taylor. “But I don’t think the Fallen Ones will be coming back anytime soon after I put a huge sword through their buddy’s chest.”

  “On the contrary, it’s highly likely they will be back,” said Sweet Pea. “It’s more than likely they only left to escape to the other side — to heal.”

  “You mean the Space-In-Between?” asked Jonathan.

  “Correct,” said Sweet Pea. “We’re taught that the Space-In-Between effects the Fallen Ones and other supernatural creatures differently than it does us. They can instantaneously heal there. But it’s quite the opposite when they cross into our realm. They don’t heal as well, and they can be injured, like us. In a sense, they become mortal.”

  “That’s great!” grumbled Alan. “So, that means they’re, like, virtually indestructible.”

  Nathan’s mouth gaped open as he turned to look at Jonathan and then at Malick. “No wonder Laban looked brand, spanking new! He was like charred toast after I hit him with a fireball earlier.”

  “Fireball?” asked Ms. Pam. She cast a look to the members of the Vanguard. She was clearly astonished.

  “Yes,” said Sweet Pea. “Nathan here is a real Firewalker. I didn’t believe it myself, but that’s not why we came here.” She threw back her shoulders, raising her head and confidently addressed Ms. Pam. “Diana had a vision. I know I didn’t follow protocol, but she saw that they were in trouble and desperately needed our help. She also saw Nathan use his fire power.” She paused, swallowing hard. “So, as their line leader, I made a decision.…”

  “Save it,” interrupted Ms. Pam, throwing up the palm of her hand. “I’m not the one you’ll have to answer to.” She then turned to look at Nathan. “Let’s go Firewalker, you’re coming with us. It’s not safe for you or your friends here.” She suddenly had a grim look on her face. “And unfortunately, probably nowhere, after the Grandmaster discovers the rumors about your existence are true.”

  “What do you mean by that?” asked Sweet Pea.

  “W–wait, the Grandmaster?” stumbled Malick. He ran his fingers backward through his dark brown hair before desperately looking at Sweet Pea. “We can’t go with you guys. We already have a safe place to go. We can go back to Black Manor.”

  “I’m sorry,” said Mrs. Devaro, inching away. She motioned with her hand, trying to get Lafonda, Nathan, and the others to follow. “I really do appreciate all that you have done for us, but Malick is right, we do have a safe place to go.…”

  “Malick?” blurted Ms. Pam. She froze, taking in the details of Malick’s face. Some of the Vanguard also appeared to take note of Malick’s name.

  “No, you have to come with us!” maintained Sweet Pea. “You’re not safe by yourselves out here.”

  “Go with you?” asked Lafonda, dramatically. “We don’t even know you guys!” She shook her head and Alan nodded, eagerly agreeing with her. “You swooped in with your swords and magic potions and saved us, yes, but seriously, what the heck is the Vanguard? Who are you guys?”

  Sweet Pea smiled. “I apologize,” she said, surrendering her hands in the air. “With all of the chaos, we didn’t technically introduce ourselves. My name is Alexandria Holt. And you probably guessed as to why they call me Sweet Pea.”

  “Yeah, because you’re so petite and short,” teased Taylor, “but I thought great things are supposed to come in small packages?”

  “Ha-ha-ha,” grumbled Sweet Pea. “Funny!” She rolled her eyes. “The not-so-funny gu
y over there is Taylor Bowman.”

  “The one and only,” said Taylor with a grin.

  “And the two fashion-forward twins are Jinks and Jax Sulu,” continued Sweet Pea.

  “At your service!” said Jax, eagerly. He postured in his purple and orange track jacket and gripped the handle to his sword. Jinks tugged at her flipped-up white collar, while peering over her dark sunglasses, and smiled.

  “Talk about fashion-bumbling blunders,” mumbled Alan. “I would love to take a picture of this for a ‘please don’t’ moment on Instagram.”

  “And last, but not least, the beautiful and talented, Diana Black,” said Sweet Pea. “Also known as the Huntress.”

  Jonathan had a surprise look on his face.

  “Diana Black?” said Angela to Jonathan in a whisper. “Any relation?”

  “And, except for Ms. Pam,” said Sweet Pea, energetically. “We’re.…” She paused after noticing Malick desperately shaking his head at her. “A part of the Vanguard. The official army, or the muscle, for a secret organization called the Order.”

  “The what!” shouted Lafonda.

  Immediately, Nathan looked at Malick. Malick appeared to cringe.

  “You’ve got to be joking,” said Leah.

  “No,” said Sweet Pea, appearing confused. She looked into the faces of the Vanguard. “We’re members of the Order.”

  “Heck no, I’m not going anywhere with you!” said Alan, dramatically. “I’ve already been tossed through a window today. What do I look like, stupid?”

  “The Order?” said Angela, looking around. “I’m definitely lost here. Besides Argus, I thought they were the bad guys. Oh, and Lafonda’s grandmother, if it turns out she’s a member of the Order too.”

  Angela paused after noticing Lafonda’s glaring eyes practically burning a hole in her head. “Sorry,” she mouthed, with a nervous chuckle. “But, I’m sure she’s not.”

  “What, the bad guys!” shouted Taylor. “How can you say that? We just saved your asses.”

  “I can think of a reason,” said Alan. “And it’s blonde and all dressed in black.”

  “I promise you, we’re the good guys!” maintained Sweet Pea. “And if you don’t believe me, just ask Malick.”

  “Malick!” said Lafonda and Nathan in unison.

  Malick stared blankly at them.

  “I knew it!” said Alan, breaking the awkward silence. “I knew he was hiding something.” He frowned as Malick continued to remain silent and aloof. “Oh boy, go ahead and get your lie together — and I know it better be a good one.”

  “Malick!” said Nathan, sternly and moving closer to him. “Do you know her?”

  Malick fidgeted with the zipper to his black leather jacket before running both his hands backward through his hair. “Remember the friend I told you about? The one that was in London?”

  Nathan nodded. “Yes, the friend of yours that helped get us cloaked.”

  Malick paused and then timidly turned to face Sweet Pea. “Well, there she is,” he said. “Sweet Pea is the friend of mine that helped us. She’s the one that told us about Madam Esmeralda’s shop.”

  “Hi,” said Sweet Pea, while waving meekly.

  “So, this entire time, this friend you have been secretly texting just happens to also be a member of the Order,” said Nathan, sarcastically. “Don’t you think you should have mentioned something? Why didn’t you tell us?”

  “Because he’s a spy for the Order!” shouted Alan.

  “Come on, Alan,” said Angela, mockingly. “Malick, a spy for the Order? Seriously?”

  “I agree with Angela,” said Leah. “If he’s with the Order, why help us?”

  “I don’t know,” said Alan, with a dramatic shrug. “To keep an eye on us? To win our trust?” He rolled his eyes. “To stop us from learning whatever it is that is so important about this Firewalker prophecy.”

  Angela shook her head.

  “Think about it!” blurted Alan. “How did they know about Dr. Helmsley and about the new symbols on the cave walls?” He folded his arms across his chest with conviction. “How did they know how to find Dr. Colvers, even though he had just moved to a new office?” He paused, forming a smug look on his face. “Because of Malick!”

  Alan frowned. “Because of Malick, the Order has always been one step ahead of us.”

  Nathan’s eyes searched over Malick’s face, looking for any sign of an answer. “Is this true?” asked Nathan.

  “Alan’s assumptions are quite plausible,” said Jonathan. “It would explain a lot of things that I too have been wondering.”

  Nathan took a step backward and stumbled. He appeared quite flabbergasted.

  “I swear!” said Malick. He looked pleadingly at them. “I haven’t said anything to my father or the Order.”

  “So you admit it!” said Jonathan, closing in on him. He moved so abruptly that his glasses slid down to the tip of his sharp-angled nose. “Your father is a member of the Order.”

  Malick’s face turned red and he started to stumble. “I–I….”

  “Just admit it,” said Alan. “You’ve already told us about your grandmother’s involvement with the Order, and now this?” He rolled his eyes. “You might as well come clean about your father too.”

  “O — kay!” shouted Ms. Pam. “That’s enough of the Spanish Inquisition!” She forcibly pushed her way into the center of the group. “Being with you guys is worse than being in the hot seat with the High Council.”

  Ms. Pam looked up at Malick and frowned. “I said this once and I’m not saying it again, it’s not safe here. Whatever you guys have going on, it doesn’t look like it’s about to be resolved anytime soon, so let’s go!”

  Ms. Pam made her way to the front of the shoe store, her yellow trench coat making swishing sounds as she walked. “Is this the store with the knocked-out shoe girl?”

  “Yes,” said Taylor, attentively.

  “Then why the heck is she not being attended to?” asked Ms. Pam. “Are you waiting for her to wake up and make more of a mess of things by alerting the authorities?”

  “No ma’am,” said Taylor, quickly. “I’ll go keep watch on her.”

  “I’ll be there in a second to see what I can do to erase some of her memories,” said Ms. Pam. She watched as Taylor entered the store and then frowned at the busted storefront window. “You would think after all this time the High Council would enact some kind of protocol for cleaning-up after the Vanguards’ messes. What’s the point of erasing memories when all the evidence is still lying around?”

  “Umm, Ms. Pam,” said Mrs. Devaro, stepping out from the group. She took a deep breath. “Again, I appreciate your offer to help, but we already have a place to go.”

  “I understood you the first time,” snapped Ms. Pam, spinning around.

  Mrs. Devaro raised an eyebrow in protest to Ms. Pam’s tone and Ms. Pam immediately lowered her voice. “I won’t argue with you,” explained Ms. Pam. “After everything you’ve seen here, if you’re foolish enough to operate outside of the protection of the Order, that’s up to you.”

  “Jinks, Jacks, Diana, Sweet Pea … let’s go!” shouted Ms. Pam. Her yellow raincoat continued to make swishing sounds as she stormed to the front door of the shoe store.

  “Wait!” said Sweet Pea. Her brown eyes pleaded with Ms. Pam. “At least create a doorway to where they want to go.” She turned to look at Malick and then at Mrs. Devaro. “Ms. Pam is also a Traveler — one of the best, actually.”

  Sweet Pea flashed a smile at Ms. Pam. Ms. Pam barely cracked a smile.

  “Let us do this,” said Sweet Pea. She turned to address Malick and Mrs. Devaro again. “It’ll be safer to travel this way.” She then turned back to Ms. Pam. “And just in case someone tracks us, I’ll go with them.”

  Sweet Pea nodded as if trying to reassure herself of the plan. “Yes, I’ll go with them, and I’ll take Taylor with me.”

  “Fine with me,” said Ms. Pam, after a long pause. “You’re
the line leader.”

  “So what do you say?” said Sweet Pea, cheerfully spinning back around.

  “It would be safer,” commented Malick.

  “Safer!” shouted Alan. “How is walking through a doorway to God-knows-where, with them, safe?”

  “Oh, enough already!” shouted Angela. She turned to look at Malick and then Mrs. Devaro. “If Malick thinks we can trust them, I’m in.”

  “What!” shouted Alan. “I almost died. I was tossed through a window, Angela!”

  “Yeah, I know,” said Angela, mockingly. “I was there, remember?”

  Malick turned to look at Nathan and the others. “Come on,” pleaded Malick, stepping in close to Nathan. “We can trust them, and you know me.”

  There was a brief silence as Nathan looked into the faces of Lafonda and the others. “Okay,” he said as Mrs. Devaro and Lafonda nodded.

  “Unbelievable,” grumbled Alan.

  “Taylor!” yelled Ms. Pam.

  “Yes?” answered Taylor, promptly. He stuck his head out of the now busted storefront window.

  “Get over here,” she said, opening the store’s front door, “and not through the window!”

  In a dash, Taylor exited through the front door and he had a bewildered look on his face as he stood out on the foggy street again. “The store clerk is still unconscious,” he said, almost out of breath.

  “Good,” said Ms. Pam. “Change of plans. You’re going with Sweet Pea to escort them home.” She flashed a quick smile at Sweet Pea. “And make sure you follow her lead.”

  Taylor nodded.

  Ms. Pam took a deep breath and then quickly whipped back her curly red hair. “Don’t let my white strip of hair fool you,” she said, “there is still a lot of Pneuma left in these bones.”

  “Everyone step back!” said Ms. Pam, abruptly. She then pointed. “Everyone, but you!”

  “Me?” asked Malick.

  “Yes, you,” said Ms. Pam, sounding annoyed. “Come over here and stand next to me.”

  Malick cast a look to Nathan and then skittishly approached her.

  When he got within arm’s reach, she quickly took ahold of his hand, pulling him close to her. “Now, close your eyes and concentrate,” she said, following her own directions.


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