Behind Palace Doors

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Behind Palace Doors Page 5

by Jules Bennett

  Right now, though, he had to concentrate on his title and gaining his country’s confidence by eliminating the black mark over his family’s name. That was his first order of business. But seducing Victoria would certainly be a welcome distraction, even if a challenge, and one he couldn’t turn down. Especially now that he’d had more than a few tastes.

  As he and his new bride made their way back up the aisle, Stefan beamed knowing he’d just married the most beautiful, intelligent, sexy woman. And for the next six months, and maybe even more if she chose to stay, Victoria was not only his best friend, she was his wife…and possibly lover.

  Arousal shot through him. He wasn’t known as the Playboy Prince for nothing. Seduction had always been his partner in crime.

  * * *

  Victoria had never smiled so much in all her thirty-two years combined as she had tonight. Between the professional royal photo shoot with Stefan’s brother and wife and Victoria’s family and then of the two of them alone, then the grand parade after the ceremony where they were shown off through the entire seaside town, she’d almost convinced herself this was real.

  Now they were at the reception back inside the grand ballroom of the palace, and Stefan held her in his arms as they danced their first dance as Prince and Princess Alexander.

  The spacious room with high, stained-glass ceilings had been transformed from the ceremony and set up to host the reception in the hours they’d been gone for the traditional wedding parade.

  A dance floor had appeared surrounded by elegant white silk draped between tall, thick columns. White silk also adorned each table, as did slender crystal vases with a spray of white flowers and clear glass beads in each.

  Thousands of twinkling lights created a magical, fairy-tale theme. Ice sculptures and champagne fountains were in abundance. The ballroom had shifted into something from a dream and something fit for royalty.

  And while so much beauty surrounded her, she couldn’t think of anything else but the man in her arms. Her doubts, her confusion, it all slid into the very back of her mind as the slow, classical ballad played and she swayed against him.

  His warmth, his familiar masculine scent and the powerful hold he had on her all made her want to put her head on his shoulder and relish the moment. So she did. He’d held her numerous times over the years. But she knew in her heart this time was different.

  With a sigh, she closed her eyes, letting him lead in their dance, and rested her head just for a moment on one broad, muscular shoulder. The man was the proverbial good time, but right now she wanted to just lean on him, to draw from his strength and courage.

  Her cheek rested against his smooth, silky sash. Victoria had known he’d wear his best royal dress for the ceremony, but her Prince Charming had truly been a sight to see, waiting at the end of the white-petal-covered aisle. It wasn’t often in their years together she saw him in person dressed as a prince. Normally they were just hanging out in casual clothes. But with his tailored black suit with shiny gold double-breasted buttons, glossy black shoes, and a wide, blue sash crossing from shoulder to opposite hip, he exuded bad-boy prince. She knew beneath all the impressive gold buttons and fringe-capped shoulders lay a great deal of body art molding over and around his chiseled arms, chest and back. Sexy didn’t even begin to describe her man.

  Medals, which stemmed from charity work to his family’s crest and various other ranks, also adorned one side of his jacket. The blue from his sash matched his eyes perfectly, and he couldn’t look more fit for a royal role than if he were the star in one of her brothers’ films.

  The designer in her should’ve made notes on how well the lines were cut in his suit, but the woman in her was too busy admiring the view. Hey, he may be her best friend, but he was still one magnificently built man and she’d be a fool not to notice. But she’d been noticing more and more in the past month leading up to their nuptials. Was she getting caught up in the wedding, or was she beginning to see him as more of a man? He’d always been charming, but recently he’d become…irresistible. And her desire for him was starting to consume her.

  The glamorous ceremony was something she’d remember for the rest of her life. With celebrities, other royalty and every media outlet on hand to snap thousands of pictures, the scene was something out of a modern-day fairy tale.

  “You made a beautiful bride, Victoria,” he murmured. “I’m one lucky prince.”

  She raised her head, looked him in the eyes and smiled. “Oh, I’m pretty lucky, too. I’m living every little girl’s dream by marrying royalty and living in a palace.”

  “Only for two weeks,” he reminded her. “After our honeymoon phase, we’ll travel to L.A. I’m anxious to see you at work and visit with your family. It’s grown considerably since I was there last.”

  “I’m anxious to get back, too, but I don’t mind playing hooky. Not when I’m living a fantasy life.”

  “Speaking of fantasy,” he murmured, raking his eyes down to where her cleavage nestled against his tux. “Have I told you how amazing you look today?”

  “You’re letting your reputation take over,” she joked, though nerves danced in her belly at the hunger in his eyes. “My eyes are up here.”

  “Oh, I know where your eyes are.” He smiled, meeting her gaze. “But I’m enjoying the entire view of my beautiful bride.”

  He wanted her and he wasn’t hinting anymore, which only made her even more intrigued.

  Obviously the ball was in her court. Game on.

  “And my reputation has nothing to do with what I’m feeling right now.” He pulled her body closer to his as he spun her in a wide circle around the perimeter of the dance floor. “Trust me, I’m the envy of every man around the world. I nearly swallowed my tongue when you came down the aisle.”

  “As a designer, I take that as a compliment.” She laughed. “As a woman, I’m thrilled to know I have that effect on someone.”

  He shifted slightly against her, a wicked smile on his face. “Oh, I’m not unaffected.”

  Mercy. No, he wasn’t. How had this dance gotten so far out of control? And why did she care? How could she avoid the fact Stefan was so open with his feelings? Should she even attempt to hide that she’d been thinking of him in a new light, as well? Those “what-if” thoughts from years ago were now more realistic and…obtainable.

  Did she dare try to move to the next level with Stefan? The idea made her nervous and excited and, most of all, curious. All of her giddy emotions overshadowed the fear and doubts.

  Their wedding night was fast approaching. Only hours until the reception drew to a close and they would be alone. Perfect timing?

  Well played, Fate. Well played.

  “You’re blushing again,” he told her, stealing a quick kiss. “I know everyone is watching us and the cameras are still rolling, but that kiss was purely selfish. I’m finding it hard to keep my hands off you, Victoria.”

  “Stefan.” Her heart beat against his chest. “I’m not sure…I mean, yes, I’m finding myself more drawn to you than just as a friend, but won’t taking another step here make this arrangement more complicated?”

  “We won’t know unless we try,” he told her, nipping at her lips again. “I’d hate to let an opportunity pass me by. What if sleeping together is the best decision we ever made?”

  “Is that where we’re headed?” she asked, already knowing what he’d say.

  Unfortunately, she kept hearing her mother’s warning about getting her heart entangled in this man. Fortunately her heart had already been trampled and crushed, so there was no more to break. And she knew Stefan would never hurt her.

  “How much longer are we staying?” she asked as the orchestra slowed the song down toward the end.

  He smiled. “Anxious to get me all alone?”

  Considering they’d known each other for so long and he knew her better than most people, he had a love for his family that rivaled her own and his loyalty to his country made her heart melt, she may have a lit
tle trouble avoiding his charms.

  Oh, the hell with it. Why dance around this attraction? Six months of torture would be pure…well, torture. People did friends with benefits all the time, right? Granted she never had, but Stefan was special and he so obviously wanted her, which was good because she couldn’t deny it any longer.

  “Maybe I am,” she told him with a grin, knowing she was playing with fire.

  As the song ended, he pulled her close, close enough she could feel just how turned on he was, and whispered in her ear, “I’ve been waiting for you to say that. What do you say we go start on our honeymoon?”

  And with that thrilling promise, he tugged on her hand and they slipped through the crowd and out the double doors.


  As he led her through the long, marble hallways, Victoria didn’t care about the doubts and fears swirling around in her head, nor did she care about the fact she’d just left hundreds of guests in the main ballroom.

  What she did care about was how much farther they had to go until they reached their destination because she wanted Stefan, and the realization of just how much she wanted him both thrilled and scared her. This sexual tension had been brewing before she’d come to Galini Isle a month ago—there had to have been an underlying current or she wouldn’t have been so eager to have his mouth on hers when they’d shared their first kiss…or the several scorchers that followed.

  But she couldn’t think about anything from their past now or she’d remember that this man was her best friend…and he was about to become her lover. Something about taking their relationship to a level of intimacy aroused her even more. She could analyze later all the reasons this wasn’t a wise move…but right now she didn’t care. She. Wanted. Him.

  When Stefan pulled her through a set of heavy double doors, she blinked into the darkness, trying to get her bearings, and wondered if they’d just entered his master suite.

  His room was on this floor, but she’d thought it was farther down the wing. She’d been in his suite a few times, but for purely innocent reasons…as opposed to now, when the reason was a bit more naughty.

  She remembered his king-size bed with navy silk sheets. The bed had always sat in the middle of his suite, dominating the room.

  A man like Stefan with his bad-boy behavior wouldn’t have something as boring as a bed in a corner. He’d want that bed and all the action taking place there to be center stage.

  Stefan eased the door shut and with a swift click, slid the lock into place. He immediately set the lights to a soft glow.

  Good, that would help her nerves if she didn’t have to have spotlights on her. While Stefan had seen her in swimsuits, he’d never seen her fully naked—not for lack of his playful trying at times, but she’d always written off his silly remarks as jokes. Had there been genuine want behind his words?

  Victoria turned around, amazed at the room spread out before her, and she laughed. This was his idea of a romantic wedding night? Stefan never failed to amaze and surprise her.

  “If someone starts looking for us, they’d check my wing first,” Stefan told her. He slid off his jacket, flinging it to the side without taking his eyes off her as he stalked—yes, stalked—right toward her. “They’d never think to look in the theater.”

  How many women had he snuck into this room or any other room in this magnificent palace, for that matter? She knew the media really exploited his bachelor status and the fact that he enjoyed women, but she also knew most of their accounts were accurate. Stefan never made any apologies for the man he was, and that’s perhaps why people loved him so much. He was honest to a fault and sinfully charming.

  Past women didn’t matter to her. He was her husband now, and what he did before this moment was ridiculous for her to even entertain. She wasn’t a virgin, and they weren’t committing themselves to anything permanent. They were adults, best friends, and they were acting on these newfound sexual feelings. So why analyze it to death when there was one hot, sexy, aroused prince standing before her looking like he wanted to devour her? No woman would be stupid enough to turn that invitation down…especially from her own husband.

  Wedding night or not, this would be one experience she’d never forget. She needed the awkwardness and doubts to get out of her mind because she wanted to concentrate on the here and now.

  “You look beautiful.” He closed the gap between them, running a fingertip along her exposed collarbone. Shivers coursed through her at his provocative, simple touch. “The way this dress molds to your body makes me wonder if you could possibly fit anything between this satin and your skin.”

  Her eyes roamed over his bronzed face and his heavy-lidded eyes as his finger continued to tickle its way back and forth across her collarbone, teasing her, tempting her. If one finger had that much of an impact on her senses, who knew what a full-bodied touch would do.

  “I’m a designer,” she told him, reaching up to slide one button at a time through the hole of his dress shirt. “It’s my job to make things fit and create an illusion of perfection.”

  His hands glided down her arms, slid to her hips and tugged her until she was pelvis to pelvis with him. Chills raced over her body, the promise of what was to come making her shiver.

  “I’d say fitting won’t be a problem, and there’s no illusion.” His gaze dropped to her lips, to her breasts pressed against his chest and back up to her face. “There’s plenty of perfection without the tricks you may practice as a designer. I’ve known you for years, Tori, and there’s nothing imperfect about you.”

  The attack on her mouth was fierce and oh so welcoming. The man knew what he wanted, and the fact that he wanted her made her feel alive again for the first time in months. Maybe that made her shallow, but she needed to feel beautiful, sexy and, yes, even needed.

  Stefan may be her best friend, but right now she wasn’t having thoughts of friendship. Desire shot through her as she pressed her body against his.

  How many times had she kissed him, hugged him? How could she have taken for granted such a hard body?

  Victoria eased back, continuing her work on his shirt. Stefan slid her hands away and pulled it over his head, ignoring the last few buttons that weren’t undone.

  That chest. She’d seen it many times before, but she hadn’t seen this fresh ink and his finely sculpted body in some time. Victoria glided her hands up over his chiseled abs and outlined the new tattoo over one of his pecs.

  “How come every time I see you, you have new ink?” she murmured, tracing the detailed dragon.

  “I like the art,” he said simply. “Let’s discuss tattoos later. How the hell do I get you out of this thing on your head and this dress without hurting one of us?”

  Victoria laughed, thankful he’d lightened the mood. This is what she needed. The playful side of Stefan. The side that always made her smile. Of course, she had a feeling he’d be showing her another side that would make her smile even more in a minute.

  She reached up, sliding several pins from her hair and placing them on the counter along the wall. After removing the diamond tiaralike headband and veil, she laid it out along the counter, as well.

  She realized she was taking her time. In part she wanted this moment to last. But she also couldn’t help being a little afraid of where this epic step would take them.

  “I wish I’d designed a dress that could just peel off,” she told him, reaching behind her. “But I’m afraid there’s a zipper, and you’re going to have to get it.”

  She turned, giving him her back but throwing him a glance over her shoulder. “Sorry I wasn’t thinking ahead.”

  “Oh, this is my pleasure,” he told her with a crooked smile and a wink.

  When his fingers came up to her back and slid to the zipper, she couldn’t suppress the shiver that raced through her. Arousal quickly overrode her awkwardness and doubts that threatened to creep in.

  As the material parted in the back, Victoria shimmied her arms slightly so the dress fell down
the front of her, leaving her standing in a strapless bustier that lifted her meager chest into something voluptuous and enticing…at least she hoped that’s how he saw her.

  Stefan didn’t know which god deserved credit for making Victoria realize that the two of them sleeping together wasn’t a mistake, but he’d graciously drop to his knees and thank him.

  “Oh,” he whispered when she turned around. “Had I known you looked that good, I would’ve insisted you go without the dress during the ceremony.”

  Just as he’d hoped, Victoria laughed. That rich, seductive sound washed over him. As much as his body wanted hers, he also wanted her to be comfortable. He couldn’t allow any uneasiness to settle between them.

  “This royal wedding would’ve been talked about until the end of time,” she joked. “Besides, since I’m the designer, I would’ve looked rather strange coming down the aisle without a gown.”

  “Strange?” he asked, tracing the top of the silk material that covered her tan breasts. “No. Sexy as hell and the fantasy of every man? Absolutely.”

  Victoria bit her lip but held his gaze.

  “Don’t,” he told her. “Don’t think. Don’t worry. Just…feel.”

  She shivered beneath his touch, and Stefan wished she knew the effect she had on him was just as potent. He had shivers racing through his body just thinking of what they were about to do. God, he’d waited so long to make love to her and here they were.

  Of course, all those times he’d envisioned them sleeping together, he never once pictured her in a wedding dress beforehand.

  She inhaled, causing her chest to press deeper into his touch. The rustling of the dress had him pulling back just enough so she could step out of it.

  “One of us still has too many clothes on.” She smiled, picking up her dress, and, with great care, she laid it over the back of one of the oversized leather theater chairs. “Normally you’re so eager to show off your body. Are you getting stage fright, Prince Alexander?”


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