Behind Palace Doors

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Behind Palace Doors Page 12

by Jules Bennett

  Stefan walked toward her, squatted down between her legs and took her hands in his. “I just have a lot more to deal with than I first thought. I can’t take on more than protecting my country and gaining my title.”

  “I know, and I didn’t mean to add to your worry.”

  His gaze traveled down and settled into the V of her silk nightgown before coming back up to meet hers. Shivers raced through her. So she hadn’t completely scared him off.

  But he let go of her hands, and that giant step back from intimacy spoke volumes. He was pulling away. Maybe the hurt would slither its evil way in sooner than she’d thought.

  A chill crept over her.

  Seduction had been on her mind when she’d dressed for bed last night, but he’d never come in, and now, catching him fresh from his shower, it seemed her efforts were moot. He was obviously having no part of her plan.

  Was this how the rest of their marriage would play out? They’d dance around each other all because Stefan was afraid to confront her emotions—or his, for that matter? She didn’t believe for one second that he wasn’t feeling more for her. She did believe, however, that he was going to fight that feeling for as long as she’d allow it.

  “Come back to bed with me,” she told him.

  His eyes remained locked on hers. “I have some work to go over with Hector.”

  The steel wall had been erected in a matter of seconds, and he was making no attempt to let her in. But in his defense, he’d told her up front this could be nothing more and like a damn fool she’d been on board with the preposterous plan.

  Stefan came to his feet, the subtle movement sending his fresh masculine scent wafting around her, enveloping her, and she knew that’s as close as she’d come to being surrounded by her husband right now…and maybe for a while.

  “Maybe I’ll see you for lunch. I have a lot to do so don’t wait on me.”

  And with that, he headed down the hall.

  * * *

  Victoria wasn’t naive. She knew if Stefan could’ve gotten that title and crown any other way besides marriage, he would’ve jumped at that opportunity without question. But he couldn’t get around it and he did need her. No, he was not the marrying type, but he was the type who thrived on loyalty, honesty and integrity…all a good base for marriage and love.

  Since she couldn’t actually say the words without him pulling back even more—if that were possible—all she could do was show him her love, show him they were meant to be.

  With his upcoming coronation and responsibilities on his mind, he’d never complained, never even spoken of worries. He’d been right here with her, trying to help her get her line started, trying to get her to open her mind and really create some spectacular pieces.

  Of course when he wasn’t being loyal and helpful, he was being sexy and impossible to resist. How could she not love a man like that? And how could he not see that he loved her?

  Stefan had been gone all day, but he was due to return home soon. Victoria had requested Hector remain in the front of the house and only to come around back in a dire emergency.

  With a deep breath, she set her plan in motion by dipping her bare foot into the pool and gliding it along. Yeah, that would be refreshing once she submerged her entire body…nude.

  Okay, so maybe there was a little bit of a reckless side to her, but Stefan brought it out. No way would she ever have thought to get into her infinity pool overlooking the L.A. skyline while wearing nothing but a suntan and a hair clip.

  And no way in hell would she ever have done something like this for Alex.

  Looking back she could admit that she’d been in love with Stefan for years, but it took the intimacy, the devotion, to finally open her eyes to her true Prince Charming. But she’d never really thought of him as a prince. To her he was her best friend, her confidant, now her lover and husband.

  This afternoon they’d ended up sharing a strained lunch and he’d informed her he’d be busy the rest of the day—but at least he’d come for lunch. He had gone into her spare office to check emails and talk with Hector about the coronation. She let him do his thing because that whole royalty territory wasn’t her forte. But she was going to have to get more comfortable with it because she intended to stick out this marriage, title and all. And while she was afraid of what being a queen truly meant, she wasn’t afraid to sacrifice herself for the man she loved.

  While she’d never played the meek and mild woman before, doing so with the title of queen wasn’t even an option. She loved being able to assist with charities and use her name and title to help others. And when Stefan had taken charge with the Veterans’ Homeless Shelter, her heart had melted. That’s the type of work she wanted to get behind. That’s the part of being royalty she could completely embrace.

  Victoria slid out of her short silk robe and let it puddle next to the steps. The thick candles she’d lit all around the pool added just that extra bit of romance. When Stefan stepped out onto her patio, she wanted him to take in the scene: discarded red silk robe, flickering candlelight and his wife naked in the water.

  She may be uncomfortable with this, but she was a Dane and everything was about setting the stage to pack a punch with the audience. And there was only one audience member she cared about.

  Now all she had to do was float lazily on her back, wait and fantasize about how spectacular this night would be. Hopefully Stefan would see the way she stepped outside her comfort zone for him, and if he did, surely he’d realize that her love knew no limits.

  And perhaps he could step out of his comfort zone, too.

  * * *

  Stefan raked his hands through his hair. His coronation was scheduled to take place in a few months and he was trying to get a start for this documentary so he could at least assure his people that a new era was going to begin, starting with the truth, to remove the black mark hovering over his father’s name.

  His investigators had found several people who were willing to speak on camera if a film was produced. Hector had been working behind the scenes, as well, jotting down key things he remembered from that time…after all, the man had also been the assistant to Stefan’s father and knew more than most.

  But right now his mind was still plagued by the awkwardness with Victoria. He knew she’d picked up on the distance he’d put between them, but he needed the time to process everything. And he still hadn’t come to a damn conclusion.

  He made his way up to their room, where he fully expected her to be, so he was surprised to see a note resting on her pillow.

  Meet me at the pool.

  Intrigued, he tossed the note aside and headed back downstairs. When he stepped through the double glass doors, he stopped, taking in the ambiance all at once.

  “I’m dreaming. No way is the prim and proper Victoria Dane skinny-dipping out in the open.”

  She moved through the darkened water like she had all the confidence in the world. “You’ve been trying since we met to get me here. I thought I’d put you out of your misery.”

  Arousal shot through him even harder as she flipped, floating on her back with those breasts poking out of the water. His palms itched to touch them. He’d been without her for two days. Way too damn long.

  He pulled his T-shirt over his head and tossed it aside. After toeing off his shoes, he unfastened his pants and slid his boxer briefs down, then kicked them aside, as well. There was only so much willpower a man could have.

  For a moment he simply stared. Finding a naked woman in a pool was every man’s fantasy, but he wasn’t stupid. He knew how her mind worked. She was trying to draw him back into her web and she was spinning it beautifully.

  “Are you going to stand there all night?” she asked. “I’m pretty lonely in here.”

  Like he needed another invitation.

  Stefan didn’t even bother with the steps. He dove right in, making sure he reached his hands out toward her body. As he came up, he glided his palms over every wet, luscious curve.

bsp; “You feel amazing,” he muttered when his face was next to hers. “It takes a lot to surprise me, Tori. I honestly never dreamed you would’ve given into this skinny-dipping thing.”

  A naughty smile spread across her lips. “Well, when you first asked me, you just wanted to see me naked. Then it just became a game to see if I’d cave. But you’ve been working so hard, I thought you deserved a reward.”

  He nipped her chin, her jaw, all the while keeping his arms wrapped around her waist. “Reward, huh? I think I’ll reward you for making a part of my fantasy come true.”

  Her gaze locked on his as her brows drew together. “A part? What am I missing?”

  “I wanted you in the palace pool. On my turf.”

  Victoria rolled her eyes. “No way. Do you know how many staff members you have? There’s never a moment of privacy there. At least here I only had to tell Hector to stay out front since the other guard is off for the night.”

  Stefan smiled. “I’m not complaining.”

  Resting a delicate hand on his bare chest, Victoria smiled. “I just want to enjoy our time together. However long it may be.”

  Something flipped in Stefan’s heart—something he didn’t want to explore or identify.

  His arms tightened around her waist. Her vibrant blue eyes, sparkling from the candlelight and full moon, studied his face. She bit her bottom lip as her gaze darted down.

  “What is it?” he asked, tipping her chin up so she would look at him again.

  “What will happen after the coronation?”

  A sliver of fear slid through him. Was she thinking of staying at the end of the six months? Surprisingly, he wanted her to, but he didn’t want her love…not in the way he feared she was heading.

  Damn it. He was a selfish bastard. He couldn’t have it both ways. He either had to let her go after the coronation or step up and face her feelings. He wasn’t crazy about either of his options.

  How could he love someone forever? He’d never thought that far ahead when it came to a relationship. Living in the moment was more his speed. What if he tried loving her and a year into the “real” marriage he decided he wasn’t cut out for it? She’d be even more hurt. And Victoria deserved better than that.

  Why did he have to choose? Hadn’t he laid out a fool-proof, simple plan before they married?

  “I don’t want to put a damper on this party,” she told him. “Forget I asked. Just tell me what you want right now.”

  Everything she was willing to give.

  She deserves better than what you’re willing to give. She’s sacrificed everything for you. Her heart is yours if you’ll take it. If not, she’ll get tired and leave, you selfish jerk.

  Her wet body molded against his and her hips rocked against him as her arms encircled his neck. He wasn’t going to explore further than right now. He didn’t want to keep seeing that hurt seep into her eyes.

  For now he would be a self-centered bastard and take what she offered. In the end, when she realized she couldn’t change him and needed more, she would walk away. And he would get what he deserved. But until that day, he’d enjoy every moment of being married to his best friend.

  Victoria was just too damn sexy and tempting to turn away. And he knew by taking what she was offering, he was damning their friendship because he had a feeling she’d be leaving soon.


  The shrill ringing of the phone jarred Victoria from an amazing dream. The second ring had her slapping a hand over the cell that sat next to her bed only to realize the ring wasn’t coming from her cell, but from Stefan’s.

  If this was another woman…

  Surely not. Those calls seemed to have either died down, or Stefan was doing a good job of intervening before she knew.

  She glanced over, noting the man was completely out—if his heavy breathing meant anything. And he claimed she snored? Reaching across him, she grabbed his cell and answered it.



  “Yes.” Not recognizing the woman’s voice, she moved away from the bed and toward the balcony doors. “Who is this?”

  The lady on the other end sniffed. Was she crying?

  “This…this is Karina. Mikos’s wife. He’s been in a rock-climbing accident.” Karina wept, and static came through the phone before she continued. “I need Stefan to come home.”

  Panic gripping her, Victoria looked back to her husband, knowing when she woke him she’d have to tell him news that could possibly change his life forever. This could not be happening.

  “Of course,” Victoria agreed. “We’ll be there as soon as we can.”

  “Please hurry. The doctors aren’t hopeful,” Karina cried. “His injuries are substantial. He’s in surgery now.”

  A sickening pit in her stomach threatened to rise in her throat. What would Stefan do if he lost his brother? He’d just lost his father. Fate couldn’t be this cruel. Besides, Stefan and his brother were expert rock climbers. What could’ve gone wrong?

  “As soon as my pilot is ready we’ll be on the plane,” she assured Karina. “Please keep us updated and try to be strong.”

  Her sister-in-law said a watery thank-you and hung up. Victoria stepped onto the balcony to call her pilot. Even at five o’clock in the morning, he wouldn’t mind. He’d been a loyal employee to her family for years, and last-minute things occasionally arose.

  Once she had the pilot readying the plane, she took a deep breath and bolstered up her courage to wake Stefan and tell him the news. She needed to stay strong and positive and be there for him no matter what.

  When she sank down on the edge of his side of the bed, he roused and his lids fluttered. He flashed that sweet smile she’d grown to love waking up to, and she tried to return the gesture, but her eyes filled with tears.

  So much for being strong.

  “What happened? I thought I heard the phone ring.” He glanced at the clock on the nightstand then back to her as if realizing early morning calls were almost never good news. “Victoria?”

  “Your brother was in an accident. We need to get back home.”

  Stefan jerked up in bed. “What kind of accident? Who called?”

  “Karina called and Mikos is in surgery. He was in a rock-climbing accident. That’s all I know.”

  Stefan closed his eyes, shaking his head. “I need to call your pilot.”

  She laid a hand on his arm, waiting for him to open his eyes and look at her. “Already done. Now get dressed and let’s go.”

  “Wait.” He grabbed her hand as she started to rise from the bed. “You don’t need to go.”

  Hurt threatened to seep in. “You don’t want me to?”

  “Yes, I want you to, but you’re so busy here designing your bridal collection, and your brothers may need you on the set.”

  She’d drop everything without even thinking for the man she loved. Didn’t he realize that?

  “Do you think I’d choose any of that over family?” she asked.

  He studied her face, then nodded. “No, I know what’s most important to you.” He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “Thank you for making my family yours.”

  “We’re a team, Stefan.” She came to her feet. “Now let’s get changed and I’ll throw some things into a suitcase.”

  They worked in a rushed silence to get out the door and to the airport. By the time they boarded the plane, along with the guards, she could tell Stefan was a ball of nerves. He hadn’t spoken, hadn’t even really glanced her way. He was lost in thought and she had no doubt he was not only feeling helpless, he was reminded of the fact that his mother was gone and his father had just passed away eight months ago.

  “It will be okay,” she assured him, placing her hand over his during the takeoff. “Once we arrive and you can see him, you’ll feel better.”

  Stefan merely nodded and Victoria knew he wasn’t in a chatty, lift-your-spirits type of mood, but she wanted to stay positive for him and wanted him to kno
w she was there.

  “I know you’re trying to help,” he told her, squeezing her hand. “But you being here is really all I need right now.”

  Victoria swallowed her fear. “I wouldn’t be anywhere else.”

  * * *

  Stefan held on to Victoria’s hand as they made their way down the hospital corridor. The gleaming white floors and antiseptic smell did nothing to ease his mind. He wanted to see his brother. Wanted to see that he was going to be okay and know what the hell had happened. He and Mikos had practically been raised climbing those rocks in Kalymnos. They climbed the hardest, most dangerous rocks for fun, and people had always tried to warn them they were risking too much.

  He couldn’t lose his last family member. He refused to believe fate would be that cruel to him.

  As he approached the nurses’ desk to ask where his brother’s room was, Karina came rushing toward him, throwing her arms around his waist and holding tight.

  “Oh, thank God you’re here,” she sobbed into his chest before lifting her tear-stained face to look up at him. “He’s out of surgery and so far he’s holding his own.”

  Stefan held on to his sister-in-law’s slender shoulders. “What’s the prognosis?”

  “Better than when he first arrived,” she told him, tears pooling in her red-rimmed eyes. “They didn’t think he’d make it through surgery. But since he has, they are monitoring him. He has…”

  She dropped her head to her chest, sobbing once again. Stefan pulled her close, and as much as he wanted to know what the hell they were up against, he also knew the most important thing—his brother was alive. Karina had been here for hours all alone, and right now she needed someone to comfort her.

  “I’ll go see what the doctor says,” Victoria whispered behind him.

  He nodded and led Karina over to the sofa. “Would you like some water?”


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