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The Society of Orion Book #7: The Turkish Findings (Colton Banyon Mystery 21)

Page 11

by Gerald J. Kubicki

  Carol suddenly halted and dropped to the ground. The other members of the team crouched down and duck-walked over to her position. While it was a difficult task for Banyon, Gunny Joe, dressed in his Sumi outfit, had the most difficult time. Loni laughed at his awkwardness.

  “The entrance is twenty feet to my left,” she whispered for everyone to hear and pointed.

  “Do you think there are any guards?” Loni asked.

  “There is one guard just outside the entrance opening,” Banyon said in an upbeat voice.

  “You seem to be in a much better mood now,” Loni remarked as she turned to him.

  “I am,” he responded. He had just asked Wolf for an update on a disposition of the Sumi in the cave, but Wolf had also given him some outstandingly good news. Wolf believed that he had found a way to tip the scales in earth’s favor. He could not test the hypothesis himself since he was just energy, but he told Banyon how to run a test.

  “So are we good to go?” Gunny Joe asked impatiently. “This suit is getting awful damned hot.”

  “Plan C is a go,” Banyon announced. Everyone looked at him in confusion. They had just finished planning plan B up on the hill.


  “What is that idiot Erox doing,” roared Anax Yuk. He was viewing a monitor in the cave and voiced his displeasure. It showed the starship in India slowly moving through what appeared to be suburbs of the city of New Delhi, India. The round starship continuously shot red laser beams in all directions. People on the ground were dying. Anax Yuk was mortified.

  The depository was a relay station for all communications back and forth between the ground and the starships. Signals from ground based cameras and other communication instruments couldn’t reach the starships in space, they didn’t have enough power. So everything had to be routed and retransmitted through the Avsa island cave.

  It was the reason that Anax Yuk was located at the depository. He could see and hear how the migration of his people unfolded in real-time. He and his assistants could then pass the information on to the fleet along with new orders.

  Anax Yuk faced a new horror as he watched Sumi warriors begin to descend from the starship. They were riding anti-gravity sleds. The warriors were pouring through an opening in the bottom of the huge ship. Several thousand had already reached the ground and were sweeping through the neighborhoods killing anyone they encountered.

  “Issue an order to stop them,” Anax Yuk screamed. “I didn’t authorize a ground attack.”

  “Sire,” an assistant replied. “The orders came directly from the starship where Erox is stationed.”

  “They need to stop immediately. I order the attack to stop. I am the king on Maltos,” Anax Yuk shouted uncontrollably and pointed at the screen.

  “Sire,” the captain of the starship responded that he is under orders to deposit all two hundred and thirty thousand warriors on the planet. He said the orders came from Erox.”

  “Tell him that I have cancelled the orders,” Anax Yuk responded with alarm. “Erox has not yet seen the video of our failures in Ecuador and Cambodia. The earth people are resisting. I don’t believe we can win a war.”

  “Don’t send that order,” one of the assistants immediately shouted. When the two other Sumi in the cave turned to him in shock, he pulled out a laser gun and pointed it at them.

  “What is the meaning of this,” the king roared again.

  “I’m here to stop you from cancelling the invasion,” the only Sumi warrior in the room responded. He was a real giant and stood ten feet tall and was very menacing. His name was Mongo.

  “What? Are you a spy?” the leader stammered.

  “I work for Erox,” the Sumi warrior replied. “You will do exactly as I say until the invasion is complete. Erox is in control now.”

  “But the earthlings will kill all our men,” the king responded.

  “We are sending another ship to the location. We will take as much land as we want. Then we will make the earthlings surrender,” the assistant responded.

  “I will never let that happen,” the king answered. “Too many of our people will perish.”

  “Then you will be dead soon and Erox will become the Anax.” The warrior responded. He aimed his laser gun at the king. “Now do as I say and send only what I tell you to the starships.”

  Suddenly there was noise in the tunnel outside the control room. The Sumi in the room all turned just as Colton Banyon’s team disrupted everyone’s plans.

  End of book #7

  Watch for book #8 – the final chapter of

  The Society of Orion: Sumi Collision

  Bonus Reading from my next book

  The Society of Orion: The

  The Sumi collision #8

  Chapter One

  The night was eerily dark. The guard stared into the distance and decided that he could not tell where the sea met the sky. There was no horizon. Millions of stars twinkled overhead and the quarter-moon reflected a ribbon of light across the calm waters of the sea, but that was the only thing he could see. There was no noise and no movement. Everything was unclear. He thought about his life and future. It was also unclear.

  He had been guarding the entrance to the cave for over six hours now — six quiet and lonely hours with nothing to do but think. His assigned position was halfway up a small arid hill at the cave entrance. It overlooked most of the tiny island of Avsa, in the middle of the Marmara Sea near Turkey. What will happen to me? What will happen to my family? Will I ever see them again?

  The guard, whose name was Bezo, was part of the small four man advance party sent to earth with the King of Maltos, Anax Yuk. Their responsibility was to coordinate the communications and direct the migration of his people to Earth. The Sumi already on the ground could not directly communicate with the starships. Their devices were not powerful enough. Everything had to be funneled through the control room transmitters. The King wanted to lead from the ground.

  Bezo was actually an expert on the maintenance of the transmitters, but had been recently ordered to guard the entrance to the secret control room in the cave. The demand had come from Mongo the protection warrior. It was not part of the original plan and that worried Bezo. Why was I sent out here?

  He realized that ever since the people of Maltos had voted to migrate to Earth, the plan had been terribly corrupted. He knew the Sumi were a logical people and they disliked change, especially when it was bad. He considered what had gone wrong.

  First of all was the fact that he and many others were conscripted into the invasion force. The people conscripted had all voted against the migration. They were given no choice. To ensure that the drafted men complied, their families were rounded up and sequestered in government camps around Maltos. They were told that if they failed to cooperate, their families would be put to death. Furthermore, if they were to die, the younger Sumi warriors would be able to take their wives as their own. It was a powerful incentive to follow orders and survive.

  Also, while they were loading the huge starships, Bezo noticed that many of the devices used for building were enlarged and redesigned for use as offensive weapons. Why did we do that?

  Finally there were the dreaded Sumi warriors. They were originally trained as protection for the Sumi who were being sent to build new cities, but several starships contained only warriors. It had all been ordered by the fanatical head of security, Erox.

  Something is not right, he realized. I don’t even have a communication device to use to warn the others if someone approached. Mongo wants me out of the way and I think I know why.

  Suddenly, Bezo came alert when he heard a noise. He reached for a weapon, but realized that he had not been provided one.

  Chapter Two

  Carol Cole punched her brother Kerry in the arm. It was for making the noise which alerted the Sumi guard that someone was near. He had hit a rock with his foot on the semi-arid desert hill and fell to the ground while attempting to close in on the giant guard. She thought that he had
been hit with some sort of weapon, but when she reached him she discovered that he was only clumsy. The guard was now searching the ground with his eyes to find them.

  “Go,” Colonel Gerald Cole yelled into their earpieces.

  A bright light from a powerful flashlight was suddenly directed at the face of the tall blue guard. It blinded him. He threw up his arms to protect his eyes, just as was planned.

  Four men and two women quickly rose from their positions near the cave and raced to engage the guard. Three people, Pramilla, Maya, and Previne, targeted him with their silenced laser-guided machine guns, but did not fire. They wanted to capture the guard. He didn’t wear armor, so they knew that he wasn’t a fanatical warrior.

  Before the guard could recover he heard a voice that told him to get on the ground on his stomach. The bright light was still in his eyes so when he tried to see who was talking to him in his language, all he saw was another Sumi in full battle dress. He immediately complied.

  Loni reached the guard first and fired her Taser into the middle of his back. Eric arrived a few seconds later and let loose with his weapon. The Sumi guard began convulsing uncontrollably on the ground. When they turned off their weapons, the rest of the team had already cuffed him and tied his legs together. A gag was inserted into his mouth. He was then turned over and sat up against the rocks.

  Colton Banyon soon entered the cave area carrying the powerful flashlight. He kept it pointed at the guard and could see that he was very frightened. Gunny Joe dressed in his Sumi warrior outfit stood over him with a mean look on his face.

  Gunny Joe grabbed the flashlight and held it high in the air. The light flooded the cave area like it was coming from a streetlamp. The Sumi’s eyes went wide when he saw all the non-blues standing around him. He had been told that they would kill him on sight.

  Gunny Joe wore the Sumi Speak device. It allowed him to talk and also to understand their language. He shot out some words that sounded like chalk rubbing across a blackboard. The sound made the rest of Banyon’s team wince.

  “We are not here to kill you,” Gunny Joe uttered. “We only seek some information and to have a conversation with your King. I will take off the gag if you promise to not scream.”

  Bezo nodded his head in agreement. Loni stepped forward and removed the gag.

  “You must hurry,” Bezo said. “I am loyal to my King. I fear that he is in jeopardy. The warrior Mango intends to eliminate him.”

  “Then help us stop him,” Gunny Joe responded.

  The Sumi nodded his head.

  About the Author

  Gerald J Kubicki currently has 10 dubious books in print. The books follow the continued adventures of Colton Banyon and his team of unique characters. The Society of Orion series will contain eight books.

  Gerald started writing fiction novels after a long career as a successful businessman. He has traveled the world and is an avid history buff. His writings contain large amounts of actual historical events and real places woven into the plots.

  He currently resides in Las Vegas.

  You can find out more about this author by visiting his website.

  Kristopher Kubicki has joined his father in writing the Colton Banyon series.

  Kristopher has been writing articles for major magazines and trade publications since entering college. He currently works for a company that does research on the internet, but has collaborated with his father on several books.

  He currently resides in Chicago.




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