Sweetbrier Academy:Having Faith

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Sweetbrier Academy:Having Faith Page 8

by Red Rose Publishing

  “Last night you took time to wash me. Today it’s my turn.”

  Faith bit her bottom lip, but relinquished the cloth. Leaning back, she felt him lather her breasts and shoulders then his hand sank lower moving between her legs. She could feel her breath increasing. Grabbing the sides of the tub, she felt her fingers tightening, turning white, as the cloth moved between each fold of her body while his thumb pressed tight against her nub. She felt her self squirm against him, hoping to draw his fingers deep into her core. Just when she thought she had him, he would withdraw and wipe the other side making her whimper. When she thought she could stand no more, he whispered in her ear.

  “Turn around, let me wash your back.”

  Trembling, Faith turned and sank back in the warmth. His hands rolled over her back and down her buttocks. Somewhere the cloth was lost She felt him shift beneath her and his hands guide her bottom back and over his shaft. With a gentle nudge, he entered her, his hands reaching around parting the curls to stroke cleft beneath. She came hard and fast crying out her Charity as he pulsed inside.

  Laying back, her muscles limp she allowed him to keep her afloat until the water turned cold. Then arising they dried each other off with the warm toweling.

  “Faith,” he began pulling on his innerwear.


  “I don’t want you to have another.”

  Faith pulled her robe over her shoulder tying the front. “I…I can’t promise that unless you sponsor me.”

  “I’ve never,” he tried to explain.

  “I can’t have been your first,” she replied holding out his shirt for him to slip his arms into.

  “No, not my first,” he agreed pulling the cloth over his shoulders and buttoning. “But with you it was different. With you it was not lust. You felt it. Didn’t you?”

  She wet her lips. “Yes, last night was quite special.”

  Stepping into his trousers, Thaddeus pulled them tight buttoning the fly. “I want you to come away with me.” There, he had said it.

  Faith stepped forward. Her hand lifting to touch his cheek, “And how would that be? Following you along the railroad camp? Men would see me as your whore. Is that what you want?”

  “No, no, they’d see you as my woman?”

  “Would they?” Faith stepped back. “Lots of those men have come here to have a drink, perhaps play a round of cards with me. They see me as the high priced girl.”

  Thaddeus hung his head. “This job will only last for a few more months, after that I’m going back home to Texas.”

  Faith smiled. “Texas.”

  “They haven’t heard of you in Texas have they?”

  “They? People, friends, those you might come in contact with,” Faith sighed.

  “No,” he grabbed her shoulders, his eyes bored deep into her own. “I’m not saying this well. Look, in Texas you and I could make a fresh start. We could be together…”

  “This is lust speaking,” she waved her hand breaking his grasp.

  “What if it’s not,” he countered. “What if it’s more than lust? What-what if it’s love?”

  “Love,” she scoffed. “What do I know of love? What do you?”

  “Love is when you can’t get a person off your mind. Their lips, their eyes, their glance is burned into your soul. Nothing, no one else will satisfy the need within you,” he explained.

  Faith looked back. “If this is true, if what you and I have is love, then the next few months will tell the tale?”

  “Faith,” he began, almost begging.

  “No,” she held up a hand, “No, don’t make me promise anything. Let’s go down have breakfast. You may talk to Miss Benedict and we’ll see what develops over the next three months.”

  Walking to her door, she opened it.

  “I won’t ever stop wanting you,” his voice firm full of resolve.

  “Nor I, you,” she clutched the brass knob before turning to look at his face. “I could never forget you, Thaddeus.” Even now she knew that any man she was with would have to measure up to him. There would be no other in comparison. In a sense he had ruined her.

  Yet, she could and would deny him nothing. Holding out her hand, he walked toward her. They did not speak as they wandered down the hall toward the dining room.

  Entering the room, they found Mr. Stetson, Mr. Wilson all seated. Being gentlemen, they rose until Faith was seated beside Miss Benedict.

  “I’m afraid we started without you,” she replied as Faith picked up her napkin.

  “Yes, the bath took longer than expected.”

  “No doubt,” Howard Stetson looked up with a wink.

  “Howard,” Miss Benedict chided softly.

  Nanny placed a warm plate before each of them. Faith pushed her food around making the motions of eating but not really tasting any of the fine meal.

  When finished, Miss Benedict stood and looked at Thaddeus. “You and I need to have a discussion, don’t we? Faith, you and Nanny have something to take care of.”

  “Yes ma’am, I believe we do.”

  Thaddeus followed Miss Benedict down the hallway to her office. Opening the door she stood back and allowed him to enter. Then glancing at Faith and giving a reassuring smile she closed the door.

  Faith’s stomach erupted in a multitude of butterflies. A hand covered hers. She looked up to see Mr. Stetson’s warm eyes.

  “Don’t worry.”

  Faith could only nod.

  Outside the air felt cooler, nervously she paced across the porch from the end of the house back to the front door. What could be taking so long? She wondered. Clasping her hands in front of her she moved back and sat down in the rocking chair. Nanny had grilled her as she removed the Dutch Cap but Faith divulged nothing.

  “Oh please,” she pressed her palms together, “Let him be the one.”

  Not content to sit, she began pushing her feet back and letting the motion carry her feet forward. The door opened. She paused, but only Mr. Stetson came onto the porch.

  “Morning Faith,” he began, “Mind if I sit down beside you?”

  “No, of course not, sir.”

  She gazed out at the long grasses of the prairie as he settled into the rocking chair beside her.

  “Nice out here isn’t it?”

  “Very.” She replied without emotion in her voice.

  In the silence she could hear the squeak of the wood as they moved in concert.

  “You care about him?”

  Faith’s chair stopped.

  “Do I...” she looked at his direct stare. Lowering her head she nodded. “Yes very much. It was not like any other experience I have had.”

  “Sometimes it’s like that,” Howard agreed.

  “Is it?” she paused, “Is it the same with you and Miss Benedict?”

  Faith turned her head to look at the gentleman beside her. A soft smile played across his lips making him look younger.

  “Very much so,” his voice whispered. “When I am with Opal it’s like a dream come true. Nothing else in the world matters, she possesses my soul.”

  “Is that love?”

  Howard reached over and touched her hand. “I believe it is. There is no other woman I want to share my bed, listen to my dreams, and take me to the top of that mountain.”

  She could feel her stomach warm. “It is the same.”

  “Have you told him?”

  “I-no.” her voice was quiet. “I don’t want him to feel obligated if he doesn’t want to sponsor me. I want him to come to me because he wants me, not that I am a prize in some card game.”

  “I see,” he murmured and began to rock again.

  Faith sighed and followed suit.

  “So, you have enjoyed yourself?” Miss Benedict inquired taking her seat behind the desk.

  “Yes,” he answered even though it was an understatement. Last night would go down as one of his most auspicious evenings. “I don’t think I’ll ever forget it.”

  Folding her hands on top
of the ledger, Opal looked at the young man across from her. “Last night, Faith was given as a prize for the highest bidder. It is my hope that you would take over sponsorship of her. Therefore, I must ask if you are interested.”

  Thaddeus shifted in his seat. It seemed so outrageous to talk of sponsoring a woman’s affections.

  Seeing his hesitation, Opal spoke, “Do you know what sponsorship means?”

  “No ma’am, I’m not quite sure.”

  “Mr. Oakley, if you decide to sponsor Faith, two things will happen. One, Faith will be removed from the rotation of girls on the floor of the salon. She will be yours and yours alone to satisfy. Second, if you have need of Faith, it is your responsibility to send for her and she will drop anything she is doing here and travel to you.”

  “I provide the transportation?”

  “Of course, as well as expenses she might encounter. Faith will receive a monthly income from you to provide her with clothing and food.”

  “How much am I looking at?” Thaddeus asked his mouth becoming dry.

  “You’ve paid quite a bit already with the card game. Last night’s total was…” she flipped open her ledger and with a finger ran down the items there until she came across the sum, “Ah, six thousand three hundred dollars.” Opal looked up. “That is quite a bit. I believe we could round the figure off for this year with another seven hundred.”

  “She’d be mine for a year?” he asked.

  “She would.”

  “What would happen to her after that time?”

  Opal looked at him. “That would be up to you. You could continue the alliance or…” she shrugged her shoulders.


  “Or you could marry. If that is not acceptable, then you would be obligated to set her up in the business she chooses.”

  Thaddeus stood up and walked toward the window. He had never known anyone like Faith. The things they did together last night were more than fantasy. He felt, different with her. It wasn’t like taking a girl upstairs for an hour. One year, a year to court her, a year to get to know her, to make sure it was right. He rubbed his hand along his jaw.

  “Would you like to talk to Faith,” Opal inquired.

  “No, no that won’t be necessary,” turning from the window he reached into his pocket. “I’ve only got six hundred,” he told her pulling out the wad that Howard had given him the night before.

  “I see one hundred short.”

  He watched as Miss Benedict pursed her lips deep in thought. “Perhaps we can do business. Won’t you sit down?”

  In the hallway the clock chimed eleven. Howard Stetson placed his hat upon his head.

  “I’m afraid, we must be going.”

  Opal Benedict turned to her companion. “I will miss you.”

  His arms engulfed her. “Come with me then,” he whispered in her ear.

  “My girls, Howard.”

  He sighed. “I know.” His lips brushed her neck as they clung together. “If only things were different.”

  “If only,” she murmured back. “But you have your obligations and I mine.”

  “You won’t tell Faith about our deal will you?” he asked looking down into her soft gray eyes.

  “You know I won’t,” she looked over at the young couple standing at the bottom of the steps. “They look so well together don’t they dear?”

  He traced his finger down her cheek. “They remind me of a couple we knew a long time ago.”

  Opal looked up, her face blushing. “I want her to have more than I did. I want her to have the ability to be free.”

  “She will,” he patted his breast pocket. “I’ll put this money where it can draw interest and purchase them a bit of railroad stock. It will be our wedding present to them.”

  “I hope she takes him up on that offer.”

  “Have faith in Faith and in my boy.” Howard told her stealing one last kiss.

  From across the way, Faith could see the pained expression on Miss Benedict’s face and wondered if it mirrored her own. She clasped Thaddeus’s hand between her own as they walked down the steps toward the horses Big John had brought around. She felt a tug. Shifting on her feet, Faith found herself deep with in Thaddeus’s arms.

  “So what are you going to do with your self now that you’re a kept woman,” he inquired.

  “I will be teaching French and help the others with a few things. Perhaps I will learn to keep the books.” Faith lifted her hand and pressed her palm against his cheek. “Thaddeus,” she whispered his name.

  “In two months,” he told her, “I’ll be in Frisco. I’ll call for you then. You can come out and we’ll spend some time getting to know one another.” His eyes searched hers. “I’ll miss you.” His thumb brushed her cheeks. “God, this is so hard.”

  She gave him her warmest smile and nodded.

  He felt the ground being ripped from under his feet. Their departure was growing nigh. Wrapping his arm around her waist, he pulled her to him.

  “I’m serious,” to prove his point, he swept his hat from his head and kissed her, long and hard.

  Faith felt her body go limp in his arms as she arched against him. She tried to mold her body to him, to memorize how well they fit together, to drink in the soul that was Thaddeus Oakley. Only when Mr. Stetson cleared his throat did they break.

  “Come on, son, we’ve got work to do,” Howard remarked stepping up to his pony. “Gregory, times a wasting.”

  “I love you, Faith. Don’t forget that,” Thaddeus’s voice was firm as he let her go to mount.

  Coming down the steps, Mr. Wilson smiled, “Ladies, I had a marvelous time.” He leaned forward and kissed Miss Benedict’s cheeks.

  “I hope you will return, Mr. Wilson.”

  “Most assuredly,” he nodded, popping his hat on his head and moving down the steps to mount.

  Turning their ponies, the three men began their ride toward the western horizon. At the edge of the pathway that led up to the house Thaddeus turned his pony once more to wave. Faith raised her hand in response. She stood until she could see his outline no more against the horizon of the Wyoming prairie. A gentle hand touched her shoulder. Turning, she could see Miss Benedict’s concerned face.


  “He said he wants to marry me,” she whispered.

  “Is that so,” Miss Benedict hooked her arm into Faith’s. “Well, if that is the case, you have the luxury of a year to make up your mind. Until then, you must always be ready at a moments notice to go to him.”

  “You go to Mr. Stetson?”

  “I do and when he can not call for me, I wait.” The word wait seemed painful.

  “He has not offered to marry,” Faith eyes widened in shock.

  Miss Benedict’s face colored as she slipped an arm around her young protégé’s waist. A soft smile played around the edges of her lips. “Perhaps, there are reasons,” she looked at Faith. “Love comes in many ways. Sometimes other barriers get in the way and love must be accomplished from a distance. Other times it can be consumed through marriage. If you are lucky that solution comes along, and you will know.”

  Faith turned toward the western horizon. “I will be ready,” she whispered. “I will be ready for anything he offers me.”

  The End

  If you love, Faith, wait till you see what is awaiting in book two, Sweetbrier Academy, Holding on to Hope… Look for it in soon at Red Rose™ Publishing.

  From Holding on to Hope, book two of Sweetbrier Academy

  With her back to the young man, Hope felt him press against her and slide his arms around her waist.

  “How about a free one,” he whispered in her ear, “You and me, around back?”

  “Go away,” she hissed through her teeth trying not to be heard over the conversation across the way.

  He reached his hand up and settled it underneath her right breast then squeezed.

  Hope slapped his hands away from her body and turning shoved him back three paces. “Get you
r hands off me,” she spoke the words loud enough to be heard across the room.

  Male laughter erupted and his cheeks flamed.

  “Way to go Seth, you can’t even get a soiled dove to give you any.”

  “Shut up,” he spun and snarled at the other boy.

  Hope swallowed the bitter bile in her throat and looked at the four unforgiving faces. Miss Benedict would be furious a scene was caused.

  “Seth, why don’t you and your brother take your sister and Martha to the buggy? Your business is through here.”

  Blinking, she turned to her left to see the gentleman in the frock coat nod toward the door.

  “These ladies are here to get some goods. Not to sell.”

  “Look at em, Doc,” Seth’s hand flew in their direction. “Their kind don’t need goods unless its bedding.”

  “Seth,” Martha gasped.

  “Come Seth,” the older woman spoke, “you too, Malcolm. We need to get these things home.”

  Seth stood his ground, his eyes raking Hope until Martha grabbed at his arm tugging him toward the door.

  Hope didn’t take her eyes off him until he exited then turning she closed her lids tight trying to keep a tear from escaping.


  Opening her eyes, she found a white handkerchief shoved before her.

  “Go on dry your eyes,” the voice spoke.

  “Ladies, ladies, I’m so sorry,” the store keeper hurried over. “Young people today,” he tisked.

  Joy pulled the paper from Hope’s hand. “Can you help me fill this?”

  “Of course,” he replied and together they moved to the counter.


  Author Bio:

  Nancy O’Berry loves a good story. She has been writing for her own enjoyment since 1968. With encouragement from friends, she decided to try publishing. She is currently working on several full length novels and short stories which she hopes will soon find a home.

  When not writing in her own little world, Nancy lives in Southeast Virginia with her husband and family. She serves as president of the local Romance Writers of America chapter which meets at Russell Memorial Library, behind Chesapeake Square Mall, the first Saturday in each month.


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