Just a Taste [Merricks, Montana 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Just a Taste [Merricks, Montana 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 1

by McKinlay Thomson

  Merricks, Montana 4

  Just a Taste

  Emily Watson has always lived in Merricks, Montana and owns and runs a successful bakery called Half Baked. For years she has watched her friends find love submitting to their Doms and seen their contentment and just wants the same. With three older brothers messing with her life and the objects of her affections refusing to make a move on their attraction, her dream of submission to two hot Doms is dangerously close to remaining that forever, a dream.

  Wolf Mayer and Hawk Macbain are ex-marines and have always talked about settling down and sharing a woman. Wolf is the owner of Merricks BDSM club Silk Ties and Hawk runs the club's bar. Hawk knows Emily is the woman that will complete them and make them happy, but Wolf thinks she is too sweet for his dark ways.

  When Emily enters the slave auction at Silk Ties, Wolf and Hawk must bid on her or risk losing her forever.

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 53,743 words


  Merricks, Montana 4

  McKinlay Thomson


  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  IMPRINT: Ménage Amour


  Copyright © 2015 by McKinlay Thomson

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63259-129-6

  First E-book Publication: March 2015

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2015 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  To my best friends, Kelly, Danielle, and Mel. For always supporting me in everything I do.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  About the Author


  Merricks, Montana 4


  Copyright © 2015

  Chapter One

  Emily Watson rolled over and slammed off her alarm. She really wanted to roll over and go back to sleep, but she had to get up and start cooking at the bakery. It was four o’clock in the morning and she had half an hour to shower, get dressed, and go downstairs. Living above her work in a small one-bedroom apartment certainly had its advantages.

  She was used to early starts and they usually didn’t bother her. What she wasn’t used to was having her friends over for dinner and staying up late. The mess was still in her kitchen. Used plates and empty wine bottles were scattered around her small dining table and her friend Sam was crashed out on the living room floor.

  It had been a great night though. Sam, Kate, Sarah, Holly, and Emily alternated between each other’s houses once a month for a girls’ dinner night. It had been Emily’s turn to host her friends and she had done her best to impress, serving a three-course meal of prawns in a creamy garlic sauce, pork belly with a crispy noodle coleslaw, and chocolate fondant for dessert.

  Kate, Sarah, and Holly’s men had dropped them off at her door, with very strict instructions not to drink too much and call them when it was time to leave. Of course the wine had flowed and by the time they had left, all three were well and truly into their cups.

  Sam was the only woman apart from Emily who was still single. She had planned to stay from the start. That way she didn’t have to rely on anyone for a lift home and she could relax and not worry how much she had to drink.

  The dinner had gone off without a hitch, and everyone had enjoyed not only the food, but the company as well. Emily was lucky to have such a close group of friends. Even though they all had different and unique personalities, they had all clicked from the start.

  Once the wine had kicked in and the woman had started to unwind, the talk turned to men and Emily had heard things about her friends she wished she could forget. She was happy that her friends had such loving relationships and that they were with men who were happy to let them explore their sexuality, but she didn’t need to hear the details.

  Sarah loved to talk about her men Blake and James and their bedroom gymnastics, which drove her sister batty. Emily knew Sarah only did it to get a reaction out of Kate and it worked every time. What Sarah wasn’t expecting last night was Kate to give it back.

  Soon Holly had joined in talking about Chase and Jarrod Walker and Emily’s ears had burned. The things that her friend got up to shocked her. It also left her envious of not only her friend’s relationships, but of the great sex she was missing out on.

  Emily sighed and rolled out of bed. She quickly stripped and turned on the shower. When she got them temperature-perfect she stepped under the hot spray. The water soon w
armed her cold body and her thought started to drift as she cleaned herself.

  Emily couldn’t remember the last time she had a decent orgasm. She had been so busy with her bakery, trying to run her own business that she didn’t have time to date. She often fell into bed at the end of the day tired after a busy day and would quickly take care of herself before she crashed.

  It wasn’t like she hadn’t had any offers. Men in her small town of Merricks, Montana often asked her out. Women were scarce, and Merricks had a lot of hardworking men looking to unwind with the small amount of women it had, but they weren’t for her.

  The only men in Merricks that Emily wanted to ask her out avoided her like the plague. Emily had a huge crush on the owner of Silk Ties, the town’s BDSM club, Wolf MacBain and his partner and ex-marine buddy Hawk Mayer.

  They had come into her bakery, Half Baked, one day and talked about her providing the bed and pastries for the club. She knew this was a major score for her small business and did her best to negotiate a great deal for them all, but she had struggled to string whole sentences together.

  Emily was so stunned not only by Wolf’s dark looks and his piercing green eyes, but by his commanding presence and gruff demeanor. He was tall and solid, with a large muscular body that dwarfed Emily standing next to him. He had a scar that ran down the right side of his face and he walked into the bakery with a slight limp.

  Hawk was the total opposite of Wolf, with his shaggy blond hair and cerulean blue eyes. He was smaller in size than Wolf with a more athletic body than Wolf’s thick muscle, but the biggest difference was their personalities. Hawk was laid-back and was almost bubbly. At first he had flirted with Emily, but one dark look from his dominant friend and he had backed off.

  Unfortunately most of their interactions had been business related, and as hard as she tried to get closer to the men, she had remained unsuccessful. When Hawk came into the bakery without Wolf, he would stay and chat, but if he was with Wolf or Wolf was alone, she got very little out of either of them.

  Emily had needed to be sneaky to find out as much about them as she could. She asked anyone who knew them for tidbits of information and it was a long and annoying process.

  So far she had discovered that Wolf and Hawk were close to forty. Wolf was thirty-nine and Hawk was thirty-seven. They were in the marines together and had forged a lifetime friendship. She had also found out that Wolf and Hawk were old army code names and their real names were Aiden MacBain and Braydon Mayer. She was so used to hearing them called by their code names, she wasn’t sure many people in town knew their real names.

  Emily turned off the shower and dried herself before rushing to get dressed. She had only fifteen minutes left to make herself a coffee and open the kitchen for her and her helper.

  Her bakery was successful enough that she was able to employ a woman on a part-time basis. Caroline was an older woman who had come to town looking for her work on her way across the country. They had clicked instantly and Caroline had decided to stay on for the foreseeable future.

  That had suited Emily fine. It was hard to find anyone with any baking experience in the small town, and newcomers didn’t stay in town often. They usually didn’t like the town’s open sexual lifestyle.

  Ménage families were common in Merricks, and woman were cherished and fiercely protected by the men. It wasn’t for everyone, and the people who didn’t appreciate the town’s way either moved on or were forced out of town.

  Emily had grown up in Merricks and was used to their way. She was raised on a ranch not far from town and couldn’t imagine herself living anywhere else. She loved it in Merricks. She loved the town and its people and wanted to protect their lifestyle choices as much as the next person.

  Emily moved into town the moment she was old enough, but her family were never far away. She was the baby in her family and most of the time it did her head in. Her mother and two fathers had four strapping sons before Emily had come along and all her brothers saw it as their mission in life to make hers miserable.

  They were always in her business and trying to control her. Constantly dropping in to check on her and telling her what to do. They chanced away any man that she was interested in and generally made pains of themselves.

  The only time Emily had ever left Merricks was when she went to Helena to do her apprenticeship. She had loved being away from her family, but missed the town and its people. Her brothers had still managed to annoy her, constantly ringing and dropping in on weekends.

  Her bakery was the only thing she had managed to keep them out of. They had tried of course, wanting to be silent partners, but she had stood firm, going out on her own and was doing well at it.

  Emily grabbed her coffee and her keys. Sneaking past her friend, she slipped out the door and down the back stairs. Letting herself into the kitchen, Emily turned on the light and went to light the ovens to heat and start her day.

  * * * *

  “Morning, Emily.”

  Emily looked up from the bread she was kneading at the sound of her part-timer Caroline’s voice.

  “Good morning,” she answered. “How was your day off?”

  Caroline helped Emily in the bakery on Thursdays, Fridays, and all weekend. Most days she didn’t start until it was time to open, but with Saturdays being their busiest day, she came in early and helped Emily cook.

  “Great. It was too cold to do much, so I slept in and then snuggled by the fire and read.”

  “So, no visit from your secret admirer then?” Caroline had a man friend, but she refused to tell Emily who it was. It had become a game between them. Emily would ask and Caroline would find ways to hedge the questions or change the subject.

  Living in a town like Merricks, Emily knew she could find out. She could always ask her friend Kate to get one of her three boyfriends, Brock, to look into it. He was a computer expert that worked at a security firm in town, but she didn’t want to break her friend’s trust like that.

  So she waited and teased and hoped that one day Caroline and her man would come out of the shadows and have an open relationship. Emily wasn’t sure what was holding them back. All Caroline said was that it wasn’t serious for either of them and better left in secret.

  “No,” Caroline replied. “He had to work.”

  “Oh yeah. Where does he work?”

  “I’ll never tell,” Caroline said in singsong voice. Emily had to stifle a laugh. She thought she might have gotten at least a clue then.

  “I’ll start on the soy loaves, and then I can dress these cupcakes.” Caroline moved away and into the store room to get ingredients.

  “Thanks,” Emily replied. “I just have to finish kneading the dough for the rolls for the diner and then I need to start on the flans.”

  The women worked together with the radio on quietly in the background and time flew quickly. It wasn’t long until they had everything ready and it was time to open the store.

  Emily changed into a fresh apron with the bakery’s name and logo printed on the front and went to unlock the front door. She switched on lights as she went and rolled up the blinds.

  It was still early in the morning, and when she looked out the window into the street, a cold fog had descended over the town. It was creepy and made Emily shiver. The street was empty and most of the shops still shut. She opened at six for the breakfast crowds, but the rest of the shops didn’t open until nine.

  She switched the closed sign to open and moved back behind the counter to set up the coffee machine. She was ready for another coffee and the first cups of the day usually went to her and Caroline.

  “All set?” Caroline asked coming into the storefront.

  “Yep,” Emily replied. “Here’s your coffee.”

  “The weather looks bad. Do you think it will keep the townsfolk away?”

  Emily hoped not. She really needed to keep her customer turnover steady and relied on busy Saturdays to boost her profit margin. It wasn’t something to stress over though
. She might be the only bakery in town, but she was the best.

  The residents’ only other option was to buy bread that was imported into town at the grocery store. It was filled with preservatives and nowhere near as fresh as her bread. Emily took pride in the quality of her ingredients and the end result showed.

  “The morning might be slow, but it should pick up when the fog lifts later in the day.”

  Emily looked up in surprise as the bell jingled over the door. Bleary eyed and hungover, Sam walked into the bakery, not looking her usual sophisticated, put-together self. She walked over to a table and plonked down into a chair.

  Emily walked over to her friend, as she put her head down into her hands.

  “If you vomit in my store,” she told her. “You get to clean it up.”

  “I’m fine,” Sam replied. “Why did you let me drink so much?”

  Emily laughed and patted her friend on the back.

  “As if I had much of a choice. You and Holly sure know how to down a few bottles of Chardonnay. I’m sure Holly is in just as bad shape this morning as you.”

  “I know I overindulged, but the food was too good and the wine went down so well.”

  “Sarah and Kate didn’t drink that much and Holly has never been able to hold her liquor, but you went hard. What’s up?” she asked.

  “Coffee,” Sam replied. “Then I’ll spill the beans.”

  Emily quickly made her friend a long black the way Sam liked it. Strong and bitter and as thick as molasses. She set it down in front of her friend and watched her take a delicate sip.


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