Evans, Gabrielle - Reckoning [Fatefully Yours 9] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever ManLove)

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Evans, Gabrielle - Reckoning [Fatefully Yours 9] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever ManLove) Page 4

by Gabrielle Evans

  A part of life that Syx hoped never touched the sleeping man in his lap.

  * * * *

  Echo’s head bounced on Syx’s thigh, waking him from his nap. The SUV bumped along, rocking slightly from side to side, and Echo grinned broadly. They were home. He was so happy to be back. Would it be too weird to lock them all inside and never leave again? Probably.

  Rolling to his back, he peered up at Syx. The concern in his lover’s eyes had him mirroring the drawn eyebrows and slight frown. Reaching up, he skimmed his fingertips down the side of Syx’s cheek. “What’s wrong?”

  Syx looked at him for a long time, but eventually sighed and shook his head. “Nothing, baby. We’re home.”

  Echo didn’t believe the demon for a second, but he was too tired to argue. Besides, he’d learned early on in their relationship that the quickest way to make Syx shut down was to push him. The man would talk when he was ready, and not a moment before. It was something Echo admired. Very rarely did Syx speak without fully thinking through his words first. How many arguments and misunderstandings could be avoided if more of them were like that?

  Sitting up, he stretched his arms over his head and groaned. He wondered if Hex could heal him now or if he’d need to wait until morning. The alpha sat in the passenger seat beside Gage, and he looked completely wiped out. Yeah, maybe Echo would just wait until the morning. He felt sore and achy, and his face throbbed where he’d been punched, but it wasn’t anything life threatening.

  Hex needed rest and time for his own body to heal before he began worrying about the rest of them. “I need a shower, food, a bed, and lots of cuddles—in that order.”

  “Nice to see where we rank on your priority list,” Vapre teased.

  “The way I’m feeling, you’re lucky you made the list at all.” Echo shrugged, lifting his hand to his mouth to stifle another yawn. It wasn’t that he didn’t want his men with him, but he imagined he’d be asleep within seconds of his head hitting the pillow. As exhausted as he felt, he probably wouldn’t even know they were there.

  Luckily, he didn’t have to explain any of it. Vapre chuckled and wrapped his fingers around the back of Echo’s neck, pulling him closer and kissing his temple. “I love you, goofball.”

  Echo gave Vapre a crooked grin and stuck his tongue out. “Love you, too.” With seven men to please and cherish, Echo felt like he said the words a hundred times a day. It still wasn’t enough.

  Once the vehicle pulled to a stop, Syx opened his door and slid out of his seat. He stretched and groaned, much as Echo had, then turned to offer his help. Echo bit his lip. He didn’t want to appear weak and unmanly, but his legs felt like rubber. Besides, he just really needed to be held.

  He didn’t know if Syx picked the information from his brain, or if he was just that easy to read, but the warrior stepped closer and held his arms out, waiting for Echo to move into them. Then he wrapped Echo up securely and held him close to his chest. “Is this what you were after?”

  Too happy to feel embarrassed, Echo nuzzled against the side of Syx’s throat and sighed. “Yes.” He knew his mates loved carrying him around and holding him, but that was different. He’d never actually asked for it.

  “I hurt everywhere. I can only imagine how sore you are. Do you need help in the shower, or would you just like to soak in the tub?”

  Echo knew Syx was trying to help him save face, but the man deserved nothing but completely honesty. “I am a bit sore, but I’ll be fine to shower. I just wanted you to hold me.”

  Syx kissed Echo on the forehead before rubbing his cheek against the top of Echo’s head. “You never have to ask to be held.”

  “I lied.”

  “Oh?” Syx walked up the steps and in through the open front door. “What did you lie about, baby?”

  “I don’t like hurting people, even the ones who deserve it. I don’t really hope One-seventeen is dead. I do want him to pay for what he did, though.”

  To his bewilderment, Syx beamed at him. “I’m glad to hear you say that.” The smiled slipped from his face, and an intimidating snarl fell from his lips. “If he isn’t dead, he’ll wish he was. Make no mistake, Echo. He will pay, but not by your hands. I don’t want…”

  Echo waited, but when it appeared Syx wouldn’t finish, he prodded for a little more. “What don’t you want?”

  “I…I don’t want the world to taint you. You are everything that is good in our life. I don’t want anything to take that away.”

  Remaining silent, Echo thought over the words. He didn’t think it was realistic for him to remain the same person after all they’d been through in the past months. It warmed him that his lovers wanted to protect him from the world, but that also wasn’t realistic. Still, he felt like the same person essentially. He was a little less naïve, a little more accepting that death was a part of battle. It was either adapt or lose his mind, though. Adapting seemed the better choice.

  “Oh, gods!” A loud, anguished cry cut into his inner ramblings, and Echo whipped his head around just in time to see Jinx and Syn launch themselves into Craze’s arms. “Oh, baby, baby, baby,” Syn crooned, touching Craze everywhere he could reach. “What happened to you?”

  Though the Addonexus had been able to heal himself, there was still dried blood smeared across his handsome face. Considering Echo’s reaction when he’d first witnessed the awful sight, he could only imagine how terrified he’d be if he was seeing it secondhand without any knowledge of what had happened.

  “Shh, love.” Craze dropped to the sofa and crushed his lovers to him. “I’m fine. I just need a shower and some rest, and I’ll be good as new.”

  Jinx jumped up and grabbed Craze’s hand. “Let’s get you cleaned up and off to bed then. We’ll take care of you.”

  “Let me see if I can help the guys out first. Go get the shower started. I’ll be right up.” Craze kissed Jinx’s hand and patted Syn on the hip. When they looked at him skeptically, he smiled and dipped his head. “I promise, guys. Go on.”

  The vampires seemed reluctant to leave their mate, but eventually nodded their agreement and shuffled up the stairs.

  Craze pushed up from the sofa with a grunt and went to stand in front of Gage. Mac and Sony clung to the big werewolf, and Mac actually had tears in his chocolate brown eyes. “Are you hurt?” Craze asked.

  Gage shook his head. “Just tired. I’m fine, but thank you. I’m just going to take my mates to bed.”

  Sony backed away toward the stairs, tugging Gage with him. “Come on, my big, bad protector. Let us love you.”

  The trio disappeared up the staircase, and Craze started making his rounds. Each time he touched a warrior, the demon would immediately begin to regain some color. Echo had completely forgotten that not only could Craze heal himself, but others as well.

  When Craze finally made it to him and Syx, Echo looked up and smiled as the man worked on Syx. “You didn’t have to do this. Thank you.”

  Craze removed his hand from the side of Syx’s head and returned Echo’s smile. “I don’t mind.”

  Echo could see it was taking a toll on the big man, though. Now Craze was the one who looked pale and exhausted. His hand reached out, but Echo caught Craze’s wrist and shook his head. “I appreciate the offer, and I swear it has nothing to do with me not liking you. I actually respect the hell out of you and think you’re a pretty great guy once you let your guard down. You’re tired and hurting, though. I’m only a little sore. Go let your mates take care of you.”

  Craze looked torn. It was obvious he wanted to be with his mates, but he also wanted to heal Echo. “It will only take a minute.”

  “And then you’ll probably drop like a sack of potatoes. I can tell it’s draining you, Craze. I’m fine.”

  Eventually, Craze stepped away and nodded. “You know where to find me if you change your mind.” He turned without another word and hurried off to find Jinx and Syn.

  “Are you really okay?”

  Echo shifted his gaze t
o the other side of the room. He hadn’t even noticed Pax and Jet huddled against the wall. They stood on either side of a big, burly man who looked more suited to leathers and Harleys than the Wranglers and cowboy boots he was currently sporting.

  “I’m fine.”

  Syx began to sway a little, and Echo felt like the world’s biggest asshole. Here he was complaining about a few aches and pains, making his lover carry him, and Syx had been through something exceedingly worse. The man had almost died, for fuck’s sake.

  Echo patted him on the chest and wiggled until Syx got the idea and set him on his feet. “I’m sorry,” Echo whispered. “I didn’t think. I get starry-eyed sometimes and think nothing can ever hurt you. Let me talk to my friends for a minute, and I’ll make it up to you.”

  Syx frowned at him. “I’m tired. That’s no reason why I can’t hold you, though. I’m not weak.”

  Oh, look at that cute little pout. “I never said you were weak. I said it was unfair for me to take advantage of you and put more strain on you when I know you’re hurting as much if not more than I am.”

  “I’m fine.”

  With an indulgent smile, Echo decided to let it go and walked across the room. “You guys look good,” he told the shifters. It had been weeks since he’d seen them, and he missed his friends.

  “We feel good,” Jet answered as he looked up at Lorcan. “Isn’t he gorgeous?”

  Echo bit the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing when Lorcan rolled his eyes and huffed. The cute blush that worked up his neck gave away how pleased he was at the compliment, though.

  “Thank you.” Echo held his hand out to the big shifter. “You’re welcome to stay the night or as long as you’d like.”

  Lorcan took his hand and squeezed gently before releasing it. “It wasn’t any problem. I appreciate the offer, but I think I better get these guys home.”

  Since Pax was currently grinding against Lorcan’s hip like a pole dancer, Echo figured the man had a point. Chuckling under his breath, he gave Jet a hug, shook Lorcan’s hand again, and rolled his eyes when Pax completely ignored him. “Go on before he wears a hole in the leg of your jeans.”

  Lorcan winked and swooped Pax up and over his shoulder. He slapped his mate’s ass hard, then reached back to grab Jet’s hand. “Later.”

  Strong arms wound around his waist, and Echo looked over his shoulder to find Onyx grinning down at him. “Go shower. I’ll bring food to your room.”

  Though his voice was soft, it held a hint of command that made Echo shiver. “Yes, sir,” he answered automatically. “Will you stay?”

  “Try to keep me away.” Onyx kissed the side of Echo’s neck. “Only if you promise to behave, though.”

  “Promise. I’m too tired to get it up anyway.”

  Onyx’s hand wandered down Echo’s chest to cup his flaccid cock. “Good to know.”

  Echo’s stupid dick obviously had different ideas about what his body could and couldn’t handle at the moment. It perked right up, swelling quickly in Onyx’s hold.

  “Mmm, down boy.” Onyx pressed the heel of his hand against Echo’s erection and rubbed. The action did zero to “down” anything. He nipped Echo’s earlobe and turned him around to press their mouths together. “Go shower. I’ll bring food. Do you need anything else?” Onyx’s thumb slipped into Echo’s mouth and skimmed across his retracted canines. “How are you feeling?”

  Fucking horny! He heard Syx snort from across the room and turned to give his mate the evil eye. Syx seemed suddenly interested in conversation with Eyce. “I’m thirsty, but it can wait until morning. Food will help.”

  What he didn’t add was that he didn’t want to take anything from his men that they couldn’t afford to give him. He fidgeted a little under Onyx’s scrutiny, but refused to back down. Finally, the warrior sighed and kissed Echo’s temple. “I’ll be up in a minute.”

  Echo looked down at the sizeable lump in his ripped jeans. “Uh, give me ten.”

  Chapter Five

  Eyce cuddled Echo close when the man began to whimper in his sleep. Looking up, he saw Onyx rise up on his elbow and look down at their mate in concern. “Is he okay?”

  “I think he’s fine. Come here.”

  Onyx molded himself to Echo’s back, leaning over him and meeting Eyce halfway until their lips pressed together. “How are you feeling?” Eyce asked, reaching up to cup his lover’s cheek.

  Smiling, Onyx rubbed his cheek over Eyce’s palm. “Much better. Hex healed Echo, right?”

  Eyce nodded. “After he fell asleep, of course. You know how stubborn the little shit is.”

  “I heard that.”

  Onyx snorted, and Eyce groaned as he looked down at Echo. “Well, you are, and you know it. It’s a good thing you’re so cute.”

  “I’m something else right now,” Echo mumbled sleepily.

  Smoothing his palm over Echo’s hip, Eyce bent in to nuzzle against the side of the smaller man’s neck. “Mmm, and what would that be?”

  “Thirsty,” Echo rasped.

  “Oh.” Enlightenment dawned, and Eyce had Echo in his arms and straddling his lap in a heartbeat. He tilted his head to the side, baring his neck, and wound his fingers in Echo’s golden hair. “Please,” he practically begged. There was nothing more erotic or that got his motor running faster than when Echo drank from him.

  Echo giggled and licked a slow path up the column of Eyce’s throat, right over his jumping vein. “How about Onyx gets you ready while I play? I can hold out for a little longer, and you know how much you love for me to bite you when you come.”

  Eyce shivered and a deep moan vibrated his chest. “Yes.” Maybe he was a kinky slut, but who gave a fuck? His men were just as needy and wanton as he was when it came to the smallest member of their group. Besides, Echo had nailed it on the head. There was nothing Eyce loved more than when his men bit him during sex. And there had been a whole lot of that going on since they’d all claimed each other.

  Who needed Elysium? Eyce moved his other hand down to squeeze Echo’s pert ass. He had paradise in the palm of his hand. Coming up from his lusty fog, Eyce gave Onyx a heated look and jerked his head toward the nightstand. “Hurry.”

  “Oh, yeah.” Onyx fell off the bed and onto his ass in his haste to get to the needed supplies.

  Eyce nipped at Echo’s collarbone when the little imp began to chuckle. “We’ll see who’s laughing when I have my cock buried in your ass.”

  “Gods,” Echo moaned. “You’re as bad as Syx.”

  He highly doubted that. Syx had made him come with only words and a few kisses on more than one occasion. The man could make a porn star blush, and Eyce couldn’t get enough. Hell, he couldn’t get enough of any of his mates. They all brought something special to the table, and when combined, the sex was explosive.

  Onyx appeared beside Eyce, grabbed his legs, and swung him around so that his ass hung off the edge of the mattress. Echo fell against his chest, laughing like a loon as he pushed his long hair behind his ear. “Hey, you. Come here often?”

  Eyce rolled his eyes. “I hope to be coming soon and often. Now get down here and kiss me.”

  “Mmm, love it when you’re bossy.” A loud smack sounded, and Echo yelped, jerking around to look over his shoulder. A wicked smile spread over his lips. “You know you’re my one and only, Sir. Don’t be jealous.”

  Onyx returned the grin. “Not jealous. You had this sweet little ass turned up and wiggling it at me. What did you expect?”

  “For you to lick it,” Echo purred seductively before turning again and pressing his lips to Eyce’s. “Oh, I needed this.”

  “Gods, yes.” Eyce fisted both hands in Echo’s hair, pulling him closer and devouring him. A slick finger pressed between his cheeks, and Onyx rubbed at his quivering opening before pushing inside. “Don’t go easy,” he demanded around Echo’s lips. Echo looked confused before Eyce attacked his mouth again.

  Eyce knew Onyx understood, though, when three fingers were
immediately inserted into his hungry hole. The digits pumped hard and fast, slipping into his channel then pulling out to leave Eyce feeling empty. More, he definitely needed more.

  “Me,” Echo whined. Damn, he was too cute.

  Unlatching one hand from Echo’s hair, Eyce held his hand out, palm up. He heard the snick of the bottle cap, and then cool liquid squirted into his palm. Slipping his hand between him and Echo, he palmed his straining cock, giving it a few good tugs before releasing it and reaching around to prepare his lover.

  “Hard and fast,” Echo demanded before latching on to Eyce’s lips again.

  Always one to please, Eyce pushed two slick fingers into Echo’s tight entrance. Echo’s hips jerked, and he rocked back, impaling himself farther on the digits as he moaned into Eyce’s mouth.

  When Eyce felt Onyx’s finger slip into Echo’s hole beside his own, he nearly lost his mind. He wished he could see it, but his brain had no problem conjuring up the delectably erotic image.

  “Now,” Echo pleaded. “Please, I need you.”

  Onyx’s fingers disappeared from Eyce’s passage, and he helped lift Echo while Eyce pointed his dick upward and held it immobile. Gritting his teeth together, he closed his eyes and prayed for stamina when Echo began lowering himself, his heated tunnel wrapping around every inch of Eyce’s cock like a velvety glove.

  “Ready?” Onyx asked once Echo’s ass rested firmly against Eyce’s thighs.

  A grunt was the only compliance Eyce could give as he struggled to hold on to some semblance of control. When he felt the tip of Onyx’s prick kiss his tight ring, Eyce breathed deeply, willing his body to relax and accept the monster cock working its way into his ass.

  “Damn, you’re hung like a fucking horse.”

  A large hand landed on his outer thigh. “I’m not as big as you, and it’s not the first time you’ve had my cock up your ass. Now stop complaining, or I won’t fuck you.” That shut Eyce up in a hurry.

  He hitched his legs higher around Onyx’s waist, locking his ankles behind the warrior’s back and holding on for dear life as his mates began to move. Echo planted his feet on either side of Eyce and began riding him hard and fast, rising and lowering, moving his hips at lightning speed.


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